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1 source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
3 install! 'cocoapods', :deterministic_uuids => false
5 # Location of gRPC's repo root relative to this file.
6 GRPC_LOCAL_SRC = '../../..'
9 target 'CronetTests' do
10   platform :ios, '8.0'
11   pod 'Protobuf', :path => "#{GRPC_LOCAL_SRC}/third_party/protobuf", :inhibit_warnings => true
13   pod '!ProtoCompiler',            :path => "#{GRPC_LOCAL_SRC}/src/objective-c"
14   pod '!ProtoCompiler-gRPCCppPlugin', :path => "#{GRPC_LOCAL_SRC}/src/objective-c"
15   pod 'Protobuf-C++', :podspec => "#{GRPC_LOCAL_SRC}/src/cpp", :inhibit_warnings => true
17   pod 'BoringSSL-GRPC',       :podspec => "#{GRPC_LOCAL_SRC}/src/objective-c", :inhibit_warnings => true
19   pod 'gRPC-Core',      :path => GRPC_LOCAL_SRC
20   pod 'gRPC-C++/Cronet-Implementation',      :path => GRPC_LOCAL_SRC
21   pod 'gRPC-C++/Protobuf',       :path => GRPC_LOCAL_SRC
22   pod 'RemoteTestCpp', :path => "RemoteTestClientCpp", :inhibit_warnings => true
24   pod 'gRPC-Core/Cronet-Implementation', :path => GRPC_LOCAL_SRC
25   pod 'CronetFramework', :podspec => "#{GRPC_LOCAL_SRC}/src/objective-c"
26   pod 'gRPC-Core/Tests', :path => GRPC_LOCAL_SRC, :inhibit_warnings => true
27 end
29 # gRPC-Core.podspec needs to be modified to be successfully used for local development. A Podfile's
30 # pre_install hook lets us do that. The block passed to it runs after the podspecs are downloaded
31 # and before they are installed in the user project.
32 #
33 # This podspec searches for the gRPC core library headers under "$(PODS_ROOT)/gRPC-Core", where
34 # Cocoapods normally places the downloaded sources. When doing local development of the libraries,
35 # though, Cocoapods just takes the sources from whatever directory was specified using `:path`, and
36 # doesn't copy them under $(PODS_ROOT). When using static libraries, one can sometimes rely on the
37 # symbolic links to the pods headers that Cocoapods creates under "$(PODS_ROOT)/Headers". But those
38 # aren't created when using dynamic frameworks. So our solution is to modify the podspec on the fly
39 # to point at the local directory where the sources are.
40 #
41 # TODO(jcanizales): Send a PR to Cocoapods to get rid of this need.
42 pre_install do |installer|
43   # This is the gRPC-Core podspec object, as initialized by its podspec file.
44   grpc_core_spec = installer.pod_targets.find{|t| t.name.start_with?('gRPC-Core')}.root_spec
46   # Copied from gRPC-Core.podspec, except for the adjusted src_root:
47   src_root = "$(PODS_ROOT)/../#{GRPC_LOCAL_SRC}"
48   grpc_core_spec.pod_target_xcconfig = {
49     'GRPC_SRC_ROOT' => src_root,
50     'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '"$(inherited)" "$(GRPC_SRC_ROOT)/include"',
52     # If we don't set these two settings, `include/grpc/support/time.h` and
53     # `src/core/lib/gpr/string.h` shadow the system `<time.h>` and `<string.h>`, breaking the
54     # build.
55     'USE_HEADERMAP' => 'NO',
57   }
58 end
60 post_install do |installer|
61   installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
62     target.build_configurations.each do |config|
63       config.build_settings['GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS'] = 'YES'
64     end
66     # CocoaPods creates duplicated library targets of gRPC-Core when the test targets include
67     # non-default subspecs of gRPC-Core. All of these library targets start with prefix 'gRPC-Core'
68     # and require the same error suppresion.
69     if target.name.start_with?('gRPC-Core')
70       target.build_configurations.each do |config|
71         # TODO(zyc): Remove this setting after the issue is resolved
72         # GPR_UNREACHABLE_CODE causes "Control may reach end of non-void
73         # function" warning
74         config.build_settings['GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE'] = 'NO'
75         config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS'] = '$(inherited) COCOAPODS=1 GRPC_CRONET_WITH_PACKET_COALESCING=1'
76       end
77     end
79     # Activate Cronet for the dedicated build configuration 'Cronet', which will be used solely by
80     # the test target 'InteropTestsRemoteWithCronet'
81     # Activate GRPCCall+InternalTests functions for the dedicated build configuration 'Test', which will
82     # be used by all test targets using it.
83     if /gRPC-(mac|i)OS/.match(target.name)
84       target.build_configurations.each do |config|
85         if config.name == 'Cronet'
86           config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS'] = '$(inherited) COCOAPODS=1 GRPC_COMPILE_WITH_CRONET=1 GRPC_TEST_OBJC=1'
87         elsif config.name == 'Test'
88           config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS'] = '$(inherited) COCOAPODS=1 GRPC_TEST_OBJC=1'
89         end
90       end
91     end
93     # Enable NSAssert on gRPC
94     if /(gRPC|ProtoRPC|RxLibrary)-(mac|i)OS/.match(target.name)
95       target.build_configurations.each do |config|
96         if config.name != 'Release'
97           config.build_settings['ENABLE_NS_ASSERTIONS'] = 'YES'
98         end
99       end
100     end
101   end
102 end