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1 /*
2  * Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
9 #include "include/core/SkPaint.h"
10 #include "include/core/SkPath.h"
11 #include "include/utils/SkRandom.h"
12 #include "samplecode/Sample.h"
13 #include "src/core/SkPathPriv.h"
14 #include "src/core/SkScalerCache.h"
15 #include "src/core/SkStrikeCache.h"
16 #include "src/core/SkStrikeSpec.h"
17 #include "src/core/SkTaskGroup.h"
18 #include "tools/ToolUtils.h"
20 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21 // Static text from paths.
22 class PathText : public Sample {
23 public:
24     constexpr static int kNumPaths = 1500;
getName() const25     virtual const char* getName() const { return "PathText"; }
PathText()27     PathText() {}
reset()29     virtual void reset() {
30         for (Glyph& glyph : fGlyphs) {
31             glyph.reset(fRand, this->width(), this->height());
32         }
33         fGlyphAnimator->reset(&fRand, this->width(), this->height());
34     }
onOnceBeforeDraw()36     void onOnceBeforeDraw() final {
37         SkFont defaultFont;
38         SkStrikeSpec strikeSpec = SkStrikeSpec::MakeWithNoDevice(defaultFont);
39         auto strike = strikeSpec.findOrCreateStrike();
40         SkPath glyphPaths[52];
41         for (int i = 0; i < 52; ++i) {
42             // I and l are rects on OS X ...
43             char c = "aQCDEFGH7JKLMNOPBRZTUVWXYSAbcdefghijk1mnopqrstuvwxyz"[i];
44             SkPackedGlyphID id(defaultFont.unicharToGlyph(c));
45             sk_ignore_unused_variable(strike->getScalerContext()->getPath(id, &glyphPaths[i]));
46         }
48         for (int i = 0; i < kNumPaths; ++i) {
49             const SkPath& p = glyphPaths[i % 52];
50             fGlyphs[i].init(fRand, p);
51         }
53         this->Sample::onOnceBeforeDraw();
54         this->reset();
55     }
onSizeChange()56     void onSizeChange() final { this->Sample::onSizeChange(); this->reset(); }
name()58     SkString name() override { return SkString(this->getName()); }
60     bool onChar(SkUnichar) override;
onAnimate(double nanos)62     bool onAnimate(double nanos) final {
63         return fGlyphAnimator->animate(nanos, this->width(), this->height());
64     }
onDrawContent(SkCanvas * canvas)66     void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
67         if (fDoClip) {
68             SkPath deviceSpaceClipPath = fClipPath;
69             deviceSpaceClipPath.transform(SkMatrix::Scale(this->width(), this->height()));
70             canvas->save();
71             canvas->clipPath(deviceSpaceClipPath, SkClipOp::kDifference, true);
72             canvas->clear(SK_ColorBLACK);
73             canvas->restore();
74             canvas->clipPath(deviceSpaceClipPath, SkClipOp::kIntersect, true);
75         }
76         fGlyphAnimator->draw(canvas);
77     }
79 protected:
80     struct Glyph {
81         void init(SkRandom& rand, const SkPath& path);
82         void reset(SkRandom& rand, int w, int h);
84         SkPath     fPath;
85         SkPaint    fPaint;
86         SkPoint    fPosition;
87         SkScalar   fZoom;
88         SkScalar   fSpin;
89         SkPoint    fMidpt;
90     };
92     class GlyphAnimator {
93     public:
GlyphAnimator(Glyph * glyphs)94         GlyphAnimator(Glyph* glyphs) : fGlyphs(glyphs) {}
reset(SkRandom *,int screenWidth,int screenHeight)95         virtual void reset(SkRandom*, int screenWidth, int screenHeight) {}
animate(double nanos,int screenWidth,int screenHeight)96         virtual bool animate(double nanos, int screenWidth, int screenHeight) { return false; }
draw(SkCanvas * canvas)97         virtual void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
98             for (int i = 0; i < kNumPaths; ++i) {
99                 Glyph& glyph = fGlyphs[i];
