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81, edited,,
9From: terrell@druhi.ATT.COM (TerrellE)
10Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc,sci.astro
11Subject: Internationalization of Software?
12Date: 30 Jun 89 19:05:23 GMT
13Reply-To: terrell@druhi.ATT.COM (TerrellE)
14Organization: AT&T, Denver, CO
16*** EOOH ***
17From: terrell@druhi.ATT.COM (TerrellE)
18Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc,sci.astro
19Subject: Internationalization of Software?
20Date: 30 Jun 89 19:05:23 GMT
21Reply-To: terrell@druhi.ATT.COM (TerrellE)
23I know that there are some modifications that I will have to perform to
24"internationalize" software products developed for use in the USA.
25These changes include the obvious (translate the program
26and documentation into the right language).  However, some of the
27other changes are more subtle.  I'm sure that I've overlooked some, but
28here's what I have so far:
30Necessary changes to "internationalize" a software product:
321.	Flexible date format:
34	dd/mm/yy
35	yy/dd/mm
36	yy/mm/dd
37	mm/dd/yy
392.	Handle foreign daylight savings time.
413.	Flexible radix (decimal) point (i.e. '.' or ','):
43	3.14159
44	3,14159
464.	Allow English or Metric units.
485.	Use "one thousand million" rather than "one billion".
506.	Flexible time format:
52	hh:mm
53	hh.mm
54	hh'mm
567.	Allow either ' ' or ',' for thousands delimiters:
58	1,000,000
59	1 000 000
62What else is necessary?  Overseas users:  what changes would you make
63to your "US Version" software to make it approprate for use in other
66I'll post a summary of the results.  Thanks in advance,
70Eric Terrell	(att!druhi!terrell)
73Xref: IRO.UMontreal.CA comp.std.c:13991 comp.software.international:607
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75From: ywliu@beta.wsl.sinica.edu.tw ()
76Newsgroups: comp.std.c,comp.software.international
77Subject: Re: ANSI C Locale Character Sets
78Followup-To: comp.std.c,comp.software.international
79Date: 3 Oct 1994 06:39:25 GMT
80Organization: Computing Center, Academia Sinica
81Lines: 26
82Message-ID: <36o8ut$afu@mall.sinica.edu.tw>
83References: <Cx0Mpy.7Lo@actrix.gen.nz>
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88From: ywliu@beta.wsl.sinica.edu.tw ()
89Newsgroups: comp.std.c,comp.software.international
90Subject: Re: ANSI C Locale Character Sets
91Followup-To: comp.std.c,comp.software.international
92Date: 3 Oct 1994 06:39:25 GMT
93Organization: Computing Center, Academia Sinica
94References: <Cx0Mpy.7Lo@actrix.gen.nz>
95NNTP-Posting-Host: ywliu%@beta.wsl.sinica.edu.tw
96X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0]
98Gary Houston (ghouston@actrix.gen.nz) wrote:
99: It seems to me there are a couple of details missing from the ANSI C
100: locale stuff:
102: 1/ How can a program find out which character set is being used?
105  You may use setlocale(LC_ALL,NULL) to get the language info.
107: 2/ How can a program determine whether text files use multibyte or
108:    wide characters, or is it to be assumed that multibyte will
109:    always be used?
111  As far as I am concerned, the wide character is used as the representation
112inside your program. That is, wide character is your internal data
113representatin form, as I/O operates on multi-byte characters. So, I always
114read/write mutl-bytes and convert to wide character , and vice versa.
116: Does anyone know of other standards/conventions/plans which fill
117: in this missing information?
119  You may check out P.J. Plauger's "Standard C" column on CUJ May 1993 - July
1201993. There is another one "Internationlization and Localization" in CUJ July
121 1993 too. I am looking for more material.
123Yen-Wei Liu
1251, edited, answered,,
126Mail-from: From orac.iinet.com.au!pdcruze Thu Nov 24 17:38:19 1994
127Return-Path: <orac.iinet.com.au!pdcruze>
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129	id m0rAmnw-00009aC; Thu, 24 Nov 94 17:38 EST
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136Message-Id: <199411241657.AAA08605@orac.iinet.com.au>
137To: pinard@IRO.UMontreal.CA
138cc: meyering@comco.com
139Subject: Re: Starting localization of GNU recode
140In-reply-to: Your message of "Thu, 24 Nov 1994 01:11:00 EST."
141             <m0rAXP2-00008sC@icule>
142Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1994 00:57:10 +0800
143From: "Patrick D'Cruze" <pdcruze@li.org>
145*** EOOH ***
146To: pinard@IRO.UMontreal.CA
147cc: meyering@comco.com
148Subject: Re: Starting localization of GNU recode
149In-reply-to: Your message of "Thu, 24 Nov 1994 01:11:00 EST."
150             <m0rAXP2-00008sC@icule>
151Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1994 00:57:10 +0800
152From: "Patrick D'Cruze" <pdcruze@li.org>
154> I met a few points of discussion while doing so:
156> * I got to decide that, even if the program will eventually make
157> most of its output in the foreign languages, the input syntax,
158> option values, etc., are not to be localized.
160Yes.  The purpose of message catalogs was to provide an easy to use method
161for displaying language independent messages.  Hence little modifications
162need to be made to support this.  However, no easy method exists for
163supporting language-independent inputs.  So this will have to be left up to
164the developer to decide how they are going to implement this.
166> * it is not useful that I modify the lib/ routines if not done in the
167> true sources.  How do you/I/they proceed for getting this job done?
168> I presume that lib/ routines will all use gettext for the time being.
170Probably Roland (or another volunteer) will internationalize glibc.  Linux's
171libc has already been internationalised and a few message catalogs
172already exist - French, German, Polish.  It probably would be useful
173modifying the routines in lib/ for those platforms that will be using
174the routines located in libc/.
176> I was expecting a problem which I did not met.  All localizable
177> strings were luckily into executable positions, that is, affected
178> to variables or given as parameter to functions.  But I will not
179> escape this problem in all my things, and will surely hit some
180> localizable strings in structured initializations.  I'll see once
181> there, unless you thought out an all ready solution for this (?).
183I've come across this a few times within diffutils.  Particularly struct
184definitions and the like.  I'll send you a list of guidelines when looking
185for output messages.  Will send this to you and Jim tommorrow.
1921, edited,,
193Mail-from: From pinard Mon Nov 28 12:15:47 1994
194Return-Path: <pinard>
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198Date: Mon, 28 Nov 94 12:15 EST
199From: pinard (Francois Pinard)
200To: Richard M. Stallman <rms@prep.ai.mit.edu>
201CC: Jim Meyering <meyering@comco.com>
202Subject: GNU standards and localized message catalogs
203Mime-Version: 1.0
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206*** EOOH ***
207Date: Mon, 28 Nov 94 12:15 EST
208From: pinard (Francois Pinard)
209To: Richard M. Stallman <rms@prep.ai.mit.edu>
210CC: Jim Meyering <meyering@comco.com>
211Subject: GNU standards and localized message catalogs
212Mime-Version: 1.0
213Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
215* We also need a uniform convention about where, in the installed
216hierarchy, to put translations of manuals in long term.  The need is
217not immediate.  One friend volunteered to translate the GNU recode
218manual in French.  If this happens, I would like to know first *if*
219the distribution should install it by default, and where it should
220install it then.  If not installed by default, what would be the
221uniform naming scheme for Makefile goals installing documents?
