1<HTML> 2<!-- 3 Copyright (c) Jeremy Siek 2000 4 5 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. 6 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at 7 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) 8 --> 9<Head> 10<Title>Using the Boost Graph Library</Title> 11<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff" LINK="#0000ee" TEXT="#000000" VLINK="#551a8b" 12 ALINK="#ff0000"> 13<IMG SRC="../../../boost.png" 14 ALT="C++ Boost" width="277" height="86"> 15 16<BR Clear> 17 18<H1><A NAME="SECTION00830000000000000000"></A> 19<A NAME="sec:using-adjacency-list"></A> 20<BR> 21Using <TT>adjacency_list</TT> 22</H1> 23 24This section describes the details of how use the 25<tt>adjacency_list</tt> class. The presentation is divided into the 26following topics: 27 28<OL> 29<li><A href="#sec:choosing-graph-type">Choosing the <TT>Edgelist</TT> and <TT>VertexList</TT></A> 30<li><a href="#sec:directed-and-undirected">Directed and Undirected 31Adjacency Lists</a> 32<li><A href="#sec:adjacency-list-properties">Internal Properties</A> 33<li><A href="#sec:custom-storage">Customizing the Adjacency List Storage</A> 34</ol> 35 36<P> 37 38<H2><A NAME="SECTION00831000000000000000"></A> 39<A NAME="sec:choosing-graph-type"></A> 40<BR> 41Choosing the <TT>Edgelist</TT> and <TT>VertexList</TT> 42</H2> 43 44<P> 45This section focuses on how to decide which version of the <a 46href="./adjacency_list.html"><TT>adjacency_list</TT></a> class to use 47in different situations. The <TT>adjacency_list</TT> is like a 48swiss-army knife in that it can be configured in many ways. The 49parameters that we will focus on in this section are <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> 50and <TT>VertexList</TT>, which control the underlying data structures 51that will be used to represent the graph. The choice of 52<TT>OutEdgeList</TT> and <TT>VertexList</TT> affects the time complexity 53of many of the graph operations and the space complexity of the graph 54object. 55 56<P> 57BGL uses containers from the STL such as 58<a href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/Vector.html"><TT>std::vector</TT></a>, 59<a href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/List.html"><TT>std::list</TT></a>, 60and <a href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/set.html"><TT>std::set</TT></a> 61to represent the set of vertices and the adjacency structure 62(out-edges and in-edges) of the graph. There are several selector 63types that are used to specify the choice of container for 64<TT>OutEdgeList</TT> and <TT>VertexList</TT>. 65 66<P> 67 68<UL> 69<LI><TT>vecS</TT> selects <TT>std::vector</TT>.</LI> 70<LI><TT>listS</TT> selects <TT>std::list</TT>.</LI> 71<LI><TT>slistS</TT> selects <TT>std::slist</TT>.</LI> 72<LI><TT>setS</TT> selects <TT>std::set</TT>.</LI> 73<LI><TT>multisetS</TT> selects <TT>std::multiset</TT>.</LI> 74<LI><TT>hash_setS</TT> selects <TT>boost::unordered_set</TT>.</LI> 75</UL> 76 77<P> 78 79<H3>Choosing the <TT>VertexList</TT> type</A></H3> 80 81<P> 82The <TT>VertexList</TT> parameter determines what kind of container 83will be used to represent the vertex set, or two-dimensional structure 84of the graph. The container must model <a 85href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/Sequence.html">Sequence</a> or 86<a 87href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/RandomAccessContainer.html">RandomAccessContainer</a>. In 88general, <TT>listS</TT> is a good choice if you need to add and remove 89vertices quickly. The price for this is extra space overhead compared 90to choosing <TT>vecS</TT>. 91 92<P> 93 94<H4>Space Complexity</H4> 95 96<P> 97The <TT>std::list</TT> has a higher per-vertex space overhead than the 98<TT>std::vector</TT>, storing three extra pointers per vertex. 99 100<P> 101 102<H4>Time Complexity</H4> 103 104<P> 105The choice of <TT>VertexList</TT> affects the time complexity of the 106following operations. 