100                 SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
101                 canvas->translate(glyph.fPosition.x(), glyph.fPosition.y());
102                 canvas->scale(glyph.fZoom, glyph.fZoom);
103                 canvas->rotate(glyph.fSpin);
104                 canvas->translate(-glyph.fMidpt.x(), -glyph.fMidpt.y());
105                 canvas->drawPath(glyph.fPath, glyph.fPaint);
106             }
107         }
~GlyphAnimator()108         virtual ~GlyphAnimator() {}
110     protected:
111         Glyph* const fGlyphs;
112     };
114     class MovingGlyphAnimator;
115     class WavyGlyphAnimator;
117     Glyph fGlyphs[kNumPaths];
118     SkRandom fRand{25};
119     SkPath fClipPath = ToolUtils::make_star(SkRect{0, 0, 1, 1}, 11, 3);
120     bool fDoClip = false;
121     std::unique_ptr<GlyphAnimator> fGlyphAnimator = std::make_unique<GlyphAnimator>(fGlyphs);
122 };
init(SkRandom & rand,const SkPath & path)124 void PathText::Glyph::init(SkRandom& rand, const SkPath& path) {
125     fPath = path;
126     fPaint.setAntiAlias(true);
127     fPaint.setColor(rand.nextU() | 0x80808080);
128 }
reset(SkRandom & rand,int w,int h)130 void PathText::Glyph::reset(SkRandom& rand, int w, int h) {
131     int screensize = std::max(w, h);
132     const SkRect& bounds = fPath.getBounds();
133     SkScalar t;
135     fPosition = {rand.nextF() * w, rand.nextF() * h};
136     t = pow(rand.nextF(), 100);
137     fZoom = ((1 - t) * screensize / 50 + t * screensize / 3) /
138             std::max(bounds.width(), bounds.height());
139     fSpin = rand.nextF() * 360;
140     fMidpt = {bounds.centerX(), bounds.centerY()};
141 }
143 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
144 // Text from paths with animated transformation matrices.
145 class PathText::MovingGlyphAnimator : public PathText::GlyphAnimator {
146 public:
MovingGlyphAnimator(Glyph * glyphs)147     MovingGlyphAnimator(Glyph* glyphs)
148             : GlyphAnimator(glyphs)
149             , fFrontMatrices(kNumPaths)
150             , fBackMatrices(kNumPaths) {
151     }
~MovingGlyphAnimator()153     ~MovingGlyphAnimator() override {
154         fBackgroundAnimationTask.wait();
155     }
reset(SkRandom * rand,int screenWidth,int screenHeight)157     void reset(SkRandom* rand, int screenWidth, int screenHeight) override {
158         const SkScalar screensize = static_cast<SkScalar>(std::max(screenWidth, screenHeight));
160         for (auto& v : fVelocities) {
161             for (SkScalar* d : {&v.fDx, &v.fDy}) {
162                 SkScalar t = pow(rand->nextF(), 3);
163                 *d = ((1 - t) / 60 + t / 10) * (rand->nextBool() ? screensize : -screensize);
164             }
166             SkScalar t = pow(rand->nextF(), 25);
167             v.fDSpin = ((1 - t) * 360 / 7.5 + t * 360 / 1.5) * (rand->nextBool() ? 1 : -1);
168         }
170         // Get valid front data.
171         fBackgroundAnimationTask.wait();
172         this->runAnimationTask(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight);
173         std::copy_n(fBackMatrices.get(), kNumPaths, fFrontMatrices.get());
174         fLastTick = 0;
175     }
animate(double nanos,int screenWidth,int screenHeight)177     bool animate(double nanos, int screenWidth, int screenHeight) final {
178         fBackgroundAnimationTask.wait();
179         this->swapAnimationBuffers();
181         const double tsec = 1e-9 * nanos;
182         const double dt = fLastTick ? (1e-9 * nanos - fLastTick) : 0;
183         fBackgroundAnimationTask.add(std::bind(&MovingGlyphAnimator::runAnimationTask, this, tsec,
184                                                dt, screenWidth, screenHeight));
185         fLastTick = 1e-9 * nanos;
186         return true;
187     }
189     /**
190      * Called on a background thread. Here we can only modify fBackMatrices.
