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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6  *
7  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14  */
19 #include <cmath>
20 #include <string>
21 #include <unordered_map>
22 #include <vector>
24 #include "base/log/log.h"
25 #include "base/memory/ace_type.h"
26 #include "bindings_defines.h"
27 #include "frameworks/bridge/common/utils/function_traits.h"
28 #include "frameworks/bridge/declarative_frontend/engine/js_ref_ptr.h"
29 #include "frameworks/bridge/declarative_frontend/engine/js_types.h"
31 namespace OHOS::Ace::Framework {
33 enum MethodOptions : uint8_t {
34     NONE = 0,
35     RETURN_SELF = 1 << 0, // for chaining
36     STRICT_TYPE_CHECK = 1 << 1,
37 };
39 class IFunctionBinding {
40 public:
IFunctionBinding(const char * name,MethodOptions options)41     IFunctionBinding(const char* name, MethodOptions options) : name_(name), options_(options) {}
~IFunctionBinding()42     virtual ~IFunctionBinding() {}
Name()44     const char* Name() const
45     {
46         return name_;
47     }
Options()49     MethodOptions Options() const
50     {
51         return options_;
52     }
54 private:
55     const char* name_;
56     MethodOptions options_;
57 };
59 template<typename Class, typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
60 class FunctionBinding : public IFunctionBinding {
61     using FunctionPtr = ReturnType (Class::*)(Args...);
63 public:
FunctionBinding(const char * name,MethodOptions options,FunctionPtr func)64     FunctionBinding(const char* name, MethodOptions options, FunctionPtr func)
65         : IFunctionBinding(name, options), func_(func)
66     {}
68     ~FunctionBinding() override = default;
Get()70     FunctionPtr Get()
71     {
72         return func_;
73     }
75 private:
76     FunctionPtr func_;
77 };
79 template<typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
80 class StaticFunctionBinding : public IFunctionBinding {
81     using FunctionPtr = ReturnType (*)(Args...);
83 public:
StaticFunctionBinding(const char * name,MethodOptions options,FunctionPtr func)84     StaticFunctionBinding(const char* name, MethodOptions options, FunctionPtr func)
85         : IFunctionBinding(name, options), func_(func)
86     {}
87     ~StaticFunctionBinding() override = default;
Get()89     FunctionPtr Get()
90     {
91         return func_;
92     }
94 private:
95     FunctionPtr func_;
96 };
98 /**
99  *  \brief A class template that binds C++ classes to Javascript.
100  *
101  *  This class is the entry point for binding classes and methods to Javascript regardless of which engine is
102  *  underneath. In the following text, a class C is the C++ class to be bound to Javascript, and engine-specific
103  *  implementation is abbeviated as ESI.
104  *
105  *  Methods and member variables registered to javascript are equivalent to a property in a javascript object.
106  *  \p Method(...) is used to register methods. If a member function is registered directly, the ESI should take care of
107  *  the value conversion between Javascript and C++ types.
108  *
109  *  If more control is required than just mere conversions between JS and C++ (such as error checks, weak types, storing
110  * JS objects etc.), methods can be bound to a signature that enables this control. The signautre is <tt> void(*)(const
111  * JSCallbackInfo&)</tt>. This is done to work regardless of the engine underneath. See \p JSRef , \p JSRefPtr for more
112  * info on usage.
113  *
114  *  If a direct communication with the engine is required when communicating with javascript, member functions and
115  * callbacks with engine-specific signatures can be registered to Javascript and the embedder can access the engine APIs
116  * directly. Additional options can be passed to \p Method(...) when binding member functions, such as the object can
117  * return itself in case of functions that do not return a value, so that in Javascript one can do so-called "chaining":
118  *  \code{.js}
119  *  object.width(10).height(10).top(0).left(20)
120  *  \endcode
121  *
122  *  There is a general constructor for every bound class. When calling \p Bind however, the constructor argument types
123  *  must be passes as template arguments (see example) so that the automatic conversion checks and converts the values.
