1<?xml version="1.0"?> 2<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"> 3 <PropertyGroup> 4 <MSBuildAllProjects>$(MSBuildAllProjects);$(MSBuildThisFileFullPath)</MSBuildAllProjects> 5 <!-- We allow a non-C# generator be set by the user, but skip adding outputs to Compile in this case. --> 6 <Protobuf_Generator Condition=" '$(Protobuf_Generator)' == '' and '$(Language)' == 'C#' ">CSharp</Protobuf_Generator> 7 <!-- Configuration is passing the smoke test. --> 8 <Protobuf_ProjectSupported Condition=" '$(Protobuf_Generator)' != '' ">true</Protobuf_ProjectSupported> 9 <_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly Condition=" '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)' == 'Core' ">netstandard1.3\Protobuf.MSBuild.dll</_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly> 10 <_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly Condition=" '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)' != 'Core' ">net45\Protobuf.MSBuild.dll</_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly> 11 </PropertyGroup> 12 13 <UsingTask AssemblyFile="$(_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly)" TaskName="Grpc.Tools.ProtoToolsPlatform" /> 14 <UsingTask AssemblyFile="$(_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly)" TaskName="Grpc.Tools.ProtoCompilerOutputs" /> 15 <UsingTask AssemblyFile="$(_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly)" TaskName="Grpc.Tools.ProtoReadDependencies" /> 16 <UsingTask AssemblyFile="$(_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly)" TaskName="Grpc.Tools.ProtoCompile" /> 17 18 <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProjectSupported)' == 'true' "> 19 <Protobuf_IntermediatePath Condition=" '$(Protobuf_IntermediatePath)' == '' ">$(IntermediateOutputPath)</Protobuf_IntermediatePath> 20 <Protobuf_OutputPath Condition=" '$(Protobuf_OutputPath)' == '' ">$(Protobuf_IntermediatePath)</Protobuf_OutputPath> 21 <Protobuf_DepFilesPath Condition=" '$(Protobuf_DepFilesPath)' == '' ">$(Protobuf_IntermediatePath)</Protobuf_DepFilesPath> 22 </PropertyGroup> 23 24 <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProjectSupported)' == 'true' and '$(Language)' == 'C#' "> 25 <Protobuf> 26 <Access Condition="'%(Protobuf.Access)' == '' ">Public</Access> 27 <ProtoCompile Condition="'%(Protobuf.ProtoCompile)' == '' ">True</ProtoCompile> 28 <ProtoRoot Condition="'%(Protobuf.ProtoRoot)' == '' " /> 29 <CompileOutputs Condition="'%(Protobuf.CompileOutputs)' == ''">True</CompileOutputs> 30 <OutputDir Condition="'%(Protobuf.OutputDir)' == '' ">$(Protobuf_OutputPath)</OutputDir> 31 <Generator Condition="'%(Protobuf.Generator)' == '' and '$(DisableProtobufDesignTimeBuild)' != 'true' " >MSBuild:Compile</Generator> 32 </Protobuf> 33 </ItemDefinitionGroup> 34 35 <ItemGroup Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProjectSupported)' == 'true' and '$(Language)' == 'C#' "> 36 <PropertyPageSchema Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)Protobuf.CSharp.xml"> 37 <Context>File;BrowseObject</Context> 38 </PropertyPageSchema> 39 <AvailableItemName Include="Protobuf" /> 40 </ItemGroup> 41 42 <PropertyGroup> 43 <!-- NET SDK: by default, do not include proto files in the directory. 44 Current Microsoft's recommendation is against globbing: 45 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/csproj#recommendation --> 46 <EnableDefaultProtobufItems Condition=" '$(EnableDefaultProtobufItems)' == '' ">false</EnableDefaultProtobufItems> 47 </PropertyGroup> 48 49 <!-- Check configuration sanity before build. --> 50 <Target Name="_Protobuf_SanityCheck" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild"> 51 <Error 52 Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProjectSupported)' != 'true' " 53 Text="Google.Protobuf.Tools proto compilation is only supported by default in a C# project (extension .csproj)" /> 54 </Target> 55 56 <!