1[/ 2 (C) Copyright 2011-2015 Vicente J. Botet Escriba. 3 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. 4 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at 5 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt). 6] 7 8[section:compliance Conformance and Extension] 9[////////////////////////////////////////////] 10 11[section:cpp11 C++11 standard Thread library] 12[///////////////////////////////////////////] 13 14[note [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2012/n3376.html C++11 - Standard for Programming Language C++]]] 15 16 17[table C++11 standard Conformance 18 [[Section] [Description] [Status] [Comments] [Ticket]] 19 [[30] [Thread support library] [Yes] [-] [-]] 20 [[30.1] [General] [-] [-] [-]] 21 [[30.2] [Requirements] [-] [-] [-]] 22 [[30.2.1] [Template parameter names] [-] [-] [-]] 23 [[30.2.2] [Exceptions] [Yes] [-] [-]] 24 [[30.2.3] [Native handles] [Yes] [-] [-]] 25 [[30.2.4] [Timing specifications] [Yes] [-] [-]] 26 [[30.2.5] [Requirements for Lockable types] [Yes] [-] [-]] 27 [[] [In general] [-] [-] [-]] 28 [[] [BasicLockable requirements] [Yes] [-] [-]] 29 [[] [Lockable requirements] [yes] [-] [-]] 30 [[] [TimedLockable requirements] [Yes] [-] [-]] 31 [[30.2.6] [decay_copy] [-] [-] [-]] 32 [[30.3] [Threads] [Yes] [-] [-]] 33 [[30.3.1] [Class thread] [Yes] [-] [-]] 34 [[] [Class thread::id] [Yes] [-] [-]] 35 [[] [thread constructors] [Partial] [-] [-]] 36 [[] [thread destructor] [Yes] [-] [-]] 37 [[] [thread assignment] [Yes] [-] [-]] 38 [[] [thread members] [Yes] [-] [-]] 39 [[] [thread static members] [Yes] [-] [-]] 40 [[] [thread specialized algorithms] [Yes] [-] [-]] 41 42 [[30.3.2] [Namespace this_thread] [Yes] [-] [-]] 43 [[30.4] [Mutual exclusion] [Partial] [-] [-]] 44 [[30.4.1] [Mutex requirements] [Yes] [-] [-]] 45 [[] [In general] [Yes] [-] [-]] 46 [[] [Mutex types] [Yes] [-] [-]] 47 [[] [Class mutex] [Yes] [-] [-]] 48 [[] [Class recursive_mutex] [Yes] [-] [-]] 49 [[] [Timed mutex types] [Yes] [-] [-]] 50 [[] [Class timed_mutex] [Yes] [-] [-]] 51 [[] [Class recursive_timed_mutex] [Yes] [-] [-]] 52 [[30.4.2] [Locks] [Yes] [-] [-]] 53 [[] [Class template lock_guard] [Yes] [-] [-]] 54 [[] [Class template unique_lock] [Yes] [-] [-]] 55 [[] [unique_lock constructors, destructor, and assignment] [Yes] [-] [-]] 56 [[] [unique_lock locking] [Yes] [-] [-]] 57 [[] [unique_lock modifiers] [Yes] [-] [-]] 58 [[] [unique_lock observers] [Yes] [ - ] [-]] 59 [[30.4.3] [Generic locking algorithms] [Partial] [variadic] [#6227]] 60 [[30.4.4] [Call once] [Yes] [-] [-]] 61 [[] [Struct once_flag] [Yes] [-] [-]] 62 [[] [Function call_once] [Yes] [-] [-]] 63 [[30.5] [Condition variables] [Yes] [-] [-]] 64 [[30.5.1] [Class condition_variable] [Yes] [-] [-]] 65 [[30.5.2] [Class condition_variable_any] [Yes] [-] [-]] 66 [[30.6] [Futures] [Yes] [-] [-]] 67 [[30.6.1] [Overview] [Partial] [-] [-]] 68 [[30.6.2] [Error handling] [Yes] [-] [-]] 69 [[30.6.3] [Class future_error] [-] [-] [-]] 70 [[30.6.4] [Shared state] [-] [-] [-]] 71 [[30.6.5] [Class template promise] [Yes] [-] [-]] 72 [[30.6.6] [Class template future] [Yes] [-] [-]] 73 [[30.6.7] [Class template shared_future] [Yes] [-] [-]] 74 [[30.6.8] [Function template async] [Yes] [-] [-]] 75 [[30.6.9] [Class template packaged_task] [Yes] [-] [-]] 76] 77 78 79[table Extension 80 [[Section] [Description] [Comments]] 