1[article Boost.Predef 2 [quickbook 1.7] 3 [version 1.10] 4 [authors [Rivera, Rene]] 5 [copyright 2005-2019 Rene Rivera] 6 [copyright 2015 Charly Chevalier] 7 [copyright 2015 Joel Falcou] 8 [purpose Identification and specification of predefined macros.] 9 [license 10 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. 11 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at 12 [@http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt]) 13 ] 14 [source-mode c++] 15 [category miscellaneous] 16 [id predef] 17 [dirname predef] 18] 19 20[section Introduction] 21 22This library defines a set of compiler, architecture, operating system, 23library, and other version numbers from the information it can gather of 24C, C++, Objective C, and Objective C++ predefined macros or those defined 25in generally available headers. The idea for this library grew out of a 26proposal to extend the Boost Config library to provide more, and consistent, 27information than the feature definitions it supports. What follows is 28an edited version of that brief proposal. 29 30[heading Proposal] 31 32The idea is to define a set of macros to identify compilers and 33consistently represent their version. This includes: 34 35* A unique BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER(major,minor,patch) macro to specify version 36 numbers (unfortunately, the name BOOST_VERSION is already taken to designate 37 the version number of boost itself). 38* A compiler identification macro, suitable for use in `#if`/`#elif` directives, 39 for each of the supported compilers. All macros would be defined, regardless 40 of the compiler. The one macro corresponding to the compiler being used would 41 be defined, in terms of BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER, to carry the exact compiler 42 version. All other macros would expand to an expression evaluating to false 43 (for instance, the token 0) to indicate that the corresponding compiler is not 44 present. 45* "Null values" could be set, for all macros, in 46 boost/config/select_compiler.hpp; then, for each compiler the corresponding 47 identification macro would be #undef and re-#defined in the corresponding 48 boost/compiler/(cc).hpp; however in the context of the Boost.Config 49 infrastructure using a "prefix" header (to be introduced) or 50 boost/config/suffix.hpp is a better solution. 51 52[heading Current Library] 53 54The current Predef library is now, both an independent library, and expanded 55in scope. It includes detection and definition of architectures, compilers, 56languages, libraries, operating systems, and endianness. The key benefits are: 57 58* Version numbers that are always defined so that one doesn't have to guard 59 with `#ifdef`. 60* Guard macros that can be used for `#ifdef` checks. 61* All possible definitions are included with the single `#include <boost/predef.h>` 62 so that it's friendly to precompiled header usage. 63* Specific definitions can be included, ex. `#include <boost/predef/os/windows.h>` 64 for single checks. 65* Predefs can be directly used in both preprocessor and compiler expressions 66 for comparison to other similarly defined values. 67* The headers are usable from multiple languages, that support the C preprocessor. 68 In particular C++, C, Objective C, and Objective C++. 69 70[heading Design choices] 71 72An important design choice concerns how to represent compiler versions by means 73of a single integer number suitable for use in preprocessing directives. Let's 74do some calculation. The "basic" signed type for preprocessing 75constant-expressions is long in C90 (and C++, as of 2006) and intmax_t in C99. 76The type long shall at least be able to represent the number [^+2 147 483 647]. 77This means the most significant digit can only be 0, 1 or 2; and if we want all 78decimal digits to be able to vary between 0 and 9, the largest range we can 79consider is [^\[0, 999 999 999\]]. Distributing evenly, this means 3 decimal 80digits for each version number part. 81 82So we can: 83 84# use an uneven distribution or 85# use more bits (a larger type) or 86# use 3/3/3 and have the particular compiler/platform/stdlib deal with setting 87 the numbers within the 3-digit range. 88 89It appears relatively safe to go for the first option and set it at 2/2/5. That 90covers CodeWarrior and others, which are up to and past 10 for the major number. 91Some compilers use the build number in lieu of the patch one; five digits 92(which is already reached by VC++ 8) seems a reasonable limit even in this case. 93 94[note A 2/2/6 scheme would allow for bigger patch/build numbers at the cost, 95for instance, of limiting the major version number to 20 (or, with further 96constraints, to 21).] 