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_fini _init __cxa_finalize __deregister_frame_info __register_frame_info HI_MPI_SVP_NNIE_AddTskBuf HI_MPI_SVP_NNIE_Forward HI_MPI_SVP_NNIE_ForwardWithBbox HI_MPI_SVP_NNIE_GetTskBufSize HI_MPI_SVP_NNIE_LoadModel HI_MPI_SVP_NNIE_Query HI_MPI_SVP_NNIE_Query_Timeout HI_MPI_SVP_NNIE_RemoveTskBuf HI_MPI_SVP_NNIE_UnloadModel __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard fprintf memcpy_s memset_s osal_ioctldev osal_opendev pthread_mutex_lock pthread_mutex_unlock stderr strncpy_s svp_nnie_check_forward_param_user svp_nnie_check_forward_with_bbox_param_user svp_nnie_check_get_tskbuf_size_param_user svp_nnie_check_loadmodel_param_user svp_nnie_check_model_user svp_nnie_check_query_param_user svp_nnie_check_query_timeout_param_user HI_MPI_SYS_MmzAlloc HI_MPI_SYS_MmzAlloc_Cached HI_MPI_SYS_MmzFlushCache HI_MPI_SYS_MmzFree svp_flush_cache svp_free svp_malloc svp_malloc_cached libc.so 
[Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model->seg[%u].instr_offset(%u) must be (%u, %u)! svp_nnie_parse_dst_node_info /dev/nnie [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),src[%u].shape.seq.vir_addr_step can't be 0! svp_nnie_check_query_param_user [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->seg[%u].src_node[%u].shape.dim(%u) can't be 0 [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].dst_height(%u) can't be 0 or greater than model->roi_info[%u].src_height(%u) [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].total_din_height_ram_offset(%u) should be (0, %u] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].total_pin_pon_mode(%d) must be [%d,%d] svp_nnie_parse_model_header [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:open /dev/nnie err [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),nnie_id(%d) must be [%d,%d)! svp_nnie_calc_seg_tskbuf_size [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error: memcpy_s src failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error, milli_sec(%d) can't be less than -1! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model is HI_NULL! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): Check forward parameters failed! hi_mpi_svp_nnie_remove_task_buf svp_nnie_check_image_node_user [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x), report node mode shoule be 0 or 1! svp_nnie_check_forward_param_user [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),node->shape.whc.width(%u) can't be 0 [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model->seg[%u].src_num(%u) can't be greater than %u! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x):max_roi_num(%u) can't be 0 when roi_info->bbox_max_num(%u) is not 0! svp_nnie_check_src_node_user [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),node->shape.whc.height(%u) must be an even number [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model->roi_info[%u].roi_pool_type(%d) should be [%d, %d]! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): check model input param failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x), svp_nnie_check_model_user failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): the net_seg_num(%u) of input model should be (0,%u]! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model->seg[%u].net_type(%d) should be [%d,%d)! svp_nnie_check_seg_instr_info [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),svp_nnie_handle is HI_NULL [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->run_mode(%d) should be %d svp_nnie_check_seg_header_user [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),node->shape.whc.chn(%u) can't be 0 [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): parse %u-th seg Roi node failed! svp_nnie_parse_seg_header [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->base.phy_addr(%llu) must be %u byte aligned [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->seg[%u].dst_node[%u].type(%d) must be [%d,%d) svp_nnie_check_dst_node_user [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): svp_nnie_get_addr_size failed! svp_nnie_get_addr_size [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): clear model failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): %u-th seg info header(%u) is greater than param_offset %u! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model->seg[%u].max_step(%u) can't be greater than %u! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): svp_nnie_check_seg_instr_info failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model->seg[%u].instr_offset(%u) must be %u bytes aligned! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x), total_roipool_idx %u should be less than %u [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->seg[%u].net_type(%d) should be belong to [%d,%d) [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].din_width_ram_offset(%u) should be (0, %u] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): channel(%u) should be %u or %u! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),max_roi_num(%u)*roi_info[%u].dst_height(%u)*roi_info[%u].dst_width(%u) can't be greater than %u [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): nnie_header->param_offset(%u) is less than %u! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): nnie_header->param_len(%u) is 0! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x), if net type is %d, the %u-th report data should be tensor! hi_mpi_svp_nnie_query hi_mpi_svp_nnie_query_timeout svp_nnie_check_model_user [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x):max_input_num(%u) can't be 0 or greater than %u! