1 /**
2 * Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #include "runtime/device/gpu/gpu_bucket.h"
19 #include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
20 #include <nccl.h>
21 #include <vector>
22 #include <memory>
23 #include "abstract/utils.h"
24 #include "runtime/device/gpu/gpu_event.h"
25 #include "runtime/device/gpu/gpu_memory_allocator.h"
26 #include "runtime/device/gpu/gpu_device_manager.h"
27 #include "runtime/device/kernel_runtime_manager.h"
28 #include "runtime/device/gpu/distribution/collective_init.h"
29 #include "runtime/device/gpu/gpu_launch_mul.h"
30 #include "backend/kernel_compiler/gpu/nccl/nccl_gpu_kernel.h"
31 #include "runtime/device/gpu/gpu_common.h"
33 namespace {
34 const size_t kCommunicationMemAlignSize = 16;
AlignMemorySize(size_t size)35 size_t AlignMemorySize(size_t size) {
36 if (size == 0) {
37 return kCommunicationMemAlignSize;
38 }
39 return ((size + kCommunicationMemAlignSize - 1) / kCommunicationMemAlignSize) * kCommunicationMemAlignSize;
40 }
41 } // namespace
42 namespace mindspore::device::gpu {
GPUBucket(uint32_t id,uint32_t bucket_size)43 GPUBucket::GPUBucket(uint32_t id, uint32_t bucket_size) : Bucket(id, bucket_size), collective_handle_(nullptr) {
44 group_ = kNcclWorldGroup;
45 }
AllocateAllReduceAddr()47 void GPUBucket::AllocateAllReduceAddr() {
48 MS_LOG(INFO) << "start";
49 if (grad_tensor_list_.size() != bucket_size_) {
50 MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "grad tensor list size:" << grad_tensor_list_.size()
51 << " is not equal to bucket size:" << bucket_size_;
52 }
54 auto total_size = 0;
55 std::vector<size_t> size_list;
56 for (auto &tensor : grad_tensor_list_) {
58 tensor_type_list_.emplace_back(tensor->data_type());
59 DeviceAddressPtr device_address = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<DeviceAddress>(tensor->device_address());
60 MS_EXCEPTION_IF_NULL(device_address);
61 auto origin_size = device_address->GetSize();
62 auto align_size = AlignMemorySize(origin_size);
63 size_list.emplace_back(origin_size);
64 align_size_list_.emplace_back(align_size);
65 total_size += align_size;
66 memcpy_input_addrs_.emplace_back(
67 std::make_shared<kernel::Address>(static_cast<uint8_t *>(device_address->GetMutablePtr()), origin_size));
68 }
69 total_size_ = total_size;
71 ar_input_addr_ = static_cast<uint8_t *>(GPUMemoryAllocator::GetInstance().AllocTensorMem(total_size));
72 ar_output_addr_ = static_cast<uint8_t *>(GPUMemoryAllocator::GetInstance().AllocTensorMem(total_size));
74 uint8_t *memcpy_output = ar_input_addr_;
75 for (size_t i = 0; i < bucket_size_; ++i) {
76 memcpy_output_addrs_.emplace_back(std::make_shared<kernel::Address>(memcpy_output, size_list[i]));
77 memcpy_output += align_size_list_[i];
78 }
79 MS_LOG(INFO) << "end";
80 }
FreeDeviceMem(void * dev_ptr)82 void GPUBucket::FreeDeviceMem(void *dev_ptr) { GPUMemoryAllocator::GetInstance().FreeTensorMem(dev_ptr); }
FreeAllDeviceMem()84 void GPUBucket::FreeAllDeviceMem() {
85 MS_LOG(INFO) << "start";
86 if (ar_input_addr_ != nullptr) {
87 FreeDeviceMem(ar_input_addr_);
88 ar_input_addr_ = nullptr;
89 }
90 if (ar_output_addr_ != nullptr) {
91 FreeDeviceMem(ar_output_addr_);
92 ar_output_addr_ = nullptr;
93 }
94 // clear launch mul device memory
95 if (launch_mul_ != nullptr) {
96 launch_mul_->FreeLaunchDeviceMem();
97 }
98 MS_LOG(INFO) << "end";
99 }
CopyTensorToContiguousMemory()101 void GPUBucket::CopyTensorToContiguousMemory() {
102 MS_LOG(INFO) << "start";
