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2    Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser
3    Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman
5    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
6    file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
10[section:karma_complex Complex - A first more complex generator]
12In this section we will develop a generator for complex numbers, allowing to
13represent a `std::complex` either as `(real, imag)` (where `real` and `imag`
14are the real and imaginary parts of the complex number) or as a simple `real`
15if the imaginary part happens to be equal to zero. This example will highlight
16the power of __karma__ allowing to combine compile time definition of
17formatting rules with runtime based decisions which of the rules to apply.
18Also this time, we're using __phoenix__ to do the semantic actions.
20Our goal is to allow for two different output formats to be applied depending
21on whether the imaginary part of the complex number is zero or not. Let's write
22both as a set of alternatives:
24        '(' << double_ << ", " << double_ << ')'
25    |   double_
27where the first alternative should be used for numbers having a non-zero
28imaginary part, while the second is for real numbers. Generally, alternatives
29are tried in the sequence of their definition as long until one of the
30expressions (as delimited by `'|'`) succeeds. If no generator expression
31succeeds the whole alternative fails.
33If we left this formatting grammar as is our generator would always choose
34the first alternative. We need to add some additional rules allowing to make the
35first alternative fail. So, if the first alternative fails the second one will
36be chosen instead. The decision about whether to choose the first alternative
37has to be made at runtime as only then we actually know the value of the
38imaginary part of the complex number. __karma__ provides us with with a
39primitive generator `eps()`, which is usable as a semantic predicate. It has
40the property to 'succeed' generating only if its argument is true (while it
41never generates any output on its own).
43    double imag = ...;     // imaginary part
45        eps(imag != 0) << '(' << double_ << ", " << double_ << ')'
46    |   double_
48If one of the generator elements of a sequence fails the whole sequence will
49fail. This is exactly what we need, forcing the second alternative to be chosen
50for complex numbers with imaginary parts equal to zero.
52[import ../../example/karma/complex_number.cpp]
54Now on to the full example, this time with the proper semantic actions (the
55complete cpp file for this example can be found here:
56[@../../example/karma/complex_number.cpp complex_number.cpp]).
58We will use the `std::complex` type for this and all subsequent related
59examples. And here you can see the full code of the generator allowing to
60output a complex number either as a pair of numbers (if the imaginary part is
61non-zero) or as a single number (if the complex is a real number):
65The `double_` generators have this semantic action attached:
67    _1 = n
69which passes `n` to the first element of the s generator's attached
70semantic action. Remember, semantic actions in __karma__ are called
71before the corresponding generator is invoked and they are expected
72to provide the generator with the data to be used. The semantic action
73above assigns the value to be generated (`n`) to the generator (actually,
74the attribute of `double_`).  `_1` is a Phoenix placeholder referring to
75the attribute of the semantic action's attached generator.  If you need
76more information about semantic actions, you may want to read about them
77in this section: __karma_actions__.
79These semantic actions are easy to understand but have the unexpected side
80effect of being slightly less efficient than it could be. In addition they tend
81to make the formatting grammar less readable. We will see in one of the next
82sections how it is possible to use other, built-in features of __karma__ to get
83rid of the semantic actions altogether. When writing your grammars in Spirit
84you should always try to avoid semantic actions which is often possible.
85Semantic actions are really powerful tools but grammars tend to be more
86efficient and readable without them.
91[section:karma_easier_complex Complex - Made easier]
93[import ../../example/karma/complex_number_easier.cpp]
95In the previous section we showed how to format a complex number (i.e.
96a pair of doubles). In this section we will build on this example with the goal
97to avoid using semantic actions in the format specification. Let's have a look
98at the resulting code first, trying to understand it afterwards (the full source
99file for this example can be found here:
100[@../../example/karma/complex_number_easier.cpp complex_number_easier.cpp]):
104Let's cover some basic library features first.
106[heading Making Numeric Generators Fail]
108All __karma_numeric__ (such as `double_`, et.al.) take the value to
109emit from an attached attribute.
