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1# ==========================================
2#   Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
3#   Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
4#   [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
5# ==========================================
7class UnityTestRunnerGenerator
8  def initialize(options = nil)
9    @options = UnityTestRunnerGenerator.default_options
10    case options
11    when NilClass
12      @options
13    when String
14      @options.merge!(UnityTestRunnerGenerator.grab_config(options))
15    when Hash
16      # Check if some of these have been specified
17      @options[:has_setup] = !options[:setup_name].nil?
18      @options[:has_teardown] = !options[:teardown_name].nil?
19      @options[:has_suite_setup] = !options[:suite_setup].nil?
20      @options[:has_suite_teardown] = !options[:suite_teardown].nil?
21      @options.merge!(options)
22    else
23      raise 'If you specify arguments, it should be a filename or a hash of options'
24    end
25    require_relative 'type_sanitizer'
26  end
28  def self.default_options
29    {
30      includes: [],
31      defines: [],
32      plugins: [],
33      framework: :unity,
34      test_prefix: 'test|spec|should',
35      mock_prefix: 'Mock',
36      mock_suffix: '',
37      setup_name: 'setUp',
38      teardown_name: 'tearDown',
39      test_reset_name: 'resetTest',
40      test_verify_name: 'verifyTest',
41      main_name: 'main', # set to :auto to automatically generate each time
42      main_export_decl: '',
43      cmdline_args: false,
44      omit_begin_end: false,
45      use_param_tests: false,
46      include_extensions: '(?:hpp|hh|H|h)',
47      source_extensions: '(?:cpp|cc|ino|C|c)'
48    }
49  end
51  def self.grab_config(config_file)
52    options = default_options
53    unless config_file.nil? || config_file.empty?
54      require 'yaml'
55      yaml_guts = YAML.load_file(config_file)
56      options.merge!(yaml_guts[:unity] || yaml_guts[:cmock])
57      raise "No :unity or :cmock section found in #{config_file}" unless options
58    end
59    options
60  end
62  def run(input_file, output_file, options = nil)
63    @options.merge!(options) unless options.nil?
65    # pull required data from source file
66    source = File.read(input_file)
67    source = source.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1').encode('utf-8', replace: nil)
68    tests = find_tests(source)
69    headers = find_includes(source)
70    testfile_includes = (headers[:local] + headers[:system])
71    used_mocks = find_mocks(testfile_includes)
72    testfile_includes = (testfile_includes - used_mocks)
73    testfile_includes.delete_if { |inc| inc =~ /(unity|cmock)/ }
74    find_setup_and_teardown(source)
76    # build runner file
77    generate(input_file, output_file, tests, used_mocks, testfile_includes)
79    # determine which files were used to return them
80    all_files_used = [input_file, output_file]
81    all_files_used += testfile_includes.map { |filename| filename + '.c' } unless testfile_includes.empty?
82    all_files_used += @options[:includes] unless @options[:includes].empty?
83    all_files_used += headers[:linkonly] unless headers[:linkonly].empty?
84    all_files_used.uniq
85  end
87  def generate(input_file, output_file, tests, used_mocks, testfile_includes)
88    File.open(output_file, 'w') do |output|
89      create_header(output, used_mocks, testfile_includes)
90      create_externs(output, tests, used_mocks)
91      create_mock_management(output, used_mocks)
92      create_setup(output)
93      create_teardown(output)
94      create_suite_setup(output)
95      create_suite_teardown(output)
96      create_reset(output)
97      create_run_test(output) unless tests.empty?
98      create_args_wrappers(output, tests)
99      create_main(output, input_file, tests, used_mocks)
100    end
102    return unless @options[:header_file] && !@options[:header_file].empty?
