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1<?xml version="1.0"?>
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7<chapter id="install-harfbuzz">
8  <title>Installing HarfBuzz</title>
10  <section id="download">
11    <title id="download.title">Downloading HarfBuzz</title>
12    <para>
13      The HarfBuzz source code is hosted at <ulink
14      url="https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz">github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz</ulink>.
15    </para>
16    <para>
17      Tarball releases and Win32 binary bundles (which include the
18      libharfbuzz DLL, hb-view.exe, hb-shape.exe, and all
19      dependencies) of HarfBuzz can be downloaded from <ulink
20      url="https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/releases">github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/releases</ulink>.
21    </para>
22    <para>
23      Release notes are posted with each new release to provide an
24      overview of the changes. The project <ulink url="https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/issues">tracks bug
25      reports and other issues</ulink> on GitHub. Discussion and
26      questions are welcome on <ulink
27      url="https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/discussions">GitHub</ulink> as well.
28    </para>
29    <para>
30      The API included in the <filename
31      class='headerfile'>hb.h</filename> file will not change in a
32      compatibility-breaking way in any release. However, other,
33      peripheral headers are more likely to go through minor
34      modifications. We will do our best to never change APIs in an
35      incompatible way. We will <emphasis>never</emphasis> break the ABI.
36    </para>
37  </section>
39  <section id="building">
40    <title>Building HarfBuzz</title>
42    <section id="building.linux">
43      <title>Building on Linux</title>
44    <para>
45      <emphasis>(1)</emphasis> To build HarfBuzz on Linux, you must first install the
46      development packages for FreeType, Cairo, and GLib. The exact
47      commands required for this step will vary depending on
48      the Linux distribution you use.
49    </para>
50    <para>
51      For example, on an Ubuntu or Debian system, you would run:
52      <programlisting><command>sudo apt install</command> <package>gcc g++ libfreetype6-dev libglib2.0-dev libcairo2-dev</package></programlisting>
53      On Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, or other Red-Hat&ndash;based systems, you would run:
54      <programlisting><command>sudo yum install</command> <package>gcc gcc-c++ freetype-devel glib2-devel cairo-devel</package></programlisting>
56    </para>
58    <para>
59      <emphasis>(2)</emphasis> The next step depends on whether you
60      are building from the source in a downloaded release tarball or
61      from the source directly from the git repository.
62    </para>
63    <para>
64      <emphasis>(2)(a)</emphasis> If you downloaded the HarfBuzz
65      source code in a tarball, you can now extract the source.
66    </para>
67    <para>
68      From a shell in the top-level directory of the extracted source
69      code, you can run <command>meson build</command> followed by
70      <command>meson compile -C build</command> as with any other standard package.
71    </para>
72    <para>
73      This should leave you with a shared
74      library in the <filename>src/</filename> directory, and a few
75      utility programs including <command>hb-view</command> and
76      <command>hb-shape</command> under the <filename>util/</filename>
77      directory.
78    </para>
79    <para>
80      <emphasis>(2)(b)</emphasis> If you are building from the source in the HarfBuzz git
81      repository, rather than installing from a downloaded tarball
82      release, then you must install two more auxiliary tools before you
83      can build for the first time: <package>pkg-config</package>.
84    </para>
85    <para>
86      On Ubuntu or Debian, run:
87      <programlisting><command>sudo apt-get install</command> <package>meson pkg-config gtk-doc-tools</package></programlisting>
88      On Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, run:
89      <programlisting><command>sudo yum install</command> <package>meson pkgconfig gtk-doc</package></programlisting>
91    </para>
92    <para>
93      With <package>pkg-config</package> installed, you can now run
94      <command>meson build</command> then
95      <command>meson compile -C build</command> to build HarfBuzz.
96    </para>
97    </section>
100    <section id="building.windows">
101      <title>Building on Windows</title>
103      <para>
104        <ulink url="https://mesonbuild.com/Getting-meson.html">Install meson</ulink>
105        and run (from the console) <command>meson build</command> (by default
106        bundled dependencies are not built, <command>--wrap-mode=default</command>
107        overrides this), then <command>meson compile -C build</command> to
108	build HarfBuzz.