2231, edited,,
224Mail-from: From pinard Sat Dec 24 23:51:00 1994
225Return-Path: <pinard>
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227	id m0rLkv4-00009AC; Sat, 24 Dec 94 23:50 EST
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229Date: Sat, 24 Dec 94 23:50 EST
230From: pinard (Francois Pinard)
231To: rms@gnu.ai.mit.edu
232In-reply-to: <199412250445.XAA25324@mole.gnu.ai.mit.edu> (message from Richard Stallman on Sat, 24 Dec 1994 23:45:19 -0500)
233Subject: Re: GNU standards and localized message catalogs
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238*** EOOH ***
239Date: Sat, 24 Dec 94 23:50 EST
240From: pinard (Francois Pinard)
241To: rms@gnu.ai.mit.edu
242In-reply-to: <199412250445.XAA25324@mole.gnu.ai.mit.edu> (message from Richard Stallman on Sat, 24 Dec 1994 23:45:19 -0500)
243Subject: Re: GNU standards and localized message catalogs
244Mime-Version: 1.0
245Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
246Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
248       * We also need a uniform convention about where, in the installed
249       hierarchy, to put translations of manuals in long term.
251   I think they should go in the Info tree just like English manuals.
253Yes, of course.  Suppose I have a French recode.info, and an
254English one.  This kind of thing will not be immediate, but they
255will come.  We need some convention to install both.  We are not
256to give them different names, presumably.  People will like to
257say, on an individual basis: ``if a French version of something is
258available, I'll prefer it over the standard English one''.  So we
259need a convention to stock these, and a convention to select them.
262Mail-from: From gnu.ai.mit.edu!rms Sun Dec 25 05:16:06 1994
263Return-Path: <gnu.ai.mit.edu!rms>
264Received: by icule (Smail3.1.28.1 #1)
265	id m0rLpze-00009IC; Sun, 25 Dec 94 05:16 EST
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268Received: from mole.gnu.ai.mit.edu (rms@mole.gnu.ai.mit.edu []) by saguenay.IRO.UMontreal.CA (8.6.9/8.6.9) with ESMTP id AAA14869 for <pinard@iro.umontreal.ca>; Sun, 25 Dec 1994 00:01:37 -0500
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271Date: Sun, 25 Dec 1994 00:01:33 -0500
272Message-Id: <199412250501.AAA25411@mole.gnu.ai.mit.edu>
273From: Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
274To: pinard@iro.umontreal.ca
275In-reply-to: <m0rLkv4-00009AC@icule> (pinard@iro.umontreal.ca)
276Subject: Re: GNU standards and localized message catalogs
278*** EOOH ***
279Date: Sun, 25 Dec 1994 00:01:33 -0500
280From: Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
281To: pinard@iro.umontreal.ca
282In-reply-to: <m0rLkv4-00009AC@icule> (pinard@iro.umontreal.ca)
283Subject: Re: GNU standards and localized message catalogs
285      We need some convention to install both.  We are not
286    to give them different names, presumably.
288I would give them different names.  They would have
289separate menu items in the Info directory.  That is the
290easiest way and it seems good enough, so I don't see a reason
291to spend time looking for any other way.
2941, edited,,
295Mail-from: From pinard Tue Jan  3 16:17:29 1995
296Return-Path: <pinard>
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298	id m0rPGbe-00008xC; Tue, 3 Jan 95 16:17 EST
299Message-Id: <m0rPGbe-00008xC@icule>
300Date: Tue, 3 Jan 95 16:17 EST
301From: pinard (Francois Pinard)
302To: vern@ee.lbl.gov
303In-reply-to: <199501031914.LAA00333@daffy.ee.lbl.gov> (message from Vern Paxson on Tue, 03 Jan 95 11:14:17 PST)
304Subject: Re: Internationalization of Flex
305Mime-Version: 1.0
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309*** EOOH ***
310Date: Tue, 3 Jan 95 16:17 EST
311From: pinard (Francois Pinard)
312To: vern@ee.lbl.gov
313In-reply-to: <199501031914.LAA00333@daffy.ee.lbl.gov> (message from Vern Paxson on Tue, 03 Jan 95 11:14:17 PST)
314Subject: Re: Internationalization of Flex
315Mime-Version: 1.0
316Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
317Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
319There are two categories of patches: a grouped set at initialization
320time, and all-over-the-place one which marks localizable strings.
321We can consider them separately (but I will most probably end up
322suggesting we give them the same treatment...).
324What would be easier would be that the original Flex sources already
325marks all strings which require localization.  The way I do it in my
326things is merely replacing each "STRING" by _("STRING") *if* STRING
327should be translated.  Flex could then be distributed with:
329	#define _(String) (String)
331effectively ignoring the marks.  I may provide an initial patch
332to you for this.  Later on, the maintenance would be relatively
333easy for you: if you add or modify a string, you will have to
334ask yourself if the new or altered string requires translation,
335and include it within _() if you think it should be translated.
336"%s: %d" is an example of string not requiring translation...
338The remaining work will be handled by group of volunteers from
339different countries.  I took the responsibility of organizing how
340these things will be done.  Once in a while, volunteers will provide
341you some COUNTRY.tt files which you might accept to distribute
342with Flex.  (COUNTRY is a two letter code, like `de' for German.)
343If the COUNTRY.tt files ever lag with regard to Flex modifications,
344this would not break nationalized Flex: the current mechanics will
345merely return the original English string if a proper translation
346cannot be found.  So you do not even have to feel tied to the
347translators for releasing new distributions for Flex.  And nothing
348is subject to the GPL so far :-).
350The initialization is not very complex, and can be done within
351less than a dozen easy lines of code, hardly GPL'able.  I think
352they could be included in standard Flex distribution, while being
353conditionalized out.  The only harder modifications come from me,
354and touch Makefile.in, for including all the machinery to prepare
355and install locale message catalogs provided the underlying system
356has what is needed.  In the way I am now distributing my things, this
357machinery automatically cut itself out when GNU locale is not usable.
359Remain only two modules, currently named libintl.h and libintl.c
360(this might change), which are covered by the GPL, which you
361do not want to distribute with Flex.  The Flex README could
362suggest installers to grab them from any other GNU distribution.
363The configuration machinery might automatically check if they have
364been copied by the installer and, if not, forget about localization.
366This way, Flex will be easily and widely nationalized, the GPL
367principle will be safe, Flex will stay free of the GPL, and the
368burden on the installers, as well as both you and me, will be
369minimal in the long run.
371There is a difficulty I have not studied yet, and which comes from
372the fact that Flex generates C code (Bison has the same problem).
373Flex itself could be nationalized, and this is orthogonal to the fact
374Flex could generate nationalizable scanners.  Both are desirable.
3771, edited,,
378Mail-from: From pinard Thu Jan 12 07:41:07 1995
379Return-Path: <pinard>
380Received: by icule (Smail3.1.28.1 #1)
381	id m0rSOpt-00007LC; Thu, 12 Jan 95 07:41 EST
382Message-Id: <m0rSOpt-00007LC@icule>
383Date: Thu, 12 Jan 95 07:41 EST
384From: pinard (Francois Pinard)
385To: vern@ee.lbl.gov
386In-reply-to: <199501051930.LAA04658@daffy.ee.lbl.gov> (message from Vern Paxson on Thu, 05 Jan 95 11:30:54 PST)
387Subject: Re: Internationalization of Flex
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392*** EOOH ***
393Date: Thu, 12 Jan 95 07:41 EST
394From: pinard (Francois Pinard)
395To: vern@ee.lbl.gov
396In-reply-to: <199501051930.LAA04658@daffy.ee.lbl.gov> (message from Vern Paxson on Thu, 05 Jan 95 11:30:54 PST)
397Subject: Re: Internationalization of Flex
398Mime-Version: 1.0
399Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
400Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
402Besides, not long after having started this i18n effort for my
403own things, I realized that the i18n attribute should really be
404attached to strings themselves, and not to what we do with them.