--================================================================================ 57 Tool path resolution 58 =================================================================================--> 59 60 <!-- Extension point for plugin packages: use Protobuf_ToolsOs and Protobuf_ToolsCpu 61 to resolve executable. Either or both may be blank, however, if resolution 62 fails; do check them before using. --> 63 <Target Name="Protobuf_ResolvePlatform"> 64 <ProtoToolsPlatform> 65 <Output TaskParameter="Os" PropertyName="_Protobuf_ToolsOs"/> 66 <Output TaskParameter="Cpu" PropertyName="_Protobuf_ToolsCpu"/> 67 </ProtoToolsPlatform> 68 69 <PropertyGroup> 70 <!-- First try environment variable. --> 71 <Protobuf_ToolsOs Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ToolsOs)' == '' ">$(PROTOBUF_TOOLS_OS)</Protobuf_ToolsOs> 72 <Protobuf_ToolsCpu Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ToolsCpu)' == '' ">$(PROTOBUF_TOOLS_CPU)</Protobuf_ToolsCpu> 73 <Protobuf_ProtocFullPath Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProtocFullPath)' == '' ">$(PROTOBUF_PROTOC)</Protobuf_ProtocFullPath> 74 75 <!-- Next try OS and CPU resolved by ProtoToolsPlatform. --> 76 <Protobuf_ToolsOs Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ToolsOs)' == '' ">$(_Protobuf_ToolsOs)</Protobuf_ToolsOs> 77 <Protobuf_ToolsCpu Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ToolsCpu)' == '' ">$(_Protobuf_ToolsCpu)</Protobuf_ToolsCpu> 78 <Protobuf_ProtocFullPath Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProtocFullPath)' == '' and '$(Protobuf_ToolsOs)' == 'windows' " 79 >$(Protobuf_PackagedToolsPath)\$(Protobuf_ToolsOs)_$(Protobuf_ToolsCpu)\protoc.exe</Protobuf_ProtocFullPath> 80 <Protobuf_ProtocFullPath Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProtocFullPath)' == '' " 81 >$(Protobuf_PackagedToolsPath)/$(Protobuf_ToolsOs)_$(Protobuf_ToolsCpu)/protoc</Protobuf_ProtocFullPath> 82 </PropertyGroup> 83 84 <Error Condition=" '$(DisableProtobufDesignTimeBuild)' != 'true' and '$(PROTOBUF_PROTOC)' == '' 85 and ( '$(Protobuf_ToolsOs)' == '' or '$(Protobuf_ToolsCpu)' == '' ) " 86 Text="Google.Protobuf.Tools cannot determine host OS and CPU. Use environment variables PROTOBUF_TOOLS_OS={linux|macosx|windows} and PROTOBUF_TOOLS_CPU={x86|x64} to try the closest match to your system. You may also set PROTOBUF_PROTOC to specify full path to the host-provided compiler (v3.5+ is required)." /> 87 </Target> 88 89 <!--================================================================================ 90 Proto compilation 91 =================================================================================--> 92 93 <!-- Extension points. --> 94 <Target Name="Protobuf_BeforeCompile" /> 95 <Target Name="Protobuf_AfterCompile" /> 96 97 <!-- Main compile sequence. Certain steps are gated by the value $(DisableProtobufDesignTimeBuild), 98 so the sequence is good for either design time or build time. --> 99 <Target Name="Protobuf_Compile" 100 Condition=" '@(Protobuf)' != '' " 101 DependsOnTargets=" Protobuf_BeforeCompile; 102 Protobuf_ResolvePlatform; 103 _Protobuf_SelectFiles; 104 Protobuf_PrepareCompile; 105 _Protobuf_AugmentLanguageCompile; 106 _Protobuf_CoreCompile; 107 Protobuf_ReconcileOutputs; 108 Protobuf_AfterCompile" /> 109 110 <!-- Do proto compilation by default in a C# project. In other types, the user invoke 111 Protobuf_Compile directly where required. --> 112 <!-- TODO(kkm): Do shared compile in outer multitarget project? --> 113 <Target Name="_Protobuf_Compile_BeforeCsCompile" 114 BeforeTargets="BeforeCompile" 115 DependsOnTargets="Protobuf_Compile" 116 Condition=" '$(Language)' == 'C#' " /> 117 118 <Target Name="_Protobuf_SetProtoRoot"> 119 <!