97 98It might reassure the reader that this decision is actually encoded in one place 99in the code; the definition of `BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER`. 100 101[heading Future work] 102 103Even though the basics of this library are done, there is much work that can be 104done: 105 106* Right now we limit the detection of libraries to known built-in predefined 107 macros, and to guaranteed to exist system and library headers. It might be 108 interesting to add something like auto-configuration predefs. This way we can 109 add definitions for user specific libraries and features. 110* Along with the above, it might be good to add some user control as to which 111 headers are included with the top-level header. Although in the current 112 form of the library this is less of an issue as one can include the 113 specific headers one needs. 114* Additionally, even if there is no auto-configure style option.. It would be 115 good to add optionally included headers so that user can get consistent 116 version number definitions for libraries they use. 117* And obviously there's lots of work to do in reformulating the existing 118 Boost libraries to use the Predef library. 119* And there's the continuing work of adding definitions for present and 120 future compilers, platforms, architectures, languages, and libraries. 121 122[endsect] [/Introduction] 123 124[section Using the predefs] 125 126To use the automatically defined predefs one needs to only include the 127single top-level header: 128 129`` 130 #include <boost/predef.h> 131`` 132 133This defines [*all] the version macros known to the library. For each 134macro it will be defined to either a /zero/ valued expression for when 135the particular item is not detected, and to a /positive/ value if it 136is detected. The predef macros fall onto five categories each with 137macros of a particular prefix: 138 139* `BOOST_ARCH_`for system/CPU architecture one is compiling for. 140* `BOOST_COMP_` for the compiler one is using. 141* `BOOST_LANG_` for language standards one is compiling against. 142* `BOOST_LIB_C_` and `BOOST_LIB_STD_` for the C and C++ standard library 143 in use. 144* `BOOST_OS_` for the operating system we are compiling to. 145* `BOOST_PLAT_` for platforms on top of operating system or compilers. 146* `BOOST_ENDIAN_` for endianness of the os and architecture combination. 147* `BOOST_HW_` for hardware specific features. 148* `BOOST_HW_SIMD` for SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) detection. 149 150[note The detected definitions are for the configuration one is targeting 151during the compile. In particular in a cross-compile this means the target 152system, and not the host system.] 153 154One uses the individual definitions to compare against specific versions 155by comparing against the `BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER` macro. For example, to make 156a choice based on the version of the GCC C++ compiler one would: 157 158`` 159 #include <boost/predef.h> 160 #include <iostream> 161 162 int main() 163 { 164 if (BOOST_COMP_GNUC >= BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER(4,0,0)) 165 std::cout << "GCC compiler is at least version 4.0.0" << std::endl; 166 else 167 std::cout << "GCC compiler is at older than version 4.0.0, or not a GCC compiler" << std::endl; 168 return 0; 169 } 170`` 171 172As you might notice above the `else` clause also covers the case where 173the particular compiler is not detected. But one can make the test 174also test for the detection. All predef definitions are defined 175as a zero (0) expression when not detected. Hence one could use the 176detection with a natural single condition. For example: 177 178`` 179 #include <boost/predef.h> 180 #include <iostream> 181 182 int main() 183 { 184 if (BOOST_COMP_GNUC) 185 std::cout << "This is GNU GCC!" << std::endl; 186 else 187 std::cout << "Not GNU GCC." << std::endl; 188 return 0; 189 } 190`` 191 192And since the predef's are preprocessor definitions the same is possible 193from the preprocessor: 194 195`` 196 #include <boost/predef.h> 197 #include <iostream> 198 199 #if BOOST_COMP_GNUC 200 #if BOOST_COMP_GNUC >= BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER(4,0,0) 201 const char * the_compiler = "GNU GCC, of at least version 4." 202 #else 203 const char * the_compiler = "GNU GCC, less than version 4." 