107 108<ul> 109 110<li> 111<pre> 112add_vertex() 113</PRE> 114This operation is amortized constant time for both <TT>vecS</TT> and 115<TT>listS</TT> (implemented with <TT>push_back()</TT>). However, when 116the <TT>VertexList</TT> type is <TT>vecS</TT> the time for this 117operation is occasionally large because the vector will be 118reallocated and the whole graph copied. 119<P></p> 120 121<li> 122<PRE> 123remove_vertex() 124</PRE> 125This operation is constant time for <TT>listS</TT> and <i>O(V + E)</i> for 126<TT>vecS</TT>. The large time complexity for <TT>vecS</TT> is because 127the vertex descriptors (which in this case are indices that correspond 128to the vertices' place in the vertex list) must be adjusted in the 129out-edges for the whole graph. 130<P></P> 131 132<li> 133<PRE> 134vertex() 135</PRE> 136This operation is constant time for <TT>vecS</TT> and for 137<TT>listS</TT>. 138 139</ul> 140 141 142<P> 143 144<H3><A NAME="SECTION00831200000000000000"> 145Choosing the <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> type</A> 146</H3> 147 148<P> 149The <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> parameter determines what kind of container will 150be used to store the out-edges (and possibly in-edges) for each vertex 151in the graph. The containers used for edge lists must either satisfy 152the requirements for <a 153href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/Sequence.html">Sequence</a> or for 154<a 155href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/AssociativeContainer.html">AssociativeContainer</a>. 156 157<P> 158One of the first things to consider when choosing the 159<TT>OutEdgeList</TT> is whether you want <TT>adjacency_list</TT> to 160enforce the absence of parallel edges in the graph (that is, enforce 161that the graph not become a multi-graph). If you want this enforced 162then use the <TT>setS</TT> or <TT>hash_setS</TT> selectors. If you 163want to represent a multi-graph, or know that you will not be 164inserting parallel edges into the graph, then choose one of the <a 165href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/Sequence.html">Sequence</a> 166types: <TT>vecS</TT>, <TT>listS</TT>, or <TT>slistS</TT>. 167You will also want to take into account the differences in time and space 168complexity for the various graph operations. Below we use <i>V</i> for 169the total number of vertices in the graph and <i>E</i> for the total 170number of edges. Operations not discussed here are constant time. 171 172<P> 173 174<H4>Space Complexity</H4> 175 176<P> 177The selection of the <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> affects the amount of space 178overhead per edge in the graph object. In the order of least space to 179most space, the selectors are <TT>vecS</TT>, <TT>slistS</TT>, 180<TT>listS</TT>, and <TT>setS</TT>. 181 182<P> 183 184<H4>Time Complexity</H4> 185 186<P> 187In the following description of the time complexity for various 188operations, we use <i>E/V</i> inside of the ``big-O'' notation to 189express the length of an out-edge list. Strictly speaking this is not 190accurate because <i>E/V</i> merely gives the average number of edges 191per vertex in a random graph. The worst-case number of out-edges for a 192vertex is <i>V</i> (unless it is a multi-graph). For sparse graphs 193<i>E/V</i> is typically much smaller than <i>V</i> and can be 194considered a constant. 195 196<P> 197 198<P> <P> 199<UL> 200<LI> 201<PRE> 202add_edge() 203</PRE> 204When the <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> is a <a 205href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/UniqueAssociativeContainer.html">UniqueAssociativeContainer</a> 206like <TT>std::set</TT> the absence of parallel edges is enforced when 207an edge is added. The extra lookup involved has time complexity 208<i>O(log(E/V))</i>. The <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> types that model <a 209href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/Sequence.html">Sequence</a> do 210not perform this check and therefore <TT>add_edge()</TT> is amortized 211constant time. This means that it if you don't care whether the graph 212has parallel edges, or know that the input to the graph does not 213contain them, then it is better to use the sequence-based 214<TT>OutEdgeList</TT>. The <TT>add_edge()</TT> for the sequence-based 215<TT>OutEdgeList</TT> is implemented with <TT>push_front()</TT> or 216<TT>push_back()</TT>. However, for <TT>std::list</TT> and 217<TT>std::slist</TT> this operation will typically be faster than with 218<TT>std::vector</TT> which occasionally reallocates and copies all 219elements. 