109      </para>
110    </section>
113    <section id="building.macos">
114      <title>Building on macOS</title>
116      <para>
117	There are two ways to build HarfBuzz on Mac systems: MacPorts
118	and Homebrew. The process is similar to the process used on a
119	Linux system.
120      </para>
121      <para>
122	<emphasis>(1)</emphasis> You must first install the
123	development packages for FreeType, Cairo, and GLib. If you are
124	using MacPorts, you should run:
125      <programlisting><command>sudo port install</command> <package>freetype glib2 cairo</package></programlisting>
126      </para>
127      <para>
128	If you are using Homebrew, you should run:
129	<programlisting><command>brew install</command> <package>freetype glib cairo</package></programlisting>
130      </para>
131      <para>
132	<emphasis>(2)</emphasis> The next step depends on whether you are building from the
133	source in a downloaded release tarball or from the source directly
134	from the git repository.
135      </para>
136      <para>
137	<emphasis>(2)(a)</emphasis> If you are installing HarfBuzz
138	from a downloaded tarball release, extract the tarball and
139	open a Terminal in the extracted source-code directory. Run:
140	<programlisting><command>meson build</command></programlisting>
141	followed by:
142	<programlisting><command>meson compile -C build</command></programlisting>
143	to build HarfBuzz.
144      </para>
145      <para>
146	<emphasis>(2)(b)</emphasis> Alternatively, if you are building
147	HarfBuzz from the source in the HarfBuzz git repository, then
148	you must install several built-time dependencies before
149	proceeding.
150      </para>
151      <para>If you are
152	using MacPorts, you should run:
153      <programlisting><command>sudo port install</command> <package>meson pkgconfig gtk-doc</package></programlisting>
154      to install the build dependencies.
155      </para>
156      <para>If you are using Homebrew, you should run:
157	<programlisting><command>brew install</command> <package>meson pkgconfig gtk-doc</package></programlisting>
158      	Finally, you can run:
159	<programlisting><command>meson build</command></programlisting>
160      </para>
161      <para>
162	<emphasis>(3)</emphasis> You can now build HarfBuzz (on either
163	a MacPorts or a Homebrew system) by running:
164	<programlisting><command>meson build</command></programlisting>
165	followed by:
166	<programlisting><command>meson compile -C build</command></programlisting>
167      </para>
168      <para>
169	This should leave you with a shared
170	library in the <filename>src/</filename> directory, and a few
171	utility programs including <command>hb-view</command> and
172	<command>hb-shape</command> under the <filename>util/</filename>
173	directory.
174      </para>
176    </section>
178    <section id="configuration">
179      <title>Configuration options</title>
181      <para>
182	The instructions in the "Building HarfBuzz" section will build
183	the source code under its default configuration. If needed,
184	the following additional configuration options are available.
185      </para>
187      <variablelist>
188	<?dbfo list-presentation="blocks"?>
189	<varlistentry>
190	  <term><command>-Dglib=enabled</command></term>
191	  <listitem>
192	    <para>
193	     Use <ulink url="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/">GLib</ulink>. <emphasis>(Default = auto)</emphasis>
194	    </para>
195	    <para>
196	      This option enables or disables usage of the GLib
197	      library.  The default setting is to check for the
198	      presence of GLib and, if it is found, build with
199	      GLib support. GLib is native to GNU/Linux systems but is
200	      available on other operating system as well.
201	    </para>
202	  </listitem>
203	</varlistentry>
205	<varlistentry>
206	  <term><command>-Dgobject=enabled</command></term>
207	  <listitem>
208	    <para>
209	      Use <ulink url="https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/stable/">GObject</ulink>. <emphasis>(Default = no)</emphasis>
210	    </para>
211	    <para>
212	      This option enables or disables usage of the GObject
213	      library. The default setting is to check for the
214	      presence of GObject and, if it is found, build with
215	      GObject support. GObject is native to GNU/Linux systems but is
216	      available on other operating system as well.
217	    </para>
218	  </listitem>
219	</varlistentry>
221	<varlistentry>
222	  <term><command>-Dcairo=enabled</command></term>
223	  <listitem>
224	    <para>
225	      Use <ulink url="https://cairographics.org/">Cairo</ulink>. <emphasis>(Default = auto)</emphasis>
226	    </para>
227	    <para>
228	      This option enables or disables usage of the Cairo
229	      graphics-rendering library. The default setting is to
230	      check for the presence of Cairo and, if it is found,
231	      build with Cairo support.
