1# JS API Differences 2 3This document describes the changes of APIs in OpenHarmony 3.1 Beta when compared with OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS. 4 5## Standard System API Changes 6 7| Module| API | Change Type| Change Description | 8| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | 9| System Application - settings| getUri(name: string): string | Added | Added the API for obtaining the URI of a string.| 10| System Application - settings| getValue(dataAbilityHelper: DataAbilityHelper, name: string, defValue: string): string | Added| Added the API for obtaining the value of a string in the database.| 11| System Application - settings| setValue(dataAbilityHelper: DataAbilityHelper, name: string, value: string): boolean | Added| Added the API for saving a string name and its value in the database.| 12| Misc Services - systemTime| getCurrentTime(callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void | Added | Added the API for obtaining the number of milliseconds elapsed since the Unix epoch. | 13| Misc Services - systemTime| getCurrentTime(): Promise\<number> | Added | Added the API for obtaining the number of milliseconds elapsed since the Unix epoch. | 14| Misc Services - systemTime| getCurrentTimeNs(callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void | Added | Added the API for obtaining the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the Unix epoch. | 15| Misc Services - systemTime| getCurrentTimeNs(): Promise\<number> | Added | Added the API for obtaining the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the Unix epoch. | 16| Misc Services - systemTime| getRealActiveTime(callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void | Added | Added the API for obtaining the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system boot, excluding the deep sleep time.| 17| Misc Services - systemTime| getRealActiveTime(): Promise\<number> | Added | Added the API for obtaining the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system boot, excluding the deep sleep time.| 18| Misc Services - systemTime| getRealActiveTimeNs(callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void | Added | Added the API for obtaining the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the system boot, excluding the deep sleep time.| 19| Misc Services - systemTime| getRealActiveTimeNs(): Promise\<number> | Added | Added the API for obtaining the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the system boot, excluding the deep sleep time.| 20| Misc Services - systemTime| getRealTime(callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void | Added | Added the API for obtaining the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system boot, including the deep sleep time. | 21| Misc Services - systemTime| getRealTime(): Promise\<number> | Added | Added the API for obtaining the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system boot, including the deep sleep time. | 22| Misc Services - systemTime| getRealTimeNs(callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void | Added | Added the API for obtaining the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the system boot, including the deep sleep time. | 23| Misc Services - systemTime| getRealTimeNs(): Promise\<number> | Added | Added the API for obtaining the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the system boot, including the deep sleep time. | 24| Misc Services - systemTime| getDate(callback: AsyncCallback\<Date>): void | Added | Added the API for obtaining the current time. | 25| Misc Services - systemTime| getDate(): Promise\<Date> | Added | Added the API for obtaining the current time. | 26| Misc Services - systemTime| getTimeZone(callback: AsyncCallback\<string>): void | Added | Added the API for obtaining the system time zone. | 27| Misc Services - systemTime| getTimeZone(): Promise\<string> | Added | Added the API for obtaining the system time zone. | 28| ArkUI Framework - Universal Events | onAreaChange| Added | Added the event indicating component area (including the size and position) changes.| 29| ArkUI Framework - Universal Attributes| responseRegion| Added| Added the attribute for touch hotspot settings.| 30| ArkUI Framework - Universal Attributes| touchable| Added| Added the attribute that specifies whether a component is touchable.| 31| ArkUI Framework - Universal Attributes| stateStyle| Added| Added the attribute that specifies the styles of the pressed and disabled states of a component.| 32| ArkUI Framework - Basic Gestures| SwipeGesture | Added| Added the SwipeGesture module.| 33| ArkUI Framework - Basic Components| Marquee | Added| Added the **\<Marquee>** component.| 34| ArkUI Framework - Basic Components| PluginComponent | Added| Added the **\<PluginComponent>** component.| 35| ArkUI Framework - Basic Components| TextArea | Added| Added the **\<TextArea>** component.| 36| ArkUI Framework - Basic Components| TextInput | Added| Added the **\<TextInput>** component.| 37| ArkUI Framework - Basic Components| Toggle | Added| Added the **\<Toggle>** component.| 38| ArkUI Framework - Container Components| ScrollBar | Added| Added the **\<ScrollBar>** component.| 39| ArkUI Framework - Container Components| Navigation | Added| Added the **\<Navigation>** component.| 40| ArkUI Framework - Container Components| Stepper | Added| Added the **\<Stepper>** component.| 41| ArkUI Framework - Container Components| StepperItem | Added| Added the **\<StepperItem>** component.| 42| ArkUI Framework - Canvas Components| Canvas | Added| Added the **\<Canvas>** component.| 43| ArkUI Framework - Canvas Components| Lottie | Added| Added the support for the Lottie library.| 44| ArkUI Framework - Global UI Methods| ActionSheet | Added| Added the support for the list selection dialog box.| 45| USB Service - USB| getDevices(): Array\<Readonly\<USBDevice>> | Added | Added the API for obtaining USB devices.| 46| USB Service - USB| connectDevice(device: USBDevice): Readonly\<USBDevicePipe> | Added| Added the API for opening a USB device based on the device information returned by **getDevices()**.| 47| USB Service - USB| hasRight(deviceName: string): boolean | Added| Added the API for checking whether the caller has the permission to access the USB device.| 48| USB Service - USB| requestRight(deviceName: string): Promise\<boolean> | Added| Added the API for requesting the temporary permission for the caller to access the USB device.| 49| USB Service - USB| claimInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface, force?: boolean): number | Added| Added the API for claiming a USB interface.| 50| USB Service - USB| releaseInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface): number | Added| Added the API for releasing a USB interface.| 51| USB Service - USB| setConfiguration(pipe: USBDevicePipe, config: USBConfig): number | Added| Added the API for setting USB device configurations.| 52| USB Service - USB| setInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface): number | Added| Added the API for setting USB device interfaces.| 53| USB Service - USB| getRawDescriptor(pipe: USBDevicePipe): Uint8Array | Added| Added the API for obtaining the raw USB descriptor.| 54| USB Service - USB| getFileDescriptor(pipe: USBDevicePipe): number | Added| Added the API for obtaining the file descriptor.| 55| USB Service - USB| controlTransfer(pipe: USBDevicePipe, contrlparam: USBControlParams, timeout?: number): Promise\<number> | Added| Added the API for control transfer.