1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 *
7 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 *
9 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 * limitations under the License.
14 */
15 #include <cstdlib>
16 #include <getopt.h>
17 #include <iostream>
18 #include <iomanip>
19 #include <ctime>
21 #include <string_ex.h>
22 #include <securec.h>
23 #include <list>
25 #include <hilog/log.h>
26 #include <hilog_common.h>
27 #include <log_utils.h>
28 #include <log_ioctl.h>
29 #include <log_print.h>
30 #include <properties.h>
32 #include "log_display.h"
34 namespace OHOS {
35 namespace HiviewDFX {
36 using namespace std;
QueryHelper()37 static void QueryHelper()
38 {
39 cout
40 << "Querying logs options:" << endl
41 << " No option performs a blocking read and keeps printing." << endl
42 << " -x --exit" << endl
43 << " Performs a non-blocking read and exits when all logs in buffer are printed." << endl
44 << " -a <n>, --head=<n>" << endl
45 << " Show n lines logs on head of buffer." << endl
46 << " -z <n>, --tail=<n>" << endl
47 << " Show n lines logs on tail of buffer." << endl
48 << " -t <type>, --type=<type>" << endl
49 << " Show specific type/types logs with format: type1,type2,type3" << endl
50 << " Don't show specific type/types logs with format: ^type1,type2,type3" << endl
51 << " Type coule be: app/core/init/kmsg, kmsg can't combine with others." << endl
52 << " Default types are: app,core,init." << endl
53 << " -L <level>, --level=<level>" << endl
54 << " Show specific level/levels logs with format: level1,level2,level3" << endl
55 << " Don't show specific level/levels logs with format: ^level1,level2,level3" << endl
56 << " Long and short level string are both accepted" << endl
57 << " Long level string coule be: DEBUG/INFO/WARN/ERROR/FATAL." << endl
58 << " Short level string coule be: D/I/W/E/F." << endl
59 << " Default levels are all levels." << endl
60 << " -D <domain>, --domain=<domain>" << endl
61 << " Show specific domain/domains logs with format: domain1,domain2,doman3" << endl
62 << " Don't show specific domain/domains logs with format: ^domain1,domain2,doman3" << endl
63 << " Max domain count is " << MAX_DOMAINS << "." << endl
64 << " See domain description at the end of this message." << endl
65 << " -T <tag>, --tag=<tag>" << endl
66 << " Show specific tag/tags logs with format: tag1,tag2,tag3" << endl
67 << " Don't show specific tag/tags logs with format: ^tag1,tag2,tag3" << endl
68 << " Max tag count is " << MAX_TAGS << "." << endl
69 << " -P <pid>, --pid=<pid>" << endl
70 << " Show specific pid/pids logs with format: pid1,pid2,pid3" << endl
71 << " Don't show specific domain/domains logs with format: ^pid1,pid2,pid3" << endl
72 << " Max pid count is " << MAX_PIDS << "." << endl
73 << " -e <expr>, --regex=<expr>" << endl
74 << " Show the logs which match the regular expression <expr>." << endl
75 << " -v <format>, --format=<format>" << endl
76 << " Show logs in different formats, options are:" << endl
77 << " color or colour display colorful logs by log level.i.e." << endl
78 << " \x1B[38;5;75mDEBUG \x1B[38;5;40mINFO \x1B[38;5;166mWARN"
79 << " \x1B[38;5;196mERROR \x1B[38;5;226mFATAL\x1B[0m" << endl
80 << " time format options are(single accepted):" << endl
81 << " time display local time, this is default." << endl
82 << " epoch display the time from 1970/1/1." << endl
83 << " monotonic display the cpu time from bootup." << endl
84 << " time accuracy format options are(single accepted):" << endl
85 << " msec display time by millisecond, this is default." << endl
86 << " usec display time by microsecond." << endl
87 << " nsec display time by nanosecond." << endl
88 << " year display the year when -v time is specified." << endl
89 << " zone display the time zone when -v time is specified." << endl
90 << " Different types of formats can be combined, such as:" << endl
91 << " -v color -v time -v msec -v year -v zone." << endl;
92 }
ClearHelper()94 static void ClearHelper()
95 {
96 cout
97 << "-r" << endl
98 << " Remove all logs in hilogd buffer, advanced option:" << endl
99 << " -t <type>, --type=<type>" << endl
100 << " Remove specific type/types logs in buffer with format: type1,type2,type3" << endl
101 << " Type coule be: app/core/init/kmsg." << endl
102 << " Default types are: app,core" << endl;
103 }
BufferHelper()105 static void BufferHelper()
106 {
107 cout
108 << "-g" << endl
109 << " Query hilogd buffer size, advanced option:" << endl
110 << " -t <type>, --type=<type>" << endl
111 << " Query specific type/types buffer size with format: type1,type2,type3" << endl
112 << " Type coule be: app/core/init/kmsg." << endl
113 << " Default types are: app,core" << endl
114 << "-G <size>, --buffer-size=<size>" << endl
115 << " Set hilogd buffer size, <size> could be number or number with unit." << endl