124  *
125  *
126  *
127  *  Engine-specific implementation guide:
128  *  This code is using the curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP) idiom as neither function templates nor static
129  *  methods can be overloaded. Therefore, an ESI "inherits" from this class because these class methods call methods
130  *  that have to be defined, otherwise the compiler will report an error. As the binding itself is considerably
131  *  engine-specific, this class implements only engine-agnostic attributes such as class names, method names, member
132  *  function pointers etc. The actual value conversion is to be implemented by the engine implementation, and choosing
133  *  the engine to be used should be conducted by the build system.
134  *
135  *  ESIs are expected to define several aliases:
136  *  1. one called \p JSClass with the class C and the ESI class template as template
137  *  arguments to this class:
138  *  \code{.cpp}
139  *  template<typename C>
140  *  using JSClass = JSClassImpl<C, MyJSEngineClassImpl>
141  *  \endcode
142  *
143  *  Inside the ImplDetail class template:
144  *  2.  \p BindingTarget that corresponds to an ESI object template
145  *  \code{.cpp}
146  *  // A v8 object template
147  *  using BindingTarget = v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate>;
148  *  // A QJS object template
149  *  using BindingTarget = JSValue;
150  *  \endcode
151  *
152  *  3. \p FunctionCallback and \p MemberFunctionCallback corresponding to ESI callback signatures:
153  *  \code{.cpp}
154  *  // v8 callback signatures
155  *  using FunctionCallback = void (*)(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&);
156  *  using MemberFunctionCallback = void (C::*)(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&);
157  *  // QJS callback signatures
158  *  using FunctionCallback = JSValue (*)(JSContext* ctx, JSValueConst thisObj, int argc, JSValueConst* argv);
159  *  using MemberFunctionCallback = JSValue (C::*)(JSContext* ctx, JSValueConst thisObj, int argc, JSValueConst* argv);
160  *  \endcode
161  *
162  *
163  *  \tparam C The C++ class to be bound
164  *  \tparam ImplDetail an engine-specific class template that takes class C as a template argument
165  *
166  *  \example Binding classes TwoDPoint and ThreeDPoint as "Point2" and "Point3" in javascript, and registering its
167  * methods.
168  *
169  *  \code{.cpp}
170  *  class TwoDPoint {
171  *  public:
172  *      TwoDPoint(float x, float y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
173  *      ~TwoDPoint() {}
174  *
175  *      void SetX(float x) { x_ = x; }
176  *      void SetY(float y) { y_ = y; }
177  *      virtual void Print() { std::cout << "Point(" << x_ << ", " << y_ << ")" << std::endl; }
178  *
179  *      static void Parse(const JSCallbackInfo& info) {
180  *          JSRef<JSVal> arg = info[0];
181  *          if (arg->IsString()) {
182  *              std::string strArg = arg->ToString();
183  *              TwoDPoint* instance = ParseFromString();
184  *              if (instance) {
185  *                  info.SetReturnValue(instance);
186  *              } else {
187  *                  JSException::Throw("Error parsing Point2(%s)", strArg.c_str());
188  *              }
189  *          } else {
190  *              JSException::Throw("Point2.Parse: Argument is not a string!");
191  *          }
192  *      }
193  *
194  *      float GetX() { return x_; }
195  *      float GetY() { return y_; }
196  *  private:
197  *      static TwoDPoint* ParseFromString(const std::string& str) {
198  *          // some parsing code:
199  *          auto [x,y] = Parse(str);
200  *          return new TwoDPoint(x,y);
201  *      }
202  *      float x_;
203  *      float y_;
204  *  };
205  *
206  *  class ThreeDPoint : public TwoDPoint {
207  *  public:
208  *      ThreeDPoint(float x, float y, float z) : TwoDPoint(x,y) : z_(z) {}
209  *      ~ThreeDPoint() {}
210  *
211  *      void SetZ(float z) { z_ = z; }
212  *      virtual void Print() override { std::cout << "Point(" << x_ << ", " << y_ << ", " << z_ << ")" << std::endl; }
213  *
214  *      float GetZ() { return z_; }
215  *  private:
216  *      float z_;
