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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6  *
7  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14  */
15 #include <string>
16 #include <vector>
18 #include <fcntl.h>
19 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
20 #include "sys_event.h"
21 #include <sys/stat.h>
22 #include <sys/types.h>
23 #include <unistd.h>
25 #include "event.h"
26 #include "faultlog_util.h"
27 #include "faultlog_database.h"
28 #define private public
29 #include "faultlogger.h"
30 #undef private
31 #include "faultlog_info_ohos.h"
32 #include "faultlogger_adapter.h"
33 #include "faultlogger_service_ohos.h"
34 #include "file_util.h"
35 #include "hiview_global.h"
36 #include "hiview_platform.h"
37 #include "log_analyzer.h"
38 #include "sys_event.h"
39 #include "sys_event_dao.h"
41 using namespace testing::ext;
42 using namespace OHOS::HiviewDFX;
43 namespace OHOS {
44 namespace HiviewDFX {
45 class FaultloggerUnittest : public testing::Test {
46 public:
SetUp()47     void SetUp()
48     {
49         sleep(1);
50     };
TearDown()51     void TearDown(){};
CreateFaultloggerInstance() const53     std::shared_ptr<Faultlogger> CreateFaultloggerInstance() const
54     {
55         static std::unique_ptr<HiviewPlatform> platform = std::make_unique<HiviewPlatform>();
56         auto plugin = std::make_shared<Faultlogger>();
57         plugin->SetName("Faultlogger");
58         plugin->SetHandle(nullptr);
59         plugin->SetHiviewContext(platform.get());
60         plugin->OnLoad();
61         return plugin;
62     }
63 };
InitHiviewContext()65 static void InitHiviewContext()
66 {
67     OHOS::HiviewDFX::HiviewPlatform &platform = HiviewPlatform::GetInstance();
68     bool result = platform.InitEnvironment("/data/test/test_faultlogger_data/hiview_platform_config");
69     printf("InitHiviewContext result:%d\n", result);
70 }
72 /**
73  * @tc.name: dumpFileListTest001
74  * @tc.desc: dump with cmds, check the result
75  * @tc.type: FUNC
76  * @tc.require: SR000F7UQ6 AR000F83AF
77  */
78 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerUnittest, dumpFileListTest001, testing::ext::TestSize.Level3)
79 {
80     /**
81      * @tc.steps: step1. add multiple cmds to faultlogger
82      * @tc.expected: check the content size of the dump function
83      */
84     auto plugin = CreateFaultloggerInstance();
85     auto fd = open("/data/test/testFile", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 770);
86     if (fd < 0) {
87         printf("Fail to create test result file.\n");
88         return;
89     }
91     std::vector<std::string> cmds;
92     plugin->Dump(fd, cmds);
93     cmds.push_back("Faultlogger");
94     plugin->Dump(fd, cmds);
95     cmds.push_back("-l");
96     plugin->Dump(fd, cmds);
97     cmds.push_back("-f");
98     plugin->Dump(fd, cmds);
99     cmds.push_back("cppcrash-ModuleName-10-20201209103823");
100     plugin->Dump(fd, cmds);
101     cmds.push_back("-d");
102     plugin->Dump(fd, cmds);
103     cmds.push_back("-t");
104     plugin->Dump(fd, cmds);
105     cmds.push_back("20201209103823");
106     plugin->Dump(fd, cmds);
107     cmds.push_back("-m");
108     plugin->Dump(fd, cmds);
109     cmds.push_back("FAULTLOGGER");
110     plugin->Dump(fd, cmds);
111     close(fd);
112     fd = -1;
114     std::string result;
115     if (FileUtil::LoadStringFromFile("/data/test/testFile", result)) {
116         ASSERT_GT(result.length(), 0ul);
117     } else {