104    File.open(@options[:header_file], 'w') do |output|
105      create_h_file(output, @options[:header_file], tests, testfile_includes, used_mocks)
106    end
107  end
109  def find_tests(source)
110    tests_and_line_numbers = []
112    # contains characters which will be substituted from within strings, doing
113    # this prevents these characters from interfering with scrubbers
114    # @ is not a valid C character, so there should be no clashes with files genuinely containing these markers
115    substring_subs = { '{' => '@co@', '}' => '@cc@', ';' => '@ss@', '/' => '@fs@' }
116    substring_re = Regexp.union(substring_subs.keys)
117    substring_unsubs = substring_subs.invert                   # the inverse map will be used to fix the strings afterwords
118    substring_unsubs['@quote@'] = '\\"'
119    substring_unsubs['@apos@'] = '\\\''
120    substring_unre = Regexp.union(substring_unsubs.keys)
121    source_scrubbed = source.clone
122    source_scrubbed = source_scrubbed.gsub(/\\"/, '@quote@')   # hide escaped quotes to allow capture of the full string/char
123    source_scrubbed = source_scrubbed.gsub(/\\'/, '@apos@')    # hide escaped apostrophes to allow capture of the full string/char
124    source_scrubbed = source_scrubbed.gsub(/("[^"\n]*")|('[^'\n]*')/) { |s| s.gsub(substring_re, substring_subs) } # temporarily hide problematic characters within strings
125    source_scrubbed = source_scrubbed.gsub(/\/\/(?:.+\/\*|\*(?:$|[^\/])).*$/, '')  # remove line comments that comment out the start of blocks
126    source_scrubbed = source_scrubbed.gsub(/\/\*.*?\*\//m, '')                     # remove block comments
127    source_scrubbed = source_scrubbed.gsub(/\/\/.*$/, '')                          # remove line comments (all that remain)
128    lines = source_scrubbed.split(/(^\s*\#.*$) | (;|\{|\}) /x)                     # Treat preprocessor directives as a logical line. Match ;, {, and } as end of lines
129                           .map { |line| line.gsub(substring_unre, substring_unsubs) } # unhide the problematic characters previously removed
131    lines.each_with_index do |line, _index|
132      # find tests
133      next unless line =~ /^((?:\s*(?:TEST_CASE|TEST_RANGE)\s*\(.*?\)\s*)*)\s*void\s+((?:#{@options[:test_prefix]}).*)\s*\(\s*(.*)\s*\)/m
135      arguments = Regexp.last_match(1)
136      name = Regexp.last_match(2)
137      call = Regexp.last_match(3)
138      params = Regexp.last_match(4)
139      args = nil
141      if @options[:use_param_tests] && !arguments.empty?
142        args = []
143        arguments.scan(/\s*TEST_CASE\s*\((.*)\)\s*$/) { |a| args << a[0] }
145        arguments.scan(/\s*TEST_RANGE\s*\((.*)\)\s*$/).flatten.each do |range_str|
146          args += range_str.scan(/\[(-?\d+.?\d*), *(-?\d+.?\d*), *(-?\d+.?\d*)\]/).map do |arg_values_str|
147            arg_values_str.map do |arg_value_str|
148              arg_value_str.include?('.') ? arg_value_str.to_f : arg_value_str.to_i
149            end
150          end.map do |arg_values|
151            (arg_values[0]..arg_values[1]).step(arg_values[2]).to_a
152          end.reduce do |result, arg_range_expanded|
153            result.product(arg_range_expanded)
154          end.map do |arg_combinations|
155            arg_combinations.flatten.join(', ')
156          end
157        end
158      end
160      tests_and_line_numbers << { test: name, args: args, call: call, params: params, line_number: 0 }
161    end
163    tests_and_line_numbers.uniq! { |v| v[:test] }
165    # determine line numbers and create tests to run
166    source_lines = source.split("\n")
167    source_index = 0
168    tests_and_line_numbers.size.times do |i|
169      source_lines[source_index..-1].each_with_index do |line, index|
170        next unless line =~ /\s+#{tests_and_line_numbers[i][:test]}(?:\s|\()/
172        source_index += index
173        tests_and_line_numbers[i][:line_number] = source_index + 1
174        break
175      end
176    end
178    tests_and_line_numbers
179  end
181  def find_includes(source)
182    # remove comments (block and line, in three steps to ensure correct precedence)
183    source.gsub!(/\/\/(?:.+\/\*|\*(?:$|[^\/])).*$/, '')  # remove line comments that comment out the start of blocks
184    source.gsub!(/\/\*.*?\*\//m, '')                     # remove block comments
185    source.gsub!(/\/\/.*$/, '')                          # remove line comments (all that remain)
187    # parse out includes
188    includes = {
189      local: source.scan(/^\s*#include\s+\"\s*(.+\.#{@options[:include_extensions]})\s*\"/).flatten,
190      system: source.scan(/^\s*#include\s+<\s*(.+)\s*>/).flatten.map { |inc| "<#{inc}>" },
191      linkonly: source.scan(/^TEST_FILE\(\s*\"\s*(.+\.#{@options[:source_extensions]})\s*\"/).flatten
192    }
193    includes
194  end
196  def find_mocks(includes)
197    mock_headers = []
198    includes.each do |include_path|
199      include_file = File.basename(include_path)
200      mock_headers << include_path if include_file =~ /^#{@options[:mock_prefix]}.*#{@options[:mock_suffix]}\.h$/i
201    end
202    mock_headers
203  end
205  def find_setup_and_teardown(source)
206    @options[:has_setup] = source =~ /void\s+#{@options[:setup_name]}\s*\(/
207    @options[:has_teardown] = source =~ /void\s+#{@options[:teardown_name]}\s*\(/
208    @options[:has_suite_setup] ||= (source =~ /void\s+suiteSetUp\s*\(/)
209    @options[:has_suite_teardown] ||= (source =~ /int\s+suiteTearDown\s*\(int\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_])+\s*\)/)
210  end
212  def create_header(output, mocks, testfile_includes = [])
213    output.puts('/* AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT. */')
214    output.puts("\n/*=======Automagically Detected Files To Include=====*/")
215    output.puts("#include \"#{@options[:framework]}.h\"")
216    output.puts('#include "cmock.h"') unless mocks.empty?