217  *  };
218  *
219  *  // We are using V8 engine for this example:
220  *  template<typename C>
221  *  using JSClass = JSClassImpl<C, V8Class>;
222  *
223  *  // Somewhere in engine-initialization:
224  *  JSClass<TwoDPoint>::Declare("Point2");
225  *  JSClass<TwoDPoint>::Method("setX", &TwoDPoint::SetX, MethodOptions::RETURN_SELF);
226  *  JSClass<TwoDPoint>::Method("getX", &TwoDPoint::GetX);
227  *  JSClass<TwoDPoint>::Method("setY", &TwoDPoint::SetY, MethodOptions::RETURN_SELF);
228  *  JSClass<TwoDPoint>::Method("getY", &TwoDPoint::GetY);
229  *  JSClass<TwoDPoint>::Method("print", &TwoDPoint::Print);
230  *  JSClass<TwoDPoint>::StaticMethod("parse", &TwoDPoint::Parse);
231  *  JSClass<TwoDPoint>::Bind<float, float>(globalObject);   // Note the template arguments. Here we are specifying
232  *                                                          // that we're expecting the JS constructor to accept
233  *                                                          // two "float" arguments
234  *
235  *  JSClass<ThreeDPoint>::Declare("Point3");
236  *  JSClass<ThreeDPoint>::Method("setZ", &ThreeDPoint::SetZ, MethodOptions::RETURN_SELF);
237  *  JSClass<ThreeDPoint>::Method("getZ", &ThreeDPoint::GetZ);
238  *  JSClass<ThreeDPoint>::Inherit<TwoDPoint>();
239  *  JSClass<ThreeDPoint>::Bind<float, float, float>(globalObject);
240  *                                                           // Note the template arguments. Here we are specifying
241  *                                                           // that we're expecting the JS constructor to accept
242  *                                                           // three "float" arguments
243  *  \endcode
244  *
245  * \code{.js}
246  *                                            // C++ call tree
247  * let point = new Point2(1,2);               // V8Class<TwoDPoint>::InternalConstructor<float, float>
248  * point.print();                             // V8Class<TwoDPoint>::InternalMethodCallback<void>
249  *                                            //     "Point(1,2)"
250  * let other = Point2.parse("(3,4)");         // V8Class<TwoDPoint>::JSStaticMethodCallback
251  * console.log("point.x is " + point.getX()); // V8Class<TwoDPoint>::InternalMethodCallback<float>
252  *                                            //     "point.x is 1"
253  * console.log("other.x is " + other.getX()); // V8Class<TwoDPoint>::InternalMethodCallback<float>
254  *                                            //     "other.x is 3"
255  * point.setX(5).setY(10);                    // V8Class<TwoDPoint>::InternalMethodCallback<void, float>
256  *                                            // V8Class<TwoDPoint>::InternalMethodCallback<void, float>
257  * point.print();                             // V8Class<TwoDPoint>::InternalMethodCallback<void>
258  *                                            //     "Point(5,10)"
259  * let anotherPoint = new Point3(1,2,3);      // V8Class<ThreeDPoint>::InternalConstructor<float, float, float>
260  * anotherPoint.setX(5).setY(6).setZ(7)       // V8Class<TwoDPoint>::InternalMethodCallback<void, float>
261  *                                            // V8Class<TwoDPoint>::InternalMethodCallback<void, float>
262  *                                            // V8Class<ThreeDPoint>::InternalMethodCallback<void, float>
263  * anotherpoint.print();                      // V8Class<ThreeDPoint>::InternalMethodCallback<void>
264  *                                            //     "Point(5,6,7)"
265  * \endcode
266  * \class JSClassImpl
267  */
268 template<typename C, template<typename> typename ImplDetail>
269 class JSClassImpl {
270 public:
271     JSClassImpl() = delete;
273     /**
274      *  Declare class C that will be exposed with the given \p name in Javascript
275      *  \note This must be always called first before any other registrations. The engine-specific implementations
276      *  should instantiate object templates with this call
277      *  \param name A string literal
278      *  \static
279      */
280     static void Declare(const char* name);
282     /**
283      *  Register a method that is a member of a class C or its base class.
