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65<div class="title">Introduction to C++ Standard Library localization support </div>  </div>
67<div class="contents">
68<div class="textblock"><h1><a class="anchor" id="std_locales_basics"></a>
69Getting familiar with standard C++ Locales</h1>
70<p>The C++ standard library offers a simple and powerful way to provide locale-specific information. It is done via the <code>std::locale</code> class, the container that holds all the required information about a specific culture, such as number formatting patterns, date and time formatting, currency, case conversion etc.</p>
71<p>All this information is provided by facets, special classes derived from the <code>std::locale::facet</code> base class. Such facets are packed into the <code>std::locale</code> class and allow you to provide arbitrary information about the locale. The <code>std::locale</code> class keeps reference counters on installed facets and can be efficiently copied.</p>
72<p>Each facet that was installed into the <code>std::locale</code> object can be fetched using the <code>std::use_facet</code> function. For example, the <code>std::ctype&lt;Char&gt;</code> facet provides rules for case conversion, so you can convert a character to upper-case like this:</p>
73<div class="fragment"><div class="line">std::ctype&lt;char&gt; <span class="keyword">const</span> &amp;ctype_facet = std::use_facet&lt;std::ctype&lt;char&gt; &gt;(some_locale);</div>
74<div class="line"><span class="keywordtype">char</span> upper_a = ctype_facet.toupper(<span class="charliteral">&#39;a&#39;</span>);</div>
75</div><!-- fragment --><p>A locale object can be imbued into an <code>iostream</code> so it would format information according to the locale:</p>
76<div class="fragment"><div class="line">cout.imbue(std::locale(<span class="stringliteral">&quot;en_US.UTF-8&quot;</span>));</div>
77<div class="line">cout &lt;&lt; 1345.45 &lt;&lt; endl;</div>
78<div class="line">cout.imbue(std::locale(<span class="stringliteral">&quot;ru_RU.UTF-8&quot;</span>));</div>
79<div class="line">cout &lt;&lt; 1345.45 &lt;&lt; endl;</div>
80</div><!-- fragment --><p>Would display:</p>
81<pre class="fragment">    1,345.45 1.345,45
82</pre><p>You can also create your own facets and install them into existing locale objects. For example:</p>
83<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keyword">class </span>measure : <span class="keyword">public</span> std::locale::facet {</div>
84<div class="line"><span class="keyword">public</span>:</div>
85<div class="line">    <span class="keyword">typedef</span> <span class="keyword">enum</span> { inches, ... } measure_type;</div>
86<div class="line">    measure(measure_type m,<span class="keywordtype">size_t</span> refs=0) </div>
87<div class="line">    double from_metric(<span class="keywordtype">double</span> value) const;</div>
88<div class="line">    std::<span class="keywordtype">string</span> name() const;</div>
89<div class="line">    ...</div>
90<div class="line">};</div>
91</div><!-- fragment --><p> And now you can simply provide this information to a locale:</p>
92<div class="fragment"><div class="line">std::locale::global(std::locale(std::locale(<span class="stringliteral">&quot;en_US.UTF-8&quot;</span>),<span class="keyword">new</span> measure(measure::inches)));</div>
93<div class="line"><span class="comment">/// Create default locale built from en_US locale and add paper size facet.</span></div>
94</div><!-- fragment --><p>Now you can print a distance according to the correct locale:</p>
95<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keywordtype">void</span> print_distance(std::ostream &amp;out,<span class="keywordtype">double</span> value)</div>
96<div class="line">{</div>
97<div class="line">    measure <span class="keyword">const</span> &amp;m = std::use_facet&lt;measure&gt;(out.getloc());</div>
98<div class="line">    <span class="comment">// Fetch locale information from stream</span></div>
99<div class="line">    out &lt;&lt; m.from_metric(value) &lt;&lt; <span class="stringliteral">&quot; &quot;</span> &lt;&lt; m.name();</div>
100<div class="line">}</div>
101</div><!-- fragment --><p>This technique was adopted by the Boost.Locale library in order to provide powerful and correct localization. Instead of using the very limited C++ standard library facets, it uses ICU under the hood to create its own much more powerful ones.</p>
102<h1><a class="anchor" id="std_locales_common"></a>
103Common Critical Problems with the Standard Library</h1>
104<p>There are numerous issues in the standard library that prevent the use of its full power, and there are several additional issues:</p>
106<li>Setting the global locale has bad side effects. <br/>
107 Consider following code: <br/>
108<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keywordtype">int</span> main()</div>
109<div class="line">{</div>
110<div class="line">    std::locale::global(std::locale(<span class="stringliteral">&quot;&quot;</span>)); </div>
111<div class="line">    <span class="comment">// Set system&#39;s default locale as global</span></div>
112<div class="line">    std::ofstream csv(<span class="stringliteral">&quot;test.csv&quot;</span>);</div>
113<div class="line">    csv &lt;&lt; 1.1 &lt;&lt; <span class="stringliteral">&quot;,&quot;</span>  &lt;&lt; 1.3 &lt;&lt; std::endl;</div>
114<div class="line">}</div>
115</div><!-- fragment --> <br/>
116 What would be the content of <code>test.csv</code> ? It may be "1.1,1.3" or it may be "1,1,1,3" rather than what you had expected. <br/>
117 More than that it affects even <code>printf</code> and libraries like <code>boost::lexical_cast</code> giving incorrect or unexpected formatting. In fact many third-party libraries are broken in such a situation. <br/>
118 Unlike the standard localization library, Boost.Locale never changes the basic number formatting, even when it uses <code>std</code> based localization backends, so by default, numbers are always formatted using C-style locale. Localized number formatting requires specific flags. <br/>
120<li>Number formatting is broken on some locales. <br/>
121 Some locales use the non-breakable space u00A0 character for thousands separator, thus in <code>ru_RU.UTF-8</code> locale number 1024 should be displayed as "1 024" where the space is a Unicode character with codepoint u00A0. Unfortunately many libraries don't handle this correctly, for example GCC and SunStudio display a "\xC2" character instead of the first character in the UTF-8 sequence "\xC2\xA0" that represents this code point, and actually generate invalid UTF-8. <br/>
123<li>Locale names are not standardized. For example, under MSVC you need to provide the name <code>en-US</code> or <code>English_USA.1252</code> , when on POSIX platforms it would be <code>en_US.UTF-8</code> or <code>en_US.ISO-8859-1</code> <br/>
124 More than that, MSVC does not support UTF-8 locales at all. <br/>
126<li>Many standard libraries provide only the C and POSIX locales, thus GCC supports localization only under Linux. On all other platforms, attempting to create locales other than "C" or "POSIX" would fail. </li>
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