| 56| USB Service - USB| bulkTransfer(pipe: USBDevicePipe, endpoint: USBEndpoint, buffer: Uint8Array, timeout?: number): Promise\<number> | Added| Added the API for bulk transfer.| 57| USB Service - USB| closePipe(pipe: USBDevicePipe): number | Added| Added the API for closing the USB device pipe.| 58| Application Framework - bundle | cleanBundleCacheFiles(bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;<br>cleanBundleCacheFiles(bundleName: string): Promise\<void>; | Added | Added the APIs for clearing the cache of an application. | 59| Application Framework - bundle | setApplicationEnabled(bundleName: string, isEnable: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;<br>setApplicationEnabled(bundleName: string, isEnable: boolean): Promise\<void>; | Added | Added the API for setting whether to enable an application. | 60| Application Framework - bundle | setAbilityEnabled(info: AbilityInfo, isEnable: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;<br>setAbilityEnabled(info: AbilityInfo, isEnable: boolean): Promise\<void>; | Added | Added the API for setting whether to enable an ability. | 61| Application Framework - bundle.innerBundleManager| getLauncherAbilityInfos(bundleName: string, userId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<Array\<LauncherAbilityInfo>>) : void;<br>getLauncherAbilityInfos(bundleName: string, userId: number) : Promise\<Array\<LauncherAbilityInfo>>; | Added | Added the API for obtaining the launcher ability information by **bundleName**. | 62| Application Framework - bundle.innerBundleManager| on(type:"BundleStatusChange", bundleStatusCallback : BundleStatusCallback, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>) : void;<br>on(type:"BundleStatusChange", bundleStatusCallback : BundleStatusCallback): Proimise\<string>; | Added | Added the API for subscribing to bundle status changes. | 63| Application Framework - bundle.innerBundleManager| off(type:"BundleStatusChange", callback: AsyncCallback\<string>) : void;<br>off(type:"BundleStatusChange"): Proimise\<string>; | Added | Added the APIs for unsubscribing from bundle status changes. | 64| Application Framework - bundle.innerBundleManager| getAllLauncherAbilityInfos(userId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<Array\<LauncherAbilityInfo>>) : void;<br>getAllLauncherAbilityInfos(userId: number) : Promise\<Array\<LauncherAbilityInfo>>; | Added | Added the APIs for obtaining the application abilities on all launchers by **userId**.| 65| Application Framework - bundle.innerBundleManager| getShortcutInfos(bundleName :string, callback: AsyncCallback\<Array\<ShortcutInfo>>) : void;<br>getShortcutInfos(bundleName : string) : Promise\<Array\<ShortcutInfo>>; | Added | Added the API for obtaining the application shortcut information by **bundleName**. | 66| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| writeNoException(): void | Added| - | 67| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| readException(): void | Added| - | 68| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| writeRemoteObjectArray(objectArray: IRemoteObject[]): boolean | Added| - | 69| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| readSequenceableArray(sequenceableArray Sequenceable[]): void | Added| - | 70| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| readRemoteObjectArray(objects: IRemoteObject[]): void | Added| - | 71| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| readRemoteObjectArray(): IRemoteObject[] | Added| - | 72| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| static closeFileDescriptor(fd: number): void | Added| - | 73| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| static dupFileDescriptor(fd: number) :number | Added| - | 74| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| containFileDescriptors(): boolean | Added| - | 75| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| writeFileDescriptor(fd: number): boolean | Added| - | 76| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| readFileDescriptor(): number | Added| - | 77| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| writeAshmem(ashmem: Ashmem): boolean | Added| - | 78| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| readAshmem(): Ashmem | Added| - | 79| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| getRawDataCapacity(): number | Added| - | 80| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| writeRawData(rawData: number[], size: number): boolean | Added| - | 81| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel| readRawData(size: number): number[] | Added| - | 82| DSoftBus - rpc| interface SendRequestResult {<br> errCode: number;<br> code: number;<br> data: MessageParcel;<br> reply: MessageParcel;<br> } | Added| - | 83| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| PROT_EXEC = 4 | Added| - | 84| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| PROT_NONE = 0 | Added| - | 85| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| PROT_READ = 1 | Added| - | 86| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| PROT_WRITE = 2 | Added| - | 87| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| static createAshmem(name: string, size: number): Ashmem | Added| - | 88| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| static createAshmemFromExisting(ashmem: Ashmem): Ashmem | Added| - | 89| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| closeAshmem(): void | Added| - | 90| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| unmapAshmem(): void | Added| - | 91| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| getAshmemSize(): number | Added| - | 92| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| mapAshmem(mapType: number): boolean | Added| - | 93| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| mapReadAndWriteAshmem(): boolean | Added| - | 94| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| mapReadOnlyAshmem(): boolean | Added| - | 95| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| setProtection(protectionType: number): boolean | Added| - | 96| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| writeToAshmem(buf: number[], size: number, offset: number): boolean | Added| - | 97| DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem| readFromAshmem(size: number, offset: number): number[] | Added| - | 98| DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject| sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): boolean | Deprecated| Replaced by an asynchronous interface, which uses a promise or callback.| 99| DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject| sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): Promise\<SendRequestResult> | Added| - | 100| DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject| sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback\<SendRequestResult>): void | Added| - | 101| DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteProxy| sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): boolean | Deprecated| Replaced by an asynchronous interface, which uses a promise or callback.| 102| DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteProxy| sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): Promise\<SendRequestResult> | Added| - | 103| DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteProxy| sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback\<SendRequestResult>): void | Added| - | 104| DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteObject| sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): boolean | Deprecated| Replaced by an asynchronous interface, which uses a promise or callback.