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1[section:minimax Minimax Approximations and the Remez Algorithm]
3The directory `libs/math/minimax` contains an interactive command-line driven
4program for the generation of minimax approximations using the Remez
5algorithm.  Both polynomial and rational approximations are supported,
6although the latter are tricky to converge: it is not uncommon for
7convergence of rational forms to fail.  No such limitations are present
8for polynomial approximations which should always converge smoothly.
10It's worth stressing that developing rational approximations to functions
11is often not an easy task, and one to which many books have been devoted.
12To use this tool, you will need to have a reasonable grasp of what the Remez
13algorithm is, and the general form of the approximation you want to achieve.
15Unless you already familiar with the Remez method, you should first read the
16[link math_toolkit.remez brief background article explaining the principles behind the Remez algorithm].
18The program consists of two parts:
21[[main.cpp][Contains the command line parser, and all the calls to the Remez code.]]
22[[f.cpp][Contains the function to approximate.]]
25Therefore to use this tool, you must modify f.cpp to return the function to
26approximate.  The tools supports multiple function approximations within
27the same compiled program: each as a separate variant:
29   NTL::RR f(const NTL::RR& x, int variant);
31Returns the value of the function /variant/ at point /x/.  So if you
32wish you can just add the function to approximate as a new variant
33after the existing examples.
35In addition to those two files, the program needs to be linked to
36a [link math_toolkit.high_precision.use_ntl patched NTL library to compile].
38Note that the function /f/ must return the rational part of the
39approximation: for example if you are approximating a function
40/f(x)/ then it is quite common to use:
42[expression f(x) = g(x)(Y + R(x))]
44where /g(x)/ is the dominant part of /f(x)/, /Y/ is some constant, and
45/R(x)/ is the rational approximation part, usually optimised for a low
46absolute error compared to |Y|.
48In this case you would define /f/ to return [role serif-italic f(x)/g(x)] and then set the
49y-offset of the approximation to /Y/ (see command line options below).
51Many other forms are possible, but in all cases the objective is to
52split /f(x)/ into a dominant part that you can evaluate easily using
53standard math functions, and a smooth and slowly changing rational approximation
54part.  Refer to your favourite textbook for more examples.
56Command line options for the program are as follows:
59[[variant N][Sets the current function variant to N.  This allows multiple functions
60             that are to be approximated to be compiled into the same executable.
61             Defaults to 0.]]
62[[range a b][Sets the domain for the approximation to the range \[a,b\], defaults
63             to \[0,1\].]]
64[[relative][Sets the Remez code to optimise for relative error.  This is the default
65            at program startup.  Note that relative error can only be used
66            if f(x) has no roots over the range being optimised.]]
67[[absolute][Sets the Remez code to optimise for absolute error.]]
68[[pin \[true|false\]]["Pins" the code so that the rational approximation
69                     passes through the origin.  Obviously only set this to
70                     /true/ if R(0) must be zero.  This is typically used when
71                     trying to preserve a root at \[0,0\] while also optimising
72                     for relative error.]]
73[[order N D][Sets the order of the approximation to /N/ in the numerator and /D/
74            in the denominator.  If /D/ is zero then the result will be a polynomial
75            approximation.  There will be N+D+2 coefficients in total, the first
76            coefficient of the numerator is zero if /pin/ was set to true, and the
77            first coefficient of the denominator is always one.]]
78[[working-precision N][Sets the working precision of NTL::RR to /N/ binary digits.  Defaults to 250.]]
79[[target-precision N][Sets the precision of printed output to /N/ binary digits:
80               set to the same number of digits as the type that will be used to
81               evaluate the approximation.  Defaults to 53 (for double precision).]]
82[[skew val]["Skews" the initial interpolated control points towards one
83            end or the other of the range.  Positive values skew the
84            initial control points towards the left hand side of the
85            range, and negative values towards the right hand side.