-- Guess .proto root for the files. Whenever the root is set for a file explicitly, 120 leave it as is. Otherwise, for files under the project directory, set the root 121 to "." for the project's directory, as it is the current when compiling; for the 122 files outside of project directory, use each .proto file's directory as the root. --> 123 <FindUnderPath Path="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)" 124 Files="@(Protobuf->WithMetadataValue('ProtoRoot',''))"> 125 <Output TaskParameter="InPath" ItemName="_Protobuf_NoRootInProject"/> 126 <Output TaskParameter="OutOfPath" ItemName="_Protobuf_NoRootElsewhere"/> 127 </FindUnderPath> 128 <ItemGroup> 129 <!-- Files with explicit metadata. --> 130 <Protobuf_Rooted Include="@(Protobuf->HasMetadata('ProtoRoot'))" /> 131 <!-- In-project files will have ProtoRoot='.'. --> 132 <Protobuf_Rooted Include="@(_Protobuf_NoRootInProject)"> 133 <ProtoRoot>.</ProtoRoot> 134 </Protobuf_Rooted> 135 <!-- Out-of-project files will have respective ProtoRoot='%(RelativeDir)'. --> 136 <Protobuf_Rooted Include="@(_Protobuf_NoRootElsewhere)"> 137 <ProtoRoot>%(RelativeDir)</ProtoRoot> 138 <ProtoRoot Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProtoRoot)' != '' ">$(Protobuf_ProtoRoot)</ProtoRoot> 139 </Protobuf_Rooted> 140 </ItemGroup> 141 </Target> 142 143 <!-- Select files that should be compiled. --> 144 <Target Name="_Protobuf_SelectFiles" 145 DependsOnTargets=" _Protobuf_SetProtoRoot"> 146 <ItemGroup> 147 <!-- Files with explicit metadata. --> 148 <Protobuf_Compile Include="@(Protobuf_Rooted)" /> 149 <!-- Remove files not for compile. --> 150 <Protobuf_Compile Remove="@(Protobuf_Compile)" Condition=" '%(ProtoCompile)' != 'true' " /> 151 <!-- Ensure invariant Source=%(Identity). --> 152 <Protobuf_Compile> 153 <Source>%(Identity)</Source> 154 </Protobuf_Compile> 155 </ItemGroup> 156 </Target> 157 158 <!-- Extension point for non-C# project. Protobuf_Generator should be supported 159 by the ProtoCompile task, but we skip inferring expected outputs. All proto 160 files will be always recompiled with a warning, unless you add expectations 161 to the Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs collection. 162 163 All inferred ExpectedOutputs will be added to code compile (C#) in a C# project 164 by default. This is controlled per-proto by the CompileOutputs metadata. --> 165 <Target Name="Protobuf_PrepareCompile" Condition=" '@(Protobuf_Compile)' != '' "> 166 <!-- Predict expected names. --> 167 <ProtoCompilerOutputs Condition=" '$(Language)' == 'C#' " 168 Protobuf="@(Protobuf_Compile)" 169 Generator="$(Protobuf_Generator)"> 170 <Output TaskParameter="PossibleOutputs" ItemName="Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs" /> 171 <Output TaskParameter="PatchedProtobuf" ItemName="_PatchedProtobuf" /> 172 </ProtoCompilerOutputs> 173 <!-- Replace Protobuf_Compile with PatchedProtobuf. --> 174 <ItemGroup> 175 <Protobuf_Compile Remove="@(_PatchedProtobuf)"/> 176 <Protobuf_Compile Include ="@(_PatchedProtobuf)"/> 177 </ItemGroup> 178 <!-- Read any dependency files from previous compiles. --> 179 <ProtoReadDependencies Condition=" '$(Protobuf_DepFilesPath)' != '' and '$(DisableProtobufDesignTimeBuild)' != 'true' " 180 Protobuf="@(Protobuf_Compile)" 181 ProtoDepDir="$(Protobuf_DepFilesPath)" > 182 <Output TaskParameter="Dependencies" ItemName="Protobuf_Dependencies" /> 183 </ProtoReadDependencies> 184 </Target> 185 186 <!-- Add all expected outputs, and only these, to language compile. --> 187 <Target Name="_Protobuf_AugmentLanguageCompile" 188 DependsOnTargets="_Protobuf_EnforceInvariants" 189 Condition=" '$(Language)' == 'C#' "> 190 <ItemGroup> 191 <_Protobuf_CodeCompile Include="@(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs->Distinct())" 192 Condition=" '%(Source)' != '' and '@(Protobuf_Compile->WithMetadataValue('CompileOutputs', 'true'))' != '' " /> 193 <Compile Include="@(_Protobuf_CodeCompile)" /> 194 </ItemGroup> 195 </Target> 196 197 <!-- These invariants must be kept for compile up-to-date check to work. --> 198 <Target Name="_Protobuf_EnforceInvariants"> 199 <!