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1# AI
3## Introduction
5The AI subsystem is the part of OpenHarmony that provides native distributed AI capabilities. At the heart of the subsystem is a unified AI engine framework, which implements quick integration of AI algorithm plug-ins. The framework consists of the plug-in management, module management, and communication management modules, fulfilling lifecycle management and on-demand deployment of AI algorithms. Under this framework, AI algorithm APIs will be standardized to facilitate distributed calling of AI capabilities. In addition, unified inference APIs will be provided to adapt to different inference framework hierarchies.
7**Figure  1**  AI engine framework<a name="fig17296164711526"></a>
8![](figures/ai-engine-framework.png "ai-engine-framework")
10## Directory Structure
13/foundation/ai/engine                        # Home directory of the AI subsystem
14├── interfaces
15│  └── kits                                  # External APIs of the AI subsystem
16└── services
17│  ├── client                                # Client module of the AI subsystem
18│  │  ├── client_executor                    # Executor of the client module
19│  │  └── communication_adapter              # Communication adaptation layer for the client module, with extension supported
20│  ├── common                                # Common tools and protocol modules of the AI subsystem
21│  │  ├── platform
22│  │  ├── protocol
23│  │  └── utils
24│  └── server                                # Server module of the AI subsystem
25│  │  ├── communication_adapter              # Communication adaptation layer for the server module, with extension supported
26│  │  ├── plugin
27│  │     ├── asr
28│  │        └── keyword_spotting             # ASR algorithm plug-in reference: keyword spotting
29│  │     └── cv
30│  │        └── image_classification         # CV algorithm plug-in reference: image classification
31│  │  ├── plugin_manager
32│  │  └── server_executor                    # Executor of the server module
35## Constraints
37* **Programming language**: C/C++
39* **Operating system**: OpenHarmony
41* **Others**: The System Ability Manager \(Samgr\) has been started and is running properly.
43## Usage
451.  Compile the AI subsystem.
47    The source code for lightweight AI framework is available at  **//foundation/ai/engine/services**.
49    The compilation procedure is as follows:
51    1. Set the compilation path.
53    ```
54    hb set -root dir (root dir is the root directory of the project code.)
55    ```
57    2. Specify the product for compilation. \(After the product list is displayed using the following command, move to the desired product with arrow keys and press  **Enter**.\)
59    ```
60    hb set -p
61    ```
63    3. Start compilation.
65    ```
66    hb build -f (Use this command if you want to compile the entire repository.)
67    hb build ai_engine (Use this command if you want to compile only the ai_engine module.)
68    ```
70    >**Note**: For details about the hb configuration, see the readme of the build\_lite subsystem.
722.  Develop the plug-in, with keyword spotting as an example.
74    Directory: //foundation/ai/engine/services/server/plugin/asr/keyword\_spotting
76    >**Note**: The plug-in must implement the  **IPlugin**  and  **IPluginCallback**  APIs provided by the server.
78    ```
79    #include "plugin/i_plugin.h
80    class KWSPlugin : public IPlugin {       // Inherits the public base class of the IPlugin API for Keywords Spotting Plugin (KWSPlugin).
81        KWSPlugin();
82        ~KWSPlugin();
84        const long long GetVersion() const override;
85        const char* GetName() const override;
86        const char* GetInferMode() const override;
88        int32_t Prepare(long long transactionId, const DataInfo &amp;amp;inputInfo, DataInfo &amp;amp;outputInfo) override;
89        int32_t SetOption(int optionType, const DataInfo &amp;amp;inputInfo) override;
90        int32_t GetOption(int optionType, const DataInfo &amp;amp;inputInfo, DataInfo &amp;amp;outputInfo) override;
91        int32_t SyncProcess(IRequest *request, IResponse *&amp;amp;response) override;
92        int32_t AsyncProcess(IRequest *request, IPluginCallback*callback) override;
93        int32_t Release(bool isFullUnload, long long transactionId, const DataInfo &amp;amp;inputInfo) override;
94        .
95        .
96        .
97    };
98    ```
100    >**Note**: Depending on the algorithm in use, you only need to implement the  **SyncProcess**  or  **AsyncProcess**  API. Use an empty function as a placeholder for the other API. In this example, the KWS plug-in uses the synchronous algorithm. Therefore, you need to implement  **SyncProcess**  API and use an empty function as a placeholder for the  **SyncProcess**  API.
102    ```
103    #include "aie_log.h"
104    #include "aie_retcode_inner.h"
105    .
106    .
107    .
109    const long long KWSPlugin::GetVersion() const
110    {
111        return ALGOTYPE_VERSION_KWS;
112    }
114    const char *KWSPlugin::GetName() const
115    {
116        return ALGORITHM_NAME_KWS.c_str();
117    }
119    const char *KWSPlugin::GetInferMode() const
120    {
121        return DEFAULT_INFER_MODE.c_str();
122    }
123    .
124    .
125    .
