1@echo off 2rem 3rem Runs the blurb tool. If necessary, will install Python and/or blurb. 4rem 5rem Pass "--update"/"-U" as the first argument to update blurb. 6rem 7 8call "%~dp0find_python.bat" %PYTHON% 9if ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo Cannot locate python.exe on PATH or as PYTHON variable & exit /b 3) 10 11if "%1" EQU "--update" (%PYTHON% -m pip install -U blurb && shift) 12if "%1" EQU "-U" (%PYTHON% -m pip install -U blurb && shift) 13 14%PYTHON% -m blurb %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 15if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :install_and_retry 16exit /B 0 17 18:install_and_retry 19rem Before reporting the error, make sure that blurb is actually installed. 20rem If not, install it first and try again. 21set _ERR=%ERRORLEVEL% 22%PYTHON% -c "import blurb" 23if NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /B %_ERR% 24echo Installing blurb... 25%PYTHON% -m pip install blurb 26if ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% 27%PYTHON% -m blurb %* 28exit /B 29