-- Enforce Source=Identity on proto files. The 'Source' metadata is used as a common 200 key to match dependencies/expected outputs in the lists for up-to-date checks. --> 201 <ItemGroup> 202 <Protobuf_Compile> 203 <Source>%(Identity)</Source> 204 </Protobuf_Compile> 205 </ItemGroup> 206 207 <!-- Remove possible output and dependency declarations that have no Source set, or those 208 not matching any proto marked for compilation. --> 209 <ItemGroup> 210 <Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs Remove="@(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs)" Condition=" '%(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs.Source)' == '' " /> 211 <Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs Remove="@(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs)" Condition=" '%(Source)' != '' and '@(Protobuf_Compile)' == '' " /> 212 <Protobuf_Dependencies Remove="@(Protobuf_Dependencies)" Condition=" '%(Protobuf_Dependencies.Source)' == '' " /> 213 <Protobuf_Dependencies Remove="@(Protobuf_Dependencies)" Condition=" '%(Source)' != '' and '@(Protobuf_Compile)' == '' " /> 214 </ItemGroup> 215 </Target> 216 217 <!-- Gather files with and without known outputs, separately. --> 218 <Target Name="_Protobuf_GatherStaleFiles" 219 Condition=" '@(Protobuf_Compile)' != '' " 220 DependsOnTargets="_Protobuf_EnforceInvariants; _Protobuf_GatherStaleSimple; _Protobuf_GatherStaleBatched"> 221 <ItemGroup> 222 <!-- Drop outputs from MSBuild inference (they won't have the '_Exec' metadata). --> 223 <_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto Remove="@(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto->WithMetadataValue('_Exec',''))" /> 224 </ItemGroup> 225 </Target> 226 227 <Target Name="_Protobuf_GatherStaleSimple"> 228 <!-- Simple selection: always compile files that have no declared outputs (but warn below). --> 229 <ItemGroup> 230 <_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto Include="@(Protobuf_Compile)" 231 Condition = " '%(Source)' != '' and '@(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs)' == '' "> 232 <_Exec>true</_Exec> 233 </_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto> 234 </ItemGroup> 235 236 <!-- You are seeing this warning because there was no Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs items with 237 their Source attribute pointing to the proto files listed in the warning. Such files 238 will be recompiled on every build, as there is nothing to run up-to-date check against. 239 Set Protobuf_NoOrphanWarning to 'true' to suppress if this is what you want. --> 240 <Warning Condition=" '@(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto)' != '' and '$(Protobuf_NoOrphanWarning)' != 'true' " 241 Text="The following files have no known outputs, and will be always recompiled as if out-of-date: @(_Protobuf_Orphans->' %(Identity)', '')" /> 242 </Target> 243 244 <Target Name="_Protobuf_GatherStaleBatched" 245 Inputs="@(Protobuf_Compile);%(Source);@(Protobuf_Dependencies);$(MSBuildAllProjects)" 246 Outputs="@(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs)" > 247 <!-- The '_Exec' metadatum is set to distinguish really executed items from those MSBuild so 248 "helpfully" infers in a bucketed task. For the same reason, cannot use the intrinsic 249 ItemGroup task here. --> 250 <CreateItem Include="@(Protobuf_Compile)" AdditionalMetadata="_Exec=true"> 251 <Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto"/> 252 </CreateItem> 253 </Target> 254 255 <!-- Extension point: Plugins massage metadata into recognized metadata 256 values passed to the ProtoCompile task. --> 257 <Target Name="Protobuf_PrepareCompileOptions" Condition=" '@(Protobuf_Compile)' != '' "> 258 <ItemGroup> 259 <Protobuf_Compile> 260 <_OutputOptions Condition=" '%(Protobuf_Compile.Access)' == 'Internal' ">%(Protobuf_Compile._OutputOptions);internal_access</_OutputOptions> 261 </Protobuf_Compile> 262 </ItemGroup> 263 </Target> 264 265 <Target Name="_Protobuf_CoreCompile" 266 Condition=" '$(DisableProtobufDesignTimeBuild)' != 'true' " 267 DependsOnTargets="Protobuf_PrepareCompileOptions;_Protobuf_GatherStaleFiles"> 268 <!