116 << " Unit could be: B/K/M/G which represents Byte/Kilobyte/Megabyte/Gigabyte." << endl
117 << " <size> range: [" << Size2Str(MIN_BUFFER_SIZE) << "," << Size2Str(MIN_BUFFER_SIZE) << "]." << endl
118 << " Advanced option:" << endl
119 << " -t <type>, --type=<type>" << endl
120 << " Set specific type/types log buffer size with format: type1,type2,type3" << endl
121 << " Type coule be: app/core/init/kmsg." << endl
122 << " Default types are: app,core" << endl
123 << " **It's a persistant configuration**" << endl;
124 }
StatisticHelper()126 static void StatisticHelper()
127 {
128 cout
129 << "-s, --statistics" << endl
130 << " Query log statistic information." << endl
131 << " Set param persist.sys.hilog.stats true to enable statistic." << endl
132 << " Set param persist.sys.hilog.stats.tag true to enable statistic of log tag." << endl
133 << "-S" << endl
134 << " Clear hilogd statistic information." << endl;
135 }
PersistTaskHelper()137 static void PersistTaskHelper()
138 {
139 cout
140 << "-w <control>,--write=<control>" << endl
141 << " Log persistance task control, options are:" << endl
142 << " query query tasks informations" << endl
143 << " stop stop all tasks" << endl
144 << " start start one task" << endl
145 << " Persistance task is used for saving logs in files." << endl
146 << " The files are saved in directory: " << HILOG_FILE_DIR << endl
147 << " Advanced options:" << endl
148 << " -f <filename>, --filename=<filename>" << endl
149 << " Set log file name, name should be valid of Linux FS." << endl
150 << " -l <length>, --length=<length>" << endl
151 << " Set single log file size. <length> could be number or number with unit." << endl
152 << " Unit could be: B/K/M/G which represents Byte/Kilobyte/Megabyte/Gigabyte." << endl
153 << " <length> range: [" << Size2Str(MIN_LOG_FILE_SIZE) <<", " << Size2Str(MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE) << "]." << endl
154 << " -n <number>, --number<number>" << endl
155 << " Set max log file numbers, log file rotate when files count over this number." << endl
156 << " <number> range: [" << MIN_LOG_FILE_NUM << ", " << MAX_LOG_FILE_NUM << "]." << endl
157 << " -m <compress algorithm>,--stream=<compress algorithm>" << endl
158 << " Set log file compressed algorithm, options are:" << endl
159 << " none write file with non-compressed logs." << endl
160 << " zlib write file with zlib compressed logs." << endl
161 << " -j <jobid>, --jobid<jobid>" << endl
162 << " Start/stop specific task of <jobid>." << endl
163 << " <jobid> range: [" << JOB_ID_MIN << ", 0x" << hex << JOB_ID_MAX << dec << ")." << endl
164 << " User can start task with options (t/L/D/T/P/e/v) as if using them when \"Query logs\" too." << endl
165 << " **It's a persistant configuration**" << endl;
166 }
PrivateHelper()168 static void PrivateHelper()
169 {
170 cout
171 << "-p <on/off>, --privacy <on/off>" << endl
172 << " Set HILOG api privacy formatter feature on or off." << endl
173 << " **It's a temporary configuration, will be lost after reboot**" << endl;
174 }
KmsgHelper()176 static void KmsgHelper()
177 {
178 cout
179 << "-k <on/off>, --kmsg <on/off>" << endl
180 << " Set hilogd storing kmsg log feature on or off" << endl
181 << " **It's a persistant configuration**" << endl;
182 }
FlowControlHelper()184 static void FlowControlHelper()
185 {
186 cout
187 << "-Q <control-type>" << endl
188 << " Set log flow-control feature on or off, options are:" << endl
189 << " pidon process flow control on" << endl
190 << " pidoff process flow control off" << endl
191 << " domainon domain flow control on" << endl
192 << " domainoff domain flow control off" << endl
193 << " **It's a temporary configuration, will be lost after reboot**" << endl;
194 }
BaseLevelHelper()196 static void BaseLevelHelper()
197 {
198 cout
199 << "-b <loglevel>, --baselevel=<loglevel>" << endl
200 << " Set global loggable level to <loglevel>" << endl
201 << " Long and short level string are both accepted." << endl
202 << " Long level string coule be: DEBUG/INFO/WARN/ERROR/FATAL/X." << endl
203 << " Short level string coule be: D/I/W/E/F/X." << endl
204 << " X means that loggable level is higher than the max level, no log could be printed." << endl
205 << " Advanced options:" << endl
206 << " -D <domain>, --domain=<domain>" << endl
207 << " Set specific domain loggable level." << endl
208 << " See domain description at the end of this message." << endl
209 << " -T <tag>, --tag=<tag>" << endl
210 << " Set specific tag loggable level." << endl
211 << " The priority is: tag level > domain level > global level." << endl
212 << " **It's a temporary configuration, will be lost after reboot**" << endl;
213 }
DomainHelper()215 static void DomainHelper()
216 {
217 cout
218 << endl << endl
