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1# chart
4The **\<chart>** component displays line charts, gauge charts, and bar charts.
6> **NOTE**
8> The APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
10## Child Components
12Not supported
15## Attributes
17In addition to the [universal attributes](js-service-widget-common-attributes.md), the following attributes are supported.
19| Name             | Type                              | Default Value| Mandatory| Description                                                        |
20| ----------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
21| type              | string                             | line   | No  | Chart type. Dynamic modification is not supported. Available values include:<br>- **bar**: bar chart.<br>- **line**: line chart.<br>- **gauge**: gauge chart.<br>- **progress**: circle chart of progresses<br>- **loading**: circle chart of loading processes<br>- **rainbow**: circle chart of proportions.|
22| options           | ChartOptions                       | -      | No  | Chart parameters. Parameter settings for gauge charts do not take effect. You can set the minimum value, maximum value, scale, and line width of the x-axis or y-axis, whether to display the x-axis and y-axis, and whether the line is smooth. Dynamic modification is not supported.|
23| datasets          | Array\<ChartDataset>               | -      | No  | Data sets. Data sets for a gauge chart do not take effect. You can set multiple datasets and their background colors.      |
24| segments          | DataSegment \| Array\<DataSegment> |        | No  | Data structures used by **progress**, **loading**, and **rainbow** charts.<br>The **DataSegment** type is applicable to **progress** and **loading** charts. The **Array\<DataSegment>** type is applicable to **rainbow** charts. A maximum of nine **DataSegment**s are supported.|
25| effects           | boolean                            | true   | No  | Whether to enable the effects for **progress** and **rainbow** charts.                        |
26| animationduration | number                             | 3000   | No  | Animation duration for expanding a **rainbow** chart, in milliseconds.                  |
28**Table 1** ChartOptions
30| Name    | Type       | Default Value | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
31| ------ | --------- | ---- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
32| xAxis  | ChartAxis | -    | Yes   | X-axis parameters. You can set the minimum value, maximum value, and scale of the x-axis, and whether to display the x-axis.         |
33| yAxis  | ChartAxis | -    | Yes   | Y-axis parameters. You can set the minimum value, maximum value, and scale of the y-axis, and whether to display the y-axis.         |
34| series | ChartAxis | -    | No   | Data series. Only line charts support this attribute. Available values include:<br>- Line styles, such as the line width and whether the line is smooth.<br>- Style and size of the white point at the start of the line.|
36**Table 2** ChartDataset
38| Name         | Type                                      | Default Value     | Mandatory  | Description                  |
39| ----------- | ---------------------------------------- | -------- | ---- | -------------------- |
40| strokeColor | &lt;color&gt;                            | \#ff6384 | No   | Line color. Only line charts support this attribute.        |
41| fillColor   | &lt;color&gt;                            | \#ff6384 | No   | Fill color. For line charts, this attribute indicates a gradient fill color.  |
42| data        | Array&lt;number&gt; \| Array\<Point&gt; | -        | Yes   | Data of the drawn line or bar.        |
43| gradient    | boolean                                  | false    | No   | Whether to display the gradient fill color. Only line charts support this attribute.|
45**Table 3** ChartAxis
47| Name      | Type           | Default Value     | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
48| -------- | ------------- | -------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
49| min      | number        | 0        | No   | Minimum value of the axis. Negative numbers are not supported. Only line charts support this attribute.                     |
50| max      | number        | 100      | No   | Maximum value of the axis. Negative numbers are not supported. Only line charts support this attribute.                     |