204 #endif 205 #else 206 const char * the_compiler = "Not GNU GCC." 207 #endif 208 209 int main() 210 { 211 std::cout << the_compiler << std::endl; 212 return 0; 213 } 214`` 215 216In addition, for each version macro defined there is an 217`*_AVAILABLE` macro defined only when the particular aspect is 218detected. I.e. a definition equivalent to: 219 220`` 221 #if BOOST_PREDEF_ABC 222 #define BOOST_PREDEF_ABC_AVAILABLE 223 #endif 224`` 225 226Also for each aspect there is a macro defined with a descriptive 227name of what the detection is. 228 229[heading The `*_EMULATED` macros] 230 231Predef definitions are guaranteed to be uniquely detected within one category. 232But there are contexts under which multiple underlying detections are possible. 233The well known example of this is detection of GCC and MSVC compilers which are 234commonly emulated by other compilers by defining the same base macros. To 235account for this detection headers are allowed to define `*_EMULATED` predefs 236when this situation is detected. The emulated predefs will be set to the 237version number of the detection instead of the regular predef macro for that 238detection. For example MSVC will set `BOOST_COMP_MSVC_EMULATED` but not set `BOOST_COMP_MSVC`, and it will also set `BOOST_COMP_MSVC_AVAILABLE`. 239 240[heading Using the `BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER` macro] 241 242All the predefs are defined to be a use of the `BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER` macro. 243The macro takes individual major, minor, and patch value expressions: 244 245`` 246 #define BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER( major, minor, patch ) ... 247`` 248 249The arguments are: 250 251# Major version number, as a constant value expression in the range [0,99]. 252# Minor version number, as a constant value expression in the range [0,99]. 253# Patch-level version number, as a constant value expression in the 254 range [0,99999]. 255 256The ranges for each are "enforced" by the use of a modulo ("%"), i.e. truncation, 257as opposed to a clamp. And hence this means that the limits are enforced only 258enough to keep from having out-of-range problems. But not enough to prevent 259other kinds of problems. Like exceeding the range and getting false detections, 260or non-detections. It is up to the individual predefs to ensure correct 261usage beyond the range guarantee. 262 263The values for the arguments can be any preprocessor valid constant value expression. 264Only constant value arithmetic is used in the definition of the `BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER` 265macro and in any of the other predef macros. This means that any allowed base is 266possible, i.e. binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal. For example: 267 268`` 269 #define MY_APPLICATION_VERSION_NUMBER BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER(2,0xA,015) 270`` 271 272Is equivalent to: 273 274`` 275 #define MY_APPLICATION_VERSION_NUMBER BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER(2,10,13) 276`` 277 278[endsect] 279 280[section Adding new predefs] 281 282We know that a library like this one will be an eternal work-in-progress. And 283as such we expect, and look forward to, others contributing corrections and 284additions to the predefs. With that in mind we need to keep a consistent way 285of defining the new predefs. Hence all current, and future, predefs follow 286the same structure and requirements. 287 288[heading Requirements of the header] 289 290All predefs need to follow a set of requirements: 291 292* The headers must use the Boost Software License. 293* The predef must, by default, be defined as `BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_NOT_AVAILABLE`. 294* The predef must be redefined to a non-zero value once detected. 295* The predef must, by default, be defined to `BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_AVAILABLE` 296 when the predef is detected. 297* If possible, the predef will be defined as the version number detected. 298* The predef must define `*_AVAILABLE` macros as needed. 299* The predef must define a symbolic constant string name macro. 300* The predef must declare itself, after being defined, for the testing 301 system. 302* The predef must guarantee that it is the only one defined as detected 303 per category. 304* But a predef can define `*_EMULATED` macros to indicate that it was 305 previously detected by another header and is being "emulated" by the 306 system. Note that the `*_AVAILABLE` macros must still be defined in this 307 situation. 308 309And there are some extra guidelines that predef headers should follow: 310 311* The detection should avoid including extra headers that might otherwise 312 not be included by default. 