219 << "Domain description:" << endl
220 << " Log type \"core\" & \"init\" are used for OS subsystems, the range is [0x" << hex << DOMAIN_OS_MIN << ","
221 << " 0x" << DOMAIN_OS_MAX << "]" << endl
222 << " Log type \"app\" is used for applications, the range is [0x" << DOMAIN_APP_MIN << ","
223 << " 0x" << DOMAIN_APP_MAX << "]" << dec << endl
224 << " To reduce redundant info when printing logs, only last five hex numbers of domain are printed" << endl
225 << " So if user wants to use -D option to filter OS logs, user should add 0xD0 as prefix to the printed domain:"
226 << endl
227 << " Exapmle: hilog -D 0xD0xxxxx" << endl
228 << " The xxxxx is the domain string printed in logs." << endl;
229 }
ComboHelper()231 static void ComboHelper()
232 {
233 cout
234 << "The first layer options can't be used in combination, ILLEGAL expamples:" << endl
235 << " hilog -S -s; hilog -w start -r; hilog -p on -k on -b D" << endl;
236 }
238 using HelperFunc = std::function<void()>;
239 static const std::list<pair<string, HelperFunc>> g_HelperList = {
240 {"query", QueryHelper},
241 {"clear", ClearHelper},
242 {"buffer", BufferHelper},
243 {"stats", StatisticHelper},
244 {"persist", PersistTaskHelper},
245 {"private", PrivateHelper},
246 {"kmsg", KmsgHelper},
247 {"flowcontrol", FlowControlHelper},
248 {"baselevel", BaseLevelHelper},
249 {"combo", ComboHelper},
250 {"domain", DomainHelper},
251 };
Helper(const string & arg)253 static void Helper(const string& arg)
254 {
255 cout << "Usage:" << endl
256 << "-h --help" << endl
257 << " Show all help information." << endl
258 << " Show single help information with option: " << endl
259 << " query/clear/buffer/stats/persist/private/kmsg/flowcontrol/baselevel/domain/combo" << endl;
260 for (auto &it : g_HelperList) {
261 if (arg == "" || arg == it.first) {
262 it.second();
263 }
264 }
265 return;
266 }
PrintErr(int error)268 static void PrintErr(int error)
269 {
270 cerr << ErrorCode2Str(error) << endl;
271 }
PrintResult(int ret,const string & msg)273 static void PrintResult(int ret, const string& msg)
274 {
275 cout << msg << ((ret == RET_SUCCESS) ? " successfully" : " failed") << endl;
276 }
278 enum class ControlCmd {
279 NOT_CMD = -1,
280 CMD_HELP = 0,
292 };
294 struct HilogArgs {
295 uint16_t headLines;
296 uint16_t baseLevel;
297 bool blackDomain;
298 int domainCount;
299 uint32_t domains[MAX_DOMAINS];
300 string regex;
301 string fileName;
302 int32_t buffSize;
303 uint32_t jobId;
304 uint32_t fileSize;
305 uint16_t levels;
306 string stream;
307 uint16_t fileNum;
308 bool blackPid;
309 int pidCount;
310 uint32_t pids[MAX_PIDS];
311 uint16_t types;
312 bool blackTag;
313 int tagCount;
314 string tags[MAX_TAGS];
315 bool colorful;
316 FormatTime timeFormat;
317 FormatTimeAccu timeAccuFormat;
318 bool year;
319 bool zone;
320 bool noBlock;
321 uint16_t tailLines;
HilogArgsOHOS::HiviewDFX::HilogArgs323 HilogArgs() : headLines (0), baseLevel(0), blackDomain(false), domainCount(0), domains { 0 }, regex(""),
324 fileName(""), buffSize(0), jobId(0), fileSize(0), levels(0), stream(""), fileNum(0), blackPid(false),
325 pidCount(0), pids { 0 }, types(0), blackTag(false), tagCount(0), tags { "" }, colorful(false),
326 timeFormat(FormatTime::INVALID), timeAccuFormat(FormatTimeAccu::INVALID), year(false), zone(false),
327 noBlock(false), tailLines(0) {}
ToOutputRqstOHOS::HiviewDFX::HilogArgs329 void ToOutputRqst(OutputRqst& rqst)
330 {
331 rqst.headLines = headLines;
332 rqst.types = types;
333 rqst.levels = levels;
334 rqst.blackDomain = blackDomain;
335 rqst.domainCount = static_cast<uint8_t>(domainCount);
336 int i;
337 for (i = 0; i < domainCount; i++) {
338 rqst.domains[i] = domains[i];
339 }
340 rqst.blackTag = blackTag;
341 rqst.tagCount = tagCount;
342 for (i = 0; i < tagCount; i++) {
343 (void)strncpy_s(rqst.tags[i], MAX_TAG_LEN, tags[i].c_str(), tags[i].length());
344 }
345 rqst.blackPid = blackPid;
346 rqst.pidCount = pidCount;
347 for (i = 0; i < pidCount; i++) {
348 rqst.pids[i] = pids[i];
349 }
350 (void)strncpy_s(rqst.regex, MAX_REGEX_STR_LEN, regex.c_str(), regex.length());
351 rqst.noBlock = noBlock;
352 rqst.tailLines = tailLines;
353 }
ToPersistStartRqstOHOS::HiviewDFX::HilogArgs355 void ToPersistStartRqst(PersistStartRqst& rqst)
356 {
357 ToOutputRqst(rqst.outputFilter);
358 rqst.jobId = jobId;
359 rqst.fileNum = fileNum;
360 rqst.fileSize = fileSize;
361 (void)strncpy_s(rqst.fileName, MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN, fileName.c_str(), fileName.length());
362 (void)strncpy_s(rqst.stream, MAX_STREAM_NAME_LEN, stream.c_str(), stream.length());
363 }
ToPersistStopRqstOHOS::HiviewDFX::HilogArgs365 void ToPersistStopRqst(PersistStopRqst& rqst)
366 {
367 rqst.jobId = jobId;
368 }
ToBufferSizeSetRqstOHOS::HiviewDFX::HilogArgs370 void ToBufferSizeSetRqst(BufferSizeSetRqst& rqst)
