1 #!/bin/bash 2 # Copyright 2018 Google LLC 3 # 4 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 5 # found in the LICENSE file. 6 7 set -ex 8 9 BASE_DIR=`cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) && pwd` 10 HTML_SHELL=$BASE_DIR/shell.html 11 BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_DIR:="out/pathkit"} 12 mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR 13 # sometimes the .a files keep old symbols around - cleaning them out makes sure 14 # we get a fresh build. 15 rm -f $BUILD_DIR/*.a 16 17 # This expects the environment variable EMSDK to be set 18 if [[ ! -d $EMSDK ]]; then 19 echo "Be sure to set the EMSDK environment variable." 20 exit 1 21 fi 22 23 # Navigate to SKIA_HOME from where this file is located. 24 pushd $BASE_DIR/../.. 25 26 echo "Putting output in $BUILD_DIR (pwd = `pwd`)" 27 28 # Run this from $SKIA_HOME, not from the directory this file is in. 29 if [[ ! -d ./src ]]; then 30 echo "Cannot locate Skia source. Is the source checkout okay? Exiting." 31 exit 1 32 fi 33 34 if [[ $@ == *help* ]]; then 35 echo "By default, this script builds a production WASM build of PathKit." 36 echo "" 37 echo "It is put in ${BUILD_DIR}, configured by the BUILD_DIR environment" 38 echo "variable. Additionally, the EMSDK environment variable must be set." 39 echo "This script takes several optional parameters:" 40 echo " test = Make a build suitable for running tests or profiling" 41 echo " debug = Make a build suitable for debugging (defines SK_DEBUG)" 42 echo " asm.js = Build for asm.js instead of WASM (very experimental)" 43 echo " serve = starts a webserver allowing a user to navigate to" 44 echo " localhost:8000/pathkit.html to view the demo page." 45 exit 0 46 fi 47 48 49 # Use -O0 for larger builds (but generally quicker) 50 # Use -Oz for (much slower, but smaller/faster) production builds 51 export EMCC_CLOSURE_ARGS="--externs $BASE_DIR/externs.js " 52 RELEASE_CONF="-Oz --closure 1 -s EVAL_CTORS=1 -DSK_RELEASE" 53 # It is very important for the -DSK_RELEASE/-DSK_DEBUG to match on the libskia.a, otherwise 54 # things like SKDEBUGCODE are sometimes compiled in and sometimes not, which can cause headaches 55 # like sizeof() mismatching between .cpp files and .h files. 56 EXTRA_CFLAGS="\"-DSK_RELEASE\"" 57 if [[ $@ == *test* ]]; then 58 echo "Building a Testing/Profiling build" 59 RELEASE_CONF="-O2 --profiling -DPATHKIT_TESTING -DSK_RELEASE" 60 elif [[ $@ == *debug* ]]; then 61 echo "Building a Debug build" 62 EXTRA_CFLAGS="\"-DSK_DEBUG\"" 63 RELEASE_CONF="-O0 --js-opts 0 -s SAFE_HEAP=1 -s ASSERTIONS=1 -g3 -DPATHKIT_TESTING -DSK_DEBUG" 64 fi 65 66 WASM_CONF="-s WASM=1" 67 if [[ $@ == *asm.js* ]]; then 68 echo "Building with asm.js instead of WASM" 69 WASM_CONF="-s WASM=0 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1" 70 fi 71 72 OUTPUT="-o $BUILD_DIR/pathkit.js" 73 74 source $EMSDK/emsdk_env.sh 75 EMCC=`which emcc` 76 EMCXX=`which em++` 77 EMAR=`which emar` 78 79 # Turn off exiting while we check for ninja (which may not be on PATH) 80 set +e 81 NINJA=`which ninja` 82 if [[ -z $NINJA ]]; then 83 git clone "https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git" --depth 1 $BUILD_DIR/depot_tools 84 NINJA=$BUILD_DIR/depot_tools/ninja 85 fi 86 # Re-enable error checking 87 set -e 88 89 echo "Compiling bitcode" 90 91 ./bin/fetch-gn 92 ./bin/gn gen ${BUILD_DIR} \ 93 --args="cc=\"${EMCC}\" \ 94 cxx=\"${EMCXX}\" \ 95 ar=\"${EMAR}\" \ 96 extra_cflags=[\"-s\", \"WARN_UNALIGNED=1\", 97 \"-s\", \"MAIN_MODULE=1\", 98 ${EXTRA_CFLAGS} 99 ] \ 100 is_debug=false \ 101 is_official_build=true \ 102 is_component_build=false \ 103 werror=true \ 104 target_cpu=\"wasm\" " 105 106 ${NINJA} -C ${BUILD_DIR} libpathkit.a 107 108 echo "Generating WASM" 109 110 ${EMCXX} $RELEASE_CONF -std=c++17 \ 111 -I. \ 112 --bind \ 113 --no-entry \ 114 --pre-js $BASE_DIR/helper.js \ 115 --pre-js $BASE_DIR/chaining.js \ 116 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -DEMSCRIPTEN_HAS_UNBOUND_TYPE_NAMES=0 \ 117 $WASM_CONF \ 118 -s ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=1 \ 119 -s EXPORT_NAME="PathKitInit" \ 120 -s MODULARIZE=1 \ 121 -s NO_EXIT_RUNTIME=1 \ 122 -s NO_FILESYSTEM=1 \ 123 -s STRICT=1 \ 124 $OUTPUT \ 125 $BASE_DIR/pathkit_wasm_bindings.cpp \ 126 ${BUILD_DIR}/libpathkit.a 127 128 129