| 105| DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteObject| sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): Promise\<SendRequestResult> | Added| - | 106| DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteObject| sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback\<SendRequestResult>): void | Added| - | 107| DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject| PING_TRANSACTION | Deleted| Deleted since it is not implemented in API Version 7. The deletion has no impact on existing applications.| 108| DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject| DUMP_TRANSACTION | Deleted| Deleted since it is not implemented in API Version 7. The deletion has no impact on existing applications.| 109| DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject| INTERFACE_TRANSACTION | Deleted| Deleted since it is not implemented in API Version 7. The deletion has no impact on existing applications.| 110| DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject| MIN_TRANSACTION_ID | Deleted| Deleted since it is not implemented in API Version 7. The deletion has no impact on existing applications.| 111| DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject| MAX_TRANSACTION_ID | Deleted| Deleted since it is not implemented in API Version 7. The deletion has no impact on existing applications.| 112| DSoftBus - rpc.Sequenceable| hasFileDescriptor(): boolean | Deleted| Deleted since this API will not be invoked by the RPC framework. The deletion has no impact on existing applications.| 113| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageOption| constructor(syncFlags?: number, waitTime = TF_WAIT_TIME) | Added| - | 114| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageOption| getFlags(): number | Added| - | 115| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageOption| setFlags(flags: number): void | Added| - | 116| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageOption| getWaitTime(): number | Added| - | 117| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageOption| setWaitTime(waitTime: number): void | Added| - | 118| DSoftBus - rpc.MessageOption| MAX_WAIT_TIME = 3000 | Deleted| Deleted since it is not implemented in API Version 7. The deletion has no impact on existing applications.| 119| DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteObject| constructor(descriptor: string) | Added| - | 120| DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteObject| queryLocalInterface(descriptor: string): IRemoteBroker | Modified| Corrected the return type to **IRemoteBroker**. This change does not affect existing applications.| 121| DSoftBus - rpc.Proxy| PING_TRANSACTION | Added| - | 122| DSoftBus - rpc.Proxy| DUMP_TRANSACTION | Added| - | 123| DSoftBus - rpc.Proxy| INTERFACE_TRANSACTION | Added| - | 124| DSoftBus - rpc.Proxy| MIN_TRANSACTION_ID = 0x1 | Added| - | 125| DSoftBus - rpc.Proxy| MAX_TRANSACTION_ID = 0x00FFFFFF | Added| - | 126| DSoftBus - rpc.Proxy| queryLocalInterface(interface: string): IRemoteBroker | Modified| Corrected the return type to **IRemoteBroker**. This change does not affect existing applications.| 127| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| getLinkedInfo(): Promise\<WifiLinkedInfo>;<br>getLinkedInfo(callback: AsyncCallback\<WifiLinkedInfo>): void; | Added| - | 128| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| isConnected(): boolean; | Added| - | 129| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| getSupportedFeatures(): number; | Added| - | 130| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| isFeatureSupported(featureId: number): boolean; | Added| - | 131| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| getDeviceMacAddress(): string[]; | Added| - | 132| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| getIpInfo(): IpInfo; | Added| - | 133| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| getCountryCode(): string; | Added| - | 134| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| reassociate(): boolean; | Added| - | 135| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| reconnect(): boolean; | Added| - | 136| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| getDeviceConfigs(): Array\<WifiDeviceConfig>; | Added| - | 137| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| updateNetwork(config: WifiDeviceConfig): number; | Added| - | 138| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| disableNetwork(netId: number): boolean; | Added| - | 139| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| removeAllNetwork(): boolean; | Added| - | 140| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| removeDevice(id: number): boolean; | Added| - | 141| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| enableHotspot(): boolean; | Added| - | 142| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| disableHotspot(): boolean; | Added| - | 143| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| isHotspotActive(): boolean; | Added| - | 144| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| setHotspotConfig(config: HotspotConfig): boolean; | Added| - | 145| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| getHotspotConfig(): HotspotConfig; | Added| - | 146| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| getStations(): Array\<StationInfo>; | Added| - | 147| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| on(type: "wifiStateChange", callback: Callback\<number>): void; | Added| - | 148| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| off(type: "wifiStateChange", callback?: Callback\<number>): void; | Added| - | 149| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| on(type: "wifiConnectionChange", callback: Callback\<number>): void; | Added| - | 150| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| off(type: "wifiConnectionChange", callback?: Callback\<number>): void; | Added| - | 151| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| on(type: "wifiScanStateChange", callback: Callback\<number>): void; | Added| - | 152| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| off(type: "wifiScanStateChange", callback?: Callback\<number>): void; | Added| - | 153| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| on(type: "wifiRssiChange", callback: Callback\<number>): void; | Added| - | 154| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| off(type: "wifiRssiChange", callback?: Callback\<number>): void; | Added| - | 155| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| on(type: "hotspotStateChange", callback: Callback\<number>): void; | Added| - | 156| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| off(type: "hotspotStateChange", callback?: Callback\<number>): void; | Added| - | 157| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| on(type: "hotspotStaJoin", callback: Callback\<StationInfo>): void; | Added| - | 158| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| off(type: "hotspotStaJoin", callback?: Callback\<StationInfo>): void; | Added| - | 159| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| on(type: "hotspotStaLeave", callback: Callback\<StationInfo>): void; | Added| - | 160| DSoftBus - Wi-Fi| off(type: "hotspotStaLeave", callback?: Callback\<StationInfo>): void; | Added| - | 161| Globalization - resourceManager| getRawFile(path: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<Uint8Array>);<br>getRawFile(path: string): Promise\<Uint8Array>; | Added| - | 162| Globalization - Intl| RelativeTimeFormat.constructor(); | Added| Added this constructor.| 163| Globalization - Intl| RelativeTimeFormat.constructor(locale: string \| Array\<string>, options?: RelativeTimeFormatInputOptions); | Added| Added this constructor.