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1[section boost/python/class.hpp]
2[section Introduction]
3`<boost/python/class.hpp>` defines the interface through which users expose their C++ classes to Python. It declares the `class_` class template, which is parameterized on the class type being exposed. It also exposes the `init`, `optional` and `bases` utility class templates, which are used in conjunction with `class_`.
5`<boost/python/class_fwd.hpp>` contains a forward declaration of the `class_` class template.
7[section Class template `class_<T, Bases, HeldType, NonCopyable>`]
8Creates a Python class associated with the C++ type passed as its first parameter. Although it has four template parameters, only the first one is required. The three optional arguments can actually be supplied *in any order*\ ; Boost.Python determines the role of the argument from its type.
10 [[Template Parameter][Requirements][Semantics][Default]]
11 [[`T`][A class type.][The class being wrapped][]]
12 [[Bases]
13  [A specialization of [link high_level_components.boost_python_class_hpp.class_template_bases_t1_t2_tn bases<...>] which specifies previously-exposed C++ base classes of `T`.]
14  [Registers `from_python` conversions from wrapped `T` instances to each of its exposed direct and indirect bases. For each polymorphic base `B`, registers conversions from indirectly-held wrapped `B` instances to `T`.][[link high_level_components.boost_python_class_hpp.class_template_bases_t1_t2_tn bases<>]]]
15  [[HeldType][Must be `T`, a class derived from `T`, or a [link concepts.dereferenceable.concept_requirements Dereferenceable] type for which `pointee<HeldType>::type` is `T` or a class derived from `T`.][Specifies the type that is actually embedded in a Python object wrapping a `T` instance when `T`\ 's constructor is called or when a `T` or `T*` is converted to Python without the use of [link function_invocation_and_creation.boost_python_ptr_hpp.functions ptr], `ref`, or [link concepts.callpolicies Call Policies] such as [link function_invocation_and_creation.models_of_callpolicies.boost_python_return_internal_ref.class_template_return_internal_r return_internal_reference]. More details below.][`T`]]
16  [[NonCopyable][If supplied, must be `boost::noncopyable`.][Suppresses automatic registration of `to_python` conversions which copy `T` instances. Required when `T` has no publicly-accessible copy constructor.][An unspecified type other than boost::noncopyable.]]
18[section HeldType Semantics]
20# If HeldType is derived from `T`, its exposed constructor(s) must accept an initial `PyObject*` argument which refers back to the Python object that contains the HeldType instance, as shown in this example. This argument is not included in the [link high_level_components.boost_python_init_hpp.introduction.init_expressions init-expression] passed to [link high_level_components.boost_python_class_hpp.class_template_class_t_bases_hel.class_template_class_modifier_fu def(init_expr)], below, nor is it passed explicitly by users when Python instances of `T` are created. This idiom allows C++ virtual functions which will be overridden in Python to access the Python object so the Python method can be invoked. Boost.Python automatically registers additional converters which allow wrapped instances of `T` to be passed to wrapped C++ functions expecting HeldType arguments.
21# Because Boost.Python will always allow wrapped instances of `T` to be passed in place of HeldType arguments, specifying a smart pointer for HeldType allows users to pass Python `T` instances where a smart pointer-to-T is expected. Smart pointers such as `std::auto_ptr<>` or `boost::shared_ptr<>` which contain a nested type `element_type` designating the referent type are automatically supported; additional smart pointer types can be supported by specializing `pointee<HeldType>`.
22# As in case 1 above, when HeldType is a smart pointer to a class derived from `T`, the initial `PyObject*` argument must be supplied by all of HeldType's exposed constructors.
23# Except in cases 1 and 3, users may optionally specify that T itself gets initialized with a similar initial `PyObject*` argument by specializing [link utility_and_infrastructure.boost_python_has_back_reference_.class_template_has_back_referenc has_back_reference<T>].