220<p></p> 221 222<li> 223<PRE> 224remove_edge() 225</PRE> 226For sequence-based <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> types this operation is 227implemented with <TT>std::remove_if()</TT> which means the average 228time is <i>E/V</i>. For set-based <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> types this is 229implemented with the <TT>erase()</TT> member function, which has 230average time <i>log(E/V)</i>. 231<p></p> 232 233<li> 234<PRE> 235edge() 236</PRE> 237The time complexity for this operation is <i>O(E/V)</i> when the 238<TT>OutEdgeList</TT> type is a <a 239href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/Sequence.html">Sequence</a> and it 240is <i>O(log(E/V))</i> when the <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> type is an <a 241href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/AssociativeContainer.html">AssociativeContainer</a>. 242<p></p> 243 244<li> 245<PRE> 246clear_vertex() 247</PRE> 248For directed graphs with sequence-based <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> types the time 249complexity is <i>O(V + E)</i>, while for associative container based 250<TT>OutEdgeList</TT> types the operation is faster, with time complexity 251<i>O(V log(E/V))</i>. For undirected graphs this operation is 252<i>O(E<sup>2</sup>/V<sup>2</sup>)</i> or <i>O(E/V log(E/V))</i>. 253<p></p> 254 255<li> 256<PRE> 257remove_vertex() 258</PRE> 259The time complexity for this operation is <i>O(V + E)</i> regardless of the 260<TT>OutEdgeList</TT> type. 261<p></p> 262 263<li> 264<PRE> 265out_edge_iterator::operator++() 266</PRE> 267This operation is constant time for all the <TT>OneD</TT> types. 268However, there is a significant constant factor time difference 269between the various types, which is important since this operation is 270the work-horse of most graph algorithms. The speed of 271this operation in order of fastest to slowest is 272<TT>vecS</TT>, <TT>slistS</TT>, <TT>listS</TT>, <TT>setS</TT>, 273<TT>hash_setS</TT>. 274<p></p> 275 276<li> 277<PRE> 278in_edge_iterator::operator++() 279</PRE> 280This operation is constant time and exhibits a similar speed 281ordering as the <TT>out_edge_iterator</TT> with respect to 282the <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> selection. 283<p></p> 284 285<li> 286<PRE> 287vertex_iterator::operator++() 288</PRE> 289This operation is constant time and fast (same speed as incrementing a 290pointer). The selection of <TT>OneD</TT> does not affect the speed of 291this operation. 292<p></p> 293 294<li> 295<PRE> 296edge_iterator::operator++() 297</PRE> 298This operation is constant time and exhibits a similar speed ordering 299as the <TT>out_edge_iterator</TT> with respect to the <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> 300selection. Traversing through the whole edge set is <i>O(V + E)</i>. 301<p></p> 302 303<li> 304<PRE> 305adjacency_iterator::operator++() 306</PRE> 307This operation is constant time and exhibits a similar speed 308ordering as the <TT>out_edge_iterator</TT> with respect to 309the <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> selection. 