1# Call调用开发指导 2## 场景介绍 3Call调用是Ability能力的扩展,它为Ability提供一种能够被外部调用并与外部进行通信的能力。Call调用支持前台与后台两种启动方式,使Ability既能被拉起到前台展示UI,也可以在后台被创建并运行。Call调用在调用方与被调用方间建立了IPC通信,因此应用开发者可通过Call调用实现不同Ability之间的数据共享。 4 5Call调用的核心接口是startAbilityByCall方法,与startAbility接口的不同之处在于: 6 - startAbilityByCall支持前台与后台两种启动方式,而startAbility仅支持前台启动。 7 - 调用方可使用startAbilityByCall所返回的Caller对象与被调用方进行通信,而startAbilty不具备通信能力。 8 9Call调用的使用场景主要包括: 10- 需要与被启动的Ability进行通信 11- 希望被启动的Ability在后台运行 12 13**表1** Call调用相关名词解释 14|名词|描述| 15|:------|:------| 16|CallerAbility|指代进行Call调用的Ability(调用方)| 17|CalleeAbility|指代被Call调用的Ability(被调用方)| 18|Caller |实际对象,由startAbilityByCall接口所返回,CallerAbility可使用Caller与CalleeAbility进行通信,具体接口见表2| 19|Callee |实际对象,被CalleeAbility持有,可与Caller进行通信| 20|IPC |指代进程间通信| 21 22Call调用流程示意图如下: 23 - CallerAbility调用startAbilityByCall接口获取Caller,并使用Caller对象的call方法向CalleeAbility发送数据 24 - CalleeAbility持有一个Callee对象,通过Callee的on方法注册回调函数,当接收到Caller发送的数据时将会调用对应的回调函数 25![stage-call](figures/stage-call.png) 26 27> ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **说明:** 28> CalleeAbility的启动模式需要为单实例。 29> 当前仅支持系统应用使用Call调用。 30 31## 接口说明 32Caller及Callee功能如下:具体的API详见[接口文档](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-ability.md#caller)。 33 34**表2** Call API接口功能介绍 35|接口名|描述| 36|:------|:------| 37|startAbilityByCall(want: Want): Promise\<Caller>|启动指定Ability并获取其Caller通信接口,默认为后台启动,通过配置want可实现前台启动,详见[接口文档](../reference/apis/js-apis-ability-context.md#abilitycontextstartabilitybycall)。AbilityContext与ServiceExtensionContext均支持该接口。| 38|on(method: string, callback: CalleeCallBack): void|通用组件Callee注册method对应的callback方法。| 39|off(method: string): void|通用组件Callee解注册method的callback方法。| 40|call(method: string, data: rpc.Sequenceable): Promise\<void>|向通用组件Callee发送约定序列化数据。| 41|callWithResult(method: string, data: rpc.Sequenceable): Promise\<rpc.MessageParcel>|向通用组件Callee发送约定序列化数据, 并将Callee返回的约定序列化数据带回。| 42|release(): void|释放通用组件的Caller通信接口。| 43|on(type: "release", callback: OnReleaseCallback): void|注册通用组件通信断开监听通知。| 44 45## 开发步骤 46Call调用的开发步骤: 47- 创建Callee被调用端。 48- 访问Callee被调用端。 49 50### 创建Callee被调用端 51Callee被调用端,需要实现指定方法的数据接收回调函数、数据的序列化及反序列化方法。在需要接收数据期间,通过on接口注册监听,无需接收数据时通过off接口解除监听。 52**1. 配置Ability的启动模式** 53 54 配置module.json5,将CalleeAbility配置为单实例"singleton"。 55 56|Json字段|字段说明| 57|:------|:------| 58|"launchType"|Ability的启动模式,设置为"singleton"类型。 | 59 60Ability配置标签示例如下: 61```json 62"abilities":[{ 63 "name": ".CalleeAbility", 64 "srcEnty": "./ets/CalleeAbility/CalleeAbility.ts", 65 "launchType": "singleton", 66 "description": "$string:CalleeAbility_desc", 67 "icon": "$media:icon", 68 "label": "$string:CalleeAbility_label", 69 "exported": true 70}] 71``` 72**2. 导入Ability模块** 73```ts 74import Ability from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility' 75``` 76**3. 定义约定的序列化数据** 77 78 调用端及被调用端发送接收的数据格式需协商一致,如下示例约定数据由number和string组成。