1#!/usr/bin/env python 2# 3# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. 4# 5# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 6# found in the LICENSE file. 7 8 9""" 10Usage: gn_to_cmake.py <json_file_name> 11 12gn gen out/config --ide=json --json-ide-script=../../gn/gn_to_cmake.py 13 14or 15 16gn gen out/config --ide=json 17python gn/gn_to_cmake.py out/config/project.json 18 19The first is recommended, as it will auto-update. 20""" 21 22 23import itertools 24import functools 25import json 26import posixpath 27import os 28import string 29import sys 30 31 32def CMakeStringEscape(a): 33 """Escapes the string 'a' for use inside a CMake string. 34 35 This means escaping 36 '\' otherwise it may be seen as modifying the next character 37 '"' otherwise it will end the string 38 ';' otherwise the string becomes a list 39 40 The following do not need to be escaped 41 '#' when the lexer is in string state, this does not start a comment 42 """ 43 return a.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace(';', '\\;').replace('"', '\\"') 44 45 46def CMakeTargetEscape(a): 47 """Escapes the string 'a' for use as a CMake target name. 48 49 CMP0037 in CMake 3.0 restricts target names to "^[A-Za-z0-9_.:+-]+$" 50 The ':' is only allowed for imported targets. 51 """ 52 def Escape(c): 53 if c in string.ascii_letters or c in string.digits or c in '_.+-': 54 return c 55 else: 56 return '__' 57 return ''.join(map(Escape, a)) 58 59 60def SetVariable(out, variable_name, value): 61 """Sets a CMake variable.""" 62 out.write('set("') 63 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(variable_name)) 64 out.write('" "') 65 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(value)) 66 out.write('")\n') 67 68 69def SetVariableList(out, variable_name, values): 70 """Sets a CMake variable to a list.""" 71 if not values: 72 return SetVariable(out, variable_name, "") 73 if len(values) == 1: 74 return SetVariable(out, variable_name, values[0]) 75 out.write('list(APPEND "') 76 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(variable_name)) 77 out.write('"\n "') 78 out.write('"\n "'.join([CMakeStringEscape(value) for value in values])) 79 out.write('")\n') 80 81 82def SetFilesProperty(output, variable, property_name, values, sep): 83 """Given a set of source files, sets the given property on them.""" 84 output.write('set_source_files_properties(') 85 WriteVariable(output, variable) 86 output.write(' PROPERTIES ') 87 output.write(property_name) 88 output.write(' "') 89 for value in values: 90 output.write(CMakeStringEscape(value)) 91 output.write(sep) 92 output.write('")\n') 93 94 95def SetCurrentTargetProperty(out, property_name, values, sep=''): 96 """Given a target, sets the given property.""" 97 out.write('set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES ') 98 out.write(property_name) 99 out.write(' "') 100 for value in values: 101 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(value)) 102 out.write(sep) 103 out.write('")\n') 104 105 106def WriteVariable(output, variable_name, prepend=None): 107 if prepend: 108 output.write(prepend) 109 output.write('${') 110 output.write(variable_name) 111 output.write('}') 112 113 114# See GetSourceFileType in gn 115source_file_types = { 116 '.cc': 'cxx', 117 '.cpp': 'cxx', 118 '.cxx': 'cxx', 119 '.m': 'objc', 120 '.mm': 'objcc', 121 '.c': 'c', 122 '.s': 'asm', 123 '.S': 'asm', 124 '.asm': 'asm', 125 '.o': 'obj', 126 '.obj': 'obj', 127} 128 129 130class CMakeTargetType(object): 131 def __init__(self, command, modifier, property_modifier, is_linkable): 132 self.command = command 133 self.modifier = modifier 134 self.property_modifier = property_modifier 135 self.is_linkable = is_linkable 136CMakeTargetType.custom = CMakeTargetType('add_custom_target', 'SOURCES', 137 None, False) 138 139# See GetStringForOutputType in gn 140cmake_target_types = { 141 