1#! /usr/bin/perl -w 2# Summarize .zi input in a .zi-like format. 3 4# Courtesy Ken Pizzini. 5 6use strict; 7 8#This file released to the public domain. 9 10# Note: error checking is poor; trust the output only if the input 11# has been checked by zic. 12 13my $contZone = ''; 14while (<>) { 15 my $origline = $_; 16 my @fields = (); 17 while (s/^\s*((?:"[^"]*"|[^\s#])+)//) { 18 push @fields, $1; 19 } 20 next unless @fields; 21 22 my $type = lc($fields[0]); 23 if ($contZone) { 24 @fields >= 3 or warn "bad continuation line"; 25 unshift @fields, '+', $contZone; 26 $type = 'zone'; 27 } 28 29 $contZone = ''; 30 if ($type eq 'zone') { 31 # Zone NAME STDOFF RULES/SAVE FORMAT [UNTIL] 32 my $nfields = @fields; 33 $nfields >= 5 or warn "bad zone line"; 34 if ($nfields > 6) { 35 #this splice is optional, depending on one's preference 36 #(one big date-time field, or componentized date and time): 37 splice(@fields, 5, $nfields-5, "@fields[5..$nfields-1]"); 38 } 39 $contZone = $fields[1] if @fields > 5; 40 } elsif ($type eq 'rule') { 41 # Rule NAME FROM TO - IN ON AT SAVE LETTER/S 42 @fields == 10 or warn "bad rule line"; 43 } elsif ($type eq 'link') { 44 # Link TARGET LINK-NAME 45 @fields == 3 or warn "bad link line"; 46 } elsif ($type eq 'leap') { 47 # Leap YEAR MONTH DAY HH:MM:SS CORR R/S 48 @fields == 7 or warn "bad leap line"; 49 } else { 50 warn "Fubar at input line $.: $origline"; 51 } 52 print join("\t", @fields), "\n"; 53} 54