51| axisTick | number        | 10       | No   | Number of scales displayed on the axis.<br>The value ranges from 1 to 20. The display effect depends on the calculation result of Number of pixels occupied by the image width/(**max**-**min**). In the bar chart, the number of bars in each group of data is the same as the number of scales, and the bars are displayed at the scales.|
52| display  | boolean       | false    | No   | Whether to display the axis.                                  |
53| color    | &lt;color&gt; | \#c0c0c0 | No   | Axis color.                                    |
55**Table 4** ChartSeries
57| Name         | Type            | Default Value | Mandatory  | Description                  |
58| ----------- | -------------- | ---- | ---- | -------------------- |
59| lineStyle   | ChartLineStyle | -    | No   | Line style, such as the line width and whether the line is smooth.     |
60| headPoint   | PointStyle     | -    | No   | Style and size of the white point at the start of the line.     |
61| topPoint    | PointStyle     | -    | No   | Style and size of the top point.          |
62| bottomPoint | PointStyle     | -    | No   | Style and size of the bottom point.          |
63| loop        | ChartLoop      | -    | No   | Whether to start drawing again when the screen is looped.|
65 **Table 5** ChartLineStyle
67| Name    | Type            | Default Value  | Mandatory  | Description   |
68| ------ | -------------- | ----- | ---- | ----- |
69| width  | &lt;length&gt; | 1px   | No   | Line width.|
70| smooth | boolean        | false | No   | Whether the line is smooth.|
72**Table 6** PointStyle
74| Name         | Type            | Default Value     | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
75| ----------- | -------------- | -------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
76| shape       | string         | circle   | No   | Shape of the highlight point. Available values are as follows:<br>- circle<br>- square<br>- triangle|
77| size        | &lt;length&gt; | 5px      | No   | Size of the highlight point.                                 |
78| strokeWidth | &lt;length&gt; | 1px      | No   | Stroke width.                                   |
79| strokeColor | &lt;color&gt;  | \#ff0000 | No   | Stroke color.                                   |
80| fillColor   | &lt;color&gt;  | \#ff0000 | No   | Fill color.                                   |
82**Table 7** ChartLoop
84| Name      | Type            | Default Value  | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
85| -------- | -------------- | ----- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
86| margin   | &lt;length&gt; | 1     | No   | Number of erased points (horizontal distance between the latest drawn point and the earliest point).<br>You are not advised to use **margin** together with **topPoint**, **bottomPoint**, or **headPoint**. If you do so, there is a possibility that the point is in the erase area and is invisible.|
87| gradient | boolean        | false | No   | Whether to perform gradient erase.                               |
89**Table 8** Point
91| Name          | Type           | Default Value     | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
92| ------------ | ------------- | -------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
93| value        | number        | 0        | Yes   | Y coordinate of the point to draw.                             |
94| pointStyle   | PointStyle    | -        | No   | Style of the point.                           |
95| description  | string        | -        | No   | Description of the point.                             |
96| textLocation | string        | -        | No   | Location of the description. Available values are as follows:<br>- **"top"**: The description is above the point.<br>- **"bottom"**: The description is below the point.<br>- **"none"**: The description is not displayed.|
97| textColor    | &lt;color&gt; | \#000000 | No   | Color of the description text.                              |
98| lineDash     | string        | solid    | No   | Dashed line pattern. You can set the dash length and space length between the dashes.<br>- **"dashed, 5, 5"**: dashed line with each dash in 5 px and a 5 px space between dashes.<br>- **"solid"**: solid line.|
99| lineColor    | &lt;color&gt; | \#000000 | No   | Line color. If this attribute is not set, the value of **strokeColor** is used.  |
101**Table 9** DataSegment
103| Name        | Type    | Default Value | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
104| ---------- | ------ | ---- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