'unknown': CMakeTargetType.custom, 142 'group': CMakeTargetType.custom, 143 'executable': CMakeTargetType('add_executable', None, 'RUNTIME', True), 144 'loadable_module': CMakeTargetType('add_library', 'MODULE', 'LIBRARY', True), 145 'shared_library': CMakeTargetType('add_library', 'SHARED', 'LIBRARY', True), 146 'static_library': CMakeTargetType('add_library', 'STATIC', 'ARCHIVE', True), 147 'source_set': CMakeTargetType('add_library', 'OBJECT', None, False), 148 'copy': CMakeTargetType.custom, 149 'action': CMakeTargetType.custom, 150 'action_foreach': CMakeTargetType.custom, 151 'bundle_data': CMakeTargetType.custom, 152 'create_bundle': CMakeTargetType.custom, 153} 154 155 156def FindFirstOf(s, a): 157 return min(s.find(i) for i in a if i in s) 158 159 160class Project(object): 161 def __init__(self, project_json): 162 self.targets = project_json['targets'] 163 build_settings = project_json['build_settings'] 164 self.root_path = build_settings['root_path'] 165 self.build_path = posixpath.join(self.root_path, 166 build_settings['build_dir'][2:]) 167 168 def GetAbsolutePath(self, path): 169 if path.startswith("//"): 170 return self.root_path + "/" + path[2:] 171 else: 172 return path 173 174 def GetObjectSourceDependencies(self, gn_target_name, object_dependencies): 175 """All OBJECT libraries whose sources have not been absorbed.""" 176 dependencies = self.targets[gn_target_name].get('deps', []) 177 for dependency in dependencies: 178 dependency_type = self.targets[dependency].get('type', None) 179 if dependency_type == 'source_set': 180 object_dependencies.add(dependency) 181 if dependency_type not in gn_target_types_that_absorb_objects: 182 self.GetObjectSourceDependencies(dependency, object_dependencies) 183 184 def GetObjectLibraryDependencies(self, gn_target_name, object_dependencies): 185 """All OBJECT libraries whose libraries have not been absorbed.""" 186 dependencies = self.targets[gn_target_name].get('deps', []) 187 for dependency in dependencies: 188 dependency_type = self.targets[dependency].get('type', None) 189 if dependency_type == 'source_set': 190 object_dependencies.add(dependency) 191 self.GetObjectLibraryDependencies(dependency, object_dependencies) 192 193 def GetCMakeTargetName(self, gn_target_name): 194 # See <chromium>/src/tools/gn/label.cc#Resolve 195 # //base/test:test_support(//build/toolchain/win:msvc) 196 path_separator = FindFirstOf(gn_target_name, (':', '(')) 197 location = None 198 name = None 199 toolchain = None 200 if not path_separator: 201 location = gn_target_name[2:] 202 else: 203 location = gn_target_name[2:path_separator] 204 toolchain_separator = gn_target_name.find('(', path_separator) 205 if toolchain_separator == -1: 206 name = gn_target_name[path_separator + 1:] 207 else: 208 if toolchain_separator > path_separator: 209 name = gn_target_name[path_separator + 1:toolchain_separator] 210 assert gn_target_name.endswith(')') 211 toolchain = gn_target_name[toolchain_separator + 1:-1] 212 assert location or name 213 214 cmake_target_name = None 215 if location.endswith('/' + name): 216 cmake_target_name = location 217 elif location: 218 cmake_target_name = location + '_' + name 219 else: 220 cmake_target_name = name 221 if toolchain: 222 cmake_target_name += '--' + toolchain 223 return CMakeTargetEscape(cmake_target_name) 224 225 226class Target(object): 227 def __init__(self, gn_target_name, project): 228 self.gn_name = gn_target_name 229 self.properties = project.targets[self.gn_name] 230 self.cmake_name = project.GetCMakeTargetName(self.gn_name) 231 self.gn_type = self.properties.get('type', None) 232 self.cmake_type = cmake_target_types.get(self.gn_type, None) 233 234 235def WriteAction(out, target, project, sources, synthetic_dependencies): 236 outputs = [] 237 output_directories = set() 238 for output in target.properties.get('outputs', []): 239 output_abs_path = project.GetAbsolutePath(output) 240 outputs.append(output_abs_path) 241 output_directory = posixpath.dirname(output_abs_path) 242 if output_directory: 243 output_directories.add(output_directory) 244 outputs_name = '${target}__output' 245 SetVariableList(out, outputs_name, outputs) 246 247 out.write('add_custom_command(OUTPUT ') 248 WriteVariable(out, outputs_name) 249 out.write('\n') 250 251 if output_directories: 252 out.write(' COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "') 253 out.write('" "'.join(map(CMakeStringEscape, output_directories))) 254 out.write('"\n') 255 256 script = target.properties['script'] 257 arguments = target.properties['args'] 258 out.write(' COMMAND python "') 259 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(project.GetAbsolutePath(script))) 260 out.write('"') 261 if arguments: 262 out.write('\n "') 263 out.write('"\n "'.join(map(CMakeStringEscape, arguments))) 264 out.write('"') 265 out.write('\n') 266 267 out.write(' DEPENDS ') 268 for sources_type_name in sources.values(): 269 WriteVariable(out, sources_type_name, ' ') 270 out.write('\n') 271 272 #TODO: CMake 3.7 is introducing DEPFILE 273 274 out.write(' WORKING_DIRECTORY "') 275 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(project.build_path)) 276 out.write('"\n') 277 278 out.write(' COMMENT "Action: ${target}"\n') 279 280 out.write(' VERBATIM)\n') 281 282 synthetic_dependencies.add(outputs_name) 283 284 285def ExpandPlaceholders(source, a): 286 source_dir, source_file_part = posixpath.split(source) 287 source_name_part, _ = posixpath.splitext(source_file_part) 288 #TODO: {{source_gen_dir}}, {{source_out_dir}}, {{response_file_name}} 289 return a.replace('{{source}}', source) \ 290 .replace('{{source_file_part}}', source_file_part) \ 291 .replace('{{source_name_part}}', source_name_part) \ 292 .replace('{{source_dir}}', source_dir) \ 293 .replace('{{source_root_relative_dir}}', source_dir) 294 295 296def WriteActionForEach(out, target, project, sources, synthetic_dependencies): 297 all_outputs = target.properties.get('outputs', []) 298 inputs = target.properties.get('sources', []) 299 # TODO: consider expanding 'output_patterns' instead. 300 outputs_per_input = len(all_outputs) / len(inputs) 301 for count, source in enumerate(inputs): 302 source_abs_path = project.GetAbsolutePath(source) 303 304 outputs = [] 305 output_directories = set() 306 for output in all_outputs[outputs_per_input * count: 307 outputs_per_input * (count+1)]: 308 output_abs_path = project.GetAbsolutePath(output) 309 outputs.append(output_abs_path) 310 output_directory = posixpath.dirname(output_abs_path) 311 if output_directory: 312 output_directories.add(output_directory) 313 outputs_name = '${target}__output_' + str(count) 314 SetVariableList(out, outputs_name, outputs) 315 316 out.write('add_custom_command(OUTPUT ') 317 WriteVariable(out, outputs_name) 318 out.write('\n') 319 320 if output_directories: 321 out.write(' COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "') 322 out.write('" "'.join(map(CMakeStringEscape, output_directories))) 323 out.write('"\n') 324 325 script = target.properties['script'] 326 # TODO: need to expand {{xxx}} in arguments 327 arguments = target.properties['args'] 328 out.write(' COMMAND python "') 329 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(project.GetAbsolutePath(script))) 330 out.write('"') 331 if arguments: 332 out.write('\n "') 333 expand = functools.partial(ExpandPlaceholders, source_abs_path) 334 out.write('"\n "'.join(map(CMakeStringEscape, map(expand,arguments)))) 335 out.write('"') 336 out.write('\n') 337 338 out.write(' DEPENDS') 339 if 'input' in sources: 340 WriteVariable(out, sources['input'], ' ') 341 out.write(' "') 342 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(source_abs_path)) 343 out.write('"\n') 344 345 #TODO: CMake 3.7 is introducing DEPFILE 346 347 