1# UART 2 3 4## Overview 5 6The Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) is a universal serial data bus used for asynchronous communication. It enables bi-directional communication between devices in full-duplex mode. 7 8UART is widely used to print information for debugging or to connect to various external modules such as GPS and Bluetooth. 9 10A UART is connected to other modules through two wires (as shown in Figure 1) or four wires (as shown in Figure 2). 11 - TX: TX pin of the transmitting UART. It is connected to the RX pin of the peer UART. 12 - RX: RX pin of the receiving UART. It is connected to the TX pin of the peer UART. 13 - RTS: Request to Send signal pin. It is connected to the CTS pin of the peer UART and is used to indicate whether the local UART is ready to receive data. 14 - CTS: Clear to Send signal pin. It is connected to the RTS pin of the peer UART and is used to indicate whether the local UART is allowed to send data to the peer end. 15 16 **Figure 1** Two-wire UART communication 17 18  19 20 **Figure 2** Four-wire UART communication 21 22  23 24- The transmitting and receiving UARTs must ensure that they have the same settings on particular attributes such as the baud rate and data format (start bit, data bit, parity bit, and stop bit) before they start to communicate. During data transmission, a UART sends data to the peer end over the TX pin and receives data from the peer end over the RX pin. When the size of the buffer used by a UART for storing received data reaches the preset threshold, the RTS signal of the UART changes to **1** (data cannot be received), and the peer UART stops sending data to it because its CTS signal does not allow it to send data. 25 26- The UART interface defines a set of common functions for operating a UART port, including obtaining and releasing device handles, reading and writing data of a specified length, and obtaining and setting the baud rate, as well as the device attributes. 27 28 29## Available APIs 30 31 **Table 1** UART driver APIs 32 33| API| Description| 34| -------- | -------- | 35| UartOpen | Obtains a UART device handle.| 36| UartClose | Releases a UART device handle.| 37| UartRead | Reads data of the specified length from a UART device.| 38| UartWrite | Writes data of the specified length to a UART device.| 39| UartGetBaud | Obtains the UART baud rate.| 40| UartSetBaud | Sets the UART baud rate.| 41| UartGetAttribute | Obtains UART device attributes.| 42| UartSetAttribute | Sets UART device attributes.| 43| UartSetTransMode | Sets the UART transmission mode.| 44 45>  **NOTE**<br> 46> All APIs described in this document can be called only in kernel mode. 47 48 49## Usage Guidelines 50 51 52### How to Use 53 54The figure below illustrates how to use the APIs. 55 56 **Figure 3** Using UART driver APIs 57 58  59 60 61### Opening a UART Device Handle 62 63Before performing UART communication, call **UartOpen** to obtain a UART device handle. This function returns the pointer to the UART device handle with the specified port number. 64 65 66``` 67DevHandle UartOpen(uint32_t port); 68``` 69 70 **Table 2** Description of UartOpen 71 72| Parameter| Description| 73| -------- | -------- | 74| port | UART port number.| 75| **Return Value**| **Description**| 76| NULL | The operation failed.| 77| Device handle| The operation is successful. The obtained UART device handle is returned.| 78 79 Example: Obtain the device handle of UART port 3. 80 81``` 82DevHandle handle = NULL; /* UART device handle */ 83uint32_t port = 3; /* UART port number */ 84handle = UartOpen(port); 85if (handle == NULL) { 86 HDF_LOGE("UartOpen: failed!\n"); 87 return; 88} 89``` 90 91 92### Setting the UART Baud Rate 93 94Call **UartSetBaud()** to set the UART baud rate. 95 96 97``` 98int32_t UartSetBaud(DevHandle handle, uint32_t baudRate); 99``` 100 101 **Table 3** Description of UartSetBaud 102 103| Parameter| Description| 104| -------- | -------- | 105| handle | UART device handle.| 106| baudRate | Baud rate to set.| 107| **Return Value**| **Description**| 108| 0 | The operation is successful.| 109| Negative value| The operation failed.| 110 111Example: Set the UART baud rate to **9600**. 