111    double d = 1.5;
112    generate(out, double_, d);       // will emit '1.5' (without the quotes)
114Alternatively, they may be initialized from a literal value. For instance, to
115emit a constant `1.5` you may write:
117    generate(out, double_(1.5));     // will emit '1.5' as well (without the quotes)
119The difference to a simple `1.5` or `lit(1.5)` is that the `double_(1.5)`
120consumes an attribute if one is available. Additionally, it compares its
121immediate value to the value of the supplied attribute, and fails if those are
122not equal.
124    double d = 1.5;
125    generate(out, double_(1.5), d);  // will emit '1.5' as long as d == 1.5
127This feature, namely to succeed generating only if the attribute matches the
128immediate value, enables numeric generators to be used to dynamically control
129the way output is generated.
131[note  Quite a few generators will fail if their immediate value is not equal
132       to the supplied attribute. Among those are all __karma_char__ and
133       all [karma_string String Generators]. Generally,
134       all generators having a sibling created by a variant of `lit()` belong
135       into this category.]
137[heading Predicates - The Conditionals for Output Generators]
139In addition to the __karma_eps__ generator mentioned earlier __karma__ provides
140two special operators enabling dynamic flow control: the
141__karma_and_predicate__ and the __karma_not_predicate__. The main property of
142both predicates is to discard all output emitted by the attached generator.
143This is equivalent to the behavior of predicates used for
144parsing. There the predicates do not consume any input allowing to look ahead
145in the input stream. In Karma, the and predicate succeeds as long as its
146associated generator succeeds, while the not predicate succeeds only if its
147associated generator fails.
149[note The generator predicates in __karma__ consume an attribute, if
150      available. This makes them behave differently from predicates in __qi__,
151      where they do not expose any attribute. This is because predicates
152      allow to make decisions based on data available only at runtime. While
153      in __qi__ during parsing the decision is made based on looking ahead
154      a few more input tokens, in __karma__ the criteria has to be supplied
155      by the user. The simplest way to do this is by providing an attribute.]
157As an example, the following generator succeeds generating
159    double d = 1.0;
160    BOOST_ASSERT(generate(out, &double_(1.0), d));    // succeeds as d == 1.0
162while this one will fail:
164    double d = 1.0;
165    BOOST_ASSERT(!generate(out, !double_(1.0), d));   // fails as d == 1.0
167Neither of these will emit any output. The predicates discard everything
168emitted by the generators to which they are applied.
170[heading Ignoring Supplied Attributes]
172Sometimes it is desirable to 'skip' (i.e. ignore) a provided attribute. This
173happens for instance in alternative generators, where some of the alternatives
174need to extract only part of the overall attribute passed to the alternative
175generator. __karma__ has a special pseudo generator for that: the directive
176__karma_omit__`[]`. This directive consumes an attribute of the type defined by its
177embedded generator but it does not emit any output.
179[note The __karma__ __karma_omit__ directive does the 'opposite' of the
180      directive of the same name in __qi__. While the __qi_omit__ in __qi__
181      consumes input without exposing an attribute, its __karma__ counterpart
182      consumes an attribute without emitting any output.
185[heading Putting everything together]
187Very similar to our first example earlier we use two alternatives to allow for
188the two different output formats depending on whether the imaginary part of the
189complex number is equal to zero or not. The first alternative is executed if the
190imaginary part is not zero, the second alternative otherwise. This time we make
191the decision during runtime using the __karma_not_predicate__ combined with the
192feature of many Karma primitive generators to /fail/ under certain conditions.
193Here is the first alternative again for your reference:
195    !double_(0.0) << '(' << double_ << ", " << double_ << ')'
197The generator `!double_(0.0)` does several things. First, because of the
198__karma_not_predicate__, it succeeds only if the `double_(0.0)` generator
199/fails/, making the whole first alternative fail otherwise. Second, the
200`double_(0.0)` generator succeeds only if the value of its attribute is equal
201to its immediate parameter (i.e. in this case `0.0`). And third, the
202not predicate does not emit any output (regardless whether it succeeds or
203fails), discarding any possibly emitted output from the `double_(0.0)`.