具体示例代码如下: 79```ts 80export default class MySequenceable { 81 num: number = 0 82 str: string = "" 83 84 constructor(num, string) { 85 this.num = num 86 this.str = string 87 } 88 89 marshalling(messageParcel) { 90 messageParcel.writeInt(this.num) 91 messageParcel.writeString(this.str) 92 return true 93 } 94 95 unmarshalling(messageParcel) { 96 this.num = messageParcel.readInt() 97 this.str = messageParcel.readString() 98 return true 99 } 100} 101``` 102**4. 实现Callee.on监听及Callee.off解除监听** 103 104 被调用端Callee的监听函数注册时机, 取决于应用开发者。注册监听之前的数据不会被处理,取消监听之后的数据不会被处理。如下示例在Ability的onCreate注册'MSG_SEND_METHOD'监听,在onDestroy取消监听,收到序列化数据后作相应处理并返回,应用开发者根据实际需要做相应处理。具体示例代码如下: 105```ts 106const TAG: string = '[CalleeAbility]' 107const MSG_SEND_METHOD: string = 'CallSendMsg' 108 109function sendMsgCallback(data) { 110 console.log('CalleeSortFunc called') 111 112 // 获取Caller发送的序列化数据 113 let receivedData = new MySequenceable(0, '') 114 data.readSequenceable(receivedData) 115 console.log(`receiveData[${receivedData.num}, ${receivedData.str}]`) 116 117 // 作相应处理 118 // 返回序列化数据result给Caller 119 return new MySequenceable(receivedData.num + 1, `send ${receivedData.str} succeed`) 120} 121 122export default class CalleeAbility extends Ability { 123 onCreate(want, launchParam) { 124 try { 125 this.callee.on(MSG_SEND_METHOD, sendMsgCallback) 126 } catch (error) { 127 console.log(`${MSG_SEND_METHOD} register failed with error ${JSON.stringify(error)}`) 128 } 129 } 130 131 onDestroy() { 132 try { 133 this.callee.off(MSG_SEND_METHOD) 134 } catch (error) { 135 console.error(TAG, `${MSG_SEND_METHOD} unregister failed with error ${JSON.stringify(error)}`) 136 } 137 } 138} 139``` 140 141### 访问Callee被调用端 142**1. 导入Ability模块** 143```ts 144import Ability from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility' 145``` 146**2. 获取Caller通信接口** 147 148 Ability的context属性实现了startAbilityByCall方法,用于获取指定通用组件的Caller通信接口。如下示例通过`this.context`获取Ability实例的context属性,使用startAbilityByCall拉起Callee被调用端并获取Caller通信接口,注册Caller的onRelease监听。应用开发者根据实际需要做相应处理。具体示例代码如下: 149```ts 150// 注册caller的release监听 151private regOnRelease(caller) { 152 try { 153 caller.on("release", (msg) => { 154 console.log(`caller onRelease is called ${msg}`) 155 }) 156 console.log('caller register OnRelease succeed') 157 } catch (error) { 158 console.log(`caller register OnRelease failed with ${error}`) 159 } 160} 161 162async onButtonGetCaller() { 163 try { 164 this.caller = await context.startAbilityByCall({ 165 bundleName: 'com.samples.CallApplication', 166 abilityName: 'CalleeAbility' 167 }) 168 if (this.caller === undefined) { 169 console.log('get caller failed') 170 return 171 } 172 console.log('get caller success') 173 this.regOnRelease(this.caller) 174 } catch (error) { 175 console.log(`get caller failed with ${error}`) 176 } 177} 178``` 179 在跨设备场景下,需指定对端设备deviceId。具体示例代码如下: 180```ts 181async onButtonGetRemoteCaller() { 182 var caller = undefined 183 var context = this.context 184 185 context.startAbilityByCall({ 186 deviceId: getRemoteDeviceId(), 187 bundleName: 'com.samples.CallApplication', 188 abilityName: 'CalleeAbility' 189 }).then((data) => { 190 if (data != null) { 191 caller = data 192 console.log('get remote caller success') 193 // 注册caller的release监听 194 caller.on("release", (msg) => { 195 console.log(`remote caller onRelease is called ${msg}`) 196 }) 197 console.log('remote caller register OnRelease succeed') 198 } 199 }).catch((error) => { 200 console.error(`get remote caller failed with ${error}`) 201 }) 202} 203``` 204 从DeviceManager获取指定设备的deviceId,getTrustedDeviceListSync接口仅对系统应用开放。