371 {
372 rqst.types = types;
373 rqst.size = buffSize;
374 }
ToBufferSizeGetRqstOHOS::HiviewDFX::HilogArgs376 void ToBufferSizeGetRqst(BufferSizeGetRqst& rqst)
377 {
378 rqst.types = types;
379 }
ToStatsQueryRqstOHOS::HiviewDFX::HilogArgs381 void ToStatsQueryRqst(StatsQueryRqst& rqst)
382 {
383 rqst.types = types;
384 rqst.domainCount = static_cast<uint8_t>(domainCount);
385 int i;
386 for (i = 0; i < domainCount; i++) {
387 rqst.domains[i] = domains[i];
388 }
389 }
ToLogRemoveRqstOHOS::HiviewDFX::HilogArgs391 void ToLogRemoveRqst(LogRemoveRqst& rqst)
392 {
393 rqst.types = types;
394 }
395 };
397 using OptHandler = std::function<int(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)>;
QueryLogHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)399 static int QueryLogHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
400 {
401 OutputRqst rqst = { 0 };
402 context.ToOutputRqst(rqst);
403 LogIoctl ioctl(IoctlCmd::OUTPUT_RQST, IoctlCmd::OUTPUT_RSP);
404 int ret = ioctl.RequestOutput(rqst, [&context](const OutputRsp& rsp) {
405 if (rsp.end) {
406 return RET_SUCCESS;
407 }
408 LogContent content = {
409 .level = rsp.level,
410 .type = rsp.type,
411 .pid = rsp.pid,
412 .tid = rsp.tid,
413 .domain = rsp.domain,
414 .tv_sec = rsp.tv_sec,
415 .tv_nsec = rsp.tv_nsec,
416 .mono_sec = rsp.mono_sec,
417 .tag = rsp.data,
418 .log = (rsp.data + rsp.tagLen)
419 };
420 LogFormat format = {
421 .colorful = context.colorful,
422 .timeFormat = ((context.timeFormat == FormatTime::INVALID) ? FormatTime::TIME : context.timeFormat),
423 .timeAccuFormat =
424 ((context.timeAccuFormat == FormatTimeAccu::INVALID) ? FormatTimeAccu::MSEC : context.timeAccuFormat),
425 .year = context.year,
426 .zone = context.zone
427 };
428 LogPrintWithFormat(content, format);
429 return static_cast<int>(SUCCESS_CONTINUE);
430 });
431 if (ret != RET_SUCCESS) {
432 return ret;
433 }
434 return RET_SUCCESS;
435 }
HeadHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)437 static int HeadHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
438 {
439 if (IsNumericStr(arg) == false) {
440 return ERR_NOT_NUMBER_STR;
441 }
442 int lines = 0;
443 (void)StrToInt(arg, lines);
444 context.headLines = static_cast<uint16_t>(lines);
445 context.noBlock = true; // don't block implicitly
446 return QueryLogHandler(context, arg);
447 }
BaseLogLevelHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)449 static int BaseLogLevelHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
450 {
451 uint16_t baseLevel = PrettyStr2LogLevel(arg);
452 if (baseLevel == LOG_LEVEL_MIN) {
454 }
455 context.baseLevel = baseLevel;
456 int ret;
457 if (context.domainCount == 0 && context.tagCount == 0) {
458 ret = SetGlobalLevel(context.baseLevel);
459 PrintResult(ret, (string("Set global log level to ") + arg));
460 }
461 if (context.domainCount != 0) {
462 for (int i = 0; i < context.domainCount; i++) {
463 ret = SetDomainLevel(context.domains[i], context.baseLevel);
464 PrintResult(ret, (string("Set domain 0x") + Uint2HexStr(context.domains[i]) + " log level to " + arg));
465 }
466 }
467 if (context.tagCount != 0) {
468 for (int i = 0; i < context.tagCount; i++) {
469 ret = SetTagLevel(context.tags[i], context.baseLevel);
470 PrintResult(ret, (string("Set tag ") + context.tags[i] + " log level to " + arg));
471 }
472 }
473 return RET_SUCCESS;
474 }
476 static constexpr char BLACK_PREFIX = '^';
DomainHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)477 static int DomainHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
478 {
479 context.blackDomain = (arg[0] == BLACK_PREFIX);
480 std::vector<std::string> domains;
481 Split(context.blackDomain ? arg + 1 : arg, domains);
482 if (domains.size() == 0) {
484 }
485 int index = 0;
486 for (string d : domains) {
487 if (index >= MAX_DOMAINS) {
489 }
490 uint32_t domain = HexStr2Uint(d);
491 if (domain == 0) {
493 }
494 context.domains[index++] = domain;
495 }
496 context.domainCount = index;
497 return RET_SUCCESS;
498 }
RegexHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)500 static int RegexHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
501 {
502 context.regex = arg;
503 if (context.regex.length() >= MAX_REGEX_STR_LEN) {
505 }
506 return RET_SUCCESS;
507 }
FileNameHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)509 static int FileNameHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
510 {
511 context.fileName = arg;
512 if (context.fileName.length() >= MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN) {
514 }
515 return RET_SUCCESS;
516 }
BufferSizeGetHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)518 static int BufferSizeGetHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
519 {
520 BufferSizeGetRqst rqst = { 0 };
521 context.ToBufferSizeGetRqst(rqst);