26[section Class template `class_` synopsis]
28  namespace boost { namespace python
29  {
30  template <class T
31      , class Bases = bases<>
32            , class HeldType = T
33            , class NonCopyable = unspecified
34           >
35  class class_ : public object
36  {
37    // Constructors with default __init__
38    class_(char const* name);
39    class_(char const* name, char const* docstring);
41    // Constructors, specifying non-default __init__
42    template <class Init>
43    class_(char const* name, Init);
44    template <class Init>
45    class_(char const* name, char const* docstring, Init);
47    // Exposing additional __init__ functions
48    template <class Init>
49    class_& def(Init);
51    // defining methods
52    template <class F>
53    class_& def(char const* name, F f);
54    template <class Fn, class A1>
55    class_& def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const&);
56    template <class Fn, class A1, class A2>
57    class_& def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const&, A2 const&);
58    template <class Fn, class A1, class A2, class A3>
59    class_& def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const&, A2 const&, A3 const&);
61    // declaring method as static
62    class_& staticmethod(char const* name);
64    // exposing operators
65    template <unspecified>
66    class_& def(detail::operator_<unspecified>);
68    // Raw attribute modification
69    template <class U>
70    class_& setattr(char const* name, U const&);
72    // exposing data members
73    template <class D>
74    class_& def_readonly(char const* name, D T::*pm);
76    template <class D>
77    class_& def_readwrite(char const* name, D T::*pm);
79    // exposing static data members
80    template <class D>
81    class_& def_readonly(char const* name, D const& d);
82    template <class D>
83    class_& def_readwrite(char const* name, D& d);
85    // property creation
86    template <class Get>
87    void add_property(char const* name, Get const& fget, char const* doc=0);
88    template <class Get, class Set>
89    void add_property(
90        char const* name, Get const& fget, Set const& fset, char const* doc=0);
92    template <class Get>
93    void add_static_property(char const* name, Get const& fget);
94    template <class Get, class Set>
95    void add_static_property(char const* name, Get const& fget, Set const& fset);
97    // pickle support
98    template <typename PickleSuite>
99    self& def_pickle(PickleSuite const&);
100    self& enable_pickling();
101  };
102  }}
105[section Class template `class_` constructors]
107  class_(char const* name);
108  class_(char const* name, char const* docstring);
109  template <class Init>
110  class_(char const* name, Init init_spec);
111  template <class Init>
112  class_(char const* name, char const* docstring, Init init_spec);
116 [[Requires][name is an [link ntbs] which conforms to Python's [@http://www.python.org/doc/current/ref/identifiers.html identifier naming rules]. If docstring is supplied, it must be an [link ntbs]. If `init_spec` is supplied, it must be either the special enumeration constant `no_init` or an [link high_level_components.boost_python_init_hpp.introduction.init_expressions init-expression] compatible with `T`.]]
117 [[Effects][Constructs a `class_` object holding a Boost.Python extension class named name. The named attribute of the [link high_level_components.boost_python_scope_hpp.introduction current scope] is bound to the new extension class.
119* If supplied, the value of docstring is bound to the `__doc__` attribute of the extension class.
120* If `init_spec` is `no_init`, a special `__init__` function is generated which always raises a Python exception. Otherwise, `this->def(init_spec)` is called.
121* If `init_spec` is not supplied, `this->def(init<>())` is called.]]
122 [[Rationale][Allowing the user to specify constructor arguments in the `class_<>` constructor helps her to avoid the common run-time errors which result from invoking wrapped member functions without having exposed an `__init__` function which creates the requisite `T` instance. Types which are not default-constructible will cause a compile-time error unless `Init` is supplied. The user must always supply name as there is currently no portable method to derive the text of the class name from its type.]]
125[section Class template `class_` modifier functions]
127  template <class Init>
128  class_& def(Init init_expr);
132 [[Requires][`init_expr` is the result of an [link high_level_components.boost_python_init_hpp.introduction.init_expressions init-expression] compatible with `T`.]]
133 [[Effects][For each [link high_level_components.boost_python_init_hpp.introduction.init_expressions valid prefix] `P` of `Init`, adds an `__init__(...)` function overload to the extension class accepting P as arguments. Each overload generated constructs an object of HeldType according to the semantics described above, using a copy of init_expr's call policies. If the longest [link high_level_components.boost_python_init_hpp.introduction.init_expressions valid prefix] of Init contains N types and init_expr holds M keywords, an initial sequence of the keywords are used for all but the first N - M arguments of each overload.]]
134 [[Returns][`*this`]]
135 [[Rationale][Allows users to easily expose a class' constructor to Python.]]