232	    </para>
233	    <para>
234	      Note: Cairo is used only by the HarfBuzz
235	      command-line utilities, and not by the HarfBuzz library.
236	    </para>
237	  </listitem>
238	</varlistentry>
240	<varlistentry>
241	  <term><command>-Dicu=enabled</command></term>
242	  <listitem>
243	    <para>
244	      Use the <ulink url="http://site.icu-project.org/home">ICU</ulink> library. <emphasis>(Default = auto)</emphasis>
245	    </para>
246	    <para>
247	      This option enables or disables usage of the
248	      <emphasis>International Components for
249	      Unicode</emphasis> (ICU) library, which provides access
250	      to Unicode Character Database (UCD) properties as well
251	      as normalization and conversion functions. The default
252	      setting is to check for the presence of ICU and, if it
253	      is found, build with ICU support.
254	    </para>
255	  </listitem>
256	</varlistentry>
258	<varlistentry>
259	  <term><command>-Dgraphite=enabled</command></term>
260	  <listitem>
261	    <para>
262	      Use the <ulink url="http://graphite.sil.org/">Graphite2</ulink> library. <emphasis>(Default = no)</emphasis>
263	    </para>
264	    <para>
265	      This option enables or disables usage of the Graphite2
266	      library, which provides support for the Graphite shaping
267	      model.
268	    </para>
269	  </listitem>
270	</varlistentry>
272	<varlistentry>
273	  <term><command>-Dfreetype=enabled</command></term>
274	  <listitem>
275	    <para>
276	      Use the <ulink url="https://www.freetype.org/">FreeType</ulink> library. <emphasis>(Default = auto)</emphasis>
277	    </para>
278	    <para>
279	      This option enables or disables usage of the FreeType
280	      font-rendering library. The default setting is to check for the
281	      presence of FreeType and, if it is found, build with
282	      FreeType support.
283	    </para>
284	  </listitem>
285	</varlistentry>
287	<varlistentry>
288	  <term><command>-Dgdi=enabled</command></term>
289	  <listitem>
290	    <para>
291	      Use the <ulink
292	      url="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/intl/uniscribe">Uniscribe</ulink>
293	      library (experimental). <emphasis>(Default = no)</emphasis>
294	    </para>
295	    <para>
296	      This option enables or disables usage of the Uniscribe
297	      font-rendering library. Uniscribe is available on
298	      Windows systems. Uniscribe support is used only for
299	      testing purposes and does not need to be enabled for
300	      HarfBuzz to run on Windows systems.
301	    </para>
302	  </listitem>
303	</varlistentry>
305	<varlistentry>
306	  <term><command>-Ddirectwrite=enabled</command></term>
307	  <listitem>
308	    <para>
309	      Use the <ulink url="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/directwrite/direct-write-portal">DirectWrite</ulink> library (experimental). <emphasis>(Default = no)</emphasis>
310	    </para>
311	    <para>
312	      This option enables or disables usage of the DirectWrite
313	      font-rendering library. DirectWrite is available on
314	      Windows systems. DirectWrite support is used only for
315	      testing purposes and does not need to be enabled for
316	      HarfBuzz to run on Windows systems.
317	    </para>
318	  </listitem>
319	</varlistentry>
321	<varlistentry>
322	  <term><command>-Dcoretext=enabled</command></term>
323	  <listitem>
324	    <para>
325	      Use the <ulink url="https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coretext">CoreText</ulink> library. <emphasis>(Default = no)</emphasis>
326	    </para>
327	    <para>
328	      This option enables or disables usage of the CoreText
329	      library. CoreText is available on macOS and iOS systems.
330	    </para>
331	  </listitem>
332	</varlistentry>
334	<varlistentry>
335	  <term><command>-Ddocs=enabled</command></term>
336	  <listitem>
337	    <para>
338	      Use <ulink url="https://github.com/GNOME/gtk-doc">GTK-Doc</ulink>. <emphasis>(Default = no)</emphasis>
339	    </para>
340	    <para>
341	      This option enables the building of the documentation.
342	    </para>
343	  </listitem>
344	</varlistentry>
345      </variablelist>
346    </section>
348  </section>