out.write(' WORKING_DIRECTORY "') 348 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(project.build_path)) 349 out.write('"\n') 350 351 out.write(' COMMENT "Action ${target} on ') 352 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(source_abs_path)) 353 out.write('"\n') 354 355 out.write(' VERBATIM)\n') 356 357 synthetic_dependencies.add(outputs_name) 358 359 360def WriteCopy(out, target, project, sources, synthetic_dependencies): 361 inputs = target.properties.get('sources', []) 362 raw_outputs = target.properties.get('outputs', []) 363 364 # TODO: consider expanding 'output_patterns' instead. 365 outputs = [] 366 for output in raw_outputs: 367 output_abs_path = project.GetAbsolutePath(output) 368 outputs.append(output_abs_path) 369 outputs_name = '${target}__output' 370 SetVariableList(out, outputs_name, outputs) 371 372 out.write('add_custom_command(OUTPUT ') 373 WriteVariable(out, outputs_name) 374 out.write('\n') 375 376 for src, dst in zip(inputs, outputs): 377 abs_src_path = CMakeStringEscape(project.GetAbsolutePath(src)) 378 # CMake distinguishes between copying files and copying directories but 379 # gn does not. We assume if the src has a period in its name then it is 380 # a file and otherwise a directory. 381 if "." in os.path.basename(abs_src_path): 382 out.write(' COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "') 383 else: 384 out.write(' COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "') 385 out.write(abs_src_path) 386 out.write('" "') 387 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(dst)) 388 out.write('"\n') 389 390 out.write(' DEPENDS ') 391 for sources_type_name in sources.values(): 392 WriteVariable(out, sources_type_name, ' ') 393 out.write('\n') 394 395 out.write(' WORKING_DIRECTORY "') 396 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(project.build_path)) 397 out.write('"\n') 398 399 out.write(' COMMENT "Copy ${target}"\n') 400 401 out.write(' VERBATIM)\n') 402 403 synthetic_dependencies.add(outputs_name) 404 405 406def WriteCompilerFlags(out, target, project, sources): 407 # Hack, set linker language to c if no c or cxx files present. 408 if not 'c' in sources and not 'cxx' in sources: 409 SetCurrentTargetProperty(out, 'LINKER_LANGUAGE', ['C']) 410 411 # Mark uncompiled sources as uncompiled. 412 if 'input' in sources: 413 SetFilesProperty(out, sources['input'], 'HEADER_FILE_ONLY', ('True',), '') 414 if 'other' in sources: 415 SetFilesProperty(out, sources['other'], 'HEADER_FILE_ONLY', ('True',), '') 416 417 # Mark object sources as linkable. 418 if 'obj' in sources: 419 SetFilesProperty(out, sources['obj'], 'EXTERNAL_OBJECT', ('True',), '') 420 421 # TODO: 'output_name', 'output_dir', 'output_extension' 422 # This includes using 'source_outputs' to direct compiler output. 423 424 # Includes 425 includes = target.properties.get('include_dirs', []) 426 if includes: 427 out.write('set_property(TARGET "${target}" ') 428 out.write('APPEND PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES') 429 for include_dir in includes: 430 out.write('\n "') 431 out.write(project.GetAbsolutePath(include_dir)) 432 out.write('"') 433 out.write(')\n') 434 435 # Defines 436 defines = target.properties.get('defines', []) 437 if defines: 438 SetCurrentTargetProperty(out, 'COMPILE_DEFINITIONS', defines, ';') 439 440 # Compile flags 441 # "arflags", "asmflags", "cflags", 442 # "cflags_c", "clfags_cc", "cflags_objc", "clfags_objcc" 443 # CMake does not have per target lang compile flags. 444 # TODO: $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CXX>:cflags_cc style generator expression. 