| 164| Globalization - Intl| RelativeTimeFormat.format(value: number, unit: string): string; | Added| Added the API for formatting the relative time.| 165| Globalization - Intl| RelativeTimeFormat.formatToParts(value: number, unit: string): Array\<object>; | Added| Added the API for formatting the relative time. The result is divided into multiple parts and stored separately.| 166| Globalization - Intl| RelativeTimeFormat.formatToParts(value: number, unit: string): Array\<object>; | Added| Added the API for formatting the relative time. The result is divided into multiple parts and stored separately.| 167| Globalization - Intl| PluralRules.constructor(); | Added| Added this constructor.| 168| Globalization - Intl| PluralRules.constructor(locale: string \| Array\<string>, options?: PluralRulesOptions); | Added| Added this constructor.| 169| Globalization - Intl| PluralRules.select(n: number): string; | Added| Added the API for checking the singular-plural type of a number.| 170| Globalization - Intl| Collator.constructor(); | Added| Added this constructor.| 171| Globalization - Intl| Collator.constructor(locale: string \| Array\<string>, options?: CollatorOptions); | Added| Added this constructor.| 172| Globalization - Intl| Collator.compare(first: string, second: string): number; | Added| Added the API for comparing two strings.| 173| Globalization - Intl| Collator.resolvedOptions(): CollatorOptions; | Added| Added the API for obtaining the attributes of a sorting object.| 174| Globalization - I18N| unitConvert(fromUnit: UnitInfo, toUnit: UnitInfo, value: number, locale: string, style?: string): string; | Added| Added the API for unit conversion.| 175| Globalization - I18N| constructor(country: string, options?: PhoneNumberFormatOptions);<br>isValidNumber(number: string): boolean;<br>format(number: string): string; | Added| Added the APIs for formatting phone numbers.| 176| Globalization - I18N| setTime(date: Date);<br>setTime(time: number);<br>set(year: number, month: number, date:number, hour?: number, minute?: number, second?: number);<br>setTimeZone(timezone: string);<br>getTimeZone(): string;<br>getFirstDayOfWeek(): number;<br>setFirstDayOfWeek(value: number);<br>getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(): number;<br>setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(value: number);<br>get(field: string): number;<br>getDisplayName(locale: string): string;<br>isWeekend(date?: Date): boolean;<br>export getCalendar(locale: string, type?: string): Calendar; | Added| Added the APIs for the calendar.| 177| Globalization - I18N| isRTL(locale: string): boolean; | Added| Added the API for checking whether the localized script for the specified language is displayed from right to left.| 178| Globalization - I18N| getLineInstance(locale: string): BreakIterator;<br>current(): number;<br>first(): number;<br>last(): number;<br>next(index?: number): number;<br>previous(): number;<br>setLineBreakText(text: string): void;<br>following(offset: number): number;<br>getLineBreakText(): string;<br>isBoundary(offset: number): boolean; | Added| Added the APIs for line feed.| 179| Globalization - I18N| getInstance(locale?:string): IndexUtil;<br>getIndexList(): Array\<string>; | Added| Added the APIs for obtaining the alphabet index.| 180| Globalization - I18N| addLocale(locale: string);<br>getIndex(text: string): string;<br>isDigit(char: string): boolean;<br>isSpaceChar(char: string): boolean;<br>isWhitespace(char: string): boolean;<br>isRTL(char: string): boolean;<br>isIdeograph(char: string): boolean;<br>isLetter(char: string): boolean;<br>isLowerCase(char: string): boolean;<br>isUpperCase(char: string): boolean;<br>getType(char: string): string; | Added| Added the APIs for obtaining character attributes.| 181| Event Notification - DoNotDisturbDate| type: notification.DoNotDisturbType | Added | Added the do-not-disturb (DND) time type.| 182| Event Notification - DoNotDisturbDate| begin: Date | Added| Added the DND start time setting.| 183| Event Notification - DoNotDisturbDate| end: Date | Added| Added the DND end time setting.| 184| Event Notification - DoNotDisturbDate| export enum DoNotDisturbType {<br> TYPE_NONE = 0, // Non-notification DND type<br> TYPE_ONCE = 1, // One-shot DND at the specified time segment<br> TYPE_DAILY = 2, // Daily DND at the specified time segment (only the hour and minute specified)<br> TYPE_CLEARLY = 3, // DND at the specified time segment (the year, month, day, hour, and minute specified)<br>} | Added| Added the DND time type.| 185| Event Notification - notification| setDoNotDisturbDate(date DoNotDisturbDate, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | Added| Added the API for setting the DND time segment.| 186| Event Notification - notification| setDoNotDisturbDate(date DoNotDisturbDate): Promise\<void> | Added| Added the API for setting the DND time segment.| 187| Event Notification - notification| getDoNotDisturbDate(callback: AsyncCallback\<DoNotDisturbDate>): void | Added| Added the API for obtaining the DND time segment.| 188| Event Notification - notification| getDoNotDisturbDate(): Promise\<DoNotDisturbDate> | Added| Added the API for obtaining the DND time segment.| 189| Event Notification - notification| supportDoNotDisturbMode(callback: AsyncCallback\<boolean>): void | Added| Added the API for checking whether DND is supported.| 190| Event Notification - notification| supportDoNotDisturbMode(): Promise\<boolean> | Added| Added the API for checking whether DND is supported.| 191| Event Notification - notification| cancelGroup(groupName: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | Added | Added the API for canceling a notification group of the current application. | 192| Event Notification - notification | cancelGroup(groupName: string): Promise\<void> | Added| Added the API for canceling a notification group of the current application.| 193| Event Notification - notification | removeGroupByBundle(bundle: BundleOption, groupName: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | Added| Added the API for removing a notification group of a specified application.| 194| Event Notification - notification | removeGroupByBundle(bundle: BundleOption, groupName: string): Promise\<void> | Added| Added the API for removing a notification group of a specified application.| 195| Event Notification - NotificationSubscriber| onDoNotDisturbDateChange?:(mode: notification.DoNotDisturbDate) => void | Added| Added the API for subscribing to DND setting changes.| 196| Event Notification - NotificationRequest| smallIcon?: image.PixelMap | Added| Added the small notification icon.| 197| Event Notification - NotificationRequest| largeIcon?: image.PixelMap; | Added| Added the large notification icon.| 198| Event Notification - NotificationRequest| groupName?: string; | Added| Added the notification group name.| 199| Event Notification - NotificationUserInput| | Added | Added the user input object.| 200| Event Notification - NotificationUserInput| inputKey: string | Added| Added a key to identify the user input.| 201| Event Notification - NotificationActionButton| userInput?: NotificationUserInput | Added| Added the user input object.| 202| Event notification - emitter| on(event: InnerEvent, callback: Callback\<EventData>): void | Added| Added the API for subscribing to an event in persistent manner and receiving the event callback.| 203| Event notification - emitter| once(event: InnerEvent, callback: Callback\<EventData>): void | Added| Added the API for subscribing to an event in one-shot manner and unsubscribing from it after the event is received via a callback.