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1 /*
2  * Copyright Nick Thompson, 2018
3  * Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
4  * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
5  * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6  */
7 #include <iostream>
8 #include <vector>
9 #include <string>
10 #include <complex>
11 #include <bitset>
12 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
13 #include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_bin_float.hpp>
14 #include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
15 #include <boost/math/tools/polynomial.hpp>
16 #include <boost/math/tools/roots.hpp>
17 #include <boost/math/special_functions/binomial.hpp>
18 #include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_complex.hpp>
19 #include <boost/multiprecision/complex128.hpp>
20 #include <boost/math/quadrature/gauss_kronrod.hpp>
22 using std::string;
23 using boost::math::tools::polynomial;
24 using boost::math::binomial_coefficient;
25 using boost::math::tools::schroder_iterate;
26 using boost::math::tools::halley_iterate;
27 using boost::math::tools::newton_raphson_iterate;
28 using boost::math::tools::complex_newton;
29 using boost::math::constants::half;
30 using boost::math::constants::root_two;
31 using boost::math::constants::pi;
32 using boost::math::quadrature::gauss_kronrod;
33 using boost::multiprecision::cpp_bin_float_100;
34 using boost::multiprecision::cpp_complex_100;
36 template<class Complex>
find_roots(size_t p)37 std::vector<std::pair<Complex, Complex>> find_roots(size_t p)
38 {
39     // Initialize the polynomial; see Mallat, A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, equation 7.96
40     BOOST_ASSERT(p>0);
41     typedef typename Complex::value_type Real;
42     std::vector<Complex> coeffs(p);
43     for (size_t k = 0; k < coeffs.size(); ++k)
44     {
45         coeffs[k] = Complex(binomial_coefficient<Real>(p-1+k, k), 0);
46     }
48     polynomial<Complex> P(std::move(coeffs));
49     polynomial<Complex> Pcopy = P;
50     polynomial<Complex> Pcopy_prime = P.prime();
51     auto orig = [&](Complex z) { return std::make_pair<Complex, Complex>(Pcopy(z), Pcopy_prime(z)); };
53     polynomial<Complex> P_prime = P.prime();
55     // Polynomial is of degree p-1.
57     std::vector<Complex> roots(p-1, {std::numeric_limits<Real>::quiet_NaN(),std::numeric_limits<Real>::quiet_NaN()});
58     size_t i = 0;
59     while(P.size() > 1)
60     {
61         Complex guess = {0.0, 1.0};
62         std::cout << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<Real>::digits10+3);
64         auto f = [&](Complex x)->std::pair<Complex, Complex>
65         {
66             return std::make_pair<Complex, Complex>(P(x), P_prime(x));
67         };
69         Complex r = complex_newton(f, guess);
70         using std::isnan;
71         if(isnan(r.real()))
72         {
73             int i = 50;
74             do {
75                 // Try a different guess
76                 guess *= Complex(1.0,-1.0);
77                 r = complex_newton(f, guess);
78                 std::cout << "New guess: " << guess << ", result? " << r << std::endl;
80             } while (isnan(r.real()) && i-- > 0);
82             if (isnan(r.real()))
83             {
84                 std::cout << "Polynomial that killed the process: " << P << std::endl;
85                 throw std::logic_error("Newton iteration did not converge");
86             }
87         }
88         // Refine r with the original function.
89         // We only use the polynomial division to ensure we don't get the same root over and over.
90         // However, the division induces error which can grow quickly-or slowly! See Numerical Recipes, section 9.5.1.
91         r = complex_newton(orig, r);
92         if (isnan(r.real()))
93         {
94             throw std::logic_error("Found a root for the deflated polynomial which is not a root for the original. Indicative of catastrophic numerical error.");
95         }
96         // Test the root:
97         using std::sqrt;
98         Real tol = sqrt(sqrt(std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon()));
99         if (norm(Pcopy(r)) > tol)
100         {
101             std::cout << "This is a bad root: P" <<  r << " = " << Pcopy(r) << std::endl;
102             std::cout << "Reduced polynomial leading to bad root: " << P << std::endl;
103             throw std::logic_error("Donezo.");
104         }
106         BOOST_ASSERT(i < roots.size());
107         roots[i] = r;
108         ++i;
109         polynomial<Complex> q{-r, {1,0}};
110         // This optimization breaks at p = 11. I have no clue why.
111         // Unfortunate, because I expect it to be considerably more stable than
112         // repeatedly dividing by the complex root.