217    if @options[:defines] && !@options[:defines].empty?
218      @options[:defines].each { |d| output.puts("#ifndef #{d}\n#define #{d}\n#endif /* #{d} */") }
219    end
220    if @options[:header_file] && !@options[:header_file].empty?
221      output.puts("#include \"#{File.basename(@options[:header_file])}\"")
222    else
223      @options[:includes].flatten.uniq.compact.each do |inc|
224        output.puts("#include #{inc.include?('<') ? inc : "\"#{inc}\""}")
225      end
226      testfile_includes.each do |inc|
227        output.puts("#include #{inc.include?('<') ? inc : "\"#{inc}\""}")
228      end
229    end
230    mocks.each do |mock|
231      output.puts("#include \"#{mock}\"")
232    end
233    output.puts('#include "CException.h"') if @options[:plugins].include?(:cexception)
235    return unless @options[:enforce_strict_ordering]
237    output.puts('')
238    output.puts('int GlobalExpectCount;')
239    output.puts('int GlobalVerifyOrder;')
240    output.puts('char* GlobalOrderError;')
241  end
243  def create_externs(output, tests, _mocks)
244    output.puts("\n/*=======External Functions This Runner Calls=====*/")
245    output.puts("extern void #{@options[:setup_name]}(void);")
246    output.puts("extern void #{@options[:teardown_name]}(void);")
247    output.puts("\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\"\n{\n#endif") if @options[:externc]
248    tests.each do |test|
249      output.puts("extern void #{test[:test]}(#{test[:call] || 'void'});")
250    end
251    output.puts("#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif") if @options[:externc]
252    output.puts('')
253  end
255  def create_mock_management(output, mock_headers)
256    output.puts("\n/*=======Mock Management=====*/")
257    output.puts('static void CMock_Init(void)')
258    output.puts('{')
260    if @options[:enforce_strict_ordering]
261      output.puts('  GlobalExpectCount = 0;')
262      output.puts('  GlobalVerifyOrder = 0;')
263      output.puts('  GlobalOrderError = NULL;')
264    end
266    mocks = mock_headers.map { |mock| File.basename(mock, '.*') }
267    mocks.each do |mock|
268      mock_clean = TypeSanitizer.sanitize_c_identifier(mock)
269      output.puts("  #{mock_clean}_Init();")
270    end
271    output.puts("}\n")
273    output.puts('static void CMock_Verify(void)')
274    output.puts('{')
275    mocks.each do |mock|
276      mock_clean = TypeSanitizer.sanitize_c_identifier(mock)
277      output.puts("  #{mock_clean}_Verify();")
278    end
279    output.puts("}\n")
281    output.puts('static void CMock_Destroy(void)')
282    output.puts('{')
283    mocks.each do |mock|
284      mock_clean = TypeSanitizer.sanitize_c_identifier(mock)
285      output.puts("  #{mock_clean}_Destroy();")
286    end
287    output.puts("}\n")
288  end
290  def create_setup(output)
291    return if @options[:has_setup]
293    output.puts("\n/*=======Setup (stub)=====*/")
294    output.puts("void #{@options[:setup_name]}(void) {}")
295  end
297  def create_teardown(output)
298    return if @options[:has_teardown]
300    output.puts("\n/*=======Teardown (stub)=====*/")
301    output.puts("void #{@options[:teardown_name]}(void) {}")
302  end
304  def create_suite_setup(output)
305    return if @options[:suite_setup].nil?