| 204| Event notification - emitter| off(eventId: number): void | Added| Added the API for unsubscribing from an event.| 205| Event notification - emitter| emit(event: InnerEvent, data?: EventData): void | Added| Added the API for emitting an event to the event queue.| 206| Distributed File - statfs| getFreeBytes(path: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void | Added | Added the API for obtaining the free space (in bytes) of a device using an asynchronous callback.| 207| Distributed File - statfs| getFreeBytes(path: string): Promise\<number> | Added| Added the API for obtaining the free space (in bytes) of a device using a promise.| 208| Distributed File - statfs| getTotalBytes(path: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void | Added| Added the API for obtaining the total space (in bytes) of a device using an asynchronous callback.| 209| Distributed File - statfs| getTotalBytes(path: string): Promise\<number> | Added| Added the API for obtaining the total space (in bytes) of a device using a promise.| 210| Distributed Scheduler - featureAbility | continueAbility(options: ContinueAbilityOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;<br>continueAbility(options: ContinueAbilityOptions): Promise\<void>; | Added | - | 211| Multi-language Runtime - URI| constructor(uri: string); | Added| | 212| Multi-language Runtime - URI| toString(): string | Added| | 213| Multi-language Runtime - URI | equals(other: URI): boolean; | Added | | 214| Multi-language Runtime - URI | checkIsAbsolute(): boolean; | Added | | 215| Multi-language Runtime - URI | normalize(): URI; | Added | | 216| Multi-language Runtime - URI | scheme: string; | Added | | 217| Multi-language Runtime - URI | userinfo: string; | Added | | 218| Multi-language Runtime - URI | host: string; | Added | | 219| Multi-language Runtime - URI | port: string; | Added | | 220| Multi-language Runtime - URI | path: string; | Added | | 221| Multi-language Runtime - URI | query: string; | Added | | 222| Multi-language Runtime - URI | query: string; | Added | | 223| Multi-language Runtime - URI | authority: string; | Added | | 224| Multi-language Runtime - URI | ssp: string; | Added | | 225| Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber| constructor(numerator: number, denominator: number); | Added | | 226| Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber| static createRationalFromString(rationalString: string): RationalNumber; | Added | | 227| Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber| compareTo(another :RationalNumber): number; | Added | | 228| Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber| equals(obj: Object): boolean; | Added | | 229| Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber| valueOf(): number; | Added | | 230| Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber| static getCommonDivisor(number1: number, number2: number): number; | Added | | 231| Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber| getDenominator(): number; | Added | | 232| Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber| getNumerator(): number; | Added | | 233| Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber| isFinite() : boolean; | Added | | 234| Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber| isNaN(): boolean; | Added | | 235| Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber| isZero(): boolean; | Added | | 236| Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber| toString(): string; | Added | | 237| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| constructor(capacity?:number); | Added | | 238| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| updateCapacity(newCapacity: number):void | Added | | 239| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| toString():string | Added | | 240| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| length:number | Added | | 241| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| getCapacity(): number; | Added | | 242| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| clear(): void; | Added | | 243| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| getCreateCount(): number; | Added | | 244| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| getMissCount(): number; | Added | | 245| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| getRemovalCount(): number; | Added | | 246| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| getMatchCount(): number; | Added | | 247| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| getPutCount(): number; | Added | | 248| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| isEmpty(): boolean; | Added | | 249| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| get(key: K): V \| undefined; | Added | | 250| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| put(key: K, value: V): V; | Added | | 251| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| values(): V[]; | Added | | 252| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| keys(): K[]; | Added | | 253| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| remove(key: K): V \| undefined; | Added | | 254| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| afterRemoval(isEvict: boolean, key: K, value: V, newValue: V): void; | Added | | 255| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| contains(key: K): boolean; | Added | | 256| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| createDefault(key: K): V; | Added | | 257| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| entries(): IterableIterator\<[K, V]>; | Added | | 258| Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer| \[Symbol.iterator]\(): IterableIterator\<[K, V]>; | Added | | 259| Multi-language Runtime - Scope| constructor(lowerObj: ScopeType, upperObj: ScopeType); | Added | | 260| Multi-language Runtime - Scope| toString(): string; | Added | | 261| Multi-language Runtime - Scope| intersect(range: Scope): Scope; | Added | | 262| Multi-language Runtime - Scope| intersect(lowerObj: ScopeType, upperObj: ScopeType): Scope; | Added | | 263| Multi-language Runtime - Scope| getUpper(): ScopeType; | Added | | 264| Multi-language Runtime - Scope| getLower(): ScopeType; | Added | | 265| Multi-language Runtime - Scope| expand(lowerObj: ScopeType, upperObj: ScopeType): Scope; | Added | | 266| Multi-language Runtime - Scope| expand(range: Scope): Scope; | Added | | 267| Multi-language Runtime - Scope| expand(value: ScopeType): Scope; | Added | | 268| Multi-language Runtime - Scope| contains(value: ScopeType): boolean; | Added | | 269| Multi-language Runtime - Scope| contains(range: Scope): boolean; | Added | | 270| Multi-language Runtime - Scope| clamp(value: ScopeType): ScopeType; | Added | | 271| Multi-language Runtime - Base64| constructor(); | Added | | 272| Multi-language Runtime - Base64| encodeSync(src: Uint8Array): Uint8Array; | Added | | 273| Multi-language Runtime - Base64| encodeToStringSync(src: Uint8Array): string; | Added | | 274| Multi-language Runtime - Base64| decodeSync(src: Uint8Array \| string): Uint8Array; | Added | | 275| Multi-language Runtime - Base64| encode(src: Uint8Array): Promise\<Uint8Array>; | Added | | 276| Multi-language Runtime - Base64| encodeToString(src: Uint8Array): Promise\<string>; | Added | | 277| Multi-language Runtime - Base64| decode(src: Uint8Array \| string): Promise\<Uint8Array>; | Added | | 278| Multi-language Runtime - types| constructor(); | Added | | 279| Multi-language Runtime - types| isAnyArrayBuffer(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 280| Multi-language Runtime - types| isArrayBufferView(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 281| Multi-language Runtime - types| isArgumentsObject(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 282| Multi-language Runtime - types| isArrayBuffer(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 283| Multi-language Runtime - types| isAsyncFunction(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 284| Multi-language Runtime - types| isBigInt64Array(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 285| Multi-language Runtime - types| isBigUint64Array(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 286| Multi-language Runtime - types| isBooleanObject(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 287| Multi-language Runtime - types| isBoxedPrimitive(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 288| Multi-language Runtime - types| isDataView(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 289| Multi-language Runtime - types| isDate(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 290| Multi-language Runtime - types| isExternal(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 291| Multi-language Runtime - types| isFloat32Array(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 292| Multi-language Runtime - types| isFloat64Array(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 293| Multi-language Runtime - types| isGeneratorFunction(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 294| Multi-language Runtime - types| isGeneratorObject(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 295| Multi-language Runtime - types| isInt8Array(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 296| Multi-language Runtime - types| isInt16Array(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 297| Multi-language Runtime - types| isInt32Array(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 298| Multi-language Runtime - types| isMap(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 299| Multi-language Runtime - types| isMapIterator(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 300| Multi-language Runtime - types| isModuleNamespaceObject(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 301| Multi-language Runtime - types| isNativeError(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 302| Multi-language Runtime - types| isNumberObject(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 303| Multi-language Runtime - types| isPromise(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 304| Multi-language Runtime - types| isProxy(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 305| Multi-language Runtime - types| isRegExp(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 306| Multi-language Runtime - types| isSet(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 307| Multi-language Runtime - types| isSetIterator(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 308| Multi-language Runtime - types| isSharedArrayBuffer(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 309| Multi-language Runtime - types| isStringObject(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 310| Multi-language Runtime - types| isSymbolObject(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 311| Multi-language Runtime - types| isTypedArray(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 312| Multi-language Runtime - types| isUint8Array(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 313| Multi-language Runtime - types| isUint8ClampedArray(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 314| Multi-language Runtime - types| isUint16Array(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 315| Multi-language Runtime - types| isUint32Array(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 316| Multi-language Runtime - types| isWeakMap(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 317| Multi-language Runtime - types| isWeakSet(value: Object): boolean; | Added | | 318| Multi-language Runtime - process| const tid: number; | Added | | 319| Multi-language Runtime - process| isIsolatedProcess(): boolean; | Added | | 320| Multi-language Runtime - process| isAppUid(v: number): boolean; | Added | | 321| Multi-language Runtime - process| is64Bit(): boolean; | Added | | 322| Multi-language Runtime - process| getUidForName(v: string): number; | Added | | 323| Multi-language Runtime - process| getThreadPriority(v: number): number; | Added | | 324| Multi-language Runtime - process| getStartRealtime(): number; | Added | | 325| Multi-language Runtime - process| getAvailableCores(): number[]; | Added | | 326| Multi-language Runtime - process| getPastCpuTime(): number; | Added | | 327| Multi-language Runtime - process| getSystemConfig(name: number): number; | Added | | 328| Multi-language Runtime - process| getEnvironmentVar(name: string): string; | Added | | 329| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| trim: boolean; | Added | | 330| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| ignoreDeclaration?: boolean; | Added | | 331| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| ignoreInstruction?: boolean; | Added | | 332| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| ignoreAttributes?: boolean; | Added | | 333| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| ignoreComment?: boolean; | Added | | 334| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| ignoreCdata?: boolean; | Added | | 335| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| ignoreDoctype?: boolean; | Added | | 336| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| ignoreText?: boolean; | Added | | 337| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| declarationKey: string; | Added | | 338| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| instructionKey: string; | Added | | 339| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| attributesKey: string; | Added | | 340| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| textKey: string; | Added | | 341| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| cdataKey: string; | Added | | 342| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| doctypeKey: string; | Added | | 343| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| commentKey: string; | Added | | 344| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| parentKey: string; | Added | | 345| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| typeKey: string; | Added | | 346| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| nameKey: string; | Added | | 347| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions| elementsKey: string; | Added | | 348| Multi-language Runtime - ConvertXML| convert(xml: string, options?: ConvertOptions) : Object; | Added | | 349| Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer| constructor(buffer: ArrayBuffer \| DataView, encoding?: string); | Added | | 350| Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer| setAttributes(name: string, value: string): void; | Added | | 351| Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer| addEmptyElement(name: string): void; | Added | | 352| Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer| setDeclaration(): void; | Added | | 353| Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer| startElement(name: string): void; | Added | | 354| Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer| endElement(): void; | Added | | 355| Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer| setNamespace(prefix: string, namespace: string): void; | Added | | 356| Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer| setCommnet(text: string): void; | Added | | 357| Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer| setCData(text: string): void; | Added | | 358| Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer| setText(text: string): void; | Added | | 359| Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer| setDocType(text: string): void; | Added | | 360| Multi-language Runtime -ParseOptions| supportDoctype?: boolean; | Added | | 361| Multi-language Runtime -ParseOptions| ignoreNameSpace?: boolean; | Added | | 362| Multi-language Runtime -ParseOptions| tagValueCallbackFunction?: (name: string, value: string) => boolean; | Added | | 363| Multi-language Runtime -ParseOptions| attributeValueCallbackFunction?: (name: string, value: string) => boolean; | Added | | 364| Multi-language Runtime -ParseOptions| tokenValueCallbackFunction?: (eventType: EventType, value: ParseInfo) => boolean; | Added | | 365| Account - account.appAccount| createAppAccountManager | Added| Added the API for obtaining an **AppAccountManager** instance.