522 LogIoctl ioctl(IoctlCmd::BUFFERSIZE_GET_RQST, IoctlCmd::BUFFERSIZE_GET_RSP);
523 int ret = ioctl.Request<BufferSizeGetRqst, BufferSizeGetRsp>(rqst, [&rqst](const BufferSizeGetRsp& rsp) {
524 for (uint16_t i = 0; i < static_cast<uint16_t>(LOG_TYPE_MAX); i++) {
525 if (rsp.size[i] > 0) {
526 cout << "Log type " << LogType2Str(i) << " buffer size is " << Size2Str(rsp.size[i]) << endl;
527 }
528 }
529 return RET_SUCCESS;
530 });
531 if (ret != RET_SUCCESS) {
532 cout << "Get " << ComboLogType2Str(rqst.types) << " buffer size failed" << endl;
533 }
534 return ret;
535 }
BufferSizeSetHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)537 static int BufferSizeSetHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
538 {
539 uint64_t size = Str2Size(arg);
540 if (size == 0) {
542 }
543 context.buffSize = static_cast<int32_t>(size);
544 BufferSizeSetRqst rqst;
545 context.ToBufferSizeSetRqst(rqst);
546 LogIoctl ioctl(IoctlCmd::BUFFERSIZE_SET_RQST, IoctlCmd::BUFFERSIZE_SET_RSP);
547 int ret = ioctl.Request<BufferSizeSetRqst, BufferSizeSetRsp>(rqst, [&rqst](const BufferSizeSetRsp& rsp) {
548 for (uint16_t i = 0; i < static_cast<uint16_t>(LOG_TYPE_MAX); i++) {
549 if (rsp.size[i] > 0) {
550 cout << "Set log type " << LogType2Str(i) << " buffer size to "
551 << Size2Str(rsp.size[i]) << " successfully" << endl;
552 } else if (rsp.size[i] < 0) {
553 cout << "Set log type " << LogType2Str(i) << " buffer size to "
554 << Size2Str(rqst.size) << " failed" << endl;
555 PrintErr(rsp.size[i]);
556 }
557 }
558 return RET_SUCCESS;
559 });
560 if (ret != RET_SUCCESS) {
561 cout << "Set buffer size failed" << endl;
562 }
563 return ret;
564 }
HelpHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)566 static int HelpHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
567 {
568 Helper("");
569 return RET_SUCCESS;
570 }
JobIdHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)572 static int JobIdHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
573 {
574 if (IsNumericStr(arg) == false) {
575 return ERR_NOT_NUMBER_STR;
576 }
577 int jobId = 0;
578 (void)StrToInt(arg, jobId);
579 context.jobId = static_cast<uint32_t>(jobId);
580 return RET_SUCCESS;
581 }
583 static const string FEATURE_ON = "on";
584 static const string FEATURE_OFF = "off";
KmsgFeatureSetHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)585 static int KmsgFeatureSetHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
586 {
587 string argStr = arg;
588 bool kmsgOn = true;
589 if (argStr == FEATURE_ON) {
590 kmsgOn = true;
591 } else if (argStr == FEATURE_OFF) {
592 kmsgOn = false;
593 } else {
595 }
596 KmsgEnableRqst rqst = { kmsgOn };
597 LogIoctl ioctl(IoctlCmd::KMSG_ENABLE_RQST, IoctlCmd::KMSG_ENABLE_RSP);
598 int ret = ioctl.Request<KmsgEnableRqst, KmsgEnableRsp>(rqst, [&rqst](const KmsgEnableRsp& rsp) {
599 return RET_SUCCESS;
600 });
601 PrintResult(ret, (string("Set hilogd storing kmsg log ") + arg));
602 return ret;
603 }
FileLengthHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)605 static int FileLengthHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
606 {
607 uint64_t size = Str2Size(arg);
608 if (size == 0) {
610 }
611 context.fileSize = size;
612 return RET_SUCCESS;
613 }
LevelHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)615 static int LevelHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
616 {
617 uint16_t levels = Str2ComboLogLevel(arg);
618 if (levels == 0) {
620 }
621 context.levels = levels;
622 return RET_SUCCESS;
623 }
FileCompressHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)625 static int FileCompressHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
626 {
627 context.stream = arg;
628 return RET_SUCCESS;
629 }
FileNumberHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)631 static int FileNumberHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
632 {
633 if (IsNumericStr(arg) == false) {
634 return ERR_NOT_NUMBER_STR;
635 }
636 int fileNum = 0;
637 (void)StrToInt(arg, fileNum);
638 context.fileNum = static_cast<uint16_t>(fileNum);
639 return RET_SUCCESS;
640 }
PrivateFeatureSetHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)642 static int PrivateFeatureSetHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
643 {
644 string argStr = arg;
645 bool privateOn = true;
646 if (argStr == FEATURE_ON) {
647 privateOn = true;
648 } else if (argStr == FEATURE_OFF) {
649 privateOn = false;
650 } else {
652 }
653 int ret = SetPrivateSwitchOn(privateOn);
654 PrintResult(ret, (string("Set hilog privacy format ") + arg));
655 return RET_SUCCESS;
656 }
PidHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)658 static int PidHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
659 {
660 context.blackPid = (arg[0] == BLACK_PREFIX);
661 std::vector<std::string> pids;