205As we pass the imaginary part of the complex number as the attribute value for
206the `!double_(0.0)`, the overall first alternative will be chosen only if
207it is not equal to zero (the `!double_(0.0)` does not fail). That is exactly
208what we need!
210Now, the second alternative has to emit the real part of the complex
211number only. In order to simplify the overall grammar we strive to unify the
212attribute types of all alternatives. As the attribute type exposed by the first
213alternative is `tuple<double, double, double>`, we need to skip the first and
214last element of the attribute (remember, we pass the real part as the second
215attribute element). We achieve this by using the `omit[]` directive:
217    omit[double_] << double_ << omit[double_]
219The overall attribute of this expression is `tuple<double, double, double>`,
220but the `omit[]` 'eats up' the first and the last element. The output emitted
221by this expression consist of a single generated double representing the second
222element of the tuple, i.e. the real part of our complex number.
224[important  Generally, it is preferable to use generator constructs not
225            requiring semantic actions. The reason is that semantic actions
226            often use constructs like: `double_[_1 = c.real()]`. But this
227            assignment is a real one! The data is in fact /copied/ to the
228            attribute value of the generator attached to the action.  On the
229            other hand, grammars without any semantic actions usually don't
230            have to copy the attributes, making them more efficient.]
235[section:karma_adapted_complex Complex - Fully Integrated]
237[import ../../example/karma/complex_number_adapt.cpp]
239Until now, we have been working around the fact that `std::complex<>` is not
240a native __fusion__ sequence. We have not been able to use it with the same
241simplicity and natural grace of a `fusion::tuple<>` or a similar __fusion__
242data structure. Fortunately, starting with Boost V1.43 it is possible to
243adapt any data structure (not only, as before, structures with publicly
244accessible members) as a __fusion__ sequence. All we have to do is to employ one
245of the new `BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_ADT` macros.
247[heading Adapting a Class As a Fusion Sequence]
249Let us start with the code again, following up with the explanations afterwards.
251Wouldn't it be optimal if we could pass our instance of a `std::complex<>`
252directly to /Karma's/ `generate()` function:
256Indeed, this is possible! All we have to supply to make this work is a magic
257incantation (somewhere in the global namespace):
261Most of the formatting grammar itself has not changed from the last section. We
262still utilize a very similar scheme. We have an alternative providing the
263formatting rules for our both use cases: one for the full complex format and
264one for complex numbers with a zero imaginary part. But instead of selecting
265the required alternative by comparing the imaginary part to zero in the grammar
266we assume to receive a boolean attribute carrying this information:
268    &true_ << "(" << double_ << ", " << double_ << ")"
270This reads as: 'if the first (boolean) element of the supplied fusion sequence
271is `true`, proceed as specified, else select the next alternative'. The next
272alternative now accounts for the boolean element as well, but is otherwise
273(almost) unchanged from the last section's example.
275Now it should be clear why our adapt construct above exposes a three element
276__fusion__ sequence: a boolean and two double values (the real and the
277imaginary part of the complex number). We want it to match the requirements of
278our formatting grammar, which expects those exact values. The
279`BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_ADT` macro allows us to specify an arbitrary accessor
280construct, not necessarily limited to just calling a member function of the
281object instance (represented by `obj` in the context of this macro). This
282allows us to nicely encapsulate the decision logic into the class adaptation.
284Here is the last new bit of information. If you look closely you realize the
285second alternative to be 'shorter' than the first one. It consumes only
286two elements of the supplied fusion sequence: it ignores the boolean and uses
287the real part of the complex number to generate its output. If there are more
288elements in our attribute than needed, we now can safely omit them from the
289grammar (which is a new 'feature' added to __spirit__ in V1.43 as well).
290Note, we could have written the alternative as
292    &false_ << double_
294but this would have been a bit less efficient as we needed to compare the
295boolean value again, while the final solution provided will just ignore it.