1[section boost/python/to_python_value.hpp] 2[section Introduction] 3`to_python_value` is a model of [link concepts.resultconverter ResultConverter] which copies its argument into a new Python object. 4[endsect] 5[section Class template `to_python_value`] 6`` 7namespace boost { namespace python 8{ 9 template <class T> 10 struct to_python_value 11 { 12 typedef typename add_reference< 13 typename add_const<T>::type 14 >::type argument_type; 15 16 static bool convertible(); 17 PyObject* operator()(argument_type) const; 18 }; 19}} 20`` 21[endsect] 22[section Class `to_python_value` observers] 23``static bool convertible();`` 24[variablelist 25[[Returns][`true` iff a converter has been registered which can convert `T` to python by-value. ]] 26] 27``PyObject* operator()(argument_type x) const;`` 28[variablelist 29[[Requires][`convertible() == true`]] 30[[Effects][converts `x` to python]] 31[[Returns][the resulting Python object iff a converter for `T` has been registered, `0` otherwise. ]] 32] 33[endsect] 34[endsect] 35