具体示例代码如下: 205```ts 206import deviceManager from '@ohos.distributedHardware.deviceManager'; 207var dmClass; 208function getRemoteDeviceId() { 209 if (typeof dmClass === 'object' && dmClass != null) { 210 var list = dmClass.getTrustedDeviceListSync() 211 if (typeof (list) == 'undefined' || typeof (list.length) == 'undefined') { 212 console.log("MainAbility onButtonClick getRemoteDeviceId err: list is null") 213 return 214 } 215 console.log("MainAbility onButtonClick getRemoteDeviceId success:" + list[0].deviceId) 216 return list[0].deviceId 217 } else { 218 console.log("MainAbility onButtonClick getRemoteDeviceId err: dmClass is null") 219 } 220} 221``` 222 在跨设备场景下,需要向用户申请数据同步的权限。具体示例代码如下: 223```ts 224import abilityAccessCtrl from '@ohos.abilityAccessCtrl.d.ts'; 225 226requestPermission() { 227 let context = this.context 228 let permissions: Array<string> = ['ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC'] 229 let atManager = abilityAccessCtrl.createAtManager(); 230 atManager.requestPermissionsFromUser(context, permissions).then((data) => { 231 console.log("Succeed to request permission from user with data: "+ JSON.stringify(data)) 232 }).catch((error) => { 233 console.log("Failed to request permission from user with error: "+ JSON.stringify(error)) 234 }) 235} 236``` 237**3. 发送约定序列化数据** 238 239 向被调用端发送Sequenceable数据有两种方式,一种是不带返回值,一种是获取被调用端返回的数据,method以及序列化数据需要与被调用端协商一致。如下示例调用Call接口,向Callee被调用端发送数据。具体示例代码如下: 240```ts 241const MSG_SEND_METHOD: string = 'CallSendMsg' 242async onButtonCall() { 243 try { 244 let msg = new MySequenceable(1, 'origin_Msg') 245 await this.caller.call(MSG_SEND_METHOD, msg) 246 } catch (error) { 247 console.log(`caller call failed with ${error}`) 248 } 249} 250``` 251 252 如下示例调用CallWithResult接口,向Callee被调用端发送待处理的数据`originMsg`,并将'CallSendMsg'方法处理完毕的数据赋值给`backMsg`。具体示例代码如下: 253```ts 254const MSG_SEND_METHOD: string = 'CallSendMsg' 255originMsg: string = '' 256backMsg: string = '' 257async onButtonCallWithResult(originMsg, backMsg) { 258 try { 259 let msg = new MySequenceable(1, originMsg) 260 const data = await this.caller.callWithResult(MSG_SEND_METHOD, msg) 261 console.log('caller callWithResult succeed') 262 263 let result = new MySequenceable(0, '') 264 data.readSequenceable(result) 265 backMsg(result.str) 266 console.log(`caller result is [${result.num}, ${result.str}]`) 267 } catch (error) { 268 console.log(`caller callWithResult failed with ${error}`) 269 } 270} 271``` 272**4. 释放Caller通信接口** 273 274 Caller不再使用后,应用开发者可以通过release接口释放Caller。具体示例代码如下: 275```ts 276releaseCall() { 277 try { 278 this.caller.release() 279 this.caller = undefined 280 console.log('caller release succeed') 281 } catch (error) { 282 console.log(`caller release failed with ${error}`) 283 } 284} 285```