191      */
runAnimationTask(double t,double dt,int w,int h)192     virtual void runAnimationTask(double t, double dt, int w, int h) {
193         for (int idx = 0; idx < kNumPaths; ++idx) {
194             Velocity* v = &fVelocities[idx];
195             Glyph* glyph = &fGlyphs[idx];
196             SkMatrix* backMatrix = &fBackMatrices[idx];
198             glyph->fPosition.fX += v->fDx * dt;
199             if (glyph->fPosition.x() < 0) {
200                 glyph->fPosition.fX -= 2 * glyph->fPosition.x();
201                 v->fDx = -v->fDx;
202             } else if (glyph->fPosition.x() > w) {
203                 glyph->fPosition.fX -= 2 * (glyph->fPosition.x() - w);
204                 v->fDx = -v->fDx;
205             }
207             glyph->fPosition.fY += v->fDy * dt;
208             if (glyph->fPosition.y() < 0) {
209                 glyph->fPosition.fY -= 2 * glyph->fPosition.y();
210                 v->fDy = -v->fDy;
211             } else if (glyph->fPosition.y() > h) {
212                 glyph->fPosition.fY -= 2 * (glyph->fPosition.y() - h);
213                 v->fDy = -v->fDy;
214             }
216             glyph->fSpin += v->fDSpin * dt;
218             backMatrix->setTranslate(glyph->fPosition.x(), glyph->fPosition.y());
219             backMatrix->preScale(glyph->fZoom, glyph->fZoom);
220             backMatrix->preRotate(glyph->fSpin);
221             backMatrix->preTranslate(-glyph->fMidpt.x(), -glyph->fMidpt.y());
222         }
223     }
swapAnimationBuffers()225     virtual void swapAnimationBuffers() {
226         std::swap(fFrontMatrices, fBackMatrices);
227     }
draw(SkCanvas * canvas)229     void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
230         for (int i = 0; i < kNumPaths; ++i) {
231             SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
232             canvas->concat(fFrontMatrices[i]);
233             canvas->drawPath(fGlyphs[i].fPath, fGlyphs[i].fPaint);
234         }
235     }
237 protected:
238     struct Velocity {
239         SkScalar fDx, fDy;
240         SkScalar fDSpin;
241     };
243     Velocity fVelocities[kNumPaths];
244     SkAutoTArray<SkMatrix> fFrontMatrices;
245     SkAutoTArray<SkMatrix> fBackMatrices;
246     SkTaskGroup fBackgroundAnimationTask;
247     double fLastTick;
248 };
251 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
252 // Text from paths with animated control points.
253 class PathText::WavyGlyphAnimator : public PathText::MovingGlyphAnimator {
254 public:
WavyGlyphAnimator(Glyph * glyphs)255     WavyGlyphAnimator(Glyph* glyphs)
256             : MovingGlyphAnimator(glyphs)
257             , fFrontPaths(kNumPaths)
258             , fBackPaths(kNumPaths) {
259     }
~WavyGlyphAnimator()261     ~WavyGlyphAnimator() override {
262         fBackgroundAnimationTask.wait();
263     }
reset(SkRandom * rand,int screenWidth,int screenHeight)265     void reset(SkRandom* rand, int screenWidth, int screenHeight) override {
266         fWaves.reset(*rand, screenWidth, screenHeight);
267         this->MovingGlyphAnimator::reset(rand, screenWidth, screenHeight);
268         std::copy(fBackPaths.get(), fBackPaths.get() + kNumPaths, fFrontPaths.get());
269     }
271     /**
272      * Called on a background thread. Here we can only modify fBackPaths.
