1For the development of HarfBuzz, the Microsoft shaping technology, Uniscribe, 2as a widely used and tested shaper is used as more-or-less OpenType reference 3implementation and that specially is important where OpenType specification 4is or wasn't that clear. For having access to Uniscribe on Linux/macOS these 5steps are recommended: 6 7You want to follow the 32bit instructions. The 64bit equivalents are included 8for reference. 9 101. Install Wine. 11 - Fedora: `dnf install wine`. 12 132. Install `mingw-w64` compiler. 14 - Fedora, 32bit: `dnf install mingw32-gcc-c++` 15 - Fedora, 64bit: `dnf install mingw64-gcc-c++` 16 - Debian: `apt install g++-mingw-w64` 17 - Mac: `brew install mingw-w64` 18 193. If you have drank the `meson` koolaid, look at `.ci/build-win32.sh` to see how to 20 invoke `meson` now, or just run that script. Otherwise, here's how to use the 21 old trusty autotools instead: 22 23 a) Install dependencies. 24 - Fedora, 32bit: `dnf install mingw32-glib2 mingw32-cairo mingw32-freetype` 25 - Fedora, 64bit: `dnf install mingw64-glib2 mingw64-cairo mingw64-freetype` 26 27 b) Configure: 28 - `NOCONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh && mkdir winbuild && cd winbuild` 29 - 32bit: `../mingw-configure.sh i686` 30 - 64bit: `../mingw-configure.sh x86_64` 31 32Now you can use `hb-shape` by `(cd win32build/util && wine hb-shape.exe)` 33but if you like to shape with the Microsoft Uniscribe: 34 354. Bring a 32bit version of `usp10.dll` for yourself from `C:\Windows\SysWOW64\usp10.dll` of your 36 Windows installation (assuming you have a 64-bit installation, otherwise 37 `C:\Windows\System32\usp10.dll`) that it is not a DirectWrite proxy 38 ([for more info](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniscribe)). 39 Rule of thumb, your `usp10.dll` should have a size more than 500kb, otherwise 40 it is designed to work with DirectWrite which Wine can't work with its original one. 41 You want a Uniscribe from Windows 7 or older. 42 43 Put the DLL in the folder you are going to run the next command, 44 455. `WINEDLLOVERRIDES="usp10=n" wine hb-shape.exe fontname.ttf -u 0061,0062,0063 --shaper=uniscribe` 46 47(`0061,0062,0063` means `abc`, use test/shaping/hb-unicode-decode to generate ones you need) 48