445 # http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=14857 446 flags = [] 447 flags.extend(target.properties.get('cflags', [])) 448 cflags_asm = target.properties.get('asmflags', []) 449 cflags_c = target.properties.get('cflags_c', []) 450 cflags_cxx = target.properties.get('cflags_cc', []) 451 cflags_objc = cflags_c[:] 452 cflags_objc.extend(target.properties.get('cflags_objc', [])) 453 cflags_objcc = cflags_cxx[:] 454 cflags_objcc.extend(target.properties.get('cflags_objcc', [])) 455 456 if 'c' in sources and not any(k in sources for k in ('asm', 'cxx', 'objc', 'objcc')): 457 flags.extend(cflags_c) 458 elif 'cxx' in sources and not any(k in sources for k in ('asm', 'c', 'objc', 'objcc')): 459 flags.extend(cflags_cxx) 460 elif 'objc' in sources and not any(k in sources for k in ('asm', 'c', 'cxx', 'objcc')): 461 flags.extend(cflags_objc) 462 elif 'objcc' in sources and not any(k in sources for k in ('asm', 'c', 'cxx', 'objc')): 463 flags.extend(cflags_objcc) 464 else: 465 # TODO: This is broken, one cannot generally set properties on files, 466 # as other targets may require different properties on the same files. 467 if 'asm' in sources and cflags_asm: 468 SetFilesProperty(out, sources['asm'], 'COMPILE_FLAGS', cflags_asm, ' ') 469 if 'c' in sources and cflags_c: 470 SetFilesProperty(out, sources['c'], 'COMPILE_FLAGS', cflags_c, ' ') 471 if 'cxx' in sources and cflags_cxx: 472 SetFilesProperty(out, sources['cxx'], 'COMPILE_FLAGS', cflags_cxx, ' ') 473 if 'objc' in sources and cflags_objc: 474 SetFilesProperty(out, sources['objc'], 'COMPILE_FLAGS', cflags_objc, ' ') 475 if 'objcc' in sources and cflags_objcc: 476 SetFilesProperty(out, sources['objcc'], 'COMPILE_FLAGS', cflags_objcc, ' ') 477 if flags: 478 SetCurrentTargetProperty(out, 'COMPILE_FLAGS', flags, ' ') 479 480 # Linker flags 481 ldflags = target.properties.get('ldflags', []) 482 if ldflags: 483 SetCurrentTargetProperty(out, 'LINK_FLAGS', ldflags, ' ') 484 485 486gn_target_types_that_absorb_objects = ( 487 'executable', 488 'loadable_module', 489 'shared_library', 490 'static_library' 491) 492 493 494def WriteSourceVariables(out, target, project): 495 # gn separates the sheep from the goats based on file extensions. 496 # A full separation is done here because of flag handing (see Compile flags). 497 source_types = {'cxx':[], 'c':[], 'asm':[], 'objc':[], 'objcc':[], 498 'obj':[], 'obj_target':[], 'input':[], 'other':[]} 499 500 all_sources = target.properties.get('sources', []) 501 502 # As of cmake 3.11 add_library must have sources. If there are 503 # no sources, add empty.cpp as the file to compile. 504 if len(all_sources) == 0: 505 all_sources.append(posixpath.join(project.build_path, 'empty.cpp')) 506 507 # TODO .def files on Windows 508 for source in all_sources: 509 _, ext = posixpath.splitext(source) 510 source_abs_path = project.GetAbsolutePath(source) 511 source_types[source_file_types.get(ext, 'other')].append(source_abs_path) 512 513 for input_path in target.properties.get('inputs', []): 514 input_abs_path = project.GetAbsolutePath(input_path) 515 source_types['input'].append(input_abs_path) 516 517 # OBJECT library dependencies need to be listed as sources. 518 # Only executables and non-OBJECT libraries may reference an OBJECT library. 519 # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/14778 520 if target.gn_type in gn_target_types_that_absorb_objects: 521 object_dependencies = set() 522 project.GetObjectSourceDependencies(target.gn_name, object_dependencies) 523 for dependency in object_dependencies: 524 cmake_dependency_name = project.GetCMakeTargetName(dependency) 525 obj_target_sources = '$<TARGET_OBJECTS:' + cmake_dependency_name + '>' 526 source_types['obj_target'].append(obj_target_sources) 527 528 sources = {} 529 for source_type, sources_of_type in source_types.items(): 530 if sources_of_type: 531 sources[source_type] = '${target}__' + source_type + '_srcs' 532 SetVariableList(out, sources[source_type], sources_of_type) 533 return sources 534 535 536def WriteTarget(out, target, project): 537 out.write('\n#') 538 out.write(target.gn_name) 539 out.write('\n') 540 541 if