81 [[] [interrupt] [-]] 82 [[30.3.2.x] [Interruption] [-]] 83 [[30.3.2.y] [at_thread_exit] [-]] 84 [[30.4.3.x] [Generic locking algorithms begin/end] [-]] 85] 86 87[/ 88 [[30.x] [Thread Local Storage] [-]] 89 [[30.y] [Class thread_group] [-]] 90] 91[endsect] 92[section:cxx14 C++14 standard Thread library - accepted changes] 93[//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////] 94 95[note [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3797.html Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++]] 96 97 98[table [@http://isocpp.org/files/papers/N3659.html N3659 Shared locking in C++ revision 2] Conformance 99 [[Section] [Description] [Status] [Comments]] 100 [[] [Shared Lockables Types] [Yes] [ - ]] 101 [[] [shared_mutex class] [Yes] [ - ]] 102 [[] [Class template shared_lock] [Yes] [-]] 103] 104 105[endsect] 106 107 108[section:cxx1y C++14 TS Extensions for Concurrency V1 ] 109[/////////////////////////////////////////////////////] 110 111[note [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2014/n4107.html N4107-Extensions for Concurrency]] 112 113 114[table Improvements to std::future<T> and related APIs] 115 [[Section] [Description] [Status] [Comments]] 116 [[2.1] [ - ] [ - ] [ - ]] 117 [[2.2] [Class template future] [Partial] [ - ]] 118 [[2.2] [then] [ Partial ] [ without implicit unwrapping #10550 and blocking #10551 ]] 119 [[2.2] [is_ready] [ Yes ] [ - ]] 120 [[2.3] [Class template shared_future] [Partial] [ - ]] 121 [[2.3] [then] [ Partial ] [ Without implicit unwrapping #10550 and blocking #10551 ]] 122 [[2.3] [is_ready] [ Yes ] [ - ]] 123 [[2.4] [Function template when_all] [Partial] [ interface not complete #10426 and blocking #10551 ]] 124 [[2.5] [Function template when_any] [Partial] [ interface not complete #10427 and blocking #10551 ]] 125 [[2.6] [Function template when_any_back] [No] [ #XXXX ]] 126 [[2.7] [Function template make_ready_future] [Yes] [ - ]] 127] 128 129 130[endsect] 131 132[section:cxx1y C++1z TS Concurrency - On going proposals] 133[///////////////////////////////////////////////////////] 134 135[section:latch C++ Latches and Barriers] 136[//////////////////////////////////////] 137 138[note [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3600.html N3600 C++ Latches and Barriers]] 139[note [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3817.html N3817 C++ Latches and Barriers]] 140 141[table C++ Latches and Barriers Conformance 142 [[Section] [Description] [Status] [Comments]] 143 [[X.1] [Class latch] [Partial] [ A new class latch has been added. The interface is a super set of the one of the proposal, taking some of the functions of the class barrier.]] 144 [[X.2] [Class barrier] [No] [ Even if Boost.Thread has a class boost:barrier it doesn't provides the same kind of services. There is an experimental completion_latch that could be used instead. ]] 145] 146 147[endsect] 148[section:queue C++ Concurrent Queues] 149[///////////////////////////////////] 150 151[note [@ http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3533.html N3533 C++ Concurrent Queues]] 152 153[table C++ Concurrent Queues Conformance 154 [[Section] [Description] [Status] [Comments]] 155 [[X.1] [Conceptual interface] [Partial] [ The interface provided has some differences respect to this proposal. All the functions having a