662 Split(context.blackPid ? arg + 1 : arg, pids);
663 if (pids.size() == 0) {
665 }
666 int index = 0;
667 for (string p : pids) {
668 if (index >= MAX_PIDS) {
669 return ERR_TOO_MANY_PIDS;
670 }
671 if (IsNumericStr(p) == false) {
672 return ERR_NOT_NUMBER_STR;
673 }
674 int pid = 0;
675 (void)StrToInt(p, pid);
676 context.pids[index++] = static_cast<uint32_t>(pid);
677 }
678 context.pidCount = index;
679 return RET_SUCCESS;
680 }
SetDomainFlowCtrl(bool on)682 static int SetDomainFlowCtrl(bool on)
683 {
684 DomainFlowCtrlRqst rqst = { 0 };
685 rqst.on = on;
686 LogIoctl ioctl(IoctlCmd::DOMAIN_FLOWCTRL_RQST, IoctlCmd::DOMAIN_FLOWCTRL_RSP);
687 int ret = ioctl.Request<DomainFlowCtrlRqst, DomainFlowCtrlRsp>(rqst, [&rqst](const DomainFlowCtrlRsp& rsp) {
688 return RET_SUCCESS;
689 });
690 return ret;
691 }
FlowControlFeatureSetHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)692 static int FlowControlFeatureSetHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
693 {
694 string pid = "pid";
695 string domain = "domain";
696 string argStr = arg;
697 int ret;
698 if (argStr == (pid + FEATURE_ON)) {
699 ret = SetProcessSwitchOn(true);
700 cout << "Set flow control by process to enabled, result: " << ErrorCode2Str(ret) << endl;
701 } else if (argStr == (pid + FEATURE_OFF)) {
702 ret = SetProcessSwitchOn(false);
703 cout << "Set flow control by process to disabled, result: " << ErrorCode2Str(ret) << endl;
704 } else if (argStr == (domain + FEATURE_ON)) {
705 ret = SetDomainFlowCtrl(true);
706 cout << "Set flow control by domain to enabled, result: " << ErrorCode2Str(ret) << endl;
707 } else if (argStr == (domain + FEATURE_OFF)) {
708 ret = SetDomainFlowCtrl(false);
709 cout << "Set flow control by domain to disabled, result: " << ErrorCode2Str(ret) << endl;
710 } else {
712 }
713 return ret;
714 }
RemoveHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)716 static int RemoveHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
717 {
718 LogRemoveRqst rqst = { 0 };
719 context.ToLogRemoveRqst(rqst);
720 LogIoctl ioctl(IoctlCmd::LOG_REMOVE_RQST, IoctlCmd::LOG_REMOVE_RSP);
721 int ret = ioctl.Request<LogRemoveRqst, LogRemoveRsp>(rqst, [&rqst](const LogRemoveRsp& rsp) {
722 cout << "Log type " << ComboLogType2Str(rsp.types) << " buffer clear successfully" << endl;
723 return RET_SUCCESS;
724 });
725 if (ret != RET_SUCCESS) {
726 cout << "Log buffer clear failed" << endl;
727 }
728 return ret;
729 }
StatsInfoQueryHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)731 static int StatsInfoQueryHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
732 {
733 StatsQueryRqst rqst = { 0 };
734 context.ToStatsQueryRqst(rqst);
735 LogIoctl ioctl(IoctlCmd::STATS_QUERY_RQST, IoctlCmd::STATS_QUERY_RSP);
736 int ret = ioctl.RequestStatsQuery(rqst, [&rqst](const StatsQueryRsp& rsp) {
737 HilogShowLogStatsInfo(rsp);
738 return RET_SUCCESS;
739 });
740 if (ret != RET_SUCCESS) {
741 cout << "Statistic info query failed" << endl;
742 }
743 return ret;
744 }
StatsInfoClearHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)746 static int StatsInfoClearHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
747 {
748 StatsClearRqst rqst = { 0 };
749 LogIoctl ioctl(IoctlCmd::STATS_CLEAR_RQST, IoctlCmd::STATS_CLEAR_RSP);
750 int ret = ioctl.Request<StatsClearRqst, StatsClearRsp>(rqst, [&rqst](const StatsClearRsp& rsp) {
751 cout << "Statistic info clear successfully" << endl;
752 return RET_SUCCESS;
753 });
754 if (ret != RET_SUCCESS) {
755 cout << "Statistic info clear failed" << endl;
756 }
757 return ret;
758 }
TypeHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)760 static int TypeHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
761 {
762 uint16_t types = Str2ComboLogType(arg);
763 if (types == 0) {
765 }
766 context.types = types;
767 return RET_SUCCESS;
768 }
TagHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)770 static int TagHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
771 {
772 context.blackTag = (arg[0] == BLACK_PREFIX);
773 std::vector<std::string> tags;
774 Split(context.blackTag ? arg + 1 : arg, tags);
775 int index = 0;
776 for (string t : tags) {
777 if (index >= MAX_TAGS) {
778 return ERR_TOO_MANY_TAGS;
779 }
780 if (t.length() >= MAX_TAG_LEN) {
781 return ERR_TAG_STR_TOO_LONG;
782 }
783 context.tags[index++] = t;
784 }
785 context.tagCount = index;
786 return RET_SUCCESS;
787 }
FormatHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)789 static int FormatHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
790 {
791 string strArg = arg;
792 if (strArg == "color" || strArg == "colour") {
793 context.colorful = true;
794 } else if (strArg == "time" || strArg == "epoch" || strArg == "monotonic") {
795 if (context.timeFormat != FormatTime::INVALID) {
797 }