273      */
runAnimationTask(double t,double dt,int width,int height)274     void runAnimationTask(double t, double dt, int width, int height) override {
275         const float tsec = static_cast<float>(t);
276         this->MovingGlyphAnimator::runAnimationTask(t, 0.5 * dt, width, height);
278         for (int i = 0; i < kNumPaths; ++i) {
279             const Glyph& glyph = fGlyphs[i];
280             const SkMatrix& backMatrix = fBackMatrices[i];
282             const Sk2f matrix[3] = {
283                 Sk2f(backMatrix.getScaleX(), backMatrix.getSkewY()),
284                 Sk2f(backMatrix.getSkewX(), backMatrix.getScaleY()),
285                 Sk2f(backMatrix.getTranslateX(), backMatrix.getTranslateY())
286             };
288             SkPath* backpath = &fBackPaths[i];
289             backpath->reset();
290             backpath->setFillType(SkPathFillType::kEvenOdd);
292             for (auto [verb, pts, w] : SkPathPriv::Iterate(glyph.fPath)) {
293                 switch (verb) {
294                     case SkPathVerb::kMove: {
295                         SkPoint pt = fWaves.apply(tsec, matrix, pts[0]);
296                         backpath->moveTo(pt.x(), pt.y());
297                         break;
298                     }
299                     case SkPathVerb::kLine: {
300                         SkPoint endpt = fWaves.apply(tsec, matrix, pts[1]);
301                         backpath->lineTo(endpt.x(), endpt.y());
302                         break;
303                     }
304                     case SkPathVerb::kQuad: {
305                         SkPoint controlPt = fWaves.apply(tsec, matrix, pts[1]);
306                         SkPoint endpt = fWaves.apply(tsec, matrix, pts[2]);
307                         backpath->quadTo(controlPt.x(), controlPt.y(), endpt.x(), endpt.y());
308                         break;
309                     }
310                     case SkPathVerb::kClose: {
311                         backpath->close();
312                         break;
313                     }
314                     case SkPathVerb::kCubic:
315                     case SkPathVerb::kConic:
316                         SK_ABORT("Unexpected path verb");
317                         break;
318                 }
319             }
320         }
321     }
swapAnimationBuffers()323     void swapAnimationBuffers() override {
324         this->MovingGlyphAnimator::swapAnimationBuffers();
325         std::swap(fFrontPaths, fBackPaths);
326     }
draw(SkCanvas * canvas)328     void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
329         for (int i = 0; i < kNumPaths; ++i) {
330             canvas->drawPath(fFrontPaths[i], fGlyphs[i].fPaint);
331         }
332     }
334 private:
335     /**
336      * Describes 4 stacked sine waves that can offset a point as a function of wall time.
337      */
338     class Waves {
339     public:
340         void reset(SkRandom& rand, int w, int h);
341         SkPoint apply(float tsec, const Sk2f matrix[3], const SkPoint& pt) const;
343     private:
344         constexpr static double kAverageAngle = SK_ScalarPI / 8.0;
345         constexpr static double kMaxOffsetAngle = SK_ScalarPI / 3.0;
347         float fAmplitudes[4];
348         float fFrequencies[4];
349         float fDirsX[4];
350         float fDirsY[4];
351         float fSpeeds[4];
352         float fOffsets[4];
353     };
355     SkAutoTArray<SkPath> fFrontPaths;
356     SkAutoTArray<SkPath> fBackPaths;
357     Waves fWaves;
358 };
reset(SkRandom & rand,int w,int h)360 void PathText::WavyGlyphAnimator::Waves::reset(SkRandom& rand, int w, int h) {
361     const double pixelsPerMeter = 0.06 * std::max(w, h);
362     const double medianWavelength = 8 * pixelsPerMeter;
363     const double medianWaveAmplitude = 0.05 * 4 * pixelsPerMeter;
364     const double gravity = 9.8 * pixelsPerMeter;