307    output.puts("\n/*=======Suite Setup=====*/")
308    output.puts('void suiteSetUp(void)')
309    output.puts('{')
310    output.puts(@options[:suite_setup])
311    output.puts('}')
312  end
314  def create_suite_teardown(output)
315    return if @options[:suite_teardown].nil?
317    output.puts("\n/*=======Suite Teardown=====*/")
318    output.puts('int suiteTearDown(int num_failures)')
319    output.puts('{')
320    output.puts(@options[:suite_teardown])
321    output.puts('}')
322  end
324  def create_reset(output)
325    output.puts("\n/*=======Test Reset Options=====*/")
326    output.puts("void #{@options[:test_reset_name]}(void);")
327    output.puts("void #{@options[:test_reset_name]}(void)")
328    output.puts('{')
329    output.puts("  #{@options[:teardown_name]}();")
330    output.puts('  CMock_Verify();')
331    output.puts('  CMock_Destroy();')
332    output.puts('  CMock_Init();')
333    output.puts("  #{@options[:setup_name]}();")
334    output.puts('}')
335    output.puts("void #{@options[:test_verify_name]}(void);")
336    output.puts("void #{@options[:test_verify_name]}(void)")
337    output.puts('{')
338    output.puts('  CMock_Verify();')
339    output.puts('}')
340  end
342  def create_run_test(output)
343    require 'erb'
344    template = ERB.new(File.read(File.join(__dir__, 'run_test.erb')), nil, '<>')
345    output.puts("\n" + template.result(binding))
346  end
348  def create_args_wrappers(output, tests)
349    return unless @options[:use_param_tests]
351    output.puts("\n/*=======Parameterized Test Wrappers=====*/")
352    tests.each do |test|
353      next if test[:args].nil? || test[:args].empty?
355      test[:args].each.with_index(1) do |args, idx|
356        output.puts("static void runner_args#{idx}_#{test[:test]}(void)")
357        output.puts('{')
358        output.puts("    #{test[:test]}(#{args});")
359        output.puts("}\n")
360      end
361    end
362  end
364  def create_main(output, filename, tests, used_mocks)
365    output.puts("\n/*=======MAIN=====*/")
366    main_name = @options[:main_name].to_sym == :auto ? "main_#{filename.gsub('.c', '')}" : (@options[:main_name]).to_s
367    if @options[:cmdline_args]
368      if main_name != 'main'
369        output.puts("#{@options[:main_export_decl]} int #{main_name}(int argc, char** argv);")
370      end
371      output.puts("#{@options[:main_export_decl]} int #{main_name}(int argc, char** argv)")
372      output.puts('{')
373      output.puts('  int parse_status = UnityParseOptions(argc, argv);')
374      output.puts('  if (parse_status != 0)')
375      output.puts('  {')
376      output.puts('    if (parse_status < 0)')
377      output.puts('    {')
378      output.puts("      UnityPrint(\"#{filename.gsub('.c', '')}.\");")
379      output.puts('      UNITY_PRINT_EOL();')
380      tests.each do |test|
381        if (!@options[:use_param_tests]) || test[:args].nil? || test[:args].empty?
382          output.puts("      UnityPrint(\"  #{test[:test]}\");")
383          output.puts('      UNITY_PRINT_EOL();')
384        else
385          test[:args].each do |args|
386            output.puts("      UnityPrint(\"  #{test[:test]}(#{args})\");")
387            output.puts('      UNITY_PRINT_EOL();')
388          end
389        end
390      end
391      output.puts('      return 0;')
392      output.puts('    }')
393      output.puts('    return parse_status;')
394      output.puts('  }')
395    else
396      main_return = @options[:omit_begin_end] ? 'void' : 'int'
397      if main_name != 'main'
398        output.puts("#{@options[:main_export_decl]} #{main_return} #{main_name}(void);")
399      end
400      output.puts("#{main_return} #{main_name}(void)")
401      output.puts('{')
402    end
403    output.puts('  suiteSetUp();') if @options[:has_suite_setup]
404    if @options[:omit_begin_end]
405      output.puts("  UnitySetTestFile(\"#{filename.gsub(/\\/, '\\\\\\')}\");")
406    else
407      output.puts("  UnityBegin(\"#{filename.gsub(/\\/, '\\\\\\')}\");")
408    end
409    tests.each do |test|
410      if (!@options[:use_param_tests]) || test[:args].nil? || test[:args].empty?