798 if (strArg == "time") {
799 context.timeFormat = FormatTime::TIME;
800 } else if (strArg == "epoch") {
801 context.timeFormat = FormatTime::EPOCH;
802 } else if (strArg == "monotonic") {
803 context.timeFormat = FormatTime::MONOTONIC;
804 }
805 } else if (strArg == "msec" || strArg == "usec" || strArg == "nsec") {
806 if (context.timeAccuFormat != FormatTimeAccu::INVALID) {
808 }
809 if (strArg == "msec") {
810 context.timeAccuFormat = FormatTimeAccu::MSEC;
811 } else if (strArg == "usec") {
812 context.timeAccuFormat = FormatTimeAccu::USEC;
813 } else if (strArg == "nsec") {
814 context.timeAccuFormat = FormatTimeAccu::NSEC;
815 }
816 } else if (strArg == "year") {
817 context.year = true;
818 } else if (strArg == "zone") {
819 context.zone = true;
820 tzset();
821 } else {
823 }
824 return RET_SUCCESS;
825 }
PersistTaskStart(HilogArgs & context)827 static int PersistTaskStart(HilogArgs& context)
828 {
829 PersistStartRqst rqst = { { 0 }, 0 };
830 context.ToPersistStartRqst(rqst);
831 LogIoctl ioctl(IoctlCmd::PERSIST_START_RQST, IoctlCmd::PERSIST_START_RSP);
832 int ret = ioctl.Request<PersistStartRqst, PersistStartRsp>(rqst, [&rqst](const PersistStartRsp& rsp) {
833 cout << "Persist task [jobid:" << rsp.jobId << "] start successfully" << endl;
834 return RET_SUCCESS;
835 });
836 if (ret != RET_SUCCESS) {
837 cout << "Persist task start failed" << endl;
838 }
839 return ret;
840 }
PersistTaskStop(HilogArgs & context)842 static int PersistTaskStop(HilogArgs& context)
843 {
844 PersistStopRqst rqst = { 0 };
845 context.ToPersistStopRqst(rqst);
846 LogIoctl ioctl(IoctlCmd::PERSIST_STOP_RQST, IoctlCmd::PERSIST_STOP_RSP);
847 int ret = ioctl.Request<PersistStopRqst, PersistStopRsp>(rqst, [&rqst](const PersistStopRsp& rsp) {
848 for (int i = 0; i < rsp.jobNum; i++) {
849 cout << "Persist task [jobid:" << rsp.jobId[i] << "] stop successfully" << endl;
850 }
851 return RET_SUCCESS;
852 });
853 if (ret != RET_SUCCESS) {
854 cout << "Persist task stop failed" << endl;
855 }
856 return ret;
857 }
PrintTaskInfo(const PersistTaskInfo & task)859 static void PrintTaskInfo(const PersistTaskInfo& task)
860 {
861 cout << task.jobId << " " << ComboLogType2Str(task.outputFilter.types) << " " << task.stream << " ";
862 cout << task.fileName << " " << Size2Str(task.fileSize) << " " << to_string(task.fileNum) << endl;
863 }
PersistTaskQuery()865 static int PersistTaskQuery()
866 {
867 PersistQueryRqst rqst = { 0 };
868 LogIoctl ioctl(IoctlCmd::PERSIST_QUERY_RQST, IoctlCmd::PERSIST_QUERY_RSP);
869 int ret = ioctl.Request<PersistQueryRqst, PersistQueryRsp>(rqst, [&rqst](const PersistQueryRsp& rsp) {
870 for (int i = 0; i < rsp.jobNum; i++) {
871 PrintTaskInfo(rsp.taskInfo[i]);
872 }
873 return RET_SUCCESS;
874 });
875 if (ret != RET_SUCCESS) {
876 cout << "Persist task query failed" << endl;
877 }
878 return ret;
879 }
PersistTaskHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)881 static int PersistTaskHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
882 {
883 string strArg = arg;
884 if (strArg == "start") {
885 return PersistTaskStart(context);
886 } else if (strArg == "stop") {
887 return PersistTaskStop(context);
888 } else if (strArg == "query") {
889 return PersistTaskQuery();
890 } else {
892 }
893 return RET_SUCCESS;
894 }
NoBlockHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)896 static int NoBlockHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
897 {
898 context.noBlock = true;
899 return QueryLogHandler(context, arg);
900 }
TailHandler(HilogArgs & context,const char * arg)902 static int TailHandler(HilogArgs& context, const char *arg)
903 {
904 if (IsNumericStr(arg) == false) {
905 return ERR_NOT_NUMBER_STR;
906 }
907 int tailLines = 0;
908 (void)StrToInt(arg, tailLines);
909 context.tailLines = static_cast<uint16_t>(tailLines);
910 context.noBlock = true; // don't block implicitly
911 return QueryLogHandler(context, arg);
912 }
914 struct OptEntry {
915 const char opt;
916 const char *longOpt;
917 const ControlCmd cmd;
918 const OptHandler handler;
919 const bool needArg;
920 // how many times can this option be used, for example:
921 // hilog -v msec -v color ...
922 uint32_t count;
923 };
924 static OptEntry optEntries[] = {
925 {'a', "head", ControlCmd::CMD_QUERY, HeadHandler, true, 1},
926 {'b', "baselevel", ControlCmd::CMD_LOGLEVEL_SET, BaseLogLevelHandler, true, 1},
927 {'D', "domain", ControlCmd::NOT_CMD, DomainHandler, true, 1},
928 {'e', "regex", ControlCmd::NOT_CMD, RegexHandler, true, 1},
929 {'f', "filename", ControlCmd::NOT_CMD, FileNameHandler, true, 1},
930 {'g', nullptr, ControlCmd::CMD_BUFFER_SIZE_QUERY, BufferSizeGetHandler, false, 1},
931 {'G', "buffer-size", ControlCmd::CMD_BUFFER_SIZE_SET, BufferSizeSetHandler, true, 1},
932 {'h', "help", ControlCmd::CMD_HELP, HelpHandler, false, 1},