310<p></p> 311 312</ul> 313 314<P> 315 316<P> 317 318<H2><a name="sec:directed-and-undirected">Directed and Undirected Adjacency Lists</H2> 319 320<P> 321The <TT>adjacency_list</TT> class can be used to represent both 322directed and undirected graphs, depending on the argument passed to 323the <TT>Directed</TT> template parameter. Selecting <TT>directedS</TT> 324or <TT>bidirectionalS</TT> choose a directed graph, whereas 325<TT>undirectedS</TT> selects the representation for an undirected 326graph. See Section <A 327HREF="graph_concepts.html#sec:undirected-graphs">Undirected Graphs</A> 328for a description of the difference between directed and undirected 329graphs in BGL. The <TT>bidirectionalS</TT> selector specifies that the 330graph will provide the <TT>in_edges()</TT> function as well as the 331<TT>out_edges()</TT> function. This imposes twice as much space 332overhead per edge, which is why <TT>in_edges()</TT> is optional. 333 334<P> 335 336<H2><A NAME="sec:adjacency-list-properties"></A> 337Internal Properties 338</H2> 339 340<P> 341Properties can be attached to the vertices or edges of an 342<TT>adjacency_list</TT> graph via the property interface. The template 343parameters <TT>VertexProperty</TT> and <TT>EdgeProperty</TT> of the 344<TT>adjacency_list</TT> class are meant to be filled by these interior 345 properties. 346 347<p><b>NOTE</b>: The Boost Graph Library supports two interchangeable methods for 348specifying interior properties: <a href="bundles.html">bundled properties</a> 349and property lists. The former is easier to use and requires less effort, 350whereas the latter is compatible with older, broken compilers and is 351backward-compatible with Boost versions prior to 1.32.0. If you absolutely 352require these compatibility features, read on to learn about property lists. 353Otherwise, we strongly suggest that you read about the <a href="bundles.html">bundled 354properties</a> mechanism. 355 356<p>One may specify internal properties via property lists, which are build from instances of the 357property class declared as follows. 358 359<P> 360<PRE> 361template <class PropertyTag, class T, class NextProperty = no_property> 362struct property; 363</PRE> 364 365<P> 366The <a href="./PropertyTag.html"><TT>PropertyTag</TT></a> template 367parameter is a tag class that simply identifies or gives a unique name 368to the property. There are several predefined tags, and it is easy to 369add more. 370 371<P> 372<PRE> 373 struct vertex_index_t { }; 374 struct vertex_index1_t { }; 375 struct vertex_index2_t { }; 376 struct edge_index_t { }; 377 struct graph_name_t { }; 378 struct vertex_name_t { }; 379 struct edge_name_t { }; 380 struct edge_weight_t { }; 381 struct edge_weight2_t { }; 382 struct edge_capacity_t { }; 383 struct edge_residual_capacity_t { }; 384 struct edge_reverse_t { }; 385 struct vertex_distance_t { }; 386 struct vertex_root_t { }; 387 struct vertex_all_t { }; 388 struct edge_all_t { }; 389 struct graph_all_t { }; 390 struct vertex_color_t { }; 391 struct vertex_rank_t { }; 392 struct vertex_predecessor_t { }; 393 struct vertex_isomorphism_t { }; 394 struct vertex_invariant_t { }; 395 struct vertex_invariant1_t { }; 396 struct vertex_invariant2_t { }; 397 struct vertex_degree_t { }; 398 struct vertex_out_degree_t { }; 399 struct vertex_in_degree_t { }; 400 struct vertex_discover_time_t { }; 401 struct vertex_finish_time_t { }; 402</PRE> 403 404<P> 405The <b><TT>T</TT></b> template parameter of <TT>property</TT> 406specifies the type of the property values. The type <tt>T</tt> must be 407<a 408href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/DefaultConstructible.html">Default 409Constructible</a>, <a 410href="../../utility/Assignable.html">Assignable</a>, and <a 411href="../../utility/CopyConstructible.html">Copy Constructible</a>. 412Like the containers of the C++ Standard Library, the property objects 413of type <tt>T</tt> are held by-value inside of the graph. 414 415<p> 416The <b><TT>NextProperty</TT></b> parameter allows <TT>property</TT> 417types to be nested, so that an arbitrary number of properties can be 418attached to the same graph. 