313* If the detection must include a header, prefer guarding it within the 314 detection if possible. 315* If the detection must include headers unconditionally, and has a choice 316 of headers to include, prefer the ones with the least impact. I.e. 317 include the one with the minimal set of definitions and other 318 dependencies. 319 320[heading Structure of the header] 321 322For general consistency it's suggested that new predef headers follow the 323structure below, as current predef headers do. First we have the copyright 324and license statement, followed by the include guard: 325 326`` 327/* 328Copyright Jane Doe YYYY 329Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. 330(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at 331http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) 332*/ 333 334#ifndef BOOST_PREDEF_category_tag_H 335#define BOOST_PREDEF_category_tag_H 336`` 337 338If the detection depends on the detection of another predef you should 339include those headers here. 340 341`` 342#include <boost/predef/CATEGORY_TAG/DEPENDENCY.h> 343`` 344 345Depending on how you are defining the predef you will at minimum have 346to include the `version_number.h` header. But you might also want to 347include the `make.h` header for the version number decomposing utility 348macros: 349 350`` 351#include <boost/predef/version_number.h> 352#include <boost/predef/make.h> 353`` 354 355The Predef library uses Quickbook for documentation and for the 356individual predefs to appear in the reference section we add in-code 357documentation followed by the zero-value default definition of the 358predef macro. We strongly recommend this particular placement of the 359documentation and default definition because some development 360environments automatically interpret this and provide in-line help 361for the macro. In particular this works for the popular Eclipse IDE: 362 363`` 364/*` 365[heading `BOOST_category_tag`] 366 367Documentation about what is detected. 368*/ 369 370#define BOOST_category_tag BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_NOT_AVAILABLE 371`` 372 373Next is the detection and definition of the particular predef. The 374structure for this is to do a single overall check (`condition_a`) and 375place further version detection inside this. The first action inside 376the overall check is to "`#undef BOOST_category_tag`" which undefines 377the zero-value default. The rest is up to the you how to do the checks 378for defining the version. But at minimum it must 379"`#define BOOST_category_tag BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_AVAILABLE`" as the fallback 380to minimally indicate that the predef was detected: 381 382`` 383#if (condition_a) 384# undef BOOST_category_tag 385# if (condition_b) 386# define BOOST_category_tag BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER(major,minor,patch) 387# else 388# define BOOST_category_tag BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_AVAILABLE 389# endif 390#endif 391`` 392 393We also need to provide the `*_AVAILABLE` versions of the predef. 394 395`` 396#if BOOST_category_tag 397# define BOOST_category_tag_AVAILABLE 398#endif 399`` 400 401And for convenience we also want to provide a `*_NAME` macro: 402 403`` 404#define BOOST_category_tag_NAME "Name" 405`` 406 407The testing of the predef macros is automated to generate checks for all 408the defined predefs, whether detected or not. To do this we need to 409declare the predef to the test system. This declaration is empty for 410regular use. And during the test programs they expand out specially 411to create informational output: 412 413`` 414#include <boost/predef/detail/test.h> 415BOOST_PREDEF_DECLARE_TEST(BOOST_category_tag,BOOST_category_tag_NAME) 416`` 417 418And, of course, we last need to close out the include guard: 419 420`` 421#endif 422`` 423 424[heading Adding exclusive predefs] 425 426For headers of predefs that need to be mutually exclusive in the detection 427we need to add checks and definitions to detect when the predef is 428detected by multiple headers. 