118         FAIL();
119     }
120 }
122 /**
123  * @tc.name: genCppCrashLogTest001
124  * @tc.desc: create cpp crash event and send it to faultlogger
125  * @tc.type: FUNC
126  * @tc.require: SR000F7UQ6 AR000F4380
127  */
128 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerUnittest, genCppCrashLogTest001, testing::ext::TestSize.Level3)
129 {
130     /**
131      * @tc.steps: step1. create a cpp crash event and pass it to faultlogger
132      * @tc.expected: the calling is success and the file has been created
133      */
134     auto plugin = CreateFaultloggerInstance();
135     FaultLogInfo info;
136     info.time = 1607161163;
137     info.id = 0;
138     info.pid = 7497;
139     info.faultLogType = 2;
140     info.module = "com.example.myapplication";
141     info.sectionMap["APPVERSION"] = "1.0";
142     info.sectionMap["FAULT_MESSAGE"] = "Nullpointer";
143     info.sectionMap["TRACEID"] = "0x1646145645646";
144     info.sectionMap["KEY_THREAD_INFO"] = "Test Thread Info";
145     info.sectionMap["REASON"] = "TestReason";
146     info.sectionMap["STACKTRACE"] = "#01 xxxxxx\n#02 xxxxxx\n";
147     plugin->AddFaultLog(info);
148     std::string timeStr = GetFormatedTime(info.time);
149     std::string fileName = "/data/log/faultlog/faultlogger/cppcrash-com.example.myapplication-0-" + timeStr;
150     bool exist = FileUtil::FileExists(fileName);
151     ASSERT_EQ(exist, true);
152     auto size = FileUtil::GetFileSize(fileName);
153     ASSERT_GT(size, 0ul);
154     auto parsedInfo = plugin->GetFaultLogInfo(fileName);
155     ASSERT_EQ(parsedInfo->module, "com.example.myapplication");
156 }
158 /**
159  * @tc.name: genCppCrashtoAnalysisFaultlog
160  * @tc.desc: create cpp crash event and check AnalysisFaultlog
161  * @tc.type: FUNC
162  * @tc.require: SR000F7UQ6 AR000F4380
163  */
164 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerUnittest, genCppCrashtoAnalysisFaultlog001, testing::ext::TestSize.Level3)
165 {
166     /**
167      * @tc.steps: step1. create a cpp crash event and pass it to faultlogger
168      * @tc.expected: AnalysisFaultlog return expected result
169      */
170     FaultLogInfo info;
171     info.time = 1607161163;
172     info.id = 0;
173     info.pid = 7497;
174     info.faultLogType = 2;
175     info.module = "com.example.testapplication";
176     info.reason = "TestReason";
177     std::map<std::string, std::string> eventInfos;
178     ASSERT_EQ(AnalysisFaultlog(info, eventInfos), false);
179     ASSERT_EQ(!eventInfos["fingerPrint"].empty(), true);
180 }
182 /**
183  * @tc.name: genjserrorLogTest002
184  * @tc.desc: create JS ERROR event and send it to faultlogger
185  * @tc.type: FUNC
186  * @tc.require: SR000F7UQ6 AR000F4380
187  */
188 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerUnittest, genjserrorLogTest002, testing::ext::TestSize.Level3)
189 {
190     /**
191      * @tc.steps: step1. create a jss_error event and pass it to faultlogger
192      * @tc.expected: the calling is success and the file has been created
193      */
194     SysEventCreator sysEventCreator("AAFWK", "JSERROR", SysEventCreator::FAULT);
195     sysEventCreator.SetKeyValue("SUMMARY", "Error message:is not callable\nStacktrace:");
196     sysEventCreator.SetKeyValue("name_", "JS_ERROR");
197     sysEventCreator.SetKeyValue("happenTime_", 1670248360359);
198     sysEventCreator.SetKeyValue("REASON", "TypeError");
199     sysEventCreator.SetKeyValue("tz_", "+0800");