103 MS_EXCEPTION_IF_NULL(compute_stream_);
104 // Clean allreduce input
106 cudaMemsetAsync(ar_input_addr_, 0, total_size_, static_cast<cudaStream_t>(compute_stream_)),
107 "Call cudaMemsetAsync failed");
109 for (size_t i = 0; i < bucket_size_; ++i) {
110 MS_EXCEPTION_IF_NULL(memcpy_output_addrs_[i]);
111 MS_EXCEPTION_IF_NULL(memcpy_input_addrs_[i]);
112 if (!GPUDeviceManager::GetInstance().CopyDeviceMemToDeviceAsync(memcpy_output_addrs_[i]->addr,
113 memcpy_input_addrs_[i]->addr,
114 memcpy_output_addrs_[i]->size, compute_stream_)) {
115 MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Copy memory failed";
116 }
117 }
118 MS_LOG(INFO) << "end";
119 }
LaunchAllReduce()121 void GPUBucket::LaunchAllReduce() {
122 MS_LOG(INFO) << "start";
123 collective_handle_ = device::gpu::CollectiveInitializer::instance().collective_handle();
124 auto all_reduce_funcptr =
125 reinterpret_cast<kernel::AllReduce>(dlsym(const_cast<void *>(collective_handle_), "AllReduce"));
126 MS_EXCEPTION_IF_NULL(all_reduce_funcptr);
127 MS_EXCEPTION_IF_NULL(stream_);
129 if (tensor_type_list_.empty()) {
130 MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "No tesnor type found";
131 }
132 auto type = tensor_type_list_[0];
133 if (std::any_of(tensor_type_list_.begin(), tensor_type_list_.end(),
134 [&type](TypeId tensor_type) { return type != tensor_type; })) {
135 MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "AllReduce input have different dtype";
136 }
138 auto type_size = abstract::TypeIdSize(type);
139 if (type_size == 0) {
140 MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Invalid type:" << type;
141 }
143 // typeid to nccl_data_type
144 auto nccl_data_type_iter = kernel::kNcclDtypeMap.find(TypeIdLabel(type));
145 if (nccl_data_type_iter == kernel::kNcclDtypeMap.end()) {
146 MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Invalid type:" << type;
147 }
149 auto nccl_result =
150 (*all_reduce_funcptr)(ar_input_addr_, ar_output_addr_, total_size_ / type_size, nccl_data_type_iter->second,
151 ncclRedOp_t::ncclSum, static_cast<cudaStream_t>(stream_), group_);
152 if (nccl_result != ncclSuccess) {
153 MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "AllReduce failed, ret:" << nccl_result;
154 }
156 MS_LOG(INFO) << "end";
157 }
CreateLaunchMul()159 std::shared_ptr<LaunchKernel> GPUBucket::CreateLaunchMul() {
160 if (tensor_type_list_.empty()) {
161 MS_LOG(ERROR) << "tensor_type_list_ is empty";
162 }
163 auto launch_mul = std::make_shared<GPULaunchMul>(stream_, tensor_type_list_[0], total_size_);
164 MS_EXCEPTION_IF_NULL(launch_mul);
165 return launch_mul;
166 }
Init(const std::vector<void * > & compute_streams,const std::vector<void * > & communication_streams)168 void GPUBucket::Init(const std::vector<void *> &compute_streams, const std::vector<void *> &communication_streams) {
169 pre_event_ = std::make_shared<GpuEvent>();
170 post_event_ = std::make_shared<GpuEvent>();
172 if (!compute_streams.empty()) {
173 compute_stream_ = compute_streams.front();
174 }
175 if (!communication_streams.empty()) {
176 stream_ = communication_streams.front();
177 }
178 MS_EXCEPTION_IF_NULL(compute_stream_);
179 MS_EXCEPTION_IF_NULL(stream_);
181 MS_EXCEPTION_IF_NULL(pre_event_);
182 MS_EXCEPTION_IF_NULL(post_event_);
183 pre_event_->set_record_stream(compute_stream_);
184 pre_event_->set_wait_stream(stream_);
185 post_event_->set_record_stream(stream_);
186 post_event_->set_wait_stream(compute_stream_);
187 }
188 } // namespace mindspore::device::gpu