1# Configuring Other Subsystems 2 3 4In addition to the preceding subsystems, there are some subsystems that are necessary but do not need to be ported, such as the distributed scheduler and DFX subsystems. 5 6 7To add these subsystems, perform the following operations in the **vendor/MyVendorCompany/MyProduct/config.json** file: 8 9``` 10{ 11 "subsystem": "distributed_schedule", 12 "components": [ 13 { "component": "system_ability_manager", "features":[] } # The component name varies according to the version. 14 ] 15}, 16{ 17 "subsystem": "hiviewdfx", 18 "components": [ 19 { "component": "hilog_lite", "features":[] }, 20 { "component": "hievent_lite", "features":[] } 21 ] 22}, 23``` 24