933 {'j', "jobid", ControlCmd::NOT_CMD, JobIdHandler, true, 1},
934 {'k', "kmsg", ControlCmd::CMD_KMSG_FEATURE_SET, KmsgFeatureSetHandler, true, 1},
935 {'l', "length", ControlCmd::NOT_CMD, FileLengthHandler, true, 1},
936 {'L', "level", ControlCmd::NOT_CMD, LevelHandler, true, 1},
937 {'m', "stream", ControlCmd::NOT_CMD, FileCompressHandler, true, 1},
938 {'n', "number", ControlCmd::NOT_CMD, FileNumberHandler, true, 1},
939 {'p', "private", ControlCmd::CMD_PRIVATE_FEATURE_SET, PrivateFeatureSetHandler, true, 1},
940 {'P', "pid", ControlCmd::NOT_CMD, PidHandler, true, 1},
941 {'Q', "flowctrl", ControlCmd::CMD_FLOWCONTROL_FEATURE_SET, FlowControlFeatureSetHandler, true, 1},
942 {'r', nullptr, ControlCmd::CMD_REMOVE, RemoveHandler, false, 1},
943 {'s', "statistics", ControlCmd::CMD_STATS_INFO_QUERY, StatsInfoQueryHandler, false, 1},
944 {'S', nullptr, ControlCmd::CMD_STATS_INFO_CLEAR, StatsInfoClearHandler, false, 1},
945 {'t', "type", ControlCmd::NOT_CMD, TypeHandler, true, 1},
946 {'T', "tag", ControlCmd::NOT_CMD, TagHandler, true, 1},
947 {'v', "format", ControlCmd::NOT_CMD, FormatHandler, true, 5},
948 {'w', "write", ControlCmd::CMD_PERSIST_TASK, PersistTaskHandler, true, 1},
949 {'x', "exit", ControlCmd::CMD_QUERY, NoBlockHandler, false, 1},
950 {'z', "tail", ControlCmd::CMD_QUERY, TailHandler, true, 1},
951 {0, nullptr, ControlCmd::NOT_CMD, nullptr, false, 1}, // End default entry
952 }; // "hxz:grsSa:v:e:t:L:G:f:l:n:j:w:p:k:D:T:b:Q:m:P:"
953 static constexpr int OPT_ENTRY_CNT = sizeof(optEntries) / sizeof(OptEntry);
GetOpts(string & opts,struct option (& longOptions)[OPT_ENTRY_CNT])955 static void GetOpts(string& opts, struct option(&longOptions)[OPT_ENTRY_CNT])
956 {
957 int longOptcount = 0;
958 opts = "";
959 int i;
960 for (i = 0; i < OPT_ENTRY_CNT; i++) {
961 if (optEntries[i].opt == 0) {
962 break;
963 }
964 // opts
965 opts += optEntries[i].opt;
966 if (optEntries[i].needArg) {
967 opts += ':';
968 }
969 // long option
970 if (optEntries[i].longOpt == nullptr) {
971 continue;
972 }
973 longOptions[longOptcount].name = optEntries[i].longOpt;
974 longOptions[longOptcount].has_arg = optEntries[i].needArg ? required_argument : no_argument;
975 longOptions[longOptcount].flag = nullptr;
976 longOptions[longOptcount].val = optEntries[i].opt;
977 longOptcount++;
978 }
979 longOptions[longOptcount].name = nullptr;
980 longOptions[longOptcount].has_arg = 0;
981 longOptions[longOptcount].flag = nullptr;
982 longOptions[longOptcount].val = 0;
983 return;
984 }
GetOptEntry(int choice)986 static OptEntry* GetOptEntry(int choice)
987 {
988 OptEntry *entry = &(optEntries[OPT_ENTRY_CNT - 1]);
989 int i = 0;
990 for (i = 0; i < OPT_ENTRY_CNT; i++) {
991 if (optEntries[i].opt == static_cast<char>(choice)) {
992 entry = &(optEntries[i]);
993 break;
994 }
995 }
996 return entry;
997 }
HilogEntry(int argc,char * argv[])999 int HilogEntry(int argc, char* argv[])
1000 {
1001 struct option longOptions[OPT_ENTRY_CNT];
1002 string opts;
1003 GetOpts(opts, longOptions);
1004 HilogArgs context;
1005 int optIndex = 0;
1007 // 0. help has special case
1008 static const int argCountHelp = 3;
1009 if (argc == argCountHelp) {
1010 string arg = argv[1];
1011 if (arg == "--help" || arg == "-h") {
1012 Helper(argv[argCountHelp - 1]);
1013 return RET_SUCCESS;
1014 }
1015 }
1016 // 1. Scan all options and process NOT_CMD options' arguments
1017 int cmdCount = 0;
1018 OptEntry queryEntry = {' ', "", ControlCmd::CMD_QUERY, QueryLogHandler, false, 0};
1019 OptEntry *cmdEntry = &queryEntry; // No cmd means CMD_QUERY cmd
1020 string cmdArgs = "";
1021 while (1) {
1022 int choice = getopt_long(argc, argv, opts.c_str(), longOptions, &optIndex);
1023 if (choice == -1) {
1024 break;
1025 }
1026 if (choice == '?') {
1027 return RET_FAIL;
1028 }
1029 OptEntry *entry = GetOptEntry(choice);
1030 if (optind < argc && argv[optind][0] != '-') { // all options need only 1 argument
1033 }
1034 if (entry->count == 0) {
1037 }
1038 entry->count--;
1039 if (entry->cmd == ControlCmd::NOT_CMD) {
1040 int ret = entry->handler(context, optarg);
1041 if (ret != RET_SUCCESS) {
1042 PrintErr(ret);
1043 return ret;
1044 } else {
1045 continue;
1046 }
1047 }
1048 cmdEntry = entry;
1049 cmdCount++;
1050 if (optarg != nullptr) {
1051 cmdArgs = optarg;
1052 }
1053 }
1054 if (cmdCount > 1) {
1055 cerr << ErrorCode2Str(ERR_COMMAND_INVALID) << endl;
1057 }
1058 // 2. Process CMD_XXX
1059 int ret = cmdEntry->handler(context, cmdArgs.c_str());
1060 if (ret != RET_SUCCESS) {
1061 PrintErr(ret);
1062 return ret;
1063 }
1064 return RET_SUCCESS;
1065 }
1066 } // namespace HiviewDFX
1067 } // namespace OHOS
main(int argc,char * argv[])1069 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
1070 {
1071 (void)OHOS::HiviewDFX::HilogEntry(argc, argv);
1072 return 0;
1073 }