1# app.json5 Configuration File 2 3 4This document gives an overview of the **app.json5** configuration file. To start with, let's go through an example of what this file contains. 5 6```json 7{ 8 "app": { 9 "bundleName": "com.application.myapplication", 10 "vendor": "example", 11 "versionCode": 1000000, 12 "versionName": "1.0.0", 13 "icon": "$media:app_icon", 14 "label": "$string:app_name", 15 "description": "$string:description_application", 16 "minAPIVersion": 9, 17 "targetAPIVersion": 9, 18 "apiReleaseType": "Release", 19 "debug": false, 20 "car": { 21 "minAPIVersion": 8, 22 } 23 }, 24} 25``` 26 27 28As shown above, the **app.json5** file contains several tags. 29 30 31**Table 1** Tags in the app.json5 file 32 33| Name| Description| Data Type| Initial Value Allowed| 34| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | 35| bundleName | Bundle name, which uniquely identifies an application. The value must comply with the following rules:<br>- Consists of letters, digits, underscores (_), and periods (.).<br>- Starts with a letter.<br>- Contains 7 to 127 bytes.<br>You are advised to use the reverse domain name notation, for example, *com.example.demo*, where the first part is the domain suffix **com**, the second part is the vendor/individual name, and the third part is the application name, which can be of multiple levels.<br>If an application is built with the system source code, you are advised to name it in *com.ohos.demo* notation, where **ohos** signifies that the application is an OpenHarmony system application.| String| No| 36| bundleType| Bundle type, which is used to distinguish applications and atomic services.<br>- **app**: The bundle is a common application.<br>- **atomicService**: The bundle is an atomic service. | String| Yes (initial value: **"app"**)| 37| debug | Whether the application can be debugged. This tag is generated during compilation and building in DevEco Studio.<br>- **true**: The application can be debugged.<br>- **false**: The application cannot be debugged.| Boolean| Yes (initial value: **false**)| 38| icon | [Icon of the application](../application-models/application-component-configuration-stage.md). The value is an icon resource index.| String| No| 39| label | [Name of the application](../application-models/application-component-configuration-stage.md). The value is a string resource index.| String| No| 40| description | Description of the application. The value is a string with a maximum of 255 bytes or a resource index to the description.| String| Yes (initial value: left empty)| 41| vendor | Vendor of the application. The value is a string with a maximum of 255 bytes.| String| Yes (initial value: left empty)| 42| versionCode | Version number of the application. The value is a 32-bit non-negative integer less than 2 to the power of 31. It is used only to determine whether a version is later than another version. A larger value indicates a later version. Ensure that a new version of the application uses a value greater than any of its predecessors. | Number| No| 43| versionName | Version number of the application displayed to users.<br>The value consists of only digits and dots. The four-part format *A.B.C.D* is recommended, wherein:<br>Part 1 (*A*): major version number, which ranges from 0 to 99. A major version consists of major new features or large changes.<br>Part 2 (*B*): minor version number, which ranges from 0 to 99. A minor version consists of some new features and large bug fixes.<br>Part 3 (*C*): feature version number, which ranges from 0 to 99. A feature version consists of scheduled new features.<br>Part 4 (*D*): maintenance release number or patch number, which ranges from 0 to 999. A maintenance release or patch consists of resolution to security flaws or minor bugs.<br>The value contains a maximum of 127 bytes.| String| No| 44| minCompatibleVersionCode | Minimum compatible version of the application. It is used to check whether the application is compatible with a version on other devices in the cross-device scenario.| Number| Yes (initial value: value of **versionCode**)| 45| minAPIVersion | Minimum API version required for running the application.| Number| Yes (initial value: value of **compatibleSdkVersion** in **build-profile.json5**)| 46| targetAPIVersion | Target API version required for running the application.| Number| Yes (initial value: value of **compileSdkVersion** in **build-profile.json5**)| 47| apiReleaseType | Type of the target API version required for running the application. The value can be **"CanaryN"**, **"BetaN"**, or **"Release"**, where **N** represents a positive integer.<br>- **Canary**: indicates a restricted release.<br>- **Beta**: indicates a publicly released beta version.<br>- **Release**: indicates a publicly released official version.<br>The value is set by DevEco Studio reading the stage of the SDK in use.| String| Yes (initial value: set by DevEco Studio)| 48| multiProjects | Whether the application supports joint development of multiple projects.<br>- **true**: The application supports joint development of multiple projects.<br>- **false**: The application does not support joint development of multiple projects. For details about multi-project development, see [Multi-Project Build](https://developer.harmonyos.com/en/docs/documentation/doc-guides-V3/ohos-building-overview-0000001263360495-V3#section71471033104216).| Boolean| Yes (initial value: **false**)| 49| tablet | Tablet-specific configuration, which includes **minAPIVersion** and **distributedNotificationEnabled** attributes.<br>When running on tablets, the application applies the attribute settings under this tag and ignores the general counterparts.| Object| Yes (initial value: general settings in the **app.json5** file)| 50| tv | TV-specific configuration, which includes **minAPIVersion** and **distributedNotificationEnabled** attributes.<br>When running on TVs, the application applies the attribute settings under this tag and ignores the general counterparts.| Object| Yes (initial value: general settings in the **app.json5** file)| 51| wearable | Wearable-specific configuration, which includes **minAPIVersion** and **distributedNotificationEnabled** attributes.<br>When running on wearables, the application applies the attribute settings under this tag and ignores the general counterparts.| Object| Yes (initial value: general settings in the **app.json5** file)| 52| car | Head unit–specific configuration, which includes **minAPIVersion** and **distributedNotificationEnabled** attributes.<br>When running on head units, the application applies the attribute settings under this tag and ignores the general counterparts.| Object| Yes (initial value: general settings in the **app.json5** file)| 53| default | Default device–specific configuration, which includes **minAPIVersion** and **distributedNotificationEnabled** attributes.<br>When running on default devices, the application applies the attribute settings under this tag and ignores the general counterparts.| Object| Yes (initial value: general settings in the **app.json5** file)| 54