405A blatant example is an error message produced by formatting.
406The format string needs i18n, while the result from sprintf may
407have so many different instances that it is unpractical to list
408them all in some error_string_out() routine.  I also got other
409cases forcing me to concentrate on strings for i18n.
411There is a stylistic issue here.  I use _("hello"), adding three
412characters to each localizable string, while you will most probably
413use _( "hello" ), adding five characters per localizable string.
414Yet, it has the advantage of being shorter than error_string_out,
415and be done at the right level.
417By merely defining _(String) to be (String), you just turn off
418localization in standard flex, with not a single nanosecond spoiled
419on it.  But this will then allow me to produce a quite smaller and
420maintainable patch for i18n of flex.
422   This [error_string_out()] routine could then look up every string
423   passed it in a translation table that's compiled into flex
424   like the skel[] array.  All that's needed is a public-domain
425   description of the format of the COUNTRY.tt translation files
426   and the rest should be easy.
428If I clearly understand your idea, you will compile in flex
429a French table, and obtain a French speaking binary.  You will
430produce different binaries for Catalan, Dutch, etc.  That is not
431practical on big sites having multinational users.
433Right now in my things, the setting of LANG in the environment
434decides the language to use, and there is a single binary to handle
435all things.  Further, the evolving GNU locale will soon change its
436*.tt file format, and will try to use the current system underlying
437localization mechanics, if any good one is found at configure time.
439There is no need that you redo all this and throw new solutions to
440this whole set of problems.  The most workable solution to me looks
441like standard flex distribution already have all _() included -- and
442that you accept routinely adding _() to new localizable strings when
443you are doing flex maintenance, and that a separately distributed
444patch attaches flex to GNU locale complexities, without having you
445discovering and solving them anew.
447   Let me know if this is workable (I'm willing to do the work).
449Let me take one hour this morning to offer you a patch for _() for
4502.5.0.6, hoping that you will accept it.  That would be a start.  Let
451me take care of the remaining organizational problems, synchronizing
452with other teams, etc.  I already do this for other GNU packages
453and will eventually help with most of them (I've accepted that role).
455Once we will have had success with i18ned flex for some time, it
456would then become easier to convince you to go further for other
457aspects (like *producing* i18nable scanners :-).
459Let me hope that my pleading for the cause will touch your heart,
460somewhere :-).  Keep happy!
463Fran�ois Pinard        ``Happy GNU Year!''       pinard@iro.umontreal.ca
464A New Year's gift?  Give us Programming Freedom!  Write lpf@uunet.uu.net
4671, edited,,
468Mail-from: From pinard Thu Jan 12 16:44:56 1995
469Return-Path: <pinard>
470Received: by icule (Smail3.1.28.1 #1)
471	id m0rSXKA-00007VC; Thu, 12 Jan 95 16:44 EST
472Message-Id: <m0rSXKA-00007VC@icule>
473Date: Thu, 12 Jan 95 16:44 EST
474From: pinard (Francois Pinard)
475To: vern@ee.lbl.gov
476In-reply-to: <199501121822.KAA21713@daffy.ee.lbl.gov> (message from Vern Paxson on Thu, 12 Jan 95 10:22:40 PST)
477Subject: Re: Internationalization of Flex
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482*** EOOH ***
483Date: Thu, 12 Jan 95 16:44 EST
484From: pinard (Francois Pinard)
485To: vern@ee.lbl.gov
486In-reply-to: <199501121822.KAA21713@daffy.ee.lbl.gov> (message from Vern Paxson on Thu, 12 Jan 95 10:22:40 PST)
487Subject: Re: Internationalization of Flex
488Mime-Version: 1.0
489Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
490Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
492   I'm not sure having to remember to use error_string_out() instead
493   of fprintf( stderr ... ) is any easier, though.
495Not only error strings are being made localizable by the patch I
496shipped this morning, but also statistics, version and help, and
497some debug output.  These are not always error messages, and not
498always sent to stderr.
500Sometimes in flex, messages are constructed in pieces using %s to
501insert parts.  Translating at the string level is the right approach
502in these situations.  I'm not sure error_string_out() would have been
503satisfying (but I'm not going to argue, since I have your favor! :-)
5051, edited, answered,,
506Mail-from: From twinsun.com!eggert Tue Feb 14 05:16:50 1995
507Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!faqserv
508From: mike@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at
509Newsgroups: comp.unix.questions,comp.std.internat,comp.software.international,comp.lang.c,comp.windows.x,comp.std.c,comp.answers,news.answers
510Subject: Programming for Internationalization FAQ
511Supersedes: <internationalization/programming-faq_787570857@rtfm.mit.edu>
512Followup-To: comp.unix.questions,comp.std.internat,comp.software.international,comp.lang.c,comp.windows.x,comp.std.c
513Date: 15 Jan 1995 10:26:57 GMT
514Organization: TU Wien
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516Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
517Expires: 28 Feb 1995 10:26:07 GMT
518Message-ID: <internationalization/programming-faq_790165567@rtfm.mit.edu>
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520Mime-Version: 1.0
521Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
522Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
523Summary: This FAQ discusses writing programs which can handle
524         different language conventions/character sets/etc.
525         Applicable to all character set encodings; with particular
526	 emphasis on ISO-8859-1.
527X-Last-Updated: 1994/11/15
528Originator: faqserv@bloom-picayune.MIT.EDU
529Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu comp.unix.questions:38263 comp.std.internat:2069 comp.software.international:1289 comp.lang.c:65751 comp.windows.x:34580 comp.std.c:7917 comp.answers:9514 news.answers:33146
531*** EOOH ***
532From: mike@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at
533Newsgroups: comp.unix.questions,comp.std.internat,comp.software.international,comp.lang.c,comp.windows.x,comp.std.c,comp.answers,news.answers
534Subject: Programming for Internationalization FAQ
535Supersedes: <internationalization/programming-faq_787570857@rtfm.mit.edu>
536Followup-To: comp.unix.questions,comp.std.internat,comp.software.international,comp.lang.c,comp.windows.x,comp.std.c
537Date: 15 Jan 1995 10:26:57 GMT
538Organization: TU Wien
539Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
540Expires: 28 Feb 1995 10:26:07 GMT
541NNTP-Posting-Host: bloom-picayune.mit.edu
542Mime-Version: 1.0
543Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
544Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
545Summary: This FAQ discusses writing programs which can handle
546         different language conventions/character sets/etc.
547         Applicable to all character set encodings; with particular
548	 emphasis on ISO-8859-1.
549X-Last-Updated: 1994/11/15
550Originator: faqserv@bloom-picayune.MIT.EDU
553Archive-name: internationalization/programming-faq
554Posting-Frequency: monthly
558		  Programming for Internationalization
566Note: Most of this was tested on a Sun 10, running SunOS 4.1.* - other
567systems might differ slightly
569This FAQ discusses topics related to the use of ISO 8859-1 based 8 bit
570character sets. It discusses how to program applications which support
571the use European (Latin American) national character sets on
572UNIX-based systems and standard C environments.
5761. Which coding should I use for accented characters?
577Use the internationally standardized ISO-8859-1 character set to type
578accented characters. This character set contains all characters
579necessary to type (West) European languages. This encoding is also the
580preferred encoding on the Internet (where accepted - see below).
582This character set is also used by AmigaDOS, MS-Windows (Code Page
5831252 in Microsoft Speak.  This is for Windows versions delivered in
584the US, Europe (except Eastern Europe) and Latin America.  In Windows
5853.1 Microsoft added additional characters in the 0x80-9F range),
586VMS (DEC MCS is a draft version of the current ISO 8859-1 character
587set standard and differs in only two characters) and (most) UNIX
588implementations. MS-DOS uses a different character set and is not
589compatible with this character set.