429 430Internally compiler, operating system, and platforms define 431`BOOST_PREDEF_DETAIL_COMP_DETECTED`, `BOOST_PREDEF_DEFAIL_OS_DETECTED`, and 432`BOOST_PREDEF_DETAIL_PLAT_DETECTED` respectively when the predef is first 433detected. This is used to guard against multiple definition of the detection 434in later included headers. In those cases the detection would instead be 435written as: 436 437`` 438#if !BOOST_PREDEF_DETAIL_category_DETECTED && (condition_a) 439# undef BOOST_category_tag 440# if (condition_b) 441# define BOOST_category_tag BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER(major,minor,patch) 442# else 443# define BOOST_category_tag BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER(0,0,1) 444# endif 445#endif 446`` 447 448And we also include a header that defines the `*_DETECTED` macro when we have 449the detection: 450 451`` 452#if BOOST_category_tag 453# define BOOST_category_tag_AVAILABLE 454# include <boost/predef/detail/CATEGORY_detected.h> 455#endif 456`` 457 458Everything else about the header is the same as the basic detection header. 459 460[heading Adding an exclusive but emulated predef] 461 462Because compilers are frequently emulated by other compilers we both want 463to have exclusive detection of the compiler and also provide information 464that we detected the emulation of the compiler. To accomplish this we define 465a local `*_DETECTION` macro for the compiler detection. And conditionally 466define either the base compiler predef `BOOST_COMP_compiler` or the alternate 467`BOOST_COMP_compiler_EMULATED` predef. 468 469The initial detection would look like: 470 471`` 472#if (condition_a) 473# if (condition_b) 474# define BOOST_COMP_tag_DETECTION BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER(major,minor,patch) 475# else 476# define BOOST_COMP_tag_DETECTION BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_AVAILABLE 477# endif 478#endif 479`` 480 481And then we can conditionally define the base or emulated predefs: 482 483`` 484#ifdef BOOST_COMP_tag_DETECTION 485# if defined(BOOST_PREDEF_DETAIL_COMP_DETECTED) 486# define BOOST_COMP_tag_EMULATED BOOST_COMP_tag_DETECTION 487# else 488# undef BOOST_COMP_tag 489# define BOOST_COMP_tag BOOST_COMP_tag_DETECTION 490# endif 491# define BOOST_category_tag_AVAILABLE 492# include <boost/predef/detail/comp_detected.h> 493#endif 494`` 495 496[heading Using utility pattern macros] 497 498By including: 499 500`` 501#include <boost/predef/make.h> 502`` 503 504One will get a set of utility macros to decompose common version 505macros as defined by compilers. For example the EDG compiler 506uses a simple 3-digit version macro (M,N,P). It can be decomposed 507and defined as: 508 509`` 510#define BOOST_COMP_EDG BOOST_PREDEF_MAKE_N_N_N(__EDG_VERSION__) 511`` 512 513The decomposition macros are split into three types: decimal 514decomposition, hexadecimal decomposition, and date decomposition. 515They follow the format of using "N" for decimal, "F" for hexadecimal, 516and "Y", "M", "D" for dates. 517 518[endsect] 519 520[def __predef_symbol__ Symbol] 521[def __predef_version__ Version] 522[def __predef_detection__ *detection*] 523 524[section Reference] 525 526[section `BOOST_ARCH` architecture macros] 527[include ../include/boost/predef/architecture/*.h] 528[include ../include/boost/predef/architecture/x86/*.h] 529[endsect] 530 531[section `BOOST_COMP` compiler macros] 532[include ../include/boost/predef/compiler/*.h] 533[endsect] 534 535[section `BOOST_LANG` language standards macros] 536[include ../include/boost/predef/language/*.h] 537[endsect] 538 539[section `BOOST_LIB` library macros] 540[include ../include/boost/predef/library/c/*.h] 541[include ../include/boost/predef/library/std/*.h] 542[endsect] 543 544[section `BOOST_OS` operating system macros] 545[include ../include/boost/predef/os/*.h] 546[include ../include/boost/predef/os/bsd/*.h] 547[endsect] 548 549[section `BOOST_PLAT` platform macros] 550[include ../include/boost/predef/platform/*.h] 551[endsect] 552 553[section `BOOST_HW` hardware macros] 554[include ../include/boost/predef/hardware/*.h] 555[endsect] 556 557[section Other macros] 558[include ../include/boost/predef/other/*.h] 559[endsect] 560 561[section Version definition macros] 562[include ../include/boost/predef/version_number.h] 563[include ../include/boost/predef/make.h] 564[endsect] 565 566[endsect] 567 568[section Check Utilities] 569 570The `predef_check` utility provides a facility for building a 571program that will check a given set of expressions against 572the definitions it detected when it was built. 573 574[heading [^predef_check] programs] 575 576Even though there is only one `predef_check` program, there 577are variations for each of the languages that are detected 578by Predef to match the convention for sources files. For all 579of them one invokes with a list of expression arguments. The 580expressions are evaluated within the context of the particular 581[^predef_check] program and if they all are true zero (0) is returned. 582Otherwise the index of the first false expression is returned. 