| 366| Account - account.appAccount| addAccount(name: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;<br>addAccount(name: string, extraInfo: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;<br>addAccount(name: string, extraInfo?: string): Promise\<void>; | Added| Added the APIs for adding an application account.| 367| Account - account.appAccount| deleteAccount(name: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;<br>deleteAccount(name: string): Promise\<void>; | Added| Added the APIs for deleting an application account.| 368| Account - account.appAccount| disableAppAccess(name: string, bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;<br>disableAppAccess(name: string, bundleName: string): Promise\<void>; | Added| Added the APIs for disabling an application account from accessing a third-party application with the given bundle name.| 369| Account - account.appAccount| enableAppAccess(name: string, bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;<br>enableAppAccess(name: string, bundleName: string): Promise\<void>; | Added| Added the APIs for enabling an application account to access a third-party application with the given bundle name.| 370| Account - account.appAccount| checkAppAccountSyncEnable(name: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<boolean>): void;<br>checkAppAccountSyncEnable(name: string): Promise\<boolean>; | Added| Added the APIs for checking whether an application account allows application data synchronization.| 371| Account - account.appAccount| setAccountCredential(name: string, credentialType: string, credential: string,<br> callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;<br>setAccountCredential(name: string, credentialType: string, credential: string): Promise\<void>; | Added| Added the APIs for setting a credential for an application account.| 372| Account - account.appAccount| setAccountExtraInfo(name: string, extraInfo: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;<br>setAccountExtraInfo(name: string, extraInfo: string): Promise\<void>; | Added| Added the APIs for setting additional information for an application account.| 373| Account - account.appAccount| setAppAccountSyncEnable(name: string, isEnable: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;<br>setAppAccountSyncEnable(name: string, isEnable: boolean): Promise\<void>; | Added| Added the APIs for setting whether to enable application data synchronization for an application account.| 374| Account - account.appAccount| setAssociatedData(name: string, key: string, value: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;<br>setAssociatedData(name: string, key: string, value: string): Promise\<void>; | Added| Added the APIs for setting data to be associated with an application account.| 375| Account - account.appAccount| getAllAccessibleAccounts(callback: AsyncCallback\<Array\<AppAccountInfo>>): void;<br>getAllAccessibleAccounts(): Promise\<Array\<AppAccountInfo>>; | Added| Added the APIs for obtaining the account information of this application and the information about the third-party application account that has been authorized to the current application.| 376| Account - account.appAccount| getAllAccounts(owner: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<Array\<AppAccountInfo>>): void;<br>getAllAccounts(owner: string): Promise\<Array\<AppAccountInfo>>; | Added| Added the APIs for obtaining all account information of this application.| 377| Account - account.appAccount| getAccountCredential(name: string, credentialType: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>): void;<br>getAccountCredential(name: string, credentialType: string): Promise\<string>; | Added| Added the APIs for obtaining the credential of an application account.| 378| Account - account.appAccount| getAccountExtraInfo(name: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>): void;<br>getAccountExtraInfo(name: string): Promise\<string>; | Added| Added the APIs for obtaining additional information of an application account.| 379| Account - account.appAccount| getAssociatedData(name: string, key: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>): void;<br>getAssociatedData(name: string, key: string): Promise\<string>; | Added| Added the APIs for obtaining data associated with an application account.| 380| Account - account.appAccount| on(type: 'change', owners: Array\<string>, callback: Callback\<Array\<AppAccountInfo>>): void; | Added| Added the API for subscribing to application account changes.| 381| Account - account.appAccount| off(type: 'change', callback?: Callback\<void>): void; | Added| Added the API for unsubscribing from application account changes.| 382| Account - account.appAccount| interface AppAccountInfo | Added| Added the **AppAccountInfo** interface.| 383| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER, callback: AsyncCallback\<AccelerometerResponse>,options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to acceleration sensor data changes. | 384| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_LINEAR_ACCELERATION,callback:AsyncCallback\<LinearAccelerometerResponse>, options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the linear acceleration sensor. | 385| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER_UNCALIBRATED,callback:AsyncCallback\<AccelerometerUncalibratedResponse>, options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the uncalibrated acceleration sensor. | 386| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_GRAVITY, callback: AsyncCallback\<GravityResponse>,options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the gravity sensor. | 387| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_GYROSCOPE, callback: AsyncCallback\<GyroscopeResponse>, options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the gyroscope sensor. | 388| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_GYROSCOPE_UNCALIBRATED,callback:AsyncCallback\<GyroscopeUncalibratedResponse>, options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the uncalibrated gyroscope sensor. | 389| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION, callback: AsyncCallback\<SignificantMotionResponse>, options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the significant motion sensor. | 390| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_PEDOMETER_DETECTION, callback: AsyncCallback\<PedometerDetectResponse>, options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the pedometer detection sensor. | 391| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_PEDOMETER, callback: AsyncCallback\<PedometerResponse>, options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the