591ISO 8859-X actually is a family of character set standards.  Basically
592all of the information given here is also valid for these standards.
593These standards comprise 8859-X:
5948859-1	Europe, Latin America
5958859-2  Eastern Europe
5968859-3  SE Europe/miscellaneous (Esperanto, Maltese, etc.)
5978859-4  Scandinavia/Baltic (mostly covered by 8859-1 also)
5988859-5  Cyrillic
5998859-6  Arabic
6008859-7  Greek
6018859-8  Hebrew
6028859-9  Latin5, same as 8859-1 except for Turkish instead of Icelandic
6038859-10 Latin6, for Eskimo/Scandinavian languages
605Another nascent standard is UNICODE (ISO 10646).  UNICODE is an
606extension of ISO 8859-1 (which itself is an extension of US-ASCII) to
60716 bit characters.  Thus most of the world's languages (including
608Japanese, Korean, Chinese...) can be covered.
610Most of the information given here is independent of the character
611encoding used (e.g. DEC MCS, etc.), but can be applied to any
612character set, providing the programming environment has provisions
613for this standard.
6172. Getting your environment right
618To configure your environment such that you can enter, process and
619display 8 bit ISO characters, check out the ISO-8859-1 FAQ available
620via anonymous ftp from ftp.vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at in
6253. Setting your environment for ISO-C (ANSI-C) programs
626The ISO C Standard (ANSI C Standard 4.4) defines several functions for
627supporting localization. To set your international environment on
628program startup, you should make one or several calls to the setlocale
629functions.  Calls to this function will predetermine the reaction of
630other localization functions according to your language/country
633To configure a particular aspect of you environment, say the number
634representation, you would call
636setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, "Germany");
639This call would set all number representation functions defined in the
640localization set to return numbers in the format used in Germany.  If
641the call was successful, setlocale will return the name of your
642locale.  A NULL return value indicates failure.  Note that the
643environments are predetermined outside your C program by the system
644you run on. (So the example given here is likely to fail on all but a
645few systems.) Check the setlocale manual page or your system
646documentation to find out about the environments available.
648There are several LOCALE types available for different localization
649aspects (currency sign, number representation, characters sets). The
650value they can take is highly system dependent. Also, it should be up
651to the use to define the local environment he needs.
653A C program inherits its locale environment variables when it starts up.
654This happens automatically.  However, these variables do not
655automatically control the locale used by the library functions, because
656ISO/ANSI C says that all programs start by default in the standard C
657locale.  To use the locales specified by the environment, The POSIX
658standard defines the following call:
660setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
663Of course, you can only set part of your environment, by calling, say:
665setlocale (LC_CTYPE, "");
667This only defines the character classification macros (defined in
670This is a list of local categories:
672                   Effect of Specifying   Environment Variable
673     category      the Value              Affected
674     __________________________________________________________
676     LC_ALL        Sets or queries        LANG
677                   entire environment
678     LC_COLLATE    Changes or queries     LC_COLLATE
679                   collation sequences
680     LC_CTYPE      Changes or queries     LC_CTYPE
681                   character classifi-
682                   cation
683     LC_NUMERIC    Changes or queries     LC_NUMERIC
684                   number format infor-
685                   mation
686     LC_TIME       Changes or queries     LC_TIME
687                   time conversion
688                   parameters
689     LC_MONETARY   Changes or queries     LC_MONETARY
690                   monetary information
6954. Using the locale information for character classification
696If you write a program which supports international use, you should
697use the available standardized functions, as only these will be
698influenced by the setlocale call. Thus, if you want to convert a
699capital letter in c to a lower case letter in l, _don't_ write:
701l = c - 'A' + 'a';
703While this will work for characters in the US-ASCII character set, it
704will not work with many other character sets. The following,
705standard-conformant code will:
707#include <ctype.h>
711l = tolower(c);
713Also note that the second code may actually be faster than even the
714full "C" locale functionality (for most implementations), as it
715replaces a complex expression ( (c<='Z' && c>='A')? c-'A'+a:c; )by a simple
716table lookup!
718Note that this ISO standard is independent of the character set
719encoding used!
7235. Language independent messages
724There are two competing standards for language independent messages:
725one by X/Open, and another one by POSIX.  The X/Open standard seems to
726have found a larger following as it has been around for a longer time.
7285.1 X/Open language independent messages
729X/Open defines a method for providing language-independent messages.
730Error messages are kept in a catalog which is opened upon program
731start with a locale specification.  Then the message number and a set
732specification are used to index the message catalog.  A default fourth
733argument is specified which will be printed if a particular message
734cannot be found in the catalog.
736Here is the world-famous C program using the language-independent
737X/Open message standard:
739#include <stdio.h>
740#include <nl_types.h>
742#define SET 1
743#define MSG_HELLO 1
745nl_catd catfd;
747int main (int argc, char **argv) {
748        /* Open the message catalog. We use the basename of the program
749         * as the catalog name. Of course, several programs can also
750         * share a  common catalog.
751         */
752        catfd = catopen (basename (argv [0]), NL_CAT_LOCALE);
753        /* catgets returns message MSG_HELLO from set SET from the
754         * message catalog catfd. If catfd does not refer to a message
755         * catalog, or the requested message cannot be found, the
756         * catalog, or the requested message cannot be found, the
757         * fourth argument is returned.
758         */
759        printf (catgets (catfd, SET, MSG_HELLO, "hello, world\n"));
760        catclose (catfd);
761        return 0;
765For catopen, specify the constant NL_CAT_LOCALE to open the message
766catalog for the locale set for the LC_MESSAGES variable; using
767NL_CAT_LOCALE conforms to the XPG4 standard.  You can specify 0 (zero)
768for compatibility with XPG3; when oflag is set to zero, the locale set
769for the LANG variable determines the message catalog locale.
771Several utilities exist for generating message catalogs and for
772upgrading programs which contain hard-wired strings:
773* gencat is used to generate message catalogs
774[All other programs are OS-specific:]
775* Ultrix and OSF support the extract program which will extract string
776  constants from the C source code, and has an option to replace these
777  strings with calls to catgets.
778* HP/UX has a similar utility called findmsg.
779* Under OSF, message catalogs may be listed with the dspcat utility.
780* HP/UX calls a similar utility dumpmsg.
7835.2 Sun/XView
784Sun implements a different set of functions functions to support i18n
785of messages (the source is available with the XView code):
787You can either use:
792	// get the message catalog named "helloprogram"
793	// for the hello world program
794	textdomain("helloprogram");
796	// get the translation for the "Hello, world\n" string
797	printf(gettext("Hello, world\n"));
801or you can roll all in one and write
806	// get the translation for the "Hello, world\n" string
807	// from the message catalog "helloprogram"
808	printf(dgettext("helloprogram","Hello, world\n"));
812The LC_MESSAGES locale category setting determines the locale of
813strings that gettext() returns.  The message catalogs are generated
814with either the installtxt or gencat commands.
816No opening of files as in the old SYS V and X/Open routines, and no
817handling of message numbers that you must have in a database to
8215.3 POSIX language independent messages
822Neither of the previous two mechanisms is in the POSIX standard.
823There was much disagreement in the POSIX.1 committee about using the
824gettext routines vs. catgets (XPG).  In the end the committee couldn't
825agree on anything, so no messaging system was included as part of the
826standard. I believe the informative annex of the standard includes the
827XPG3 messaging interfaces, "...as an example of a messaging system
828that has been implemented..."
