_fini _init __cxa_finalize __deregister_frame_info __register_frame_info RES_resampler_create RES_resampler_destory RES_resampler_get_input_num RES_resampler_process_frame __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard close dnvqe_cache_process_frame dnvqe_cache_process_write_in_buf dnvqe_create dnvqe_destroy dnvqe_process_frame fprintf free hi_dnvqe_create hi_dnvqe_destroy hi_dnvqe_get_config hi_dnvqe_get_version hi_dnvqe_process_frame hi_dnvqe_read_frame hi_dnvqe_write_frame malloc memcpy memcpy_s memmove_s memset_s mmap munmap open printf pthread_mutex_destroy pthread_mutex_init pthread_mutex_lock pthread_mutex_unlock stderr MODULE_hi_audio_module_handle_deinit MODULE_hi_audio_module_handle_init DL_hi_audio_dlclose DL_hi_audio_dlopen DL_hi_audio_dlsym g_audio_module_state memset snprintf_s strlen strncmp __dlsym_time64 dlclose dlerror dlopen strcmp libc.so
HI_AUDIO_VERSION_V3.0.7.34 Build Time:[Dec 6 2021, 08:48:47] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:HI_ERR_DNVQE_WRITECACHE_FULL create_dnvqe_module [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:malloc resampler fail! update_cache [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:%d: all err: ret is %d, read_sample is %d. [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:snprintf_s fail, ret:0x%x [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:lib_handle is empty! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:config memcpy_s fail, ret = 0x%x! hi_dnvqe_create [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:malloc dn_qve resample process_buf fail! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid dnvqe [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:%s init fail! audio_get_module_dl_handle /dev/mem [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:%d: up err: ret is %d, sample is %d check_read_frame_attr [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:cache_bak memcpy_s fail, ret = 0x%x [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid work_sample_rate(%d) AGC audio_chip_mem_map [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:bak_write_sample = %d should >= 0. HPF [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:resample can't use param %d! dnvqe_create_inner process_frame_all DL_hi_audio_dlopen libhive_EQ.so Func: %s, line: %d, mmap error! process_frame_up audio_set_module_handle [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:hi_audio_dlsym fail, msg is %s! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:create_dnvqe_cache sin_cache fail! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:%d: resampler_init fail. [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:%d: up err: ret is %d, read_sample is %d dnvqe_cache_process_write_in_buf create_dnvqe_cache_node [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid sin_buf MBC [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:resample module init fail! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid dnvqe_handle [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid sin_buf/sou_buf libhive_AEC.so [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:malloc fail! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:cache_buff memcpy_s fail, ret = 0x%x dnvqe_cache_write_inner dnvqe_cache_read RES [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:malloc read_cache_buf fail! lib%s_%s.so [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid sou_buf resampler_create_inner libhive_AGC.so [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:read_buf_copy memcpy_s fail, ret = 0x%x [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Don't have this module: %s dnvqe_create [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:sou_buf memcpy_s fail, ret = 0x%x! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:memcpy_s fail, ret = 0x%x! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:create_dnvqe_cache sout_cache fail! hi_dnvqe_process_frame malloc_dnvqe_cache dnvqe_process_frame [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid sin_buf(%p)/sou_buf(%p) Func: %s, line: %d, open fd error! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:%d: resampler fail, errnum is %d process_frame_up_cache [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:memmove_s fail, ret = 0x%x! process_frame_all_cache [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:handle of module: %s is wrong dnvqe_cache_write process_frame_dn_multi audio_get_module_index DL_hi_audio_dlsym [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:malloc fail! RES_resampler_create ANR [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:module_name memcpy_s fail, ret = 0x%x [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:dlopen libhive_common.so/libsecurec.so or %s failed [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:func_name is %s DL_hi_audio_dlclose [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid frame_sample(%d) [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:malloc DQVE resampler_buf fail! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:dlopen libsecurec.so or %s failed [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid input_sample(%d), vqe_frame(%d) g_audio_%s_work_handle libhive_ANR.so hi_dnvqe_write_frame [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:memmove_s fail, ret:0x%x! hive [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:func_handle or lib_handle is empty! dnvqe_cache_read_bak EQ