112 113 114``` 115int32_t ret; 116/* Set the UART baud rate to 9600. */ 117ret = UartSetBaud(handle, 9600); 118if (ret != 0) { 119 HDF_LOGE("UartSetBaud: failed, ret %d\n", ret); 120} 121``` 122 123 124### Obtaining the UART Baud Rate 125 126Call **UartGetBaud()** to obtain the UART baud rate. 127 128 129``` 130int32_t UartGetBaud(DevHandle handle, uint32_t *baudRate); 131``` 132 133 **Table 4** Description of UartGetBaud 134 135| Parameter| Description| 136| -------- | -------- | 137| handle | UART device handle.| 138| baudRate | Pointer to the UART baud rate obtained.| 139| **Return Value**| **Description**| 140| 0 | The operation is successful.| 141| Negative value| The operation failed.| 142 143Example: Obtain the UART baud rate. 144 145 146``` 147int32_t ret; 148uint32_t baudRate; 149/* Obtain the UART baud rate. */ 150ret = UartGetBaud(handle, &baudRate); 151if (ret != 0) { 152 HDF_LOGE("UartGetBaud: failed, ret %d\n", ret); 153} 154``` 155 156 157### Setting UART Device Attributes 158 159Call **UartSetAttribute()** to set UART device attributes. 160 161 162``` 163int32_t UartSetAttribute(DevHandle handle, struct UartAttribute *attribute); 164``` 165 166 **Table 5** Description of UartSetAttribute 167 168| Parameter| Description| 169| -------- | -------- | 170| handle | UART device handle.| 171| attribute | Pointer to the UART device attributes to set.| 172| **Return Value**| **Description**| 173| 0 | The operation is successful.| 174| Negative value| The operation failed.| 175 176Example: Set UART device attributes. 177 178 179``` 180int32_t ret; 181struct UartAttribute attribute; 182attribute.dataBits = UART_ATTR_DATABIT_7; /* Enable 7 bits to be transferred each time. */ 183attribute.parity = UART_ATTR_PARITY_NONE; /* Disable parity check. */ 184attribute.stopBits = UART_ATTR_STOPBIT_1; /* Set the stop bit to 1. */ 185attribute.rts = UART_ATTR_RTS_DIS; /* Disable the RTS signal. */ 186attribute.cts = UART_ATTR_CTS_DIS; /* Disable the CTS signal. */ 187attribute.fifoRxEn = UART_ATTR_RX_FIFO_EN; /* Enable RX FIFO. */ 188attribute.fifoTxEn = UART_ATTR_TX_FIFO_EN; /* Enable TX FIFO. */ 189/* Set UART device attributes. */ 190ret = UartSetAttribute(handle, &attribute); 191if (ret != 0) { 192 HDF_LOGE("UartSetAttribute: failed, ret %d\n", ret); 193} 194``` 195 196 197### Obtaining UART Device Attributes 198 199Call **UartGetAttribute()** to obtain the current UART device attributes. 200 201 202``` 203int32_t UartGetAttribute(DevHandle handle, struct UartAttribute *attribute); 204``` 205 206 **Table 6** Description of UartGetAttribute 207 208| Parameter| Description| 209| -------- | -------- | 210| handle | UART device handle.| 211| attribute | Pointer to the UART device attributes obtained.| 212| **Return Value**| **Description**| 213| 0 | The operation is successful.| 214| Negative value| The operation failed.| 215 216Example: Obtain UART device attributes. 217 218 219``` 220int32_t ret; 221struct UartAttribute attribute; 222/* Obtain UART device attributes. */ 223ret = UartGetAttribute(handle, &attribute); 224if (ret != 0) { 225 HDF_LOGE("UartGetAttribute: failed, ret %d\n", ret); 226} 227``` 228 229 230### Setting the UART Transmission Mode 231 232Call **UartSetTransMode()** to set the UART transmission mode. 233 234 235``` 236int32_t UartSetTransMode(DevHandle handle, enum UartTransMode mode); 237``` 238 239 **Table 7** Description of UartSetTransMode 240 241| Parameter| Description| 242| -------- | -------- | 243| handle | UART device handle.| 244| mode | UART transmission mode to set.| 245| **Return Value**| **Description**| 246| 0 | The operation is successful.| 247| Negative value| The operation failed.| 248 249Example: Set the UART transmission mode to **UART_MODE_RD_BLOCK**. 250 251 252``` 253int32_t ret; 254/* Set the UART transmission mode. */ 255ret = UartSetTransMode(handle, UART_MODE_RD_BLOCK); 256if (ret != 0) { 257 HDF_LOGE("UartSetTransMode: failed, ret %d\n", ret); 258} 259``` 260 261 262### Writing Data to a UART Device 263 264Call **UartWrite()** to write data of the specified length to a UART device. 265 266 267``` 268int32_t UartWrite(DevHandle handle, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size); 269``` 270 271 **Table 8** Description of UartWrite 272 273| Parameter| Description| 274| -------- | -------- | 275| handle | UART device handle.| 276| data | Pointer to the data to write.| 277| size | Length of the data to write.| 278| **Return Value**| **Description**| 279| 0 | The operation is successful.| 280| Negative value| The operation failed.| 281 282Example: Write data to a UART device. 