105| startColor | Color  | -    | No   | Color of the start position. If this attribute is set, **endColor** must be set. If this attribute is not set, the default color array preset in the system is used. For details about the color values, see the following table.|
106| endColor   | Color  | -    | No   | Color of the end position. If this attribute is set, **startColor** must be set.<br>If this attribute is not set, the default color array preset in the system is used.|
107| value      | number | 0    | Yes   | Percentage for the current data segment. The maximum value is **100**.                        |
108| name       | string | -    | No   | Name of the data segment.                                |
110| Data Segment | Light Theme                         | Dark Theme                       |
111| ---- | --------------------------- | --------------------------- |
112| 0    | Start color: \#f7ce00; end color: \#f99b11| Start color: \#d1a738; end color: \#eb933d|
113| 1    | Start color: \#f76223; end color: \#f2400a| Start color: \#e67d50; end color: \#d9542b|
114| 2    | Start color: \#f772ac; end color: \#e65392| Start color: \#d5749e; end color: \#d6568d|
115| 3    | Start color: \#a575eb; end color: \#a12df7| Start color: \#9973d1; end color: \#5552d9|
116| 4    | Start color: \#7b79f7; end color: \#4b48f7| Start color: \#7977d9; end color: \#f99b11|
117| 5    | Start color: \#4b8af3; end color: \#007dff| Start color: \#4c81d9; end color: \#217bd9|
118| 6    | Start color: \#73c1e6; end color: \#4fb4e3| Start color: \#5ea6d1; end color: \#4895c2|
119| 7    | Start color: \#a5d61d; end color: \#69d14f| Start color: \#91c23a; end color: \#70ba5d|
120| 8    | Start color: \#a2a2b0; end color: \#8e8e93| Start color: \#8c8c99; end color: \#6b6b76|
122For the **gauge** charts, the following attributes are also supported.
124| Name     | Type    | Default Value | Mandatory  | Description                    |
125| ------- | ------ | ---- | ---- | ---------------------- |
126| percent | number | 0    | No   | Percentage of the current value to the total value. The value ranges from 0 to 100.|
129## Styles
131In addition to the [universal styles](js-service-widget-common-styles.md), the following styles are supported.
133| Name          | Type            | Default Value                       | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
134| ------------ | -------------- | -------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
135| stroke-width | &lt;length&gt; | 32px (**gauge** charts)<br>24px (**rainbow** charts)| No   | Width of the scale bar for **gauge** and **rainbow** charts.                     |
136| start-angle  | &lt;deg&gt;    | 240 (**gauge** charts)<br>0 (**rainbow** charts)    | No   | Start angle of the scale bar for **gauge** and **rainbow** charts, which starts from zero o'clock. The value ranges from 0 to 360.  |
137| total-angle  | &lt;deg&gt;    | 240 (**gauge** charts)<br>360 (**rainbow** charts)  | No   | Total length of the scale bar for **gauge** and **rainbow** charts. The value ranges from –360 to 360. A negative number indicates the anticlockwise direction.|
138| center-x     | &lt;length&gt; | -                          | No   | X-coordinate of the scale bar center position for **gauge** charts. This style takes precedence over the **position** universal style and<br>must be used together with **center-y** and **radius**.|
139| center-y     | &lt;length&gt; | -                          | No   | Y-coordinate of the scale bar center position for **gauge** charts. This style takes precedence over the **position** universal style and<br>must be used together with **center-x** and **radius**.|
140| radius       | &lt;length&gt; | -                          | No   | Radius of the scale bar for **gauge** charts. This style takes precedence over the **width** and **height** universal style and<br>must be used together with **center-x** and **center-y**.|
141| colors       | Array          | -                          | No   | Colors of ranges on the scale bar for **gauge** charts.<br>For example, **colors: \#ff0000, \#00ff00**.|
142| weights      | Array          | -                          | No   | Weights of ranges on the scale bar for **gauge** charts.<br>For example, **weights: 2, 2**.|
143| font-family  | Array          | -                          | No   | Font style of the description text. You can use a [custom font](js-service-widget-common-customizing-font.md).|
144| font-size    | &lt;length&gt; | -                          | No   | Font size of the description text.                           |
147## Events
149The [universal events](js-service-widget-common-events.md) are supported.