200     sysEventCreator.SetKeyValue("pid_", 2413);
201     sysEventCreator.SetKeyValue("tid_", 2413);
202     sysEventCreator.SetKeyValue("what_", 3);
203     sysEventCreator.SetKeyValue("PACKAGE_NAME", "com.ohos.systemui");
204     sysEventCreator.SetKeyValue("VERSION", "1.0.0");
205     sysEventCreator.SetKeyValue("TYPE", 3);
206     sysEventCreator.SetKeyValue("VERSION", "1.0.0");
208     auto sysEvent = std::make_shared<SysEvent>("test", nullptr, sysEventCreator);
209     auto testPlugin = CreateFaultloggerInstance();
210     std::shared_ptr<Event> event = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Event>(sysEvent);
211     bool result = testPlugin->OnEvent(event);
212     ASSERT_EQ(result, true);
213 }
215 /**
216  * @tc.name: SaveFaultLogInfoTest001
217  * @tc.desc: Test calling SaveFaultLogInfo Func
218  * @tc.type: FUNC
219  */
220 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerUnittest, SaveFaultLogInfoTest001, testing::ext::TestSize.Level3)
221 {
222     InitHiviewContext();
223     FaultLogDatabase *faultLogDb = new FaultLogDatabase();
224     FaultLogInfo info;
225     info.time = std::time(nullptr); // 3 : index of timestamp
226     info.pid = getpid();
227     info.id = 0;
228     info.faultLogType = 2;
229     info.module = "FaultloggerUnittest";
230     info.reason = "unittest for SaveFaultLogInfo";
231     info.summary = "summary for SaveFaultLogInfo";
232     info.sectionMap["APPVERSION"] = "1.0";
233     info.sectionMap["FAULT_MESSAGE"] = "abort";
234     info.sectionMap["TRACEID"] = "0x1646145645646";
235     info.sectionMap["KEY_THREAD_INFO"] = "Test Thread Info";
236     info.sectionMap["REASON"] = "TestReason";
237     info.sectionMap["STACKTRACE"] = "#01 xxxxxx\n#02 xxxxxx\n";
238     faultLogDb->SaveFaultLogInfo(info);
240     std::string cmd = "hisysevent -l | grep " + std::to_string(info.time);
241     FILE* fp = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r");
242     char buffer[1024] = {0};
243     if (fp != nullptr) {
244         fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp);
245         pclose(fp);
246         std::string str(buffer);
247         if (str.find(std::to_string(info.time).c_str()) != std::string::npos) {
248             printf("sucess!\r\n");
249         } else {
250             FAIL();
251         }
252     } else {
253         FAIL();
254     }
255 }
257 /**
258  * @tc.name: GetFaultInfoListTest001
259  * @tc.desc: Test calling GetFaultInfoList Func
260  * @tc.type: FUNC
261  */
262 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerUnittest, GetFaultInfoListTest001, testing::ext::TestSize.Level3)
263 {
264     InitHiviewContext();
266     std::string jsonStr = R"~({"domain_":"RELIABILITY","name_":"CPP_CRASH","type_":1,"time_":1501973701070,"tz_":
267     "+0800","pid_":1854,"tid_":1854,"uid_":0,"FAULT_TYPE":"2","PID":1854,"UID":0,"MODULE":"FaultloggerUnittest",
268     "REASON":"unittest for SaveFaultLogInfo","SUMMARY":"summary for SaveFaultLogInfo","LOG_PATH":"","VERSION":"",
269     "HAPPEN_TIME":"1501973701","PNAME":"/","FIRST_FRAME":"/","SECOND_FRAME":"/","LAST_FRAME":"/","FINGERPRINT":
270     "04c0d6f03c73da531f00eb112479a8a2f19f59fafba6a474dcbe455a13288f4d","level_":"CRITICAL","tag_":"STABILITY","id_":
271     "17165544771317691984","info_":"","seq_":447})~";
272     auto sysEvent = std::make_shared<SysEvent>("SysEventSource", nullptr, jsonStr);
273     ASSERT_TRUE(sysEvent->ParseJson() == 0);
274     EventStore::SysEventDao::Insert(sysEvent);