target.cmake_type is None: 542 print ('Target %s has unknown target type %s, skipping.' % 543 ( target.gn_name, target.gn_type ) ) 544 return 545 546 SetVariable(out, 'target', target.cmake_name) 547 548 sources = WriteSourceVariables(out, target, project) 549 550 synthetic_dependencies = set() 551 if target.gn_type == 'action': 552 WriteAction(out, target, project, sources, synthetic_dependencies) 553 if target.gn_type == 'action_foreach': 554 WriteActionForEach(out, target, project, sources, synthetic_dependencies) 555 if target.gn_type == 'copy': 556 WriteCopy(out, target, project, sources, synthetic_dependencies) 557 558 out.write(target.cmake_type.command) 559 out.write('("${target}"') 560 if target.cmake_type.modifier is not None: 561 out.write(' ') 562 out.write(target.cmake_type.modifier) 563 for sources_type_name in sources.values(): 564 WriteVariable(out, sources_type_name, ' ') 565 if synthetic_dependencies: 566 out.write(' DEPENDS') 567 for synthetic_dependencie in synthetic_dependencies: 568 WriteVariable(out, synthetic_dependencie, ' ') 569 out.write(')\n') 570 571 if target.cmake_type.command != 'add_custom_target': 572 WriteCompilerFlags(out, target, project, sources) 573 574 libraries = set() 575 nonlibraries = set() 576 577 dependencies = set(target.properties.get('deps', [])) 578 # Transitive OBJECT libraries are in sources. 579 # Those sources are dependent on the OBJECT library dependencies. 580 # Those sources cannot bring in library dependencies. 581 object_dependencies = set() 582 if target.gn_type != 'source_set': 583 project.GetObjectLibraryDependencies(target.gn_name, object_dependencies) 584 for object_dependency in object_dependencies: 585 dependencies.update(project.targets.get(object_dependency).get('deps', [])) 586 587 for dependency in dependencies: 588 gn_dependency_type = project.targets.get(dependency, {}).get('type', None) 589 cmake_dependency_type = cmake_target_types.get(gn_dependency_type, None) 590 cmake_dependency_name = project.GetCMakeTargetName(dependency) 591 if cmake_dependency_type.command != 'add_library': 592 nonlibraries.add(cmake_dependency_name) 593 elif cmake_dependency_type.modifier != 'OBJECT': 594 if target.cmake_type.is_linkable: 595 libraries.add(cmake_dependency_name) 596 else: 597 nonlibraries.add(cmake_dependency_name) 598 599 # Non-library dependencies. 600 if nonlibraries: 601 out.write('add_dependencies("${target}"') 602 for nonlibrary in nonlibraries: 603 out.write('\n "') 604 out.write(nonlibrary) 605 out.write('"') 606 out.write(')\n') 607 608 # Non-OBJECT library dependencies. 609 external_libraries = target.properties.get('libs', []) 610 if target.cmake_type.is_linkable and (external_libraries or libraries): 611 library_dirs = target.properties.get('lib_dirs', []) 612 if library_dirs: 613 SetVariableList(out, '${target}__library_directories', library_dirs) 614 615 system_libraries = [] 616 for external_library in external_libraries: 617 if '/' in external_library: 618 libraries.add(project.GetAbsolutePath(external_library)) 619 else: 620 if external_library.endswith('.framework'): 621 external_library = external_library[:-len('.framework')] 622 system_library = 'library__' + external_library 623 if library_dirs: 624 system_library = system_library + '__for_${target}' 625 out.write('find_library("') 626 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(system_library)) 627 out.write('" "') 628 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(external_library)) 629 out.write('"') 630 if library_dirs: 631 out.write(' PATHS "') 632 WriteVariable(out, '${target}__library_directories') 633 out.write('"') 634 out.write(')\n') 635 system_libraries.append(system_library) 636 out.write('target_link_libraries("${target}"') 637 for library in libraries: 638 out.write('\n "') 639 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(library)) 640 out.write('"') 641 for system_library in system_libraries: 642 WriteVariable(out, system_library, '\n "') 643 out.write('"') 644 out.write(')\n') 645 646 647def WriteProject(project): 648 out = open(posixpath.join(project.build_path, 'CMakeLists.txt'), 'w+') 649 extName = posixpath.join(project.build_path, 'CMakeLists.ext') 650 out.write('# Generated by gn_to_cmake.py.