-- Ensure output directories. --> 269 <MakeDir Directories="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.OutputDir)" /> 270 <MakeDir Directories="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.GrpcOutputDir)" /> 271 <MakeDir Directories="$(Protobuf_DepFilesPath)" /> 272 273 <!-- Force output to the current directory if the user has set it to empty. --> 274 <ItemGroup> 275 <_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto> 276 <OutputDir Condition=" '%(OutputDir)' == '' ">.</OutputDir> 277 </_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto> 278 </ItemGroup> 279 280 <ProtoCompile Condition=" '@(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto)' != '' " 281 ToolExe="$(Protobuf_ProtocFullPath)" 282 Generator="$(Protobuf_Generator)" 283 Protobuf="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.Source)" 284 ProtoPath="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.AdditionalImportDirs);$(Protobuf_StandardImportsPath);%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.ProtoRoot)" 285 ProtoDepDir="$(Protobuf_DepFilesPath)" 286 OutputDir="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.OutputDir)" 287 OutputOptions="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto._OutputOptions)" 288 GrpcPluginExe="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.GrpcPluginExe)" 289 GrpcOutputDir="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.GrpcOutputDir)" 290 GrpcOutputOptions="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto._GrpcOutputOptions)" 291 > 292 <Output TaskParameter="GeneratedFiles" ItemName="_Protobuf_GeneratedFiles"/> 293 </ProtoCompile> 294 295 <!-- Compute files expected but not in fact produced by protoc. --> 296 <ItemGroup Condition=" '@(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto)' != '' "> 297 <Protobuf_ExpectedNotGenerated Include="@(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs)" 298 Condition=" '%(Source)' != '' and '@(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto)' != '' " /> 299 <Protobuf_ExpectedNotGenerated Remove="@(_Protobuf_GeneratedFiles)" /> 300 </ItemGroup> 301 </Target> 302 303 <!-- Extension point. Plugins and/or unsupported projects may take special care of the 304 Protobuf_ExpectedNotGenerated list in BeforeTargets. We just silently create the 305 missing outputs so that out-of-date checks work (we do not add them to language 306 compile though). You can empty this collection in your Before targets to do nothing. 307 The target is not executed if the proto compiler is not executed. --> 308 <Target Name="Protobuf_ReconcileOutputs" 309 Condition=" '$(DisableProtobufDesignTimeBuild)' != 'true' "> 310 <!-- Warn about unexpected/missing files outside object file directory only. 311 This should have happened because build was incorrectly customized. --> 312 <FindUnderPath Path="$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)" Files="@(Protobuf_ExpectedNotGenerated)"> 313 <Output TaskParameter="InPath" ItemName="_Protobuf_ExpectedNotGeneratedInTemp"/> 314 <Output TaskParameter="OutOfPath" ItemName="_Protobuf_ExpectedNotGeneratedElsewhere"/> 315 </FindUnderPath> 316 317 <!-- Prevent unnecessary recompilation by silently creating empty files. This probably 318 has happened because a proto file with an rpc service was processed by the gRPC 319 plugin, and the user did not set GrpcOutput to None. When we treat outputs as 320 transient, we can do it permissively. --> 321 <Touch Files="@(_Protobuf_ExpectedNotGeneratedInTemp)" AlwaysCreate="true" /> 322 323 <!