419 420<P> 421The following code shows how a vertex and edge property type can be 422assembled and used to create a graph type. We have attached a distance 423property with values of type <TT>float</TT> and a name property with 424values of type <TT>std::string</TT> to the vertices of the graph. We 425have attached a weight property with values of type <TT>float</TT> to 426the edges of the graph. 427 428<P> 429<PRE> 430 typedef property<vertex_distance_t, float, 431 property<vertex_name_t, std::string> > VertexProperty; 432 typedef property<edge_weight_t, float> EdgeProperty; 433 434 typedef adjacency_list<mapS, vecS, undirectedS, 435 VertexProperty, EdgeProperty> Graph; 436 437 Graph g(num_vertices); // construct a graph object 438</PRE> 439 440<P> 441The property values are then read from and written to using property 442maps. See Section <A HREF="using_property_maps.html#sec:interior-properties">Interior 443Properties</A> for a description of how to obtain property maps 444from a graph, and read Section <A 445HREF="./using_property_maps.html">Property Maps</A> for how 446to use property maps. 447 448<P> 449 450<H3><A NAME="sec:custom-edge-properties"></A> 451Custom Edge Properties 452</H3> 453 454<P> 455Creating your own property types and properties is easy; just define 456a tag class for your new property. The property tag class will need to 457define <tt>num</tt> with a unique integer ID, and <tt>kind</tt> which 458should be either <tt>edge_property_tag</tt>, 459<tt>vertex_property_tag</tt>, or <tt>graph_property_tag</tt>. 460 461<P> 462<PRE> 463struct flow_t { 464 typedef edge_property_tag kind; 465}; 466 467struct capacity_t { 468 typedef edge_property_tag kind; 469}; 470</PRE> 471 472<p> 473You can also use enum's instead of struct's to create tag types. Create an enum 474type for each property inside the boost namespace. The first part of the name of 475the enum type must be <tt>edge</tt>, <tt>vertex</tt>, or <tt>graph</tt> followed 476by an underscore, the new property name, and a <tt>_t</tt> at the end. Inside 477the enum, define a value with the same name minus the <tt>_t</tt>. Then invoke 478the <tt>BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY</tt> macro. 479 480<pre> 481namespace boost { 482 enum edge_flow_t { edge_flow }; 483 enum edge_capacity_t { edge_capacity }; 484 485 BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(edge, flow); 486 BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(edge, capacity); 487} 488</pre> 489 490<P> 491Now you can use your new property tag in the definition of properties just as 492you would one of the builtin tags. 493 494<P> 495<PRE> 496 typedef property<capacity_t, int> Cap; 497 typedef property<flow_t, int, Cap> EdgeProperty; 498 typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, no_property, EdgeProperty> Graph; 499</PRE> 500 501<P> 502Just as before, the property maps for these properties can be 503obtained from the graph via the 504<TT>get(Property, g)</TT> function. 505 506<P> 507<PRE> 508 property_map<Graph, capacity_t>::type capacity 509 = get(capacity_t(), G); 510 property_map<Graph, flow_t>::type flow 511 = get(flow_t(), G); 512</PRE> 513 514<P> 515The file <TT>edge_property.cpp</TT> shows the complete source 516code for this example. 517 518<P> 519 520<H3><A NAME="SECTION00833200000000000000"></A> 521<A NAME="sec:custom-vertex-properties"></A> 522<BR> 523Custom Vertex Properties 524</H3> 525 526<P> 527Creating your own properties to attach to vertices is just as easy as 528for edges. Here we want to attach people's first names to the vertices 529in the graph. 530 531<P> 532<PRE> 533 struct first_name_t { 534 typedef vertex_property_tag kind; 535 }; 536</PRE> 537 538<P> 539Now we can use the new tag in the <TT>property</TT> class and use that in 540the assembly of a graph type. The following code shows creating the 541graph type, and then creating the graph object. We fill in the edges 542and also assign names to the vertices. The edges will represent ``who 543owes who''. 