\n') 651 out.write('cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.8 FATAL_ERROR)\n') 652 out.write('cmake_policy(VERSION 2.8.8)\n\n') 653 654 out.write('file(WRITE "') 655 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(posixpath.join(project.build_path, "empty.cpp"))) 656 out.write('")\n') 657 658 # Update the gn generated ninja build. 659 # If a build file has changed, this will update CMakeLists.ext if 660 # gn gen out/config --ide=json --json-ide-script=../../gn/gn_to_cmake.py 661 # style was used to create this config. 662 out.write('execute_process(COMMAND\n') 663 out.write(' ninja -C "') 664 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(project.build_path)) 665 out.write('" build.ninja\n') 666 out.write(' RESULT_VARIABLE ninja_result)\n') 667 out.write('if (ninja_result)\n') 668 out.write(' message(WARNING ') 669 out.write('"Regeneration failed running ninja: ${ninja_result}")\n') 670 out.write('endif()\n') 671 672 out.write('include("') 673 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(extName)) 674 out.write('")\n') 675 out.close() 676 677 out = open(extName, 'w+') 678 out.write('# Generated by gn_to_cmake.py.\n') 679 out.write('cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.8 FATAL_ERROR)\n') 680 out.write('cmake_policy(VERSION 2.8.8)\n') 681 682 # The following appears to be as-yet undocumented. 683 # http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=8392 684 out.write('enable_language(ASM)\n\n') 685 # ASM-ATT does not support .S files. 686 # output.write('enable_language(ASM-ATT)\n') 687 688 # Current issues with automatic re-generation: 689 # The gn generated build.ninja target uses build.ninja.d 690 # but build.ninja.d does not contain the ide or gn. 691 # Currently the ide is not run if the project.json file is not changed 692 # but the ide needs to be run anyway if it has itself changed. 693 # This can be worked around by deleting the project.json file. 694 out.write('file(READ "') 695 gn_deps_file = posixpath.join(project.build_path, 'build.ninja.d') 696 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(gn_deps_file)) 697 out.write('" "gn_deps_string" OFFSET ') 698 out.write(str(len('build.ninja: '))) 699 out.write(')\n') 700 # One would think this would need to worry about escaped spaces 701 # but gn doesn't escape spaces here (it generates invalid .d files). 702 out.write('string(REPLACE " " ";" "gn_deps" ${gn_deps_string})\n') 703 out.write('foreach("gn_dep" ${gn_deps})\n') 704 out.write(' configure_file("') 705 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(project.build_path)) 706 out.write('${gn_dep}" "CMakeLists.devnull" COPYONLY)\n') 707 out.write('endforeach("gn_dep")\n') 708 709 out.write('list(APPEND other_deps "') 710 out.write(CMakeStringEscape(os.path.abspath(__file__))) 711 out.write('")\n') 712 out.write('foreach("other_dep" ${other_deps})\n') 713 out.write(' configure_file("${other_dep}" "CMakeLists.devnull" COPYONLY)\n') 714 out.write('endforeach("other_dep")\n') 715 716 for target_name in project.targets.keys(): 717 out.write('\n') 718 WriteTarget(out, Target(target_name, project), project) 719 720 721def main(): 722 if len(sys.argv) != 2: 723 print('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' <json_file_name>') 724 exit(1) 725 726 json_path = sys.argv[1] 727 project = None 728 with open(json_path, 'r') as json_file: 729 project = json.loads(json_file.read()) 730 731 WriteProject(Project(project)) 732 733 734if __name__ == "__main__": 735 main() 736