1 // Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights 2 // reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that 3 // can be found in the LICENSE file. 4 5 #ifndef CEF_LIBCEF_DLL_CPPTOC_BASE_REF_COUNTED_CPPTOC_H_ 6 #define CEF_LIBCEF_DLL_CPPTOC_BASE_REF_COUNTED_CPPTOC_H_ 7 #pragma once 8 9 #include "include/capi/cef_base_capi.h" 10 #include "include/cef_base.h" 11 #include "libcef_dll/cpptoc/cpptoc_ref_counted.h" 12 13 #if !defined(WRAPPING_CEF_SHARED) 14 #error This file can be included wrapper-side only 15 #endif 16 17 // Wrap a C++ class with a C structure. 18 class CefBaseRefCountedCppToC 19 : public CefCppToCRefCounted<CefBaseRefCountedCppToC, 20 CefBaseRefCounted, 21 cef_base_ref_counted_t> { 22 public: 23 CefBaseRefCountedCppToC(); 24 }; 25 26 #endif // CEF_LIBCEF_DLL_CPPTOC_BASE_REF_COUNTED_CPPTOC_H_ 27