411        output.puts("  run_test(#{test[:test]}, \"#{test[:test]}\", #{test[:line_number]});")
412      else
413        test[:args].each.with_index(1) do |args, idx|
414          wrapper = "runner_args#{idx}_#{test[:test]}"
415          testname = "#{test[:test]}(#{args})".dump
416          output.puts("  run_test(#{wrapper}, #{testname}, #{test[:line_number]});")
417        end
418      end
419    end
420    output.puts
421    output.puts('  CMock_Guts_MemFreeFinal();') unless used_mocks.empty?
422    if @options[:has_suite_teardown]
423      if @options[:omit_begin_end]
424        output.puts('  (void) suite_teardown(0);')
425      else
426        output.puts('  return suiteTearDown(UnityEnd());')
427      end
428    else
429      output.puts('  return UnityEnd();') unless @options[:omit_begin_end]
430    end
431    output.puts('}')
432  end
434  def create_h_file(output, filename, tests, testfile_includes, used_mocks)
435    filename = File.basename(filename).gsub(/[-\/\\\.\,\s]/, '_').upcase
436    output.puts('/* AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT. */')
437    output.puts("#ifndef _#{filename}")
438    output.puts("#define _#{filename}\n\n")
439    output.puts("#include \"#{@options[:framework]}.h\"")
440    output.puts('#include "cmock.h"') unless used_mocks.empty?
441    @options[:includes].flatten.uniq.compact.each do |inc|
442      output.puts("#include #{inc.include?('<') ? inc : "\"#{inc}\""}")
443    end
444    testfile_includes.each do |inc|
445      output.puts("#include #{inc.include?('<') ? inc : "\"#{inc}\""}")
446    end
447    output.puts "\n"
448    tests.each do |test|
449      if test[:params].nil? || test[:params].empty?
450        output.puts("void #{test[:test]}(void);")
451      else
452        output.puts("void #{test[:test]}(#{test[:params]});")
453      end
454    end
455    output.puts("#endif\n\n")
456  end
459if $0 == __FILE__
460  options = { includes: [] }
462  # parse out all the options first (these will all be removed as we go)
463  ARGV.reject! do |arg|
464    case arg
465    when '-cexception'
466      options[:plugins] = [:cexception]
467      true
468    when /\.*\.ya?ml$/
469      options = UnityTestRunnerGenerator.grab_config(arg)
470      true
471    when /--(\w+)=\"?(.*)\"?/
472      options[Regexp.last_match(1).to_sym] = Regexp.last_match(2)
473      true
474    when /\.*\.(?:hpp|hh|H|h)$/
475      options[:includes] << arg
476      true
477    else false
478    end
479  end
481  # make sure there is at least one parameter left (the input file)
482  unless ARGV[0]
483    puts ["\nusage: ruby #{__FILE__} (files) (options) input_test_file (output)",
484          "\n  input_test_file         - this is the C file you want to create a runner for",
485          '  output                  - this is the name of the runner file to generate',
486          '                            defaults to (input_test_file)_Runner',
487          '  files:',
488          '    *.yml / *.yaml        - loads configuration from here in :unity or :cmock',
489          '    *.h                   - header files are added as #includes in runner',
490          '  options:',
491          '    -cexception           - include cexception support',
492          '    -externc              - add extern "C" for cpp support',
493          '    --setup_name=""       - redefine setUp func name to something else',
494          '    --teardown_name=""    - redefine tearDown func name to something else',
495          '    --main_name=""        - redefine main func name to something else',
496          '    --test_prefix=""      - redefine test prefix from default test|spec|should',
497          '    --test_reset_name=""  - redefine resetTest func name to something else',
498          '    --test_verify_name="" - redefine verifyTest func name to something else',
499          '    --suite_setup=""      - code to execute for setup of entire suite',
500          '    --suite_teardown=""   - code to execute for teardown of entire suite',
501          '    --use_param_tests=1   - enable parameterized tests (disabled by default)',
502          '    --omit_begin_end=1    - omit calls to UnityBegin and UnityEnd (disabled by default)',
503          '    --header_file=""      - path/name of test header file to generate too'].join("\n")
504    exit 1
505  end
507  # create the default test runner name if not specified
508  ARGV[1] = ARGV[0].gsub('.c', '_Runner.c') unless ARGV[1]
510  UnityTestRunnerGenerator.new(options).run(ARGV[0], ARGV[1])