126    int32_t KWSPlugin::AsyncProcess(IRequest *request, IPluginCallback *callback)
127    {
128        return RETCODE_SUCCESS;
129    }
130    ```
1323.  Develop the SDK, with keyword spotting as an example.
134    Directory: //foundation/ai/engine/services/client/algorithm\_sdk/asr/keyword\_spotting
136    Keyword spotting SDK:
138    ```
139    class KWSSdk {
140    public:
141        KWSSdk();
142        virtual ~KWSSdk();
144        /**
145         * @brief Create a new session with KWS Plugin
146         *
147         * @return Returns KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS(0) if the operation is successful,
148         *         returns a non-zero value otherwise.
149         */
150        int32_t Create();
152        /**
153         * @brief Synchronously execute keyword spotting once
154         *
155         * @param audioInput pcm data.
156         * @return Returns KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS(0) if the operation is successful,
157         *         returns a non-zero value otherwise.
158         */
159        int32_t SyncExecute(const Array<int16_t> &audioInput);
161        /**
162         * @brief Asynchronously execute keyword spotting once
163         *
164         * @param audioInput pcm data.
165         * @return Returns KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS(0) if the operation is successful,
166         *         returns a non-zero value otherwise.
167         */
168        int32_t AsyncExecute(const Array<int16_t> &audioInput);
170        /**
171         * @brief Set callback
172         *
173         * @param callback Callback function that will be called during the process.
174         * @return Returns KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS(0) if the operation is successful,
175         *         returns a non-zero value otherwise.
176         */
177        int32_t SetCallback(const std::shared_ptr<KWSCallback> &callback);
179        /**
180         * @brief Destroy the created session with KWS Plugin
181         *
182         * @return Returns KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS(0) if the operation is successful,
183         *         returns a non-zero value otherwise.
184         */
185        int32_t Destroy();
186    }
187    ```
189    >**Note**: The sequence for the SDK to call client APIs of the AI engine is as follows: AieClientInit -\> AieClientPrepare -\> AieClientSyncProcess/AieClientAsyncProcess -\> AieClientRelease -\> AieClientDestroy. An exception will be thrown if the call sequence is violated. In addition, all these APIs must be called. Otherwise, a memory leakage may occur.
191    ```
192    int32_t KWSSdk::KWSSdkImpl::Create()
193    {
194        if (kwsHandle_ != INVALID_KWS_HANDLE) {
195            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]The SDK has been created");
196            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
197        }
198        if (InitComponents() != RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
199            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]Fail to init sdk components");
200            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
201        }
202        int32_t retCode = AieClientInit(configInfo_, clientInfo_, algorithmInfo_, nullptr);
203        if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
204            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]AieClientInit failed. Error code[%d]", retCode);
205            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
206        }
207        if (clientInfo_.clientId == INVALID_CLIENT_ID) {
208            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]Fail to allocate client id");
209            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
210        }
211        DataInfo inputInfo = {
212            .data = nullptr,
213            .length = 0,
214        };
215        DataInfo outputInfo = {
216            .data = nullptr,
217            .length = 0,
218        };
219        retCode = AieClientPrepare(clientInfo_, algorithmInfo_, inputInfo, outputInfo, nullptr);
220        if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
221            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]AieclientPrepare failed. Error code[%d]", retCode);
222            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
223        }
224        if (outputInfo.data == nullptr || outputInfo.length <= 0) {
225            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]The data or length of output info is invalid");
226            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
227        }
228        MallocPointerGuard<unsigned char> pointerGuard(outputInfo.data);
229        retCode = PluginHelper::UnSerializeHandle(outputInfo, kwsHandle_);
230        if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
231            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]Get handle from inputInfo failed");
232            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
233        }
234        return KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS;
235    }
237    int32_t KWSSdk::KWSSdkImpl::SyncExecute(const Array<uint16_t> &audioInput)
238    {
239        intptr_t newHandle = 0;
240        Array<int32_t> kwsResult = {
241            .data = nullptr,
242            .size = 0
243        };
244        DataInfo inputInfo = {
245            .data = nullptr,
246            .length = 0
247        };
248        DataInfo outputInfo = {
249            .data = nullptr,
250            .length = 0
251        };
252        int32_t retCode = PluginHelper::SerializeInputData(kwsHandle_, audioInput, inputInfo);
253        if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
254            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]Fail to serialize input data");
255            callback_->OnError(KWS_RETCODE_SERIALIZATION_ERROR);
256            return RETCODE_FAILURE;
257        }
258        retCode = AieClientSyncProcess(clientInfo_, algorithmInfo_, inputInfo, outputInfo);
259        if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
260            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]AieClientSyncProcess failed. Error code[%d]", retCode);
261            callback_->OnError(KWS_RETCODE_PLUGIN_EXECUTION_ERROR);