830They were very careful not to say anywhere that you should use one set
831of interfaces over the other.
8356. Other localization aspects in ISO/ANSI C (and POSIX environments)
836For a more thorough discussion of localization and
837internationalization (aka. i18n), check your system vendors
838documentation, and the C library manual which comes with the FSF's
839glibc library (Chapter 19, 'Locales and Internationalization').
8437. Internationalization under X11
8447.1 Output
845To output text encoded with ISO 8859-1 under X11, simply invoke the X
846display routines with 8 bit characters as you would use them with
8477-bit ASCII.  You should however choose a font which contains bitmaps
848for these characters.  You can use the xfd utility to display a font
849to verify that it contains a full set of characters.
8527.2 Input
853If you use a national keyboard (that is a keyboard, which has distinct
854keys for your countries special characters), inputting accents is
855straight forward and you'll get the corresponding characters by using
856the X11 input functions.
858Sometimes it may be necessary to input characters for which there are
859no keys on your keyboard (e.g. if you want to enter the German '�'
860from a French keyboard).
862X11R5 and X11R6 both have extensive support for i18n, but due to a
863variety of factors the R5 i18n was not well understood or widely
864used.  Many people resorted to a work-around and might have been
865disappointed when R6 did not include this misfeature.  It is important
866to recognize that the correct use of R5 and R6 i18n features will
867ensure maximum portability of your program.
869Footnote: Amongst other reasons, the X Consortium decision not to add
870support for input methods to the Xaw Athena widget contributes to this
871situation.  Many users (and much of the PD software) live in an
872Xaw-only world, so they will not be able to benefit from this i18n
875X11 R5 and R6 support input methods for entering non-ASCII, and
876displaying and configuring text, menus etc. for a wide variety of
877languages.  This input method has to be installed by the application
878by calls to the Xlib library (or an Xt toolkit call).
880[Under X11R5, some X servers (notably the Xsun server) will let you
881enter ISO characters by supplying a built-in escape mechanism, if no
882keys for these characters are on your keyboard, and will pass along
883and display ISO 8859-1.  This hack obviated the need to install an
884input method, but was less flexible.]
887If you are using a toolkit, it is quite simple to support localization
888of you X11 code:
889If you're using a toolkit -- Xt and a widget set like Motif or R6 Xaw --
890you need only add a single line of code to your source. Before any other
891calls to Xt, add a call to XtSetLanguageProc, e.g.:
893    int main (int argc, char** argv)
894    {
895        ...
896        XtSetLanguageProc (NULL, NULL, NULL);
897        top = XtAppInitialize ( ... );
898        ...
899    }
901The LANG and LC_xxx environment variables (see section 3) will then be
902used to determine the 'input method' for this X application.  This
903input method is responsible for managing COMPOSE character sequences
904or any other input mechanism for this particular implementation.  Also
905see section 9 of ftp://ftp.vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at/pub/8bit/FAQ-ISO-8859-1,
906the FAQ on ISO 8859-1 usage.
9097.3 Toolkits, Widgets, and I18N
910The preferred way of inputing national characters when a national
911keyboard is not available is one/several input methods.  These input
912methods will then support various kinds of compose sequences to enter
913national characters.
915The environment variables LANG and/or LC_xxx select the language for
916the Input Method (IM), but if several input methods exist, the
917environment variable XMODIFIERS can be used to select a specific input
920Xlib supports IMs
921Xt supports IMs
922Xaw does not support IMs
924Thus, applications written with Xlib or Xt can support IMs (see
925section 7.2 on how to install input methods under Xt), but Xaw based
926applications will not.
928Motif 1.2  or greater automatically uses the R5/R6 input method APIs.
929Thus applications using Motif 1.2+ can be made to support IMs.
930Several Motif 1.[01] versions also had similar functionality added to
931them by the respective vendors, but these extensions are
932vendor-specific and not portable.
934FOOTNOTE: If you can have comments/corrections for this section and on
935          OpenLook, please let me know.
9387.4 I18N under X11R6, General Information
939Background information from the X11R6 announcement:
940Internationalization (also known as I18N, there being 18 letters between the
941i and n) of the X Window System, which was originally introduced in Release
9425, has been significantly improved in R6.  The R6 I18N architecture follows
943that in R5, being based on the locale model used in ANSI C and POSIX, with
944most of the I18N capability provided by Xlib.  R5 introduced a fundamental
945framework for internationalized input and output.  It could enable basic
946localization for left-to-right, non-context sensitive, 8-bit or multi-byte
947codeset languages and cultural conventions.  However, it did not deal with
948all possible languages and cultural conventions.  R6 also does not cover all
949possible languages and cultural conventions, but R6 contains substantial new
950Xlib interfaces to support I18N enhancements, in order to enable additional
951language support and more practical localization.
953The additional support is mainly in the area of text display.  In order to
954support multi-byte encodings, the concept of a FontSet was introduced in R5.
955In R6, Xlib enhances this concept to a more generalized notion of output
956methods and output contexts.  Just as input methods and input contexts sup-
957port complex text input, output methods and output contexts support complex
958and more intelligent text display, dealing not only with multiple fonts but
959also with context dependencies.  The result is a general framework to enable
960bi-directional text and context sensitive text display.
962The description of the X11R6 internationalization framework is
963available via anonymous ftp from ftp.x.org in
9688. Supporting I18N Network Protocols
9698.1 MIME
970MIME is specified in RFC 1521 and RFC 1522 which are available from
971ftp.uu.net.  There is also a MIME FAQ which is available via anonymous
972ftp from ftp.ics.uci.edu in /mh/contrib/multimedia/mime-faq.txt.gz.
973(This file is in compressed format. You will need the GNU gunzip
974program to decompress this file.)
976If you want to write applications which support the MIME protocol,
977there are several libraries/tools which can ease your task:
9808.1.1 metamail
981Source for supporting MIME (the `metamail' package) in various mail
982readers is available via anonymous ftp from thumper.bellcore.com in
983/pub/nsb.  This distribution consists of several utilities, which can
984be called by MIME applications to handle MIME types.
9878.1.2 MIMElt
988A "lightweight" MIME library available via anon ftp from
991It is source code (ANSI C) packaged as a library to facilitate
992construction of a limited MIME facility (limited == handling only
993character-set aspects of MIME, not the multimedia-aspects).  It
994includes hooks to recode character sets into whatever system you are
995running off (e.g.  if you read mail on a MsDos platform using CP-850,
996MIMElite may be set up so that QUOTED-PRINTABLE ISO Latin 1 is recoded
997into CP-850 for reading and saving to file).
999It's main use is to provide programmers of so-called "off-line
1000readers" (used by user's who access Internet mail through dial-up
1001service providers) with the tools needed to include proper support for
1002QUOTED-PRINTABLE encoding in their product.
1004The archive also contain a couple of sample applications that
1005demonstrates how the library may be used.  UNMIME is a stand-alone
1006utility to decode MIME-encoded messages (e.g. it works like UUDECODE
1007for binary files with BASE64 encoding), SENDMIME is a simple utility
1008to send MIME-encoded messages if your service provider doesn't have
1009PINE or similar tools.
1011The current version (2.1) is limited to character set issues.  I am
1012about to release version 2.2, which will support additional
1013Content-Types (e.g. "application/octet-stream").
10179. Programming in Prolog
1018SICStus Prolog accepts ISO characters as part of atoms, so you can
1019even define goal names containing accented characters.  I/O of 8 bit
1020characters is (obviously) also supported.