{ record record HPF hpf AEC aec ANR anr RNR rnr HDR hdr DRC drc PEQ peq AGC agc EQ eq MBC mbc RES res GAIN gain talkv2 talkv2 wnr wnr NULL
.init_array .fini_array .ARM.exidx .text .got .got.plt .rel.plt .init .bss .ARM.attributes .dynstr .eh_frame_hdr .rel.dyn .dynsym .fini .gnu.hash .eh_frame .dynamic .shstrtab .rodata .data
HI_AUDIO_VERSION_V3.0.7.34 Build Time:[Dec 6 2021, 08:48:47] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:HI_ERR_DNVQE_WRITECACHE_FULL create_dnvqe_module [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:malloc resampler fail! update_cache [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:%d: all err: ret is %d, read_sample is %d. [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:snprintf_s fail, ret:0x%x [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:lib_handle is empty! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:config memcpy_s fail, ret = 0x%x! hi_dnvqe_create [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:malloc dn_qve resample process_buf fail! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid dnvqe [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:%s init fail! audio_get_module_dl_handle /dev/mem [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:%d: up err: ret is %d, sample is %d check_read_frame_attr [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:cache_bak memcpy_s fail, ret = 0x%x [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid work_sample_rate(%d) AGC audio_chip_mem_map [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:bak_write_sample = %d should >= 0. HPF [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:resample can't use param %d! dnvqe_create_inner process_frame_all DL_hi_audio_dlopen libhive_EQ.so Func: %s, line: %d, mmap error! process_frame_up audio_set_module_handle [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:hi_audio_dlsym fail, msg is %s! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:create_dnvqe_cache sin_cache fail! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:%d: resampler_init fail. [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:%d: up err: ret is %d, read_sample is %d dnvqe_cache_process_write_in_buf create_dnvqe_cache_node [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid sin_buf MBC [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:resample module init fail! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid dnvqe_handle [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid sin_buf/sou_buf libhive_AEC.so [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:malloc fail! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:cache_buff memcpy_s fail, ret = 0x%x dnvqe_cache_write_inner dnvqe_cache_read RES [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:malloc read_cache_buf fail! lib%s_%s.so [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid sou_buf resampler_create_inner libhive_AGC.so [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:read_buf_copy memcpy_s fail, ret = 0x%x [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Don't have this module: %s dnvqe_create [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:sou_buf memcpy_s fail, ret = 0x%x! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:memcpy_s fail, ret = 0x%x! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:create_dnvqe_cache sout_cache fail! hi_dnvqe_process_frame malloc_dnvqe_cache dnvqe_process_frame [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid sin_buf(%p)/sou_buf(%p) Func: %s, line: %d, open fd error! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:%d: resampler fail, errnum is %d process_frame_up_cache [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:memmove_s fail, ret = 0x%x! process_frame_all_cache [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:handle of module: %s is wrong dnvqe_cache_write process_frame_dn_multi audio_get_module_index DL_hi_audio_dlsym [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:malloc fail! RES_resampler_create ANR [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:module_name memcpy_s fail, ret = 0x%x [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:dlopen libhive_common.so/libsecurec.so or %s failed [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:func_name is %s DL_hi_audio_dlclose [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid frame_sample(%d) [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:malloc DQVE resampler_buf fail! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:dlopen libsecurec.so or %s failed [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:DNVQE invalid input_sample(%d), vqe_frame(%d) g_audio_%s_work_handle libhive_ANR.so hi_dnvqe_write_frame [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:memmove_s fail, ret:0x%x! hive [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:func_handle or lib_handle is empty! dnvqe_cache_read_bak EQ
{ record record HPF hpf AEC aec ANR anr RNR rnr HDR hdr DRC drc PEQ peq AGC agc EQ eq MBC mbc RES res GAIN gain talkv2 talkv2 wnr wnr NULL
.init_array .fini_array .ARM.exidx .text .got .got.plt .rel.plt .init .bss .ARM.attributes .dynstr .eh_frame_hdr .rel.dyn .dynsym .fini .gnu.hash .eh_frame .dynamic .shstrtab .rodata .data