544 545<P> 546<PRE> 547 typedef property<first_name_t, std::string> FirstNameProperty; 548 typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS, 549 FirstNameProperty> MyGraphType; 550 551 typedef pair<int,int> Pair; 552 Pair edge_array[11] = { Pair(0,1), Pair(0,2), Pair(0,3), 553 Pair(0,4), Pair(2,0), Pair(3,0), 554 Pair(2,4), Pair(3,1), Pair(3,4), 555 Pair(4,0), Pair(4,1) }; 556 557 MyGraphType G(5); 558 for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i) 559 add_edge(edge_array[i].first, edge_array[i].second, G); 560 561 property_map<MyGraphType, first_name_t>::type 562 name = get(first_name_t(), G); 563 564 boost::put(name, 0, "Jeremy"); 565 boost::put(name, 1, "Rich"); 566 boost::put(name, 2, "Andrew"); 567 boost::put(name, 3, "Jeff"); 568 name[4] = "Kinis"; // you can use operator[] too 569 570 who_owes_who(edges(G).first, edges(G).second, G); 571</PRE> 572 573<P> 574The <TT>who_owes_who()</TT> function written for this example was 575implemented in a generic style. The input is templated so we do not 576know the actual graph type. To find out the type of the property 577map for our first-name property, we need to use the 578<TT>property_map</TT> traits class. The <TT>const_type</TT> 579is used since the graph parameter is const. Once we have the property 580map type, we can deduce the value type of the property using the 581<TT>property_traits</TT> class. In this example, we know that the 582property's value type will be <TT>std::string</TT>, but written in this 583generic fashion the <TT>who_owes_who()</TT> function could work with 584other property value types. 585 586<P> 587<PRE> 588 template <class EdgeIter, class Graph> 589 void who_owes_who(EdgeIter first, EdgeIter last, const Graph& G) 590 { 591 // Access the propety acessor type for this graph 592 typedef typename property_map<Graph, 593 first_name_t>::const_type NameMap; 594 NameMap name = get(first_name, G); 595 596 typedef typename boost::property_traits<NameMap> 597 ::value_type NameType; 598 599 NameType src_name, targ_name; 600 601 while (first != last) { 602 src_name = boost::get(name, source(*first, G)); 603 targ_name = boost::get(name, target(*first, G)); 604 cout << src_name << " owes " 605 << targ_name << " some money" << endl; 606 ++first; 607 } 608</PRE> 609 610The output is: 611<PRE> 612Jeremy owes Rich some money 613Jeremy owes Andrew some money 614Jeremy owes Jeff some money 615Jeremy owes Kinis some money 616Andrew owes Jeremy some money 617Andrew owes Kinis some money 618Jeff owes Jeremy some money 619Jeff owes Rich some money 620Jeff owes Kinis some money 621Kinis owes Jeremy some money 622Kinis owes Rich some money 623</PRE> 624 625The complete source code to this example is in the file 626<TT>interior_property_map.cpp</TT>. 627 628<P> 629 630<H2><A NAME="sec:custom-storage"></A> 631Customizing the Adjacency List Storage 632</H2> 633 634<P> 635The <TT>adjacency_list</TT> is constructed out of two kinds of 636containers. One type of container to hold all the vertices in the 637graph, and another type of container for the out-edge list (and 638potentially in-edge list) for each vertex. BGL provides selector 639classes that allow the user to choose between several of the containers 640from the STL. It is also possible to use your own container types. 641When customizing the <TT>VertexList</TT> you need to define a container 642generator as described below. When customizing the <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> you 643will need to define a container generator and the parallel edge 644traits. The file <TT>container_gen.cpp</TT> has an example of 645how to use a custom storage type. 646 647<P> 648 649<H3><A NAME="SECTION00834100000000000000"> 650Container Generator</A> 651</H3> 652 653<P> 654The <TT>adjacency_list</TT> class uses a traits class called 655<TT>container_gen</TT> to map the <TT>OutEdgeList</TT> and <TT>VertexList</TT> 656selectors to the actual container types used for the graph storage. 657The default version of the traits class is listed below, along with an 658example of how the class is specialized for the <TT>listS</TT> selector. 