275     FaultLogDatabase *faultLogDb = new FaultLogDatabase();
276     std::list<FaultLogInfo> infoList = faultLogDb->GetFaultInfoList("FaultloggerUnittest", 0, 2, 10);
277     ASSERT_GT(infoList.size(), 0);
278 }
280 /**
281  * @tc.name: FaultLogManager::CreateTempFaultLogFile
282  * @tc.desc: Test calling CreateTempFaultLogFile Func
283  * @tc.type: FUNC
284  */
285 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerUnittest, FaultlogManager001, testing::ext::TestSize.Level3)
286 {
287     std::unique_ptr<FaultLogManager> faultLogManager = std::make_unique<FaultLogManager>(nullptr);
288     faultLogManager->Init();
289     int fd = faultLogManager->CreateTempFaultLogFile(1607161345, 0, 2, "FaultloggerUnittest");
290     ASSERT_GT(fd, 0);
291 }
293 /**
294  * @tc.name: FaultLogManager::SaveFaultInfoToRawDb
295  * @tc.desc: Test calling SaveFaultInfoToRawDb Func
296  * @tc.type: FUNC
297  */
298 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerUnittest, FaultLogManagerTest001, testing::ext::TestSize.Level3)
299 {
300     InitHiviewContext();
302     FaultLogInfo info;
303     info.time = std::time(nullptr); // 3 : index of timestamp
304     info.pid = getpid();
305     info.id = 0;
306     info.faultLogType = 2;
307     info.module = "FaultloggerUnittest1111";
308     info.reason = "unittest for SaveFaultLogInfo";
309     info.summary = "summary for SaveFaultLogInfo";
310     info.sectionMap["APPVERSION"] = "1.0";
311     info.sectionMap["FAULT_MESSAGE"] = "abort";
312     info.sectionMap["TRACEID"] = "0x1646145645646";
313     info.sectionMap["KEY_THREAD_INFO"] = "Test Thread Info";
314     info.sectionMap["REASON"] = "TestReason";
315     info.sectionMap["STACKTRACE"] = "#01 xxxxxx\n#02 xxxxxx\n";
316     std::unique_ptr<FaultLogManager> faultLogManager = std::make_unique<FaultLogManager>(nullptr);
317     faultLogManager->Init();
318     faultLogManager->SaveFaultInfoToRawDb(info);
320     std::string cmd = "hisysevent -l | grep " + std::to_string(info.time);
321     FILE* fp = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r");
322     char buffer[1024] = {0};
323     if (fp != nullptr) {
324         fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp);
325         pclose(fp);
326         std::string str(buffer);
327         if (str.find(std::to_string(info.time).c_str()) != std::string::npos) {
328             printf("sucess!\r\n");
329         } else {
330             FAIL();
331         }
332     } else {
333         FAIL();
334     }
335 }
337 /**
338  * @tc.name: FaultLogManager::SaveFaultLogToFile
339  * @tc.desc: Test calling SaveFaultLogToFile Func
340  * @tc.type: FUNC
341  */
342 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerUnittest, FaultLogManagerTest003, testing::ext::TestSize.Level3)
343 {
344     InitHiviewContext();
346     FaultLogInfo info;
347     std::unique_ptr<FaultLogManager> faultLogManager = std::make_unique<FaultLogManager>(nullptr);
348     faultLogManager->Init();
349     for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
350         info.time = std::time(nullptr); // 3 : index of timestamp
351         info.pid = getpid();
352         info.id = 0;
353         info.faultLogType = i;
354         info.module = "FaultloggerUnittest1111";
355         info.reason = "unittest for SaveFaultLogInfo";
356         info.summary = "summary for SaveFaultLogInfo";
357         info.sectionMap["APPVERSION"] = "1.0";
358         info.sectionMap["FAULT_MESSAGE"] = "abort";