113         /*polynomial<Complex> q;
114         if (r.imag() > sqrt(std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon()))
115         {
116             // Then the complex conjugate is also a root:
117             using std::conj;
118             using std::norm;
119             BOOST_ASSERT(i < roots.size());
120             roots[i] = conj(r);
121             ++i;
122             q = polynomial<Complex>({{norm(r), 0}, {-2*r.real(),0}, {1,0}});
123         }
124         else
125         {
126             // The imaginary part is numerical noise:
127             r.imag() = 0;
128             q = polynomial<Complex>({-r, {1,0}});
129         }*/
132         auto PR = quotient_remainder(P, q);
133         // I should validate that the remainder is small, but . . .
134         //std::cout << "Remainder = " << PR.second<< std::endl;
136         P = PR.first;
137         P_prime = P.prime();
138     }
140     std::vector<std::pair<Complex, Complex>> Qroots(p-1);
141     for (size_t i = 0; i < Qroots.size(); ++i)
142     {
143         Complex y = roots[i];
144         Complex z1 = static_cast<Complex>(1) - static_cast<Complex>(2)*y + static_cast<Complex>(2)*sqrt(y*(y-static_cast<Complex>(1)));
145         Complex z2 = static_cast<Complex>(1) - static_cast<Complex>(2)*y - static_cast<Complex>(2)*sqrt(y*(y-static_cast<Complex>(1)));
146         Qroots[i] = {z1, z2};
147     }
149     return Qroots;
150 }
152 template<class Complex>
daubechies_coefficients(std::vector<std::pair<Complex,Complex>> const & Qroots)153 std::vector<typename Complex::value_type> daubechies_coefficients(std::vector<std::pair<Complex, Complex>> const & Qroots)
154 {
155     typedef typename Complex::value_type Real;
156     size_t p = Qroots.size() + 1;
157     // Choose the minimum abs root; see Mallat, discussion just after equation 7.98
158     std::vector<Complex> chosen_roots(p-1);
159     for (size_t i = 0; i < p - 1; ++i)
160     {
161         if(norm(Qroots[i].first) <= 1)
162         {
163             chosen_roots[i] = Qroots[i].first;
164         }
165         else
166         {
167             BOOST_ASSERT(norm(Qroots[i].second) <= 1);
168             chosen_roots[i] = Qroots[i].second;
169         }
170     }
172     polynomial<Complex> R{1};
173     for (size_t i = 0; i < p-1; ++i)
174     {
175         Complex ak = chosen_roots[i];
176         R *= polynomial<Complex>({-ak/(static_cast<Complex>(1)-ak), static_cast<Complex>(1)/(static_cast<Complex>(1)-ak)});
177     }
178     polynomial<Complex> a{{half<Real>(), 0}, {half<Real>(),0}};
179     polynomial<Complex> poly = root_two<Real>()*pow(a, p)*R;
180     std::vector<Complex> result = poly.data();
181     // If we reverse, we get the Numerical Recipes and Daubechies convention.
182     // If we don't reverse, we get the Pywavelets and Mallat convention.
183     // I believe this is because of the sign convention on the DFT, which differs between Daubechies and Mallat.
184     // You implement a dot product in Daubechies/NR convention, and a convolution in PyWavelets/Mallat convention.
185     // I won't reverse so I can spot check against Pywavelets: http://wavelets.pybytes.com/wavelet/
186     //std::reverse(result.begin(), result.end());
187     std::vector<Real> h(result.size());
188     for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i)
189     {
190         Complex r = result[i];
191         BOOST_ASSERT(r.imag() < sqrt(std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon()));
192         h[i] = r.real();
193     }
195     // Quick sanity check: We could check all vanishing moments, but that sum is horribly ill-conditioned too!
196     Real sum = 0;
197     Real scale = 0;
198     for (size_t i = 0; i < h.size(); ++i)
199     {
200         sum += h[i];
201         scale += h[i]*h[i];
202     }
203     BOOST_ASSERT(abs(scale -1) < sqrt(std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon()));
204     BOOST_ASSERT(abs(sum - root_two<Real>()) < sqrt(std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon()));
205     return h;
206 }
main()208 int main()
209 {
210     typedef boost::multiprecision::cpp_complex<100> Complex;
211     for(size_t p = 1; p < 200; ++p)
212     {
213         auto roots = find_roots<Complex>(p);
214         auto h = daubechies_coefficients(roots);
215         std::cout << "h_" << p << "[] = {";
216         for (auto& x : h) {
217             std::cout << x << ", ";
218         }
219         std::cout << "} // = h_" << p << "\n\n\n\n";
220     }
221 }