1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 *
7 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 *
9 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 * limitations under the License.
14 */
16 #include "faultloggerd_module_test.h"
18 #include <securec.h>
19 #include <sstream>
20 #include <unistd.h>
22 #include "faultloggerd_client.h"
24 using namespace testing::ext;
26 namespace {
GetCmdResultFromPopen(const std::string & cmd)27 std::string GetCmdResultFromPopen(const std::string& cmd)
28 {
29 if (cmd.empty()) {
30 return "";
31 }
33 FILE* fp = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r");
34 if (fp == nullptr) {
35 return "";
36 }
37 const int bufSize = 128;
38 char buffer[bufSize];
39 std::string result = "";
40 while (!feof(fp)) {
41 if (fgets(buffer, bufSize - 1, fp) != nullptr) {
42 result += buffer;
43 }
44 }
45 pclose(fp);
46 return result;
47 }
GetServicePid(const std::string & serviceName)49 int GetServicePid(const std::string& serviceName)
50 {
51 std::string cmd = "pidof " + serviceName;
52 std::string pidStr = GetCmdResultFromPopen(cmd);
53 int32_t pid = 0;
54 std::stringstream pidStream(pidStr);
55 pidStream >> pid;
56 printf("the pid of service(%s) is %s \n", serviceName.c_str(), pidStr.c_str());
57 return pid;
58 }
WaitForServiceReady(const std::string & serviceName)60 void WaitForServiceReady(const std::string& serviceName)
61 {
62 int pid = GetServicePid(serviceName);
63 if (pid <= 0) {
64 std::string cmd = "start " + serviceName;
65 GetCmdResultFromPopen(cmd);
66 const int sleepTime = 10; // 10 seconds
67 sleep(sleepTime);
68 pid = GetServicePid(serviceName);
69 }
70 ASSERT_GT(pid, 0);
71 ASSERT_TRUE(CheckConnectStatus());
72 }
CheckFdRequestFunction(FaultLoggerType type,bool isValidFd)74 void CheckFdRequestFunction(FaultLoggerType type, bool isValidFd)
75 {
76 int32_t fd = RequestFileDescriptor(static_cast<int32_t>(type));
77 ASSERT_EQ((fd >= 0), isValidFd);
78 if (fd >= 0) {
79 close(fd);
80 }
81 }
83 /**
84 * @tc.name: FaultloggerdServiceTest001
85 * @tc.desc: check faultloggerd running status and ensure it has been started
86 * @tc.type: FUNC
87 */
88 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerdModuleTest, FaultloggerdServiceTest001, TestSize.Level0)
89 {
90 WaitForServiceReady("faultloggerd");
91 }
93 #if defined(__BIONIC__)
94 /**
95 * @tc.name: FaultloggerdDfxHandlerPreloadTest001
96 * @tc.desc: check whether libdfx_signalhandler.z.so is preloaded.
97 * @tc.type: FUNC
98 */
99 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerdModuleTest, FaultloggerdDfxHandlerPreloadTest001, TestSize.Level0)
100 {
101 std::string cmd = "cat /proc/" + std::to_string(getpid()) + "/maps";
102 std::string result = GetCmdResultFromPopen(cmd);
103 ASSERT_EQ(result.find("libdfx_signalhandler.z.so") != std::string::npos, true);
104 }
105 #endif
107 /**
108 * @tc.name: FaultloggerdClientFdRquestTest001
109 * @tc.desc: check faultloggerd logging function
110 * @tc.type: FUNC
111 */
112 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerdModuleTest, FaultloggerdClientFdRquestTest001, TestSize.Level0)
113 {
114 CheckFdRequestFunction(FaultLoggerType::CPP_CRASH, true);
115 CheckFdRequestFunction(FaultLoggerType::CPP_STACKTRACE, true);
116 CheckFdRequestFunction(FaultLoggerType::JS_STACKTRACE, true);
117 CheckFdRequestFunction(FaultLoggerType::JS_HEAP_SNAPSHOT, true);
118 CheckFdRequestFunction(FaultLoggerType::JAVA_STACKTRACE, false);
119 }
121 /**
122 * @tc.name: FaultloggerdClientFdRquestTest002
123 * @tc.desc: check faultloggerd RequestLogFileDescriptor function
124 * @tc.type: FUNC
125 */
126 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerdModuleTest, FaultloggerdClientFdRquestTest002, TestSize.Level0)
127 {
128 struct FaultLoggerdRequest testRequest;
129 if (memset_s(&testRequest, sizeof(testRequest), 0, sizeof(struct FaultLoggerdRequest)) != 0) {
130 return;
131 }
132 testRequest.type = (int)FaultLoggerType::CPP_CRASH;
133 testRequest.pid = getpid();
134 testRequest.tid = gettid();
135 testRequest.uid = getuid();
136 int32_t fd = RequestLogFileDescriptor(&testRequest);
137 ASSERT_TRUE(fd >= 0);
138 if (fd >= 0) {
139 close(fd);
140 }
141 }
143 /**
144 * @tc.name: FaultloggerdClientFdRquestTest003
145 * @tc.desc: check faultloggerd RequestPrintTHilog function
146 * @tc.type: FUNC
147 */
148 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerdModuleTest, FaultloggerdClientFdRquestTest003, TestSize.Level0)
149 {
150 char msg[] = "test log";
151 size_t len = strlen(msg);
152 RequestPrintTHilog(msg, len);
153 }
155 /**
156 * @tc.name: FaultloggerdClientPipeFdRquestTest001
157 * @tc.desc: check faultloggerd RequestPipeFd function
158 * @tc.type: FUNC
159 */
160 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerdModuleTest, FaultloggerdClientPipeFdRquestTest001, TestSize.Level0)
161 {
162 int32_t pipeFd = RequestPipeFd(getpid(), FaultLoggerPipeType::PIPE_FD_READ_BUF);
163 ASSERT_EQ(pipeFd, -1);
164 int32_t ret = RequestDelPipeFd(getpid());
165 ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
166 }
168 /**
169 * @tc.name: FaultloggerdPermissionCheckTest001
170 * @tc.desc: check faultloggerd RequestCheckPermission function
171 * @tc.type: FUNC
172 */
173 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerdModuleTest, FaultloggerdPermissionCheckTest001, TestSize.Level0)
174 {
175 ASSERT_TRUE(RequestCheckPermission(getpid()));
176 }
177 }