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1#!/usr/bin/env ruby
3# Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17# Proxy of worker service implementation for running a PHP client
19this_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
20lib_dir = File.join(File.dirname(this_dir), 'lib')
21$LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib_dir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib_dir)
22$LOAD_PATH.unshift(this_dir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(this_dir)
24require 'grpc'
25require 'optparse'
26require 'histogram'
27require 'etc'
28require 'facter'
29require 'qps-common'
30require 'src/proto/grpc/testing/worker_service_services_pb'
31require 'src/proto/grpc/testing/proxy-service_services_pb'
33class ProxyBenchmarkClientServiceImpl < Grpc::Testing::ProxyClientService::Service
34  def initialize(port, c_ext, php_client_bin)
35    @mytarget = "localhost:" + port.to_s
36    @use_c_ext = c_ext
37    @php_client_bin = php_client_bin
38  end
39  def setup(config)
40    @config = config
41    @histres = config.histogram_params.resolution
42    @histmax = config.histogram_params.max_possible
43    @histogram = Histogram.new(@histres, @histmax)
44    @start_time = Time.now
45    @php_pid = Array.new(@config.client_channels)
46    (0..@config.client_channels-1).each do |chan|
47      Thread.new {
48        if @use_c_ext
49          puts "Use protobuf c extension"
50          command = "php -d extension=" + File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) +
51            "/../../../third_party/protobuf/php/ext/google/protobuf/modules/protobuf.so " +
52            "-d extension=" + File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/../../php/ext/grpc/modules/grpc.so " +
53            File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/" + @php_client_bin + " " + @mytarget + " #{chan%@config.server_targets.length}"
54        else
55          puts "Use protobuf php extension"
56          command = "php -d extension=" + File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/../../php/ext/grpc/modules/grpc.so " +
57            File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/" + @php_client_bin + " " + @mytarget + " #{chan%@config.server_targets.length}"
58        end
59        puts "[ruby proxy] Starting #{chan}th php-client command use c protobuf #{@use_c_ext}: " + command
60        @php_pid[chan] = spawn(command)
61        while true
62          sleep
63        end
64      }
65    end
66  end
67  def stop
68    (0..@config.client_channels-1).each do |chan|
69      Process.kill("TERM", @php_pid[chan])
70      Process.wait(@php_pid[chan])
71    end
72  end
73  def get_config(_args, _call)
74    @config
75  end
76  def report_time(call)
77    call.each_remote_read do |lat|
78      @histogram.add((lat.latency)*1e9)
79    end
80    Grpc::Testing::Void.new
81  end
82  def report_hist(call)
83    call.each_remote_read do |lat|
84      @histogram.merge(lat)
85    end
86    Grpc::Testing::Void.new
87  end
88  def mark(reset)
89    lat = Grpc::Testing::HistogramData.new(
90      bucket: @histogram.contents,
91      min_seen: @histogram.minimum,
92      max_seen: @histogram.maximum,
93      sum: @histogram.sum,
94      sum_of_squares: @histogram.sum_of_squares,
95      count: @histogram.count
96    )
97    elapsed = Time.now-@start_time
98    if reset
99      @start_time = Time.now
100      @histogram = Histogram.new(@histres, @histmax)
101    end
102    Grpc::Testing::ClientStats.new(latencies: lat, time_elapsed: elapsed)
103  end
106class ProxyWorkerServiceImpl < Grpc::Testing::WorkerService::Service
107  def cpu_cores
108    Facter.value('processors')['count']
109  end
110  # Leave run_server unimplemented since this proxies for a client only.
111  # If the driver tries to use this as a server, it will get an unimplemented
112  # status return value.
113  def run_client(reqs)
114    q = EnumeratorQueue.new(self)
115    Thread.new {
116      reqs.each do |req|
117        case req.argtype.to_s
118        when 'setup'
119          @bmc.setup(req.setup)
120          q.push(Grpc::Testing::ClientStatus.new(stats: @bmc.mark(false)))
121        when 'mark'
122          q.push(Grpc::Testing::ClientStatus.new(stats:
123                                                   @bmc.mark(req.mark.reset)))
124        end
125      end
126      @bmc.stop
127      q.push(self)
128    }
129    q.each_item
130  end
131  def core_count(_args, _call)
132    Grpc::Testing::CoreResponse.new(cores: cpu_cores)
133  end
134  def quit_worker(_args, _call)
135    Thread.new {
136      sleep 3
137      @server.stop
138    }
139    Grpc::Testing::Void.new
140  end
141  def initialize(s, bmc)
142    @server = s
143    @bmc = bmc
144  end
147def proxymain
148  options = {
149    'driver_port' => 0,
150    'php_client_bin' => '../../php/tests/qps/client.php'
151  }
152  OptionParser.new do |opts|
153    opts.banner = 'Usage: [--driver_port <port>]'
154    opts.on('--driver_port PORT', '<port>') do |v|
155      options['driver_port'] = v
156    end
157    opts.on("-c", "--[no-]use_protobuf_c_extension", "Use protobuf C-extention") do |c|
158      options[:c_ext] = c
159    end
160    opts.on("-b", "--php_client_bin [FILE]",
161      "PHP client to execute; path relative to this script") do |c|
162      options['php_client_bin'] = c
163    end
164  end.parse!
166  # Configure any errors with client or server child threads to surface
167  Thread.abort_on_exception = true
169  # Make sure proxy_server can handle the large number of calls in benchmarks
170  s = GRPC::RpcServer.new(pool_size: 1024)
171  port = s.add_http2_port("" + options['driver_port'].to_s,
172                          :this_port_is_insecure)
173  bmc = ProxyBenchmarkClientServiceImpl.new(port, options[:c_ext], options['php_client_bin'])
174  s.handle(bmc)
175  s.handle(ProxyWorkerServiceImpl.new(s, bmc))
176  s.run