366     for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
367         const double offsetAngle = (rand.nextF() * 2 - 1) * kMaxOffsetAngle;
368         const double intensity = pow(2, rand.nextF() * 2 - 1);
369         const double wavelength = intensity * medianWavelength;
371         fAmplitudes[i] = intensity * medianWaveAmplitude;
372         fFrequencies[i] = 2 * SK_ScalarPI / wavelength;
373         fDirsX[i] = cosf(kAverageAngle + offsetAngle);
374         fDirsY[i] = sinf(kAverageAngle + offsetAngle);
375         fSpeeds[i] = -sqrt(gravity * 2 * SK_ScalarPI / wavelength);
376         fOffsets[i] = rand.nextF() * 2 * SK_ScalarPI;
377     }
378 }
apply(float tsec,const Sk2f matrix[3],const SkPoint & pt) const380 SkPoint PathText::WavyGlyphAnimator::Waves::apply(float tsec, const Sk2f matrix[3],
381                                                   const SkPoint& pt) const {
382     constexpr static int kTablePeriod = 1 << 12;
383     static float sin2table[kTablePeriod + 1];
384     static SkOnce initTable;
385     initTable([]() {
386         for (int i = 0; i <= kTablePeriod; ++i) {
387             const double sintheta = sin(i * (SK_ScalarPI / kTablePeriod));
388             sin2table[i] = static_cast<float>(sintheta * sintheta - 0.5);
389         }
390     });
392      const Sk4f amplitudes = Sk4f::Load(fAmplitudes);
393      const Sk4f frequencies = Sk4f::Load(fFrequencies);
394      const Sk4f dirsX = Sk4f::Load(fDirsX);
395      const Sk4f dirsY = Sk4f::Load(fDirsY);
396      const Sk4f speeds = Sk4f::Load(fSpeeds);
397      const Sk4f offsets = Sk4f::Load(fOffsets);
399     float devicePt[2];
400     (matrix[0] * pt.x() + matrix[1] * pt.y() + matrix[2]).store(devicePt);
402     const Sk4f t = (frequencies * (dirsX * devicePt[0] + dirsY * devicePt[1]) +
403                     speeds * tsec +
404                     offsets).abs() * (float(kTablePeriod) / float(SK_ScalarPI));
406     const Sk4i ipart = SkNx_cast<int>(t);
407     const Sk4f fpart = t - SkNx_cast<float>(ipart);
409     int32_t indices[4];
410     (ipart & (kTablePeriod-1)).store(indices);
412     const Sk4f left(sin2table[indices[0]], sin2table[indices[1]],
413                     sin2table[indices[2]], sin2table[indices[3]]);
414     const Sk4f right(sin2table[indices[0] + 1], sin2table[indices[1] + 1],
415                      sin2table[indices[2] + 1], sin2table[indices[3] + 1]);
416     const Sk4f height = amplitudes * (left * (1.f - fpart) + right * fpart);
418     Sk4f dy = height * dirsY;
419     Sk4f dx = height * dirsX;
421     float offsetY[4], offsetX[4];
422     (dy + SkNx_shuffle<2,3,0,1>(dy)).store(offsetY); // accumulate.
423     (dx + SkNx_shuffle<2,3,0,1>(dx)).store(offsetX);
425     return {devicePt[0] + offsetY[0] + offsetY[1], devicePt[1] - offsetX[0] - offsetX[1]};
426 }
onChar(SkUnichar unichar)428 bool PathText::onChar(SkUnichar unichar) {
429     switch (unichar) {
430         case 'X':
431             fDoClip = !fDoClip;
432             return true;
433         case 'S':
434             fGlyphAnimator = std::make_unique<GlyphAnimator>(fGlyphs);
435             fGlyphAnimator->reset(&fRand, this->width(), this->height());
436             return true;
437         case 'M':
438             fGlyphAnimator = std::make_unique<MovingGlyphAnimator>(fGlyphs);
439             fGlyphAnimator->reset(&fRand, this->width(), this->height());
440             return true;
441         case 'W':
442             fGlyphAnimator = std::make_unique<WavyGlyphAnimator>(fGlyphs);
443             fGlyphAnimator->reset(&fRand, this->width(), this->height());
444             return true;
445     }
446     return false;
447 }
449 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
MakePathTextSample()451 Sample* MakePathTextSample() { return new PathText; }
452 static SampleRegistry gPathTextSample(MakePathTextSample);