queue_op_status are not provided. No lock-free concrete classes ]] 156 [[X.1.1] [Basic Operations] [Partial] [ - ]] 157 [[X.1.1.1] [push] [yes] [ renamed push_back. ]] 158 [[X.1.1.2] [value_pop] [no] [ renamed pull_front with two flavors. ]] 159 [[X.1.2] [Non-waiting operations] [ - ] [ - ]] 160 [[X.1.2.1] [try_push] [yes] [ renamed try_push_back ]] 161 [[X.1.2.2] [try_pop] [yes] [ renamed try_pull_back ]] 162 [[X.1.3] [Non-blocking operations] [ - ] [ - ]] 163 [[X.1.3.1] [nonblocking_push] [Yes] [ renamed nonblocking_push_back ]] 164 [[X.1.3.2] [nonblocking_pop] [Yes] [ renamed nonblocking_pull_front ]] 165 [[X.1.4] [Push-front operations] [No] [ - ]] 166 [[X.1.5] [Closed queues] [Partial] [ - ]] 167 [[X.1.5.1] [close] [Yes] [ - ]] 168 [[X.1.5.2] [is_closed] [Yes] [ renamed closed ]] 169 [[X.1.5.3] [wait_push] [Yes] [ renamed wait_push_back ]] 170 [[X.1.5.4] [wait_pop] [Yes] [ renamed wait_pull_front ]] 171 [[X.1.5.5] [wait_push_front] [no] [ - ]] 172 [[X.1.5.6] [wait_pop_back] [no] [ - ]] 173 [[X.1.5.6] [open] [no] [ - ]] 174 [[X.1.6] [Empty and Full Queues] [Yes] [ - ]] 175 [[X.1.6.1] [is_empty] [Yes] [ - ]] 176 [[X.1.6.2] [is_full] [Yes] [ Added capacity ]] 177 [[X.1.7] [Queue Names] [No] [ Not considered a must for the time been. ]] 178 [[X.1.8] [Element Type Requirements] [Yes?] [ - ]] 179 [[X.1.9] [Exception Handling] [Yes?] [ - ]] 180 [[X.1.10] [Queue Ordering] [Yes?] [ - ]] 181 [[X.1.11] [Lock-Free Implementations] [No] [ waiting to stabilize the lock-based interface. Will use Boost.LockFree once it is Boost.Move aware. ]] 182 [[X.2] [Concrete queues] [Partial] [ - ]] 183 [[X.2.1] [Locking Buffer Queue] [Partial] [ classes sync_queue and a sync_bounded_queue. ]] 184 [[X.2.1] [Lock-Free Buffer Queue] [No] [ waiting to stabilize the lock-based interface. Will use Boost.LockFree once it is Boost.Move aware. ]] 185 [[X.3] [Additional Conceptual Tools] [No] [ - ]] 186 [[X.3.1] [Fronts and Backs] [No] [ - ]] 187 [[X.3.2] [Streaming Iterators] [No] [ - ]] 188 [[X.3.3] [Storage Iterators] [No] [ - ]] 189 [[X.3.4] [Binary Interfaces] [No] [ - ]] 190 [[X.3.4] [Managed Indirection] [No] [ - ]] 191] 192[endsect] 193[section:executors Executors and Schedulers] 194[//////////////////////////////////////////] 195 196[note [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3785.pdf N3785 Executors and Schedulers]] 197 198[table Executors and Schedulers 199 [[Section] [Description] [Status] [Comments]] 200 [[V.1.1] [Class `executor`] [Yes] [ - ]] 201 [[V.1.1] [`add`] [Yes] [ renamed with a function template `submit` ]] 202 [[V.1.1] [`num_of_pendin_closures`] [No] [ ]] 203 [[V.1.2] [Class sceduled_executor] [No] [ - ]] 204 [[V.1.2] [`add_at`] [No] [ renamed with a function template `scheduler::submit_at` ]] 205 [[V.1.2] [`add_after`] [No] [ renamed with a function template `scheduler::submit_after` ]] 206 [[V.2] [Concrete executor classes] [No] [ - ]] 207 [[V.2.1] [`thread_pool`] [Yes] [ static version `basic_thread_pool`, dynamic one `execduler_adaptor<basic_thread_pool>` ]] 208 [[V.2.2] [`serial_executor`] [yes] [ - ]] 209 [[V.2.3] [`loop_executor`] [Yes] [ static version loop_scheduler, dynamic one `execduler_adaptor<loop_scheduler>` ]] 210 [[V.2.4] [`inline_executor`] [Yes] [ static version `inline_executor`, dynamic one `execduler_adaptor<inline_executor>` ]] 211 [[V.2.5] [`thread_executor`] [Yes] [ static version `thread_executor`, dynamic one `execduler_adaptor<thread_executor>` ]] 212] 213 214[note [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3784.pdf N3784-Improvements to `std::future<T> and Related APIs]] 215 216[table `async, future/shared_future::then`and Executors 217 [[Section] [Description] [Status] [Comments]] 218 [[30.6.6] [`future<T>::then`] [Yes] [ ]] 219 [[30.6.7] [`shared_future<T>::then`] [Yes] [ ]] 220 [[30.6.8] [`async`] [Yes] [ - ]] 221] 222 223[note [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2014/n4143.pdf N4143-Executors and schedulers, revision 4]] 224 225[table Executors and Schedulers - revision 4 226 [[Section] [Description] [Status] [Comments]] 227 [[VI.A] [Executor Concept] [Yes] [ `wrapper_type` renamed by `work` and `spawn by `submit` ]] 228 [[VI.A.1] [`thread_per_task_executor] [Yes] [ renamed `thread_executor`]] 229 [[VI.A.2] [`thread_pool_executor`] [Yes] [ renamed `basic_thread_pool`]] 230 [[VI.A.3] [`system_executor`] [No] [ - ]] 231 [[VI.A.4] [`loop_executor`] [Yes] [ - ]] 232 [[VI.A.5] [`serial_executor`] [yes] [ - ]] 233 [[VI.B] [`executor_ref`] [yes] [ - ]] 234 [[VI.C] [`executor`] [yes] [ renamed `gen_executor_ref` ]] 235 [[VI.D] [Free Functions and Helper Objects] [partial] [ - ]] 236 [[VI.D] [`make_package`] [No] [ - ]] 237 [[VI.D] [`spawn_future`] [No] [ `async(Ex&, ...)` is similar but returns a blocking future. ]] 238 [[VI.D] [`spawn`] [No] [ - ]] 239 [[VI.D] [`task_wrapper`] [No] [ renamed `resubmitter` ]] 240 [[VI.D] [`set_executor`] [No] [ renamed `resubmit` ]] 241 [[VI.D] [`function_wrapper`] [Partial] [ renamed `work` ]] 242] 243 244[endsect] 245[////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 246[section:stream_mutex C++ Stream Mutexes - C++ Stream Guards] 247[/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////] 248 249While Boost.Thread implementation of stream mutexes differ in the approach, it is worth comparing with the current trend on the standard. 250 251[note These functions are based on [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3535.html [*N3535 - C++ Stream Mutexes]] by Lawrence Crowl.] 252 253[note This proposal has been replaced already by [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3678.html N3678 - C++ Stream Guards], which has been replaced by [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3678.html N3665 - Uninterleaved String Output Streaming] and [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3678.html N3750 - C++ Ostream Buffers]] 254 255[table C++ Stream Mutexes Conformance 256 [[Section] [Description] [Status] [Comments]] 257 [[X.1] [Class template stream_mutex] [Partial] [ Renamed externally_locked_stream<> ]] 258 [[X.2.1] [constructor] [Partial] [ externally_locked_stream needs a mutex in addition as argument. ]] 259 [[X.2.2] [lock] [yes] [ - ]] 260 [[X.2.3] [unlock] [yes] [ - ]] 261 [[X.2.4] [try_lock] [yes] [ - ]] 262 [[X.2.5] [hold] [Yes] [ - ]] 263 [[X.2.6] [bypass] [Yes] [ - ]] 264 [[X.2] [Class template stream_guard] [Yes] [ - ]] 265 [[X.2.1] [stream_guard] [Yes] [ - ]] 266 [[X.2.2] [~stream_guard] [Yes] [ - ]] 267 [[X.2.3] [bypass] [Yes] [ - ]] 268 [[X.3] [Stream Operators] [Yes] [-]] 269 [[X.4] [Predefined Objects] [No] [-]] 270] 271 272 273[endsect] 274 275///////////////////////////////] 276[endsect] 277 278[endsect] 279