284      *  \note Trying to bind a method of unrelated classes will result in a compile error
285      *  \param name The name of the method that will be exposed as in Javascript
286      *  \param func A member-function pointer belonging to class C's base class
287      *  \param options Method options flags, default value is NONE
288      *
289      *  \tparam Base A base class to \p C . No need to specify, since it will be deducted from the function pointer
290      *  \tparam R The return type of \p func . No need to specify, since it will be deducted from the function pointer
291      *  \tparam Args... Types of function arguments of \p func . No need to specify, since they will be deducted from
292      * the function pointer
293      *  \static
294      */
295     template<typename Base, typename R, typename... Args>
296     static void Method(const char* name, R (Base::*func)(Args...), MethodOptions options = MethodOptions::NONE);
298     /**
299      *  Register a static method of class C.
300      *  \param name The name of the method that will be exposed as in Javascript
301      *  \param func A static function
302      *  \param options Method options flags, default value is NONE
303      *
304      *  \tparam R The return type of \p func . No need to specify, since it will be deducted from the function pointer
305      *  \tparam Args... Types of function arguments of \p func . No need to specify, since they will be deducted from
306      * the function pointer
307      *  \static
308      */
309     template<typename R, typename... Args>
310     static void StaticMethod(const char* name, R (*func)(Args...), MethodOptions options = MethodOptions::NONE);
312     /**
313      *  Register a static method of class C with a void(*)(const JSCallbackInfo&) signature.
314      *  \param name The name of the method that will be exposed as in Javascript
315      *  \param func A static function with void(*)(const JSCallbackInfo&) signature
316      *  \static
317      */
318     static void StaticMethod(const char* name, JSFunctionCallback func);
320     /**
321      *  Register a method that is a member of a related class T with an engine-specific callback signature
322      *
323      *  \tparam T A class that is either equivalent or a base to C
324      *  \param name The name of the method that will be exposed as in Javascript
325      *  \param callback A member-function pointer belonging to class C's class with engine-specific signature
326      *  \static
327      */
328     template<typename T>
329     static void CustomMethod(const char* name, MemberFunctionCallback<T> callback);
331     /**
332      *  Register a method with an engine-specific callback signature
333      *
334      *  \param name The name of the method that will be exposed as in Javascript
335      *  \param callback A function pointer with the engine-specific signature
336      *  \static
337      */
338     static void CustomMethod(const char* name, FunctionCallback callback);
340     /**
341      *  Register a method with an generic callback signature
342      *
343      *  \param name The name of the method that will be exposed as in Javascript
344      *  \param callback A function pointer with the engine-specific signature
345      *  \static
346      */
347     template<typename T>
348     static void CustomMethod(const char* name, JSMemberFunctionCallback<T> callback);
350     template<typename T>
351     static void CustomProperty(const char* name, MemberFunctionGetCallback<T> getter,
352         MemberFunctionSetCallback<T> setter);
354     static void CustomProperty(const char* name, FunctionGetCallback getter,
355         FunctionSetCallback setter);
357     template<typename T>
358     static void CustomProperty(const char* name, JSMemberFunctionCallback<T> getter,
359         JSMemberFunctionCallback<T> setter);
360     /**
361      *  Register a static method with an engine-specific callback signature
362      *
363      *  \param name The name of the method that will be exposed as in Javascript
364      *  \param callback A function pointer with the engine-specific signature
365      *  \static
366      */
367     static void CustomStaticMethod(const char* name, FunctionCallback callback);
369     static void ExoticGetter(ExoticGetterCallback callback);
370     static void ExoticSetter(ExoticSetterCallback callback);
371     static void ExoticHasProperty(ExoticHasPropertyCallback callback);
373     template<typename T>
374     static void StaticConstant(const char* name, T value);
376     /**
377      *  Bind the class to Javascript with a custom constructor that has engine-specific callback signature
378      *
379      *  \param bindTarget An object template to bind this class to.