583 584The expression syntax is simple: 585 586[teletype] 587`` 588predef-definition [ relational-operator version-value ] 589`` 590[c++] 591 592[~predef-definition] can be any of the Predef definitions. For 593example `BOOST_COMP_GCC`. 594 595[~relational-operator] can be any of: [^>], [^<], [^>=], [^<=], 596[^==] and [^!=]. 597 598[~version-number] can be a full or partial version triplet value. 599If it's a partial version triple it is completed with zeros. That 600is [^x.y] is equivalent to [^x.y.0] and [^x] is equivalent to 601[^x.0.0]. 602 603The [~relations-operator] and [~version-number] can be ommited. In 604which case it is equivalent to: 605 606[teletype] 607`` 608predef-definition > 0.0.0 609`` 610[c++] 611 612[heading Using with Boost.Build] 613 614You can use the [^predef_check] programs directly from Boost Build 615to configure target requirements. This is useful for controlling 616what gets built as part of your project based on the detailed 617version information available in Predef. The basic use is simple: 618 619[teletype] 620`` 621import path-to-predef-src/tools/check/predef 622 : check require 623 : predef-check predef-require ; 624 625exe my_windows_program : windows_source.cpp 626 : [ predef-require "BOOST_OS_WINDOWS" ] ; 627`` 628[c++] 629 630That simple use case will skip building the [^my_windows_program] 631unless one is building for Windows. Like the direct [^predef_check] 632you can pass mutiple expressions using relational comparisons. 633For example: 634 635[teletype] 636`` 637import path-to-predef-src/tools/check/predef 638 : check require 639 : predef-check predef-require ; 640 641lib my_special_lib : source.cpp 642 : [ predef-require "BOOST_OS_WINDOWS != 0" "BOOST_OS_VMS != 0"] ; 643`` 644[c++] 645 646And in that case the [^my_special_lib] is built only when the OS is 647not Windows or VMS. The [^requires] rule is a special case of the 648[^check] rule. And is defined in terms of it: 649 650[teletype] 651`` 652rule require ( expressions + : language ? ) 653{ 654 return [ check $(expressions) : $(language) : : <build>no ] ; 655} 656`` 657[c++] 658 659The expression can also use explicit "and", "or" logical operators 660to for more complex checks: 661 662 663[teletype] 664`` 665import path-to-predef-src/tools/check/predef 666 : check require 667 : predef-check predef-require ; 668 669lib my_special_lib : source.cpp 670 : [ predef-require "BOOST_OS_WINDOWS" or "BOOST_OS_VMS"] ; 671`` 672[c++] 673 674You can use the [^check] rule for more control and to implement 675something other than control of what gets built. The definition 676for the [^check] rule is: 677 678[teletype] 679`` 680rule check ( expressions + : language ? : true-properties * : false-properties * ) 681`` 682[c++] 683 684When invoked as a reuirement of a Boost Build target this rule 685will add the [^true-properties] to the target if all the [^expressions] 686evaluate to true. Otherwise the [^false-properties] get added as 687requirements. For example you could use it to enable or disable 688features in your programs: 689 690[teletype] 691`` 692import path-to-predef-src/tools/check/predef 693 : check require 694 : predef-check predef-require ; 695 696exe my_special_exe : source.cpp 697 : [ predef-check "BOOST_OS_WINDOWS == 0" 698 : : <define>ENABLE_WMF=0 699 : <define>ENABLE_WMF=1 ] ; 700`` 701[c++] 702 703For both [^check] and [^require] the [^language] argument controls 704which variant of the [^predef_check] program is used to check the 705expressions. It defaults to "c++", but can be any of: "c", "cpp", 706"objc", and "objcpp". 707 708[endsect] 709 710[include history.qbk] 711[include todo.qbk] 712 713[section Acknoledgements] 714 715The comprehensiveness of this library would not be 716possible without the existence of the indispensable 717resource that is the 718[@http://sourceforge.net/p/predef/ Pre-defined C/C++ Compiler Macros] 719Project. It was, and continues to be, the primary source 720of the definitions that make up this library. Thanks 721to Bjorn Reese and all the volunteers that make that 722resource possible. 723 724This library would be an incoherent mess if it weren't for 725Boost community that provided invaluable feedback for the 726eight years that it took to polish into a useable form. 727In particular I would like to thank: Mathias Gaunard, 728Robert Stewart, Joël Lamotte, Lars Viklund, Nathan Ridge, 729Artyom Beilis, Joshua Boyce, Gottlob Frege, Thomas Heller, 730Edward Diener, Dave Abrahams, Iain Denniston, Dan Price, 731Ioannis Papadopoulos, and Robert Ramey. And thanks to 732Joel Falcou for managing the review of this library. 733 734[endsect] 735