86            If an approximation won't converge (a common situation)
87            try adjusting the skew parameter until the first step yields
88            the smallest possible error.  /val/ should be in the range
89            \[-100,+100\], the default is zero.]]
90[[brake val][Sets a brake on each step so that the change in the
91            control points is braked by /val%/.  Defaults to 50,
92            try a higher value if an approximation won't converge,
93            or a lower value to get speedier convergence.]]
94[[x-offset val][Sets the x-offset to /val/: the approximation will
95            be generated for `f(S * (x + X)) + Y` where /X/ is the
96            x-offset, /S/ is the x-scale
97            and /Y/ is the y-offset.  Defaults to zero.  To avoid
98            rounding errors, take care to specify a value that can
99            be exactly represented as a floating point number.]]
100[[x-scale val][Sets the x-scale to /val/: the approximation will
101            be generated for `f(S * (x + X)) + Y` where /S/ is the
102            x-scale, /X/ is the x-offset
103            and /Y/ is the y-offset.  Defaults to one.  To avoid
104            rounding errors, take care to specify a value that can
105            be exactly represented as a floating point number.]]
106[[y-offset val][Sets the y-offset to /val/: the approximation will
107            be generated for `f(S * (x + X)) + Y` where /X/
108            is the x-offset, /S/ is the x-scale
109            and /Y/ is the y-offset.  Defaults to zero.  To avoid
110            rounding errors, take care to specify a value that can
111            be exactly represented as a floating point number.]]
112[[y-offset auto][Sets the y-offset to the average value of f(x)
113            evaluated at the two endpoints of the range plus the midpoint
114            of the range.  The calculated value is deliberately truncated
115            to /float/ precision (and should be stored as a /float/
116            in your code).  The approximation will
117            be generated for `f(x + X) + Y` where /X/ is the x-offset
118            and /Y/ is the y-offset.  Defaults to zero.]]
119[[graph N][Prints N evaluations of f(x) at evenly spaced points over the
120            range being optimised.  If unspecified then /N/ defaults
121            to 3.  Use to check that f(x) is indeed smooth over the range
122            of interest.]]
123[[step N][Performs /N/ steps, or one step if /N/ is unspecified.
124         After each step prints: the peek error at the extrema of
125         the error function of the approximation,
126         the theoretical error term solved for on the last step,
127         and the maximum relative change in the location of the
128         Chebyshev control points.  The approximation is converged on the
129         minimax solution when the two error terms are (approximately)
130         equal, and the change in the control points has decreased to
131         a suitably small value.]]
132[[test \[float|double|long\]][Tests the current approximation at float,
133         double, or long double precision.  Useful to check for rounding
134         errors in evaluating the approximation at fixed precision.
135         Tests are conducted at the extrema of the error function of the
136         approximation, and at the zeros of the error function.]]
137[[test \[float|double|long\] N] [Tests the current approximation at float,
138         double, or long double precision.  Useful to check for rounding
139         errors in evaluating the approximation at fixed precision.
140         Tests are conducted at N evenly spaced points over the range
141         of the approximation.  If none of \[float|double|long\] are specified
142         then tests using NTL::RR, this can be used to obtain the error
143         function of the approximation.]]
144[[rescale a b][Takes the current Chebeshev control points, and rescales them
145         over a new interval \[a,b\].  Sometimes this can be used to obtain
146         starting control points for an approximation that can not otherwise be
147         converged.]]
148[[rotate][Moves one term from the numerator to the denominator, but keeps the
149         Chebyshev control points the same.  Sometimes this can be used to obtain
150         starting control points for an approximation that can not otherwise be
151         converged.]]
152[[info][Prints out the current approximation: the location of the zeros of the
153         error function, the location of the Chebyshev control points, the
154         x and y offsets, and of course the coefficients of the polynomials.]]
157[endsect] [/section:minimax Minimax Approximations and the Remez Algorithm]
160  Copyright 2006 John Maddock and Paul A. Bristow.
161  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
162  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
163  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).