380      *  \param ctor Constructor
381      *  \static
382      */
383     static void Bind(BindingTarget bindTarget, FunctionCallback ctor);
385     /**
386      *  Bind the class to Javascript with custom constructor, destructor and GC mark callbacks.
387      *  If no destructor callback is specified, the C++ instance is simply "delete"-d on garbage collection sweeps.
388      *
389      *  \param bindTarget An object template to bind this class to
390      *  \param ctor Constructor with void(*)(const JSCallbackInfo&) signature
391      *  \param dtor Destructor with void(*)(C* instance) signature (optional)
392      *  \param gcMark A GC mark callback with void(*)(C* instance, const JSGCMarkCallbackInfo&) signature (optional)
393      *  \static
394      */
395     static void Bind(BindingTarget bindTarget, JSFunctionCallback ctor, JSDestructorCallback<C> dtor = nullptr,
396         JSGCMarkCallback<C> gcMark = nullptr);
398     /**
399      *  Bind the class to Javascript with optional destructor and GC mark callbacks.
400      *  If no destructor callback is specified, the C++ instance is simply "delete"-d on garbage collection sweeps.
401      *
402      *  \tparam Args... A list of argument types that the constructor of class C accepts.
403      *  \param bindTarget An object template to bind this class to.
404      *  \param dtor Destructor with void(*)(C* instance) signature (optional)
405      *  \param gcMark A GC mark callback with void(*)(C* instance, const JSGCMarkCallbackInfo&) signature (optional)
406      *  \static
407      */
408     template<typename... Args>
409     static void Bind(
410         BindingTarget bindTarget, JSDestructorCallback<C> dtor = nullptr, JSGCMarkCallback<C> gcMark = nullptr);
412     /**
413      *  Inherit all bound methods and properties from \p Base
414      *  \note A binding for the base class must exist beforehand with
415      *  \code JSClassImpl<Base,Impl>::Declare("MyBaseClass") \endcode
416      *
417      *  \tparam Base A base class of C
418      */
419     template<typename Base>
420     static void Inherit();
422     static IFunctionBinding* GetFunctionBinding(int id);
423     static IFunctionBinding* GetGetFunctionBinding(int id);
424     static IFunctionBinding* GetSetFunctionBinding(int id);
426     /**
427      *  Get the Javascript name of class C
428      *  \return The javascript name
429      */
430     static const char* JSName();
432     /**
433      *  Create new instance of declared class
434      *  \return new JS object instance
435      */
436     static JSRef<JSObject> NewInstance();
438 private:
439     static std::string jsName;
440     /*  OPTIMIZE(cvetan): Functions can be stored at compile-time with an additional index as a template parameter, for
441         example:
443         template<int N, typename RetType, typename... Args>
444         static RetType(C::*function_)(Args...);
446         But only if current approach proves to be a bottleneck.
447     */
448     static std::unordered_map<int, IFunctionBinding*> functions_;
449     static std::unordered_map<int, IFunctionBinding*> getFunctions_;
450     static std::unordered_map<int, IFunctionBinding*> setFunctions_;
451     static int nextFreeId_;
452 };
454 }; // namespace OHOS::Ace::Framework
456 #include "bindings_implementation.inl"