359         info.sectionMap["TRACEID"] = "0x1646145645646";
360         info.sectionMap["KEY_THREAD_INFO"] = "Test Thread Info";
361         info.sectionMap["REASON"] = "TestReason";
362         info.sectionMap["STACKTRACE"] = "#01 xxxxxx\n#02 xxxxxx\n";
364         std::string fileName = faultLogManager->SaveFaultLogToFile(info);
365         if (fileName.find("FaultloggerUnittest1111") == std::string::npos) {
366             FAIL();
367         }
368     }
369 }
371 /**
372  * @tc.name: faultLogManager GetFaultInfoListTest001
373  * @tc.desc: Test calling faultLogManager.GetFaultInfoList Func
374  * @tc.type: FUNC
375  */
376 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerUnittest, FaultLogManagerTest002, testing::ext::TestSize.Level3)
377 {
378     InitHiviewContext();
380     std::string jsonStr = R"~({"domain_":"RELIABILITY","name_":"CPP_CRASH","type_":1,"time_":1501973701070,"tz_":
381     "+0800","pid_":1854,"tid_":1854,"uid_":0,"FAULT_TYPE":"2","PID":1854,"UID":0,"MODULE":"FaultloggerUnittest",
382     "REASON":"unittest for SaveFaultLogInfo","SUMMARY":"summary for SaveFaultLogInfo","LOG_PATH":"","VERSION":"",
383     "HAPPEN_TIME":"1501973701","PNAME":"/","FIRST_FRAME":"/","SECOND_FRAME":"/","LAST_FRAME":"/","FINGERPRINT":
384     "04c0d6f03c73da531f00eb112479a8a2f19f59fafba6a474dcbe455a13288f4d","level_":"CRITICAL","tag_":"STABILITY","id_":
385     "17165544771317691984","info_":"","seq_":447})~";
386     auto sysEvent = std::make_shared<SysEvent>("SysEventSource", nullptr, jsonStr);
387     ASSERT_TRUE(sysEvent->ParseJson() == 0);
388     EventStore::SysEventDao::Insert(sysEvent);
390     std::unique_ptr<FaultLogManager> faultLogManager = std::make_unique<FaultLogManager>(nullptr);
391     auto isProcessedFault1 = faultLogManager->IsProcessedFault(1854, 0, 2);
392     ASSERT_EQ(isProcessedFault1, false);
394     faultLogManager->Init();
396     auto list = faultLogManager->GetFaultInfoList("FaultloggerUnittest", 0, 2, 10);
397     ASSERT_GT(list.size(), 0);
399     auto isProcessedFault2 = faultLogManager->IsProcessedFault(1854, 0, 2);
400     ASSERT_EQ(isProcessedFault2, true);
402     auto isProcessedFault3 = faultLogManager->IsProcessedFault(1855, 0, 2);
403     ASSERT_EQ(isProcessedFault3, false);
405     auto isProcessedFault4 = faultLogManager->IsProcessedFault(1855, 5, 2);
406     ASSERT_EQ(isProcessedFault4, false);
407 }
409 /**
410  * @tc.name: FaultLogUtilTest001
411  * @tc.desc: check ExtractInfoFromFileName Func
412  * @tc.type: FUNC
413  */
414 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerUnittest, FaultLogUtilTest001, testing::ext::TestSize.Level3)
415 {
416     std::string filename = "appfreeze-com.ohos.systemui-10006-20170805172159";
417     auto info = ExtractInfoFromFileName(filename);
418     ASSERT_EQ(info.pid, 0);
419     ASSERT_EQ(info.faultLogType, FaultLogType::APP_FREEZE); // 4 : APP_FREEZE
420     ASSERT_EQ(info.module, "com.ohos.systemui");
421     ASSERT_EQ(info.id, 10006); // 10006 : test uid
422 }
424 /**
425  * @tc.name: FaultLogUtilTest002
426  * @tc.desc: check ExtractInfoFromTempFile Func
427  * @tc.type: FUNC
428  */
429 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerUnittest, FaultLogUtilTest002, testing::ext::TestSize.Level3)
430 {
431     std::string filename = "appfreeze-10006-20170805172159";
432     auto info = ExtractInfoFromTempFile(filename);
433     ASSERT_EQ(info.faultLogType, FaultLogType::APP_FREEZE); // 4 : APP_FREEZE