102410. ISO 8859-1 on non-UNIX systems
102510.1 MS-DOS
1026MS-DOS generally uses its own characters set. There are several code
1027pages (one with the same symbols as ISO 8859-1, albeit at different
1028character code positions, which can lead to problems with the transfer
1029of data).
1031If interoperability without data conversion is your goal, you can
1032reconfigure your MS-DOS PC to use an ISO-8859-1 code page. Check out
1033the anonymous ftp archive ftp.uni-erlangen.de, which contains data on
1034how to do this (and other ISO-related stuff) in /pub/doc/ISO/charsets.
1035The README file contains an index of the files you need.
1037Most (all?) C compilers/libraries for MS-DOS have only minimal support
1038for the ANSI/POSIX locale mechanism.  The setlocale() and localeconv()
1039calls (and stuff like strxfrm()) are generally hardwired.
104210.2 MS Windows
1043MS-Windows (using code page 1252) normally uses the first 256
1044characters of Unicode, which is (for all practical purposes)
1045equivalent to ISO 8859-1.  Thus, data representation and conversion
1046for interoperability with other ISO 8859-1 compliant systems is not an
1049It seems that C libraries for MS Windows do not support the ANSI/POSIX
1050locale mechanism. (If you have any experiences with that, please let
1051me know.)  There is a POSIX-like mechanism in some Microsoft platform
1052services, but none in the compilers from any vendor.
105510.3 OS/2
1056Text mode OS/2 programs generally suffer the same limitations as do
1057MS-DOS programs, because the display hardware is the same.
1059Presentation Manager OS/2 programs using code page 1004 will order
1060the font glyphs in the same sequence as ISO 8859-1 (although of
1061course whether the glyphs will actually look anything like those
1062from ISO 8859-1 depends entirely from the font).
1064The IBM CSet++ compiler supports full internationalization, with
1065several predefined locales.
1067The Borland C++ compiler supports only the "C" locale.
1069The Watcom C++ compiler supports only the "C" locale.
1071The Metaware High C++ compiler supports only the "C" locale.  It
1072does, however, also support UNICODE, providing UNICODE character
1073types and UNICODE versions of the appropriate parts of the standard
1074library (including I/O).
107810.4 Apple Macintosh
1079MacIntoshes have their own non-standard character encodings;
1080the first 128 characters are US-ASCII but the remaining characters are
1083I do not know whether C libraries (for which compilers?) for the
1084MacIntosh support the ANSI/POSIX locale mechanism. If you have any
1085experiences with that, please let me know.
108810.5 Amiga
1089The AmigaOS uses ISO-8859-1. As of OS version 2.1, Amiga-specific
1090means of localization are available.
109411. Home location of this document
1095The most recent version of this document is available via anonymous
1096ftp from ftp.vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at under the file name
1101Copyright � 1994 Michael Gschwind (mike@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at)
1103This document may be copied for non-commercial purposes, provided this
1104copyright notice appears.  Publication in any other form requires the
1105author's consent.
1107Dieses Dokument darf unter Angabe dieser urheberrechtlichen
1108Bestimmungen zum Zwecke der nicht-kommerziellen Nutzung beliebig
1109vervielf�ltigt werden.  Die Publikation in jeglicher anderer Form
1110erfordert die Zustimmung des Autors.
1112Michael Gschwind, Institut f. Technische Informatik, TU Wien
1113snail: Treitlstrasse 3-182-2 || A-1040 Wien || Austria
1114email: mike@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at  note: real time != real fast
1115phone: +(43)(1)58801 8156	   fax: +(43)(1)586 9697
11181, edited, resent,,
1119Mail-from: From li.org!owner-li-international Fri Jan 20 08:56:04 1995
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1135Old-From: eggert@twinsun.com (Paul Eggert)
1136Message-Id: <9501162133.AA04256@spot.twinsun.com>
1137Date: 16 Jan 1995 13:33:28 -0800
1138To: li-international@li.org
1139Subject: ISO Normative Addendum 1 and its effect on the C library
1140From: International List <li-international@li.org>
1141Sender: owner-li-international@li.org
1142Precedence: bulk
1143Reply-To: LI-international@li.org
1145*** EOOH ***
1146From: eggert@twinsun.com (Paul Eggert)
1147Date: 16 Jan 1995 13:33:28 -0800
1148To: li-international@li.org
1149Subject: ISO Normative Addendum 1 and its effect on the C library
1150Reply-To: LI-international@li.org
1152Normative Addendum 1 (NA1) to the ISO C standard was approved last year,
1153and I recently ran across a nice summary written by Clive Feather.
1154Please see <http://sf.www.lysator.liu.se/c/nal.html> for this;
1156Most of the changes required by NA1 are to the C library's wide
1157character and multibyte string support.  I don't see these changes
1158mentioned in the latest glibc snapshot.  I asked Roland McGrath,
1159glibc's developer, about this, and he replied:
1161   Date: Mon, 16 Jan 95 15:53:26 -0500
1162   From: Roland McGrath <roland@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
1164   I think if you make the specifications available to the Linux community,
1165   the new library functions will get written and contributed to glibc.
1166   Try the mailing list li-international@li.org.
1168So I'm sending this message to li-international.  I can forward a copy
1169of the NA1 summary to whoever needs it; just ask.
1171Two of the NA1 changes (__STDC_VERSION__ and digraphs) require changes
1172to GCC itself; I've volunteered to do this.  One change (namely
1173<iso646.h>) can be done either in GCC or in libc, though if GCC does
1174digraphs it may make more sense for it to do <iso646.h> as well.
1175But the other changes belong to the C library proper.
1180Mail-from: From twinsun.com!eggert Tue Feb 14 05:16:49 1995
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1192From: eggert@twinsun.com (Paul Eggert)
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1194Date: 13 Feb 1995 23:15:04 -0800
1195To: pinard@iro.umontreal.ca
1196In-Reply-To: <m0rdrDE-00009QC@icule> (pinard@iro.umontreal.ca)
1197Subject: Re: glocale and Uniforum gettext simplicity
1199*** EOOH ***
1200From: eggert@twinsun.com (Paul Eggert)
1201Date: 13 Feb 1995 23:15:04 -0800
1202To: pinard@iro.umontreal.ca
1203In-Reply-To: <m0rdrDE-00009QC@icule> (pinard@iro.umontreal.ca)
1204Subject: Re: glocale and Uniforum gettext simplicity
1207   Date: Sun, 12 Feb 95 22:12 EST
1208   From: pinard@iro.umontreal.ca (Francois Pinard)
1210   Hello, Paul.
1212      For more on this topic please see the Programming
1213      for Internationalization FAQ (Message-ID:
1214      <internationalization/programming-faq_784901999@rtfm.mit.edu>)
1215      which I can forward to you if you like.
1217   Would you do this, please?
1219Sure, the latest revision be in my next message.  For future
1220reference, the coordinates are
1223Alas, I haven't had time to work on this much lately -- beset with hardware
1224problems at home and no time to fix them....
12271, edited,,
1228Mail-from: From pinard Tue Mar 21 12:53:53 1995
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1231	id m0rr87q-00009TC; Tue, 21 Mar 95 12:53 EST
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1233Date: Tue, 21 Mar 95 12:53 EST
1234From: pinard (Fran�ois Pinard)
1235To: meyering@comco.com
1236CC: drepper@ipd.info.uni-karlsruhe.de
1237In-reply-to: <199503211712.LAA25472@idefix.comco.com> (message from Jim Meyering on Tue, 21 Mar 1995 11:12:49 -0600)
1238Subject: Re: international fileutils
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1244Date: Tue, 21 Mar 95 12:53 EST
1245From: pinard (Fran�ois Pinard)
1246To: meyering@comco.com
1247CC: drepper@ipd.info.uni-karlsruhe.de
1248In-reply-to: <199503211712.LAA25472@idefix.comco.com> (message from Jim Meyering on Tue, 21 Mar 1995 11:12:49 -0600)
1249Subject: Re: international fileutils
1250Mime-Version: 1.0
1251Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
1252Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
1254There are three things to do for each package:
1256* Adjust Autoconf and Makefiles
1257* Mark all localizable strings in sources and doing other adjustments
1258* Translating messages for French (and maybe, let's be fair, German :-).