138  template <class F>
139  class_& def(char const* name, Fn fn);
140  template <class Fn, class A1>
141  class_& def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const& a1);
142  template <class Fn, class A1, class A2>
143  class_& def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const& a1, A2 const& a2);
144  template <class Fn, class A1, class A2, class A3>
145  class_& def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const& a1, A2 const& a2, A3 const& a3);
148 [[Requires][name is an [link ntbs] which conforms to Python's [@http://www.python.org/doc/current/ref/identifiers.html identifier naming rules].
149 * If a1 is the result of an [link function_invocation_and_creation.boost_python_overloads_hpp.introduction.overload_dispatch_expressions overload-dispatch-expression], only the second form is allowed and fn must be a pointer to function or pointer to member function whose [link arity] is the same as A1's [link function_invocation_and_creation.boost_python_overloads_hpp.introduction.overload_dispatch_expressions maximum arity].
151   [*Effects:] For each prefix `P` of `Fn`\ 's sequence of argument types, beginning with the one whose length is `A1`\ 's [link function_invocation_and_creation.boost_python_overloads_hpp.introduction.overload_dispatch_expressions minimum arity], adds a `name(...)` method overload to the extension class. Each overload generated invokes a1's call-expression with `P`, using a copy of a1's call policies. If the longest valid prefix of `A1` contains `N` types and a1 holds `M` keywords, an initial sequence of the keywords are used for all but the first `N - M` arguments of each overload.
153* Otherwise, a single method overload is built around fn, which must not be null:
155    * If fn is a function pointer, its first argument must be of the form U, U cv&, U cv*, or U cv* const&, where T* is convertible to U*, and a1-a3, if supplied, may be selected in any order from the table below.
156    * Otherwise, if fn is a member function pointer, its target must be T or one of its public base classes, and a1-a3, if supplied, may be selected in any order from the table below.
157    * Otherwise, Fn must be [derived from] [link object_wrappers.boost_python_object_hpp.class_object object], and a1-a2, if supplied, may be selcted in any order from the first two rows of the table below. To be useful, fn should be [@http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/built-in-funcs.html#l2h-6 callable].
158  [table
159    [[Mnemonic Name][Requirements/Type properties][Effects]]
160    [[docstring][Any [link ntbs]][Value will be bound to the __doc__ attribute of the resulting method overload. If an earlier overload supplied a docstring, two newline characters and the new docstring are appended to it.]]
161    [[policies][A model of [link concepts.callpolicies CallPolicies]][A copy will be used as the call policies of the resulting method overload.]]
162    [[keywords][The result of a [link function_invocation_and_creation.boost_python_args_hpp.introduction.keyword_expressions keyword-expression] specifying no more arguments than the [link arity] of fn.][A copy will be used as the call policies of the resulting method overload.]]
163  ]
165 [[Returns][`*this`]]
167``class_& staticmethod(char const* name);``
169  [[Requires][name is an [link ntbs] which conforms to Python's [@http://www.python.org/doc/current/ref/identifiers.html identifier naming rules], and corresponds to a method whose overloads have all been defined.]]
170  [[Effects][Replaces the existing named attribute `x` with the result of invoking `staticmethod(x)` in Python. Specifies that the corresponding method is static and therefore no object instance will be passed to it. This is equivalent to the Python statement:]]
172``setattr(self, name, staticmethod(getattr(self, name)))``
174 [[Note][Attempting to invoke def(name,...) after invoking staticmethod(name) will [link raise] a RuntimeError.]]
175 [[Returns][`*this`]]
178template <unspecified>
179class_& def(detail::operator_<unspecified>);
182  [[Effects][Adds a Python [@http://www.python.org/doc/ref/specialnames.html special method] as described [link high_level_components.boost_python_operators_hpp here].]]
183  [[Returns][`*this`]]
187  template <class U>
188  class_& setattr(char const* name, U const& u);
191  [[Requires][name is an [link ntbs] which conforms to Python's [@http://www.python.org/doc/current/ref/identifiers.html identifier naming rules].]]
192  [[Effects][Converts `u` to Python and adds it to the attribute dictionary of the extension class:
193  ``PyObject_SetAttrString(this->ptr(), name, object(u).ptr());``]]
194  [[Returns][`*this`]]
197  template <class Get>
198  void add_property(char const* name, Get const& fget, char const* doc=0);
199  template <class Get, class Set>
200  void add_property(
201        char const* name, Get const& fget, Set const& fset, char const* doc=0);
204  [[Requires][name is an [link ntbs] which conform to Python's [@http://www.python.org/doc/current/ref/identifiers.html identifier naming rules].]]