283 284 285``` 286int32_t ret; 287uint8_t wbuff[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; 288/* Write 5-byte data to the UART device. */ 289ret = UartWrite(handle, wbuff, 5); 290if (ret != 0) { 291 HDF_LOGE("UartWrite: failed, ret %d\n", ret); 292} 293``` 294 295 296### Reading Data from a UART Device 297 298Call **UartRead()** to read data of the specified length from a UART device. 299 300 301``` 302int32_t UartRead(DevHandle handle, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size); 303``` 304 305 **Table 9** Description of UartRead 306 307| Parameter| Description| 308| -------- | -------- | 309| handle | UART device handle.| 310| data | Pointer to the buffer for receiving the data.| 311| size | Length of the data to read.| 312| **Return Value**| **Description**| 313| Non-negative value| The operation is successful. The length of the data read is returned.| 314| Negative value| The operation failed.| 315 316Example: Read data of the specified length from a UART device. 317 318 319``` 320int32_t ret; 321uint8_t rbuff[5] = {0}; 322/* Read 5-byte data from the UART device. */ 323ret = UartRead(handle, rbuff, 5); 324if (ret < 0) { 325 HDF_LOGE("UartRead: failed, ret %d\n", ret); 326} 327``` 328 329>  **CAUTION**<br/> 330> Data is successfully read from the UART device if a non-negative value is returned. If **0** is returned, no valid data can be read from the UART device. A value greater than **0** indicates the length of the data read from the UART device. The data length must be less than or equal to the value of **size** and cannot exceed the maximum length of the data to read at a time specified by the UART controller in use. 331 332 333### Closing a UART Device Handle 334 335Call **UartClose()** to close a UART device handle. 336 337 338``` 339void UartClose(DevHandle handle); 340``` 341 342This function releases the resources requested by **UartOpen**. 343 344 **Table 10** Description of UartClose 345 346| Parameter| Description| 347| -------- | -------- | 348| handle | UART device handle to close.| 349 350Example: Close a UART device handle. 351 352 353``` 354UartClose(handle); /* Close the UART device handle. */ 355``` 356 357 358## Example 359 360 The following example shows how to open a UART device handle, set the baud rate, device attributes, and transmission mode, read data from or write data into the UART device, and then close the UART device handle. 361 362``` 363#include "hdf_log.h" 364#include "uart_if.h" 365 366void UartTestSample(void) 367{ 368 int32_t ret; 369 uint32_t port; 370 DevHandle handle = NULL; 371 uint8_t wbuff[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; 372 uint8_t rbuff[5] = { 0 }; 373 struct UartAttribute attribute; 374 attribute.dataBits = UART_ATTR_DATABIT_7; /* Enable 7 bits to be transferred each time. */ 375 attribute.parity = UART_ATTR_PARITY_NONE; /* Disable parity check. */ 376 attribute.stopBits = UART_ATTR_STOPBIT_1; /* Set the stop bit to 1. */ 377 attribute.rts = UART_ATTR_RTS_DIS; /* Disable the RTS signal. */ 378 attribute.cts = UART_ATTR_CTS_DIS; /* Disable the CTS signal. */ 379 attribute.fifoRxEn = UART_ATTR_RX_FIFO_EN; /* Enable RX FIFO. */ 380 attribute.fifoTxEn = UART_ATTR_TX_FIFO_EN; /* Enable TX FIFO. */ 381 /* Enter the UART port number. */ 382 port = 1; 383 /* Open the UART device handle based on the port number. */ 384 handle = UartOpen(port); 385 if (handle == NULL) { 386 HDF_LOGE("UartOpen: failed!\n"); 387 return; 388 } 389 /* Set the UART baud rate to 9600. */ 390 ret = UartSetBaud(handle, 9600); 391 if (ret != 0) { 392 HDF_LOGE("UartSetBaud: failed, ret %d\n", ret); 393 goto _ERR; 394 } 395 /* Set UART device attributes. */ 396 ret = UartSetAttribute(handle, &attribute); 397 if (ret != 0) { 398 HDF_LOGE("UartSetAttribute: failed, ret %d\n", ret); 399 goto _ERR; 400 } 401 /* Set the UART transmission mode to non-blocking mode. */ 402 ret = UartSetTransMode(handle, UART_MODE_RD_NONBLOCK); 403 if (ret != 0) { 404 HDF_LOGE("UartSetTransMode: failed, ret %d\n", ret); 405 goto _ERR; 406 } 407 /* Write 5-byte data to the UART device. */ 408 ret = UartWrite(handle, wbuff, 5); 409 if (ret != 0) { 410 HDF_LOGE("UartWrite: failed, ret %d\n", ret); 411 goto _ERR; 412 } 413 /* Read 5-byte data from the UART device. */ 414 ret = UartRead(handle, rbuff, 5); 415 if (ret < 0) { 416 HDF_LOGE("UartRead: failed, ret %d\n", ret); 417 goto _ERR; 418 } 419_ERR: 420 /* Close the UART device handle. */ 421 UartClose(handle); 422} 423``` 424