152## Example
1541. Line chart
156   ```html
157   <!-- xxx.hml -->
158   <div class="container">
159     <stack class="chart-region">
160       <image class="chart-background" src="common/background.png"></image>
161       <chart class="chart-data" type="line" ref="linechart" options="{{lineOps}}" datasets="{{lineData}}"></chart>
162     </stack>
163   </div>
164   ```
167   ```css
168   /* xxx.css */
169   .container {
170     flex-direction: column;
171     justify-content: center;
172     align-items: center;
173   }
174   .chart-region {
175     height: 400px;
176     width: 700px;
177   }
178   .chart-background {
179     object-fit: fill;
180   }
181   .chart-data {
182     width: 700px;
183     height: 600px;
184   }
185   ```
188   ```json
189   // xxx.json
190   {
191     "data": {
192       "lineData": [
193         {
194           "strokeColor": "#0081ff",
195           "fillColor": "#cce5ff",
196           "data": [
197             763,
198             550,
199             551,
200             554,
201             731,
202             654,
203             525,
204             696,
205             595,
206             628,
207             791,
208             505,
209             613,
210             575,
211             475,
212             553,
213             491,
214             680,
215             657,
216             716
217           ],
218           "gradient": true
219         }
220       ],
221       "lineOps": {
222         "xAxis": {
223           "min": 0,
224           "max": 20,
225           "display": false
226         },
227         "yAxis": {
228           "min": 0,
229           "max": 1000,
230           "display": false
231         },
232         "series": {
233           "lineStyle": {
234             "width": "5px",
235             "smooth": true
236           },
237           "headPoint": {
238             "shape": "circle",
239             "size": 20,
240             "strokeWidth": 5,
241             "fillColor": "#ffffff",
242             "strokeColor": "#007aff",
243             "display": true
244           },
245           "loop": {
246             "margin": 2,
247             "gradient": true
248           }
249         }
250       }
251     }
252   }
253   ```
254   **4 x 4 widget**
2582. Bar chart
260   ```html
261   <!-- xxx.hml -->
262   <div class="container">
263     <stack class="data-region">
264       <image class="data-background" src="common/background.png"></image>
265       <chart class="data-bar" type="bar" id="bar-chart" options="{{barOps}}" datasets="{{barData}}"></chart>
266     </stack>
267   </div>
268   ```
271   ```css
272   /* xxx.css */
273   .container {
274     flex-direction: column;
275     justify-content: center;
276     align-items: center;
277   }
278   .data-region {
279     height: 400px;
280     width: 700px;
281   }
282   .data-background {
283     object-fit: fill;
284   }
285   .data-bar {
286     width: 700px;
287     height: 400px;
288   }
289   ```
292   ```json
293   {
294     "data": {
295       "barData": [
296         {
297           "fillColor": "#f07826",
298           "data": [763, 550, 551, 554, 731, 654, 525, 696, 595, 628]
299         },
300         {
301           "fillColor": "#cce5ff",
302           "data": [535, 776, 615, 444, 694, 785, 677, 609, 562, 410]
303         },
304         {
305           "fillColor": "#ff88bb",
306           "data": [673, 500, 574, 483, 702, 583, 437, 506, 693, 657]
307         }
308       ],
309       "barOps": {
310         "xAxis": {
311           "min": 0,
312           "max": 20,
313           "display": false,
314           "axisTick": 10
315         },
316         "yAxis": {
317           "min": 0,
318           "max": 1000,
319           "display": false
320         }
321       }
322     }
323   }
324   ```
325   **4 x 4 widget**
3293. Gauge chart
332   ```html
333   <!-- xxx.hml -->
334   <div class="container">
335     <div class="gauge-region">
336       <chart class="data-gauge" type="gauge" percent = "50"></chart>
337     </div>
338   </div>
339   ```
342   ```css
343   /* xxx.css */
344   .container {
345     flex-direction: column;
346     justify-content: center;
347     align-items: center;
348   }
349   .gauge-region {
350     height: 400px;
351     width: 400px;
352   }
353   .data-gauge {
354     colors: #83f115, #fd3636, #3bf8ff;
355     weights: 4, 2, 1;
356   }
357   ```
358   **4 x 4 widget**