205  [[Effects][Creates a new Python [@http://www.python.org/2.2.2/descrintro.html#property property] class instance, passing `object(fget)` (and `object(fset)` in the second form) with an (optional) docstring `doc` to its constructor, then adds that property to the Python class object under construction with the given attribute name.]]
206  [[Returns][`*this`]]
207  [[Rationale][Allows users to easily expose functions that can be invoked from Python with attribute access syntax.]]
210  template <class Get>
211  void add_static_property(char const* name, Get const& fget);
212  template <class Get, class Set>
213  void add_static_property(char const* name, Get const& fget, Set const& fset);
216  [[Requires][name is an [link ntbs] which conforms to Python's [@http://www.python.org/doc/current/ref/identifiers.html identifier naming rules].]]
217  [[Effects][Creates a Boost.Python.StaticProperty object, passing `object(fget)` (and `object(fset)` in the second form) to its constructor, then adds that property to the Python class under construction with the given attribute name. StaticProperty is a special subclass of Python's property class which can be called without an initial self argument.]]
218  [[Returns][`*this`]]
219  [[Rationale][Allows users to easily expose functions that can be invoked from Python with static attribute access syntax.]]
222  template <class D>
223  class_& def_readonly(char const* name, D T::*pm, char const* doc=0);
224  template <class D>
225  class_& def_readonly(char const* name, D const& d);
228  [[Requires][name is an [link ntbs] which conforms to Python's [@http://www.python.org/doc/current/ref/identifiers.html identifier naming rules]. `doc` is also an [link ntbs].]]
229  [[Effects][``this->add_property(name, make_getter(pm), doc);`` and ``this->add_static_property(name, make_getter(d));`` respectively.]]
230  [[Returns][`*this`]]
231  [[Rationale][Allows users to easily expose a class' data member or free variable such that it can be inspected from Python with a natural syntax.]]
234  template <class D>
235  class_& def_readwrite(char const* name, D T::*pm, char const* doc=0);
236  template <class D>
237  class_& def_readwrite(char const* name, D& d);
240[[Effects][``this->add_property(name, make_getter(pm), make_setter(pm), doc);`` and ``this->add_static_property(name, make_getter(d), make_setter(d));`` respectively.]]
242[[Rationale][Allows users to easily expose a class' data or free variable member such that it can be inspected and set from Python with a natural syntax.]]
245  template <typename PickleSuite>
246  class_& def_pickle(PickleSuite const&);
249[[Requires][PickleSuite must be publically derived from [link topics.pickle_support.the_pickle_interface pickle_suite].]]
250[[Effects][Defines a legal combination of the special attributes and methods: __getinitargs__, __getstate__, __setstate__, __getstate_manages_dict__, __safe_for_unpickling__, __reduce__]]
252[[Rationale][Provides an [link topics.pickle_support.the_pickle_interface easy to use high-level interface] for establishing complete [link topics.pickle_support.the_pickle_interface pickle support] for the wrapped class. The user is protected by compile-time consistency checks.]]
254``class_& enable_pickling();``
256[[Effects][Defines the __reduce__ method and the __safe_for_unpickling__ attribute.]]
258[[Rationale][Light-weight alternative to def_pickle(). Enables implementation of pickle support from Python.]]
262[section Class template bases<T1, T2, ...TN>]
263An MPL sequence which can be used in class_<...> instantiations indicate a list of base classes.
264[section Class template bases synopsis]
266namespace boost { namespace python
268  template <T1 = unspecified,...Tn = unspecified>
269  struct bases
270  {};
275[section Examples]
276Given a C++ class declaration:
278class Foo : public Bar, public Baz
280 public:
281   Foo(int x, char const* y);
282   Foo(double);
284   std::string const& name() { return m_name; }
285   void name(char const*);
287   double value; // public data
288 private:
289   ...
292A corresponding Boost.Python extension class can be created with:
294using namespace boost::python;
296class_<Foo,bases<Bar,Baz> >("Foo",
297          "This is Foo's docstring."
298          "It describes our Foo extension class",
300          init<int,char const*>(args("x","y"), "__init__ docstring")
301          )
302   .def(init<double>())
303   .def("get_name", &Foo::get_name, return_internal_reference<>())
304   .def("set_name", &Foo::set_name)
305   .def_readwrite("value", &Foo::value);