-- Also create empty files outside of the intermediate directory, if the user wants so. --> 324 <Touch Files="@(_Protobuf_ExpectedNotGeneratedElsewhere)" AlwaysCreate="true" 325 Condition=" '$(Protobuf_TouchMissingExpected)' == 'true' "/> 326 327 <!-- You are seeing this warning because there were some Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs items 328 (outside of the transient directory under obj/) not in fact produced by protoc. --> 329 <Warning Condition=" '@(_Protobuf_ExpectedNotGeneratedElsewhere)' != '' and $(Protobuf_NoWarnMissingExpected) != 'true' " 330 Text="Some expected protoc outputs were not generated. @(_Protobuf_ExpectedNotGeneratedElsewhere->' %(Identity)', '')" /> 331 </Target> 332 333 <!--================================================================================ 334 Proto cleanup 335 =================================================================================--> 336 337 <!-- We fully support cleanup only in a C# project. If extending the build for other 338 generators/plugins, then mostly roll your own. --> 339 340 <!-- Extension points. --> 341 <Target Name="Protobuf_BeforeClean" /> 342 <Target Name="Protobuf_AfterClean" /> 343 344 <!-- Main cleanup sequence. --> 345 <Target Name="Protobuf_Clean" 346 Condition=" '@(Protobuf)' != '' " 347 DependsOnTargets=" Protobuf_BeforeClean; 348 _Protobuf_SetProtoRoot; 349 Protobuf_PrepareClean; 350 _Protobuf_CoreClean; 351 Protobuf_AfterClean" /> 352 353 <!-- Do proto cleanup by default in a C# project. In other types, the user should 354 invoke Protobuf_Clean directly if required. --> 355 <Target Name="_Protobuf_Clean_AfterCsClean" 356 AfterTargets="CoreClean" 357 DependsOnTargets="Protobuf_Clean" 358 Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProjectSupported)' == 'true' and '$(Language)' == 'C#' " /> 359 360 <!-- Extension point for non-C# project. ProtoCompilerOutputs is not invoked for 361 non-C# projects, since inferring protoc outputs is required, so this is a 362 no-op in other project types. In your extension target populate the 363 Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs with all possible output. An option is to include 364 all existing outputs using Include with a wildcard, if you know where to look. 365 366 Note this is like Protobuf_PrepareCompile, but uses @(Protobuf_Rooted) regardless 367 of the Compile metadata, to remove all possible outputs. Plugins should err 368 on the side of overextending the Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs here. 369 370 All ExpectedOutputs will be removed. --> 371 <Target Name="Protobuf_PrepareClean" Condition=" '@(Protobuf_Rooted)' != '' "> 372 <!-- Predict expected names. --> 373 <ProtoCompilerOutputs Condition=" '$(Language)' == 'C#' " 374 Protobuf="@(Protobuf_Rooted)" 375 Generator="$(Protobuf_Generator)"> 376 <Output TaskParameter="PossibleOutputs" ItemName="Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs" /> 377 </ProtoCompilerOutputs> 378 </Target> 379 380 <Target Name="_Protobuf_CoreClean"> 381 <ItemGroup> 382 <_Protobuf_Protodep Include="$(Protobuf_DepFilesPath)*.protodep" /> 383 </ItemGroup> 384 <Delete Files="@(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs);@(_Protobuf_Protodep)" TreatErrorsAsWarnings="true" /> 385 </Target> 386 387 <!--================================================================================ 388 Design-time support 389 =================================================================================--> 390 391 <!-- Add all .proto files to the SourceFilesProjectOutputGroupOutput, so that: 392 * Visual Studio triggers a build when any of them changed; 393 * The Pack target includes .proto files into the source package. --> 394 <Target Name="_Protobuf_SourceFilesProjectOutputGroup" 395 BeforeTargets="SourceFilesProjectOutputGroup" 396 Condition=" '@(Protobuf)' != '' " > 397 <ItemGroup> 398 <SourceFilesProjectOutputGroupOutput Include="@(Protobuf->'%(FullPath)')" /> 399 </ItemGroup> 400 </Target> 401</Project> 402