659 660<P> 661<PRE> 662namespace boost { 663 template <class Selector, class ValueType> 664 struct container_gen { }; 665 666 template <class ValueType> 667 struct container_gen<listS, ValueType> { 668 typedef std::list<ValueType> type; 669 }; 670} 671</PRE> 672 673<P> 674To use some other container of your choice, define a 675selector class and then specialize the <TT>container_gen</TT> 676for your selector. 677 678<P> 679<PRE> 680 struct custom_containerS { }; // your selector 681 682 namespace boost { 683 // the specialization for your selector 684 template <class ValueType> 685 struct container_gen<custom_containerS, ValueType> { 686 typedef custom_container<ValueType> type; 687 }; 688 } 689</PRE> 690 691<P> 692There may also be situations when you want to use a container that has 693more template parameters than just <TT>ValueType</TT>. For instance, 694you may want to supply the allocator type. One way to do this is to 695hard-code in the extra parameters within the specialization of 696<TT>container_gen</TT>. However, if you want more flexibility then you 697can add a template parameter to the selector class. In the code below 698we show how to create a selector that lets you specify the allocator 699to be used with the <TT>std::list</TT>. 700 701<P> 702<PRE> 703 template <class Allocator> 704 struct list_with_allocatorS { }; 705 706 namespace boost { 707 template <class Alloc, class ValueType> 708 struct container_gen<list_with_allocatorS<Alloc>, ValueType> 709 { 710 typedef typename Alloc::template rebind<ValueType>::other Allocator; 711 typedef std::list<ValueType, Allocator> type; 712 }; 713 } 714 715 // now you can define a graph using std::list 716 // and a specific allocator 717 typedef adjacency_list< list_with_allocatorS< std::allocator<int> >, vecS, directedS> MyGraph; 718</PRE> 719 720<P> 721 722<H3><A NAME="SECTION00834300000000000000"> 723Push and Erase for the Custom Container</A> 724</H3> 725 726<P> 727You must also tell the <TT>adjacency_list</TT> how elements can be 728efficiently added and removed from the custom container. This is 729accomplished by overloading the <TT>push()</TT> and <TT>erase()</TT> 730functions for the custom container type. The <TT>push()</TT> function 731should return an iterator pointing to the newly inserted element and a 732<TT>bool</TT> flag saying whether the edge was inserted. 733 734<PRE> 735 template <class T> 736 std::pair<typename custom_container<T>::iterator, bool> 737 push(custom_container<T>& c, const T& v) 738 { 739 // this implementation may need to change for your container 740 c.push_back(v); 741 return std::make_pair(boost::prior(c.end()), true); 742 } 743 744 template <class T> 745 void erase(custom_container<T>& c, const T& x) 746 { 747 // this implementation may need to change for your container 748 c.erase(std::remove(c.begin(), c.end(), x), c.end()); 749 } 750</PRE> 751 752 753<P> There are default <TT>push()</TT> and <TT>erase()</TT> functions 754implemented for the STL container types. 755 756 757<H3><A NAME="SECTION00834200000000000000"> 758Parallel Edge Traits</A> 759</H3> 760 761<P> 762When customizing the <TT>OutEdgeList</TT>, you must also specialize 763the <TT>parallel_edge_traits</TT> class to specify whether the 764container type allows parallel edges (and is a <a 765href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/Sequence.html">Sequence</a>) or if 766the container does not allow parallel edges (and is an <a 767href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/AssociativeContainer.html">AssociativeContainer</a>). 768 769<P> 770<PRE> 771 template <> 772 struct parallel_edge_traits<custom_containerS> { 773 typedef allow_parallel_edge_tag type; 774 }; 775</PRE> 776 777 778<br> 779<HR> 780<TABLE> 781<TR valign=top> 782<TD nowrap>Copyright © 2000-2001</TD><TD> 783<A HREF="http://www.boost.org/people/jeremy_siek.htm">Jeremy Siek</A>, Indiana University (<A HREF="mailto:jsiek@osl.iu.edu">jsiek@osl.iu.edu</A>) 784</TD></TR></TABLE> 785 786</BODY> 787</HTML> 788