1branches: 2 only: 3 - master 4 5environment: 6 nodejs_version: "14" 7 8 global: 9 # Workaround for https://github.com/conda/conda-build/issues/636 10 PYTHONIOENCODING: UTF-8 11 CONDA_INSTALL_LOCN: "C:\\Miniconda35-x64" 12 CMAKE_OPTIONS: "" 13 CPP_TEST_OPTIONS: "" 14 15 matrix: 16 - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2015 17 CMAKE_VS_VERSION: "10 2010" 18 CMAKE_OPTIONS: "-DFLATBUFFERS_BUILD_LEGACY=1" 19 CPP_TEST_OPTIONS: "--std-cpp c++0x" 20 MONSTER_EXTRA: "skip" 21 22 - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2015 23 CMAKE_VS_VERSION: "12 2013" 24 MONSTER_EXTRA: "skip" 25 26 - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2015 27 CMAKE_VS_VERSION: "14 2015" 28 MONSTER_EXTRA: "" 29 30platform: 31 - x86 32 - x64 33 34configuration: 35 - Debug 36 - Release 37 38before_build: 39 - set MONSTER_EXTRA=%MONSTER_EXTRA% 40 - cmake . -G"Visual Studio %CMAKE_VS_VERSION%" -DFLATBUFFERS_CODE_SANITIZE=1 %CMAKE_OPTIONS% 41 # This cuts down on a lot of noise generated by xamarin warnings. 42 - if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportAfter\Xamarin.Common.targets" del "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportAfter\Xamarin.Common.targets" 43 44build: 45 project: ALL_BUILD.vcxproj 46 verbosity: minimal 47 48after_build: 49 - python conan/appveyor/install.py 50 - python conan/appveyor/build.py 51 52install: 53 - set PATH=%CONDA_INSTALL_LOCN%;%CONDA_INSTALL_LOCN%\scripts;%PATH%; 54 - ps: Install-Product node $env:nodejs_version 55 56test_script: 57 - call .appveyor\check-generate-code.bat -b %CONFIGURATION% 58 - "cd tests" 59 - rem "Building all code" 60 - generate_code.bat -b %CONFIGURATION% %CPP_TEST_OPTIONS% 61 - 7z a GeneratedMyGameCode.zip MyGame\ 62 - rem "---------------- C++ -----------------" 63 - "cd .." 64 - "%CONFIGURATION%\\flattests.exe" 65 - rem "---------------- JS -----------------" 66 - "node --version" 67 - "npm install" 68 - "npm run compile" 69 - "cd tests" 70 - "TypeScriptTest.bat" 71 - rem "---------------- C# -----------------" 72 # Have to compile this here rather than in "build" above because AppVeyor only 73 # supports building one project?? 74 - "cd FlatBuffers.Test" 75 - "dotnet new sln" 76 - "dotnet sln add FlatBuffers.Test.csproj" 77 - "nuget restore" 78 - "mkdir .tmp" 79 - "msbuild.exe /property:Configuration=Release;OutputPath=.tmp /verbosity:minimal FlatBuffers.Test.csproj" 80 - ".tmp\\FlatBuffers.Test.exe" 81 # Run tests with UNSAFE_BYTEBUFFER 82 - "msbuild.exe /property:Configuration=Release;UnsafeByteBuffer=true;OutputPath=.tmp /verbosity:minimal FlatBuffers.Test.csproj" 83 - ".tmp\\FlatBuffers.Test.exe" 84 85artifacts: 86 - path: $(CONFIGURATION)\flatc.exe 87 name: flatc.exe 88 - path: tests\GeneratedMyGameCode.zip 89 name: GeneratedMyGameCode.zip 90