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),src is HI_NULL [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->seg[%u].dst_num(%u) should be [%u,%u] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].dst_width(%u) can't be 0 or greater than model->roi_info[%u].src_width(%u) [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].bbox_max_num(%u) should be (0,%d] svp_nnie_get_roi_info_size svp_nnie_check_open [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): Check query parameters failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->seg[%u].inst_offset(%u) can't be greater than model->base.size %u [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->seg[%u].dst_node[%u].type(%d) should be {%d,%d,%d} [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),some input parameters are illegal [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): Check forward with roi parameters failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->seg[%u].roi_pool_num(%u) can't be 0 or greater than %u, when model->seg[%u].net_type is %d [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->seg[%u].src_num(%u) should be [%u,%u] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),node->shape.whc.height(%u) should be 1, when node->type(%d) is %d svp_nnie_check_tensor_node_user [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].dst_map_num(%u) can't be 0 [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),%u-th seg TskBufSize (%llu) is greater than %u svp_nnie_parse_dst_node_id svp_nnie_check_forward_with_bbox_param_user [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error,handle(%d) must be (%d,%d) [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),node->shape.whc.height(%u) can't be 0 [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].src_height(%u) must be [%u,%u] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x), %u-th node, svp_nnie_parse_dst_node_id failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): tskbuf_size is HI_NULL! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].roi_pool_type(%d) must be [%d,%d) svp_nnie_check_seg_info_length svp_nnie_check_loadmodel_param_user [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model_buf is HI_NULL! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),when model->seg[%u].src_node[%u].type is %d, model->seg[%u].net_type should be %d [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->seg[%u].dst_node[%u].shape.shape.dim(%u) can't be 0 [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].src_width(%u) must be [%u,%u] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].block_num(%u) can't be 0 [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->seg[%u].inst_offset(%u) + model->seg[%u].inst_len(%u) should be less than %u [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->seg[%u].src_node[%u].type(%d) must be [%d,%d) [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),node->shape.whc.chn(%u) should be %u [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].din_height_ram_offset(%u) should be (0, %u] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): memcpy_s nnie header failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): svp_nnie_check_model_header failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): svp_nnie_check_seg_info_length failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model->seg[%u].instr_len(%u) is 0! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->tmp_buf_size(%u) can't be 0 [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].spatial_scale(%u) can't be 0 hi_mpi_svp_nnie_load_model [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model_buf->size(%u) can't be less than %llu! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].src_map_num(%u) can't be 0 [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): the run_mode(%d) of input model should be %d! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model(%p) is illegal [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->seg[%u].roi_idx[%u](%u) should be less than %u svp_nnie_check_roislice_param_user [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x):arch_version(%u) of input model should be %u! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model->seg[%u].instr_offset(%u) + model->seg[%u].instr_len(%u) should be less than %u! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error: memcpy_s forward_ctrl failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x):net_seg_num(%u) should equal to %u! svp_nnie_parse_roi_node_info [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x):max_roi_num(%u) should less than or euqal to %u! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),forward_ctrl is HI_NULL [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),%u-th node of %u-th seg check failed svp_nnie_check_roi_param_user [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),svp_nnie_calc_seg_tskbuf_size failed [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): check model buf failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x), the image type(%d) is not supported, image type can't be {%d, %d, %d}! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x), layer_info_offset(%u) + %u is greater than layer_info_len(%u)! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error: memcpy_s dst failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error, block (%d) must be HI_TRUE or HI_FALSE! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->seg[%u].inst_offset(%u) and model->seg[%u].inst_len(%u) can't be 0 [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),when model->seg[%u].src_node[%u].type(%d) is %d, this node should be the first src node [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): svp_nnie_get_roi_info_size failed! hi_mpi_svp_nnie_add_task_buf [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): Check query timeout parameters failed! svp_nnie_check_get_tskbuf_size_param_user [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model is HI_NULL [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),forward_ctrl->dst_num(%u) must be [1,%u] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),svp_nnie_check_roislice_param_user failed [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].total_din_width_ram_offset(%u) should be (0, %u] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): parse %u-th seg dst node failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): the tmp_buf_size(%u) of input model can't be 0! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x):is_instant(%d) should be HI_TURE(%d) or HI_FALSE(%d)! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),dst is HI_NULL [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model_buf->phy_addr can't be 0! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),node->shape.whc.width(%u) must be [%u,%u] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),node->shape.whc.chn(%u) should be %u or %u [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].high_prec(%d) must be [%d,%d) [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): check model head info failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): parse %u-th seg head info failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model->seg[%u].dst_num(%u) can't be greater than %u! hi_mpi_svp_nnie_forward_with_bbox [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),tsk_buf is HI_NULL [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),when model->seg[%u].dst_node[%u].type is %d, model->seg[%u].net_type should be %d [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),roi_info_total_size(%llu) can't be greater than %u [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x):model_version(%u) of input model should be %u! svp_nnie_check_vector_node_user svp_nnie_parse_src_node_info hi_mpi_svp_nnie_forward [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->net_seg_num(%u) should be [%u, %u] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),svp_nnie_check_src_node_user failed [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),roi is HI_NULL svp_nnie_check_query_timeout_param_user hi_mpi_svp_nnie_get_task_buf_size [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error: memset_s model failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),forward_ctrl->proposal_num(%u) must be [1,%u] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model_buf->size(%u) must be greater than %u! hi_mpi_svp_nnie_unload_model [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->base.phy_addr(%llu) can't be 0 [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->seg[%u].max_step(%u) should be (0,%u], when model->seg[%u].net_type is %d [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),node->shape.whc.height(%u) must be [%u,%u] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x):type(%d) should be [%d %d]! svp_nnie_check_model_header [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): nnie_header->cfg_offset.layer_info_offset(%u) should be %u! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): nnie_header->cfg_offset.layer_info_len(%u) can't be less than %u! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),finish is HI_NULL [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model_buf->vir_addr can't be 0! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),node->shape.whc.width(%u) must be an even number [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].norm_pin_pon_mode(%d) must be [%d,%d] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): parse %u-th seg src node failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): model->seg[%u].roi_pool_num(%u) can't be greater than %u! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x): seg info length(%u) is greater than param_offset(%u)! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error: memcpy_s roi failed! [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->base.size(%u) can't be 0 [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),svp_nnie_check_seg_header_user failed [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),svp_nnie_check_dst_node_user failed [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),svp_nnie_check_roi_param_user failed [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),forward_ctrl->src_num(%u) must be [1,%u] [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model_buf->phy_addr(%llu) must be %d byte aligned [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),node->shape.whc.chn(%u) should be 1, when node->type(%d) is %d [Func]:%s [Line]:%d [Info]:Error(%#x),model->roi_info[%u].block_max_height(%u) can't be 0 0 w,a Q m jp5 c d 2 y +L | ~ - d jHq A } mQ V l kdz b e O\ l cc= n;^ iL A` rqg <G K k 5l B @ l 2u\ E Y= 0 &: Q Q a !# V ( _ $ |o/ LhX a =-f A v q * q 3 x4 j-=m ld \c Qkkbal 0e N b l{ W eP | bI- | eL Xa M Q :t 0 A J =m j iC n4F g ` s- D 3_L | <q P A ' % hW o f a ^ )" = Y .;\ l t9G w & s c ;d >jm Zjz ' }D h i]Wb ge q6l knv + Zz J go C ` ~ 8R O g gW ?K6 H + L J 6`z A ` U g n1y iF a f o%6 hR w G "/& U ; ( Z + j \ 1 , [ d & c ju m ?6 g r W J z + {8 |! B hn [& w owG Z pj ; f\ e i b kaE l x T N 9a&g ` MGiI wn>Jj Z f @ ; 7S  G 0 0 S $ 6 )W T g #.zf Ja h] +o*7 Z -
OHOS () clang version (llvm-project 576b0c583ffe7ef99eafad93543bed64b2a8c3de) Linker: LLD 10.0.1 (/data/82840-merged/toolchain/llvm-project/lld 576b0c583ffe7ef99eafad93543bed64b2a8c3de)
.dynsym .gnu.hash .hash .dynstr .rel.dyn .ARM.exidx .rel.plt .rodata .eh_frame_hdr .eh_frame .text .init .fini .plt .init_array .fini_array .dynamic .got .got.plt .data .bss .ARM.attributes .comment .shstrtab