434     ASSERT_EQ(info.pid, 10006); // 10006 : test uid
436     std::string filename3 = "jscrash-10006-20170805172159";
437     auto info3 = ExtractInfoFromTempFile(filename3);
438     ASSERT_EQ(info3.faultLogType, FaultLogType::JS_CRASH); // 3 : JS_CRASH
439     ASSERT_EQ(info3.pid, 10006); // 10006 : test uid
441     std::string filename4 = "cppcrash-10006-20170805172159";
442     auto info4 = ExtractInfoFromTempFile(filename4);
443     ASSERT_EQ(info4.faultLogType, FaultLogType::CPP_CRASH); // 2 : CPP_CRASH
444     ASSERT_EQ(info4.pid, 10006); // 10006 : test uid
446     std::string filename5 = "all-10006-20170805172159";
447     auto info5 = ExtractInfoFromTempFile(filename5);
448     ASSERT_EQ(info5.faultLogType, FaultLogType::ALL); // 0 : ALL
449     ASSERT_EQ(info5.pid, 10006); // 10006 : test uid
451     std::string filename6 = "other-10006-20170805172159";
452     auto info6 = ExtractInfoFromTempFile(filename6);
453     ASSERT_EQ(info6.faultLogType, -1); // -1 : other
454     ASSERT_EQ(info6.pid, 10006); // 10006 : test uid
455 }
457 /**
458  * @tc.name: FaultloggerAdapter.StartService
459  * @tc.desc: Test calling FaultloggerAdapter.StartService Func
460  * @tc.type: FUNC
461  */
462 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerUnittest, FaultloggerAdapterTest001, testing::ext::TestSize.Level3)
463 {
464     InitHiviewContext();
465     FaultloggerAdapter::StartService(nullptr);
466     ASSERT_EQ(FaultloggerServiceOhos::GetOrSetFaultlogger(nullptr), nullptr);
468     Faultlogger faultlogger;
469     FaultloggerAdapter::StartService(&faultlogger);
470     ASSERT_EQ(FaultloggerServiceOhos::GetOrSetFaultlogger(nullptr), &faultlogger);
471 }
473 /**
474  * @tc.name: FaultloggerServiceOhos.StartService
475  * @tc.desc: Test calling FaultloggerServiceOhos.StartService Func
476  * @tc.type: FUNC
477  */
478 HWTEST_F(FaultloggerUnittest, FaultloggerServiceOhosTest001, testing::ext::TestSize.Level3)
479 {
480     InitHiviewContext();
482     auto service = CreateFaultloggerInstance();
483     FaultloggerServiceOhos serviceOhos;
484     FaultloggerServiceOhos::StartService(service.get());
485     ASSERT_EQ(FaultloggerServiceOhos::GetOrSetFaultlogger(nullptr), service.get());
486     FaultLogInfoOhos info;
487     info.time = std::time(nullptr); // 3 : index of timestamp
488     info.pid = getpid();
489     info.uid = 0;
490     info.faultLogType = 2;
491     info.module = "FaultloggerUnittest333";
492     info.reason = "unittest for SaveFaultLogInfo";
493     serviceOhos.AddFaultLog(info);
494     auto list = serviceOhos.QuerySelfFaultLog(2, 10);
495     ASSERT_NE(list, nullptr);
496     info.time = std::time(nullptr); // 3 : index of timestamp
497     info.pid = getpid();
498     info.uid = 10;
499     info.faultLogType = 2;
500     info.module = "FaultloggerUnittest333";
501     info.reason = "unittest for SaveFaultLogInfo";
502     serviceOhos.AddFaultLog(info);
503     list = serviceOhos.QuerySelfFaultLog(2, 10);
504     ASSERT_EQ(list, nullptr);
505     info.time = std::time(nullptr); // 3 : index of timestamp
506     info.pid = getpid();
507     info.uid = 0;
508     info.faultLogType = 2;
509     info.module = "FaultloggerUnittest333";
510     info.reason = "unittest for SaveFaultLogInfo";
511     serviceOhos.AddFaultLog(info);
512     list = serviceOhos.QuerySelfFaultLog(8, 10);
513     ASSERT_EQ(list, nullptr);
515     serviceOhos.Destroy();
516 }
517 } // namespace HiviewDFX
518 } // namespace OHOS