pedometer sensor. | 392| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE,callback:AsyncCallback\<AmbientTemperatureResponse>, options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the ambient temperature sensor. | 393| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_MAGNETIC_FIELD, callback: AsyncCallback\<MagneticFieldResponse>,options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the magnetic field sensor. | 394| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_MAGNETIC_FIELD_UNCALIBRATED,callback:AsyncCallback\<MagneticFieldUncalibratedResponse>, options: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the uncalibrated magnetic field sensor. | 395| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_PROXIMITY, callback: AsyncCallback\<ProximityResponse>,options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to proximity sensor data changes. | 396| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_HUMIDITY, callback: AsyncCallback\<HumidityResponse>,options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to humidity sensor data changes. | 397| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_BAROMETER, callback: AsyncCallback\<BarometerResponse>,options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to barometer sensor data changes. | 398| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_HALL, callback: AsyncCallback\<HallResponse>, options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the Hall effect sensor. | 399| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_AMBIENT_LIGHT, callback: AsyncCallback\<LightResponse>, options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the ambient light sensor. | 400| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ORIENTATION, callback: AsyncCallback\<OrientationResponse>, options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to orientation sensor data changes. | 401| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ROTATION_VECTOR,callback:AsyncCallback\<RotationVectorResponse>,options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the rotation vector sensor. | 402| Pan-sensor - sensor | on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_WEAR_DETECTION, callback: AsyncCallback\<WearDetectionResponse>,options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to wear detection data changes. | 403| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER, callback: AsyncCallback\<AccelerometerResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the acceleration sensor. | 404| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_LINEAR_ACCELERATION,callback:AsyncCallback\<LinearAccelerometerResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the linear acceleration sensor. | 405| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER_UNCALIBRATED,callback:AsyncCallback\<AccelerometerUncalibratedResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the uncalibrated acceleration sensor.| 406| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_GRAVITY, callback: AsyncCallback\<GravityResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the gravity sensor. | 407| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_GYROSCOPE, callback: AsyncCallback\<GyroscopeResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the gyroscope sensor. | 408| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_GYROSCOPE_UNCALIBRATED,callback:AsyncCallback\<GyroscopeUncalibratedResponse>, options?: Options): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the uncalibrated gyroscope sensor. | 409| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION, callback: AsyncCallback\<SignificantMotionResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the significant motion sensor. | 410| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_PEDOMETER_DETECTION, callback: AsyncCallback\<PedometerDetectResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the pedometer detection sensor. | 411| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_PEDOMETER, callback: AsyncCallback\<PedometerResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the pedometer sensor. | 412| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE,callback:AsyncCallback\<AmbientTemperatureResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the ambient temperature sensor. | 413| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_MAGNETIC_FIELD, callback: AsyncCallback\<MagneticFieldResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the magnetic field sensor. | 414| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_MAGNETIC_FIELD_UNCALIBRATED,callback:AsyncCallback\<MagneticFieldUncalibratedResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the uncalibrated magnetic field sensor. | 415| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_PROXIMITY, callback: AsyncCallback\<ProximityResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the proximity sensor. | 416| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_HUMIDITY, callback: AsyncCallback\<HumidityResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the humidity sensor. | 417| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_BAROMETER, callback: AsyncCallback\<BarometerResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the barometer sensor. | 418| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_HALL, callback: AsyncCallback\<HallResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the Hall effect sensor. | 419| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_AMBIENT_LIGHT, callback: AsyncCallback\<LightResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the ambient light sensor. | 420| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ORIENTATION, callback: AsyncCallback\<OrientationResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the orientation sensor. | 421| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ROTATION_VECTOR,callback:AsyncCallback\<RotationVectorResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the rotation vector sensor. | 422| Pan-sensor - sensor | once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_WEAR_DETECTION, callback: AsyncCallback\<WearDetectionResponse>): void | Added | Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the wear detection sensor. | 423| Pan-sensor - sensor | off(type: SensorType, callback?: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | Added | Added the API for unsubscribing from sensor data changes. | 424| Pan-sensor - sensor | getGeomagneticField(locationOptions: LocationOptions, timeMillis: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<GeomagneticResponse>): void <br> getGeomagneticField(locationOptions: LocationOptions, timeMillis: number): Promise\<GeomagneticResponse> | Added | Added the APIs for obtaining the geomagnetic field of a geographic location. | 425| Pan-sensor - vibrator| vibrate(duration: number): Promise\<void> <br> vibrate(duration: number, callback?: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | Added | Added the APIs for triggering vibration with a specific duration. | 426| Pan-sensor - vibrator| vibrate(effectId: EffectId): Promise\<void> <br> vibrate(effectId: EffectId, callback?: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | Added | Added the APIs for triggering vibration with a specific effect. | 427| Pan-sensor - vibrator| stop(stopMode: VibratorStopMode): Promise\<void> <br> stop(stopMode: VibratorStopMode, callback?: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | Added | Added the APIs for stopping vibration. | 428