262            return RETCODE_FAILURE;
263        }
264        if (outputInfo.data == nullptr || outputInfo.length <= 0) {
265            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl] The data or length of outputInfo is invalid. Error code[%d]", retCode);
266            callback_->OnError(KWS_RETCODE_NULL_PARAM);
267            return RETCODE_FAILURE;
268        }
269        MallocPointerGuard<unsigned char> pointerGuard(outputInfo.data);
270        retCode = PluginHelper::UnSerializeOutputData(outputInfo, newHandle, kwsResult);
271        if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
272            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]UnSerializeOutputData failed. Error code[%d]", retCode);
273            callback_->OnError(KWS_RETCODE_UNSERIALIZATION_ERROR);
274            return retCode;
275        }
276        if (kwsHandle_ != newHandle) {
277            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]The handle[%lld] of output data is not equal to the current handle[%lld]",
278                (long long)newHandle, (long long)kwsHandle_);
279            callback_->OnError(KWS_RETCODE_PLUGIN_SESSION_ERROR);
280            return RETCODE_FAILURE;
281        }
282        callback_->OnResult(kwsResult);
283        return RETCODE_SUCCESS;
284    }
286    int32_t KWSSdk::KWSSdkImpl::Destroy()
287    {
288        if (kwsHandle_ == INVALID_KWS_HANDLE) {
289            return KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS;
290        }
291        DataInfo inputInfo = {
292            .data = nullptr,
293            .length = 0
294        };
295        int32_t retCode = PluginHelper::SerializeHandle(kwsHandle_, inputInfo);
296        if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
297            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]SerializeHandle failed. Error code[%d]", retCode);
298            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
299        }
300        retCode = AieClientRelease(clientInfo_, algorithmInfo_, inputInfo);
301        if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
302            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]AieClientRelease failed. Error code[%d]", retCode);
303            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
304        }
305        retCode = AieClientDestroy(clientInfo_);
306        if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
307            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]AieClientDestroy failed. Error code[%d]", retCode);
308            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
309        }
310        mfccProcessor_ = nullptr;
311        pcmIterator_ = nullptr;
312        callback_ = nullptr;
313        kwsHandle_ = INVALID_KWS_HANDLE;
314        return KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS;
315    }
316    ```
3184.  Develop a sample application. For details, see the [keyword spotting demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_sample_camera/tree/41e463c4085f00ce18dd993ce865d624209a7513/ai/asr/keyword_spotting).
320    Directory: //applications/sample/camera/ai/asr/keyword\_spotting
322    Call the  **Create**  API.
324    ```
325    bool KwsManager::PreparedInference()
326    {
327        if (capturer_ == nullptr) {
328            printf("[KwsManager] only load plugin after AudioCapturer ready\n");
329            return false;
330        }
331        if (plugin_ != nullptr) {
332            printf("[KwsManager] stop created InferencePlugin at first\n");
333            StopInference();
334        }
335        plugin_ = std::make_shared<KWSSdk>();
336        if (plugin_ == nullptr) {
337            printf("[KwsManager] fail to create inferencePlugin\n");
338            return false;
339        }
340        if (plugin_->Create() != SUCCESS) {
341            printf("[KwsManager] KWSSdk fail to create.\n");
342            return false;
343        }
344        std::shared_ptr<KWSCallback> callback = std::make_shared<MyKwsCallback>();
345        if (callback == nullptr) {
346            printf("[KwsManager] new Callback failed.\n");
347            return false;
348        }
349        plugin_->SetCallback(callback);
350        return true;
351    }
352    ```
354    Call the  **SyncExecute**  API.
356    ```
357    void KwsManager::ConsumeSamples()
358    {
359        uintptr_t sampleAddr = 0;
360        size_t sampleSize = 0;
361        int32_t retCode = SUCCESS;
362        while (status_ == RUNNING) {
363            {
364                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
365                if (cache_ == nullptr) {
366                    printf("[KwsManager] cache_ is nullptr.\n");
367                    break;
368                }
369                sampleSize = cache_->GetCapturedBuffer(sampleAddr);
370            }
371            if (sampleSize == 0 || sampleAddr == 0) {
372                continue;
373            }
374            Array<int16_t> input = {
375                .data = (int16_t *)(sampleAddr),
376                .size = sampleSize >> 1
377            };
378            {
379                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
380                if (plugin_ == nullptr) {
381                    printf("[KwsManager] cache_ is nullptr.\n");
382                    break;
383                }
384                if ((retCode = plugin_->SyncExecute(input)) != SUCCESS) {
385                    printf("[KwsManager] SyncExecute KWS failed with retCode = [%d]\n", retCode);
386                    continue;
387                }
388            }
389        }
390    }
391    ```
393    Call the  **Destroy**  API.
395    ```
396    void KwsManager::StopInference()
397    {
398        printf("[KwsManager] StopInference\n");
399        if (plugin_ != nullptr) {
400            int ret = plugin_->Destroy();
401            if (ret != SUCCESS) {
402                printf("[KwsManager] plugin_ destroy failed.\n");
403            }
404            plugin_ = nullptr;
405        }
406    }
407    ```
410## Repositories Involved
412[AI subsystem](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/en/readme/ai.md)
416## Dependency Repositories
424## Reference
426[AI Framework Development Guide](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/en/device-dev/subsystems/subsys-ai-aiframework-devguide.md)