12601, edited,,
1261Mail-from: From pinard Sun Apr 23 13:26:30 1995
1262Return-Path: <pinard>
1263Received: by icule (Smail3.1.28.1 #1)
1264	id m0s35QR-00008FC; Sun, 23 Apr 95 13:26 EDT
1265Message-Id: <m0s35QR-00008FC@icule>
1266Date: Sun, 23 Apr 95 13:26 EDT
1267From: pinard (Fran�ois Pinard)
1268To: Jim Meyering <meyering@comco.com>,
1269    Ulrich Drepper <drepper@gnu.ai.mit.edu>,
1270    Roland McGrath <roland@gnu.ai.mit.edu>,
1271    Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
1272Subject: GNU locale and Ulrich's effort
1273Mime-Version: 1.0
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1275Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
1277*** EOOH ***
1278Date: Sun, 23 Apr 95 13:26 EDT
1279From: pinard (Fran�ois Pinard)
1280To: Jim Meyering <meyering@comco.com>,
1281    Ulrich Drepper <drepper@gnu.ai.mit.edu>,
1282    Roland McGrath <roland@gnu.ai.mit.edu>,
1283    Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
1284Subject: GNU locale and Ulrich's effort
1285Mime-Version: 1.0
1286Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
1287Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
1289I'm trying to get started the overall effort for GNU localization,
1290by offering translators GNU packages to translate, and the means
1291to do so.  I also do not want to spoil the energies being offered.
1292Many pieces of the puzzle are in place already and, as usual, I
1293contemplate them all trying to see what is missing, and working
1294towards the complete picture.
1296Surely to me, GNU locale (glocale, as a package) has to provide a
1297fairly complete set of self-contained tools for helping package
1298maintainers to internationalize their product, and also for
1299localizers to translate message catalogs.  Further, being itself
1300internationalized, it should be a very carefully crafted example
1301for maintainers, about how one might set his/her own package to be
1302easily installed while localization is effective, and portably!
1307Mail-from: From pinard Mon May  1 22:16:31 1995
1308Return-Path: <pinard>
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1310	id m0s67Vl-00008NC; Mon, 1 May 95 22:16 EDT
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1312Date: Mon, 1 May 95 22:16 EDT
1313From: pinard (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois_Pinard?=)
1314To: gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
1315CC: rms@gnu.ai.mit.edu
1316In-reply-to: <9505020044.AA12891@pizza> (gnu@ai.mit.edu)
1317Subject: Re: [pinard@iro.umontreal.ca: Internationalizing GNU: the maintainer side]
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1320Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
1322*** EOOH ***
1323Date: Mon, 1 May 95 22:16 EDT
1324From: pinard (Fran�ois Pinard)
1325To: gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
1326CC: rms@gnu.ai.mit.edu
1327In-reply-to: <9505020044.AA12891@pizza> (gnu@ai.mit.edu)
1328Subject: Re: [pinard@iro.umontreal.ca: Internationalizing GNU: the maintainer side]
1329Mime-Version: 1.0
1330Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
1331Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
1333      It contains some statements that are harsh and, I believe,
1334      not true.  The practice of using gettext to mark strings is
1335      *not* just "for the time being."
1337   Fran\cois: Could you work with rms to update the GNU coding
1338   standards to describe what GNUers needs to be do to make their
1339   GNU programs use GNU Locale.
1341I may try, but do not know exactly how to proceed.  I also confess
1342I've rewritten this paragraph twenty times, to merely censor myself.
1344   We can then post that section of the GNU coding standards, so
1345   all the GNUers know what to do.
1347If GNU ever publishes utilities for Native Language Support, their
1348own documentation should explain how to proceed, and maintainers
1349should find in there the information they need about what to do.
1350GNU standards might state the general principle, something like:
1351``GNU programs and packages should be opened to Native Language
1352Support (NLS) and, in particular, be able to write their messages
1353translated into native languages, as selected at run time by
1354environment variables''.
1357Fran�ois Pinard         ``Vivement GNU!''       <pinard@iro.umontreal.ca>
1358Email lpf@uunet.uu.net for info about the League for Programming Freedom.
1362Mail-from: From IRO.UMontreal.CA!pinard Tue May  2 05:16:32 1995
1363Return-Path: <IRO.UMontreal.CA!pinard>
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1371Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 00:02:31 -0400
1372Message-Id: <199505020402.AAA07143@mole.gnu.ai.mit.edu>
1373From: Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
1374To: pinard@IRO.UMontreal.CA
1375In-reply-to: <m0s67Vl-00008NC@icule> (pinard@iro.umontreal.ca)
1376Subject: Re: [pinard@iro.umontreal.ca: Internationalizing GNU: the maintainer side]
1378*** EOOH ***
1379Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 00:02:31 -0400
1380From: Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
1381To: pinard@IRO.UMontreal.CA
1382In-reply-to: <m0s67Vl-00008NC@icule> (pinard@iro.umontreal.ca)
1383Subject: Re: [pinard@iro.umontreal.ca: Internationalizing GNU: the maintainer side]
1385    ``GNU programs and packages should be opened to Native Language
1386    Support (NLS) and, in particular, be able to write their messages
1387    translated into native languages, as selected at run time by
1388    environment variables''.
1390I think that is too vague to be useful.  I'd rather put in some
1391variant of what you sent before.  But I don't have time right now
1392to fix it.
13951, answered, edited,,
1396Mail-from: From IRO.UMontreal.CA!pinard Wed May  3 00:19:10 1995
1397Return-Path: <IRO.UMontreal.CA!pinard>
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1399	id m0s6Vty-0000CSC; Wed, 3 May 95 00:19 EDT
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1411To: "ois \"Pinard)\""@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de, meyering@comco.com (Jim Meyering),
1412        eggert@twinsun.com (Paul Eggert),
1413        roland@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Roland McGrath)
1414Original-To: pinard@iro.umontreal.ca (Fran�ois Pinard),
1415             meyering@comco.com (Jim Meyering),
1416             eggert@twinsun.com (Paul Eggert),
1417             roland@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Roland McGrath)
1418PP-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding To line
1419Subject: nlsutils-0.4.2
1420Date: Wed, 03 May 1995 03:56:24 +0200
1421From: Ulrich Drepper <drepper@ipd.info.uni-karlsruhe.de>
1423*** EOOH ***
1424To: "ois \"Pinard)\""@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de, meyering@comco.com (Jim Meyering),
1425        eggert@twinsun.com (Paul Eggert),
1426        roland@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Roland McGrath)
1427Original-To: pinard@iro.umontreal.ca (Fran�ois Pinard),
1428             meyering@comco.com (Jim Meyering),
1429             eggert@twinsun.com (Paul Eggert),
1430             roland@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Roland McGrath)
1431PP-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding To line
1432Subject: nlsutils-0.4.2
1433Date: Wed, 03 May 1995 03:56:24 +0200
1434From: Ulrich Drepper <drepper@ipd.info.uni-karlsruhe.de>
1436I tried hard to limit all external things in the libgintl directory.
1437You have to copy this, some variation of my code in aclocal.m4
1438and acconfig.h.  This should be all.
