1<HTML> 2<!-- 3 Copyright (c) Jeremy Siek 2000 4 5 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. 6 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at 7 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) 8 --> 9<Head> 10<Title>Boost Graph Library: Bibliography</Title> 11<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff" LINK="#0000ee" TEXT="#000000" VLINK="#551a8b" 12 ALINK="#ff0000"> 13<IMG SRC="../../../boost.png" 14 ALT="C++ Boost" width="277" height="86"> 15 16<BR Clear> 17 18 19<H2>Bibliography</H2> 20 21<DL COMMapCT><DD><P></P><DT><A NAME="aho83:_data_struct_algo">1</A> 22<DD> 23A. V. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft, and J. D. Ullman. 24<BR><EM>Data Structures and Algorithms</EM>. 25<BR>Addison-Wesley, 1983. 26 27<P></P><DT><A NAME="austern99:_gener_progr_stl">2</A> 28<DD> 29M. H. Austern. 30<BR><EM>Generic Programming and the STL</EM>. 31<BR>Professional computing series. Addison-Wesley, 1999. 32 33<P></P><DT><A NAME="baumgartner95:_signatures">3</A> 34<DD> 35G. Baumgartner and V. F. 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