14401, answered,,
1441Mail-from: From IRO.UMontreal.CA!pinard Thu May  4 08:22:15 1995
1442Return-Path: <IRO.UMontreal.CA!pinard>
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1455Message-Id: <199505041148.NAA06097@ipd.info.uni-karlsruhe.de>
1456To: pinard@IRO.UMontreal.CA
1457Subject: Re: Path to message?
1458In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 4 May 95 00:45 EDT"
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1463Date: Thu, 04 May 1995 13:47:46 +0200
1464From: Ulrich Drepper <drepper@ipd.info.uni-karlsruhe.de>
1465Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
1466X-Original-Encoding: quoted-printable
1468*** EOOH ***
1469To: pinard@IRO.UMontreal.CA
1470Subject: Re: Path to message?
1471In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 4 May 95 00:45 EDT"
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1475Date: Thu, 04 May 1995 13:47:46 +0200
1476From: Ulrich Drepper <drepper@ipd.info.uni-karlsruhe.de>
1477Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
1478X-Original-Encoding: quoted-printable
1480From: pinard@iro.umontreal.ca (Fran�ois Pinard)
1481Subject: Path to message?
1482Date: Thu, 4 May 95 00:45 EDT
1484> Ulrich, always me.  I do not understand that xgettext --help writes:
1486> 	Suchpfad ist: /usr/local/share/nls/src
1488> while /usr/local/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES is indeed searched.
1489> Could we solve this inconsistency?
1492Not quite.  /usr/local/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES is the path where
1493the .mo/.cat files will go.  The search path (Suchpfad :) represents
1494the path to additional directories where other .po files can be found.
1496I thought to use this feature for standard .po files for, say, libiberty
1497etc.  Each package would have to translate it again and again but if
1498we could install this somewhere and use the -x option to exclude this
1499strings from the generation.
1501Perhaps I should use a different description?
1503-- Uli
1505\      / Ulrich Drepper / Univ. at Karlsruhe, Germany / CS Dept. / IPD
1506L\inux/  email: drepper@gnu.ai.mit.edu          smail: Rubensstr. 5
1507  \  /          drepper@ipd.info.uni-karlsruhe.de      76149 Karlsruhe
1508   \/1.2.7 ------------------------------------------- Germany --------
15111, forwarded, edited,,
1512Mail-from: From pinard Thu May  4 15:27:13 1995
1513Return-Path: <pinard>
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1515	id m0s76YH-00008NC; Thu, 4 May 95 15:27 EDT
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1517Date: Thu, 4 May 95 15:27 EDT
1518From: pinard (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois_Pinard?=)
1519To: ajc@di.uminho.pt
1520In-reply-to: <9505041601.AA20254@shiva.di.uminho.pt> (ajc@di.uminho.pt)
1521Subject: Re: tar is ready for pt
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1526*** EOOH ***
1527Date: Thu, 4 May 95 15:27 EDT
1528From: pinard (Fran�ois Pinard)
1529To: ajc@di.uminho.pt
1530In-reply-to: <9505041601.AA20254@shiva.di.uminho.pt> (ajc@di.uminho.pt)
1531Subject: Re: tar is ready for pt
1532Mime-Version: 1.0
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1534Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
1536Even if it is not completely official yet in GNU, the format of
1537translation file is being revised, and the extension is being
1538changed from `.tt' to `.po'.  This should bring the format closer
1539to one of the few standards in existence for translation files.
1540Hopefully, we think that translation files will be more easily
1541manageable afterwards.  We do not want to make a religious issue of
1542this format selection, as each standard has proponents and opponents.
1543Please help us by being receptive to the format GNU uses.
1545Existing `.tt' translation files are being converted to `.po' files
1546by maintainers.  Translators should switch to using the `.po' format,
1547as soon as possible.  This is an easy job.  The `.po' translation
1548file format is quite affordable.  Schematically, it looks like:
1558	[...]
1560`msgid' and `msgstr' are kind of keywords, written at the beginning
1561of a line.  Each STRING-TO-TRANSLATE or TRANSLATED-STRING respects
1562the C syntax for a character string, including the surrounding
1563quotes, escape sequences, and usual techniques for writing multi-line
1564C strings.
1566Outside strings, white lines and comments may be used freely.
1567In the schema, white lines preceding the msgid lines are optional.
1568Comments start at the beginning of a line with `#' and extend until
1569the end of line.  Comments written by translators should have the
1570initial `#' immediately followed by some white space.  If the `#'
1571is not immediately followed by white space, this comment is most
1572likely generated and managed by specialized GNU tools.
1574There is a conventional, uniform way of presenting a `.po' file, but
1575a description of this format is not yet available.  It will be all
1576easy to make suggested adjustements at a later time, so do not worry
1577right now about precise conventions.  Further, there are normalizing
1578tools automating conformance to a great extent, to be published soon.
1580   And another question: what happens when new versions of the
1581   program are released, with new messages?
1583Usually, most GNU packages are pretested before being released.
1584All teams of translators are made aware of localizable prereleases.
1585A special tool regenerates a `.po' file with obsolescent strings
1586commented out, and new strings put in evidence.
1588Further, for those of us using GNU Emacs, a special editing mode is
1589being written for `.po' files, in which mode translators is able
1590to navigate easily in the `.po' file, find untranslated entries,
1591examine at will the context of these strings in the program sources,
1592and also observe other translations already made in other languages,
1593for the string being translated.
1595Teams members should share their translations and resolve linguistic
1596or terminological issues.  When they reach something satisfying,
1597the team should formally submit the translation to the package
1598maintainer for the final release.  The precise formalities are not
1599organized yet, and there are many details to clear up.  Some legal
1600aspects also have to be addressed, this is under study right now.
1602Special means should be used for transiting translation files
1603over email.  The simplest way is using GNU shar in default mode,
1604or else, uuencoding the `.po' file prior to mailing.
1607Fran�ois Pinard         ``Vivement GNU!''       <pinard@iro.umontreal.ca>
1608Email lpf@uunet.uu.net for info about the League for Programming Freedom.
16111, edited,,
1612Mail-from: From IRO.UMontreal.CA!pinard Thu Apr 20 16:54:03 1995
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1630Subject: more points to discuss
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1634Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 16:08:55 +0200
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1643Subject: more points to discuss
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1651BTW my implementation will be able to process a lot of strange situation:
1652-  strings in preprocessor macros
1653-  something like gettext ("jkh" "jkhlk")
1654or even
1655-  gettext ("jkkjh\
16581, edited,,
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1668Date: 19 Nov 1994 14:00:59 -0800
1669To: rms@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Richard Stallman)
1670Cc: meyering@comco.com, pdcruze@orac.iinet.com.au
1671Subject: Re: glocale and diffutils
1672Status: RO
1674*** EOOH ***
1675From: eggert@twinsun.com (Paul Eggert)
1676Date: 19 Nov 1994 14:00:59 -0800
1677To: rms@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Richard Stallman)
1678Cc: meyering@comco.com, pdcruze@orac.iinet.com.au
1679Subject: Re: glocale and diffutils
1681The Uniforum proposal addresses this problem by partitioning message
1682catalogs into ``textdomains''.  Each textdomain can be maintained
1683separately.  Programs can share textdomains.  Messages in different
1684textdomains cannot clash.  With diffutils, for example, I would expect
1685one textdomain for diffutils programs and another for libc.  The main
1686module would use the default textdomain and invoke `gettext ("No
1687newline at end of file")' just as diffutils-2.7.1 does; libc modules
1688would use a system textdomain and would invoke something like
1689`dgettext ("SYS_libc", "No such file or directory")'.