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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# coding=utf-8
5* Copyright (c) 2020 HiSilicon (Shanghai) Technologies CO., LIMITED.
6* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8* You may obtain a copy of the License at
10*     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16* limitations under the License.
18* Description: .config parser, bases on kconfig format.
21import os
22import sys
23import shutil
24proj_top_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(__file__, '..', '..', '..'))
26sys.path.append(os.path.join(proj_top_dir, 'build'))
27from scripts.scons_env_cfg import SconsEnvCfg as EnvCfg
28from scripts.scons_utils import flag
29from scripts.scons_utils import flag_r
30from scripts.common_env import get_fixed_config
31from scripts.common_env import get_make_str
32from scripts import scons_app
34def mkdir(path):
35    isExists=os.path.exists(path)
36    if not isExists:
37        os.makedirs(path)
38        print ('%s create success'% path)
39        return True
40    else:
41        return False
43def create_output_dirs(env_cfg):
44    dir_list = [env_cfg.bin_path, env_cfg.log_path, env_cfg.cache_path, env_cfg.link_path]
45    #env_cfg.obj_path, env_cfg.lib_path,
46    [mkdir(x) for x in dir_list]
48def transform_env_to_make(env_cfg, module = 'common'):
49    fixed_env_cfg = get_fixed_config('env_cfg')
50    line = ''
51    for flg in flag:
52        flg_cfg = None
53        if flg != 'CPPPATH':
54            flg_cfg = fixed_env_cfg[flag[flg]][module] if module in fixed_env_cfg[flag[flg]] else None
55        else:
56            cfg_list = []
57            common_inc = fixed_env_cfg['common_inc_path']
58            inc_path = common_inc[module] if module in common_inc else None
59            if inc_path is not None:
60                for x in inc_path:
61                    if x.startswith('#'):
62                        cfg_list.append(x[2:])
63                    else:
64                        cfg_list.append(x)
65            os_inc = fixed_env_cfg['liteos_inc_path']
66            inc_path = os_inc[module] if module in os_inc else None
67            if inc_path is not None:
68                cfg_list.extend([os.path.join(os.path.relpath(env_cfg.os_root, env_cfg.root), y) for y in inc_path])
69            flg_cfg = cfg_list
71        if flg_cfg is None:
72            continue
73        if flg == 'CPPDEFINES':
74            defines = ['-D%s'%x for x in flg_cfg if isinstance(x, str)]
75            defines.extend(['-D%s=%s'%x for x in flg_cfg if isinstance(x, tuple)])
76            line = '%sDEFINES := %s\n'%(line, ' \\\n\t'.join(defines))
77        elif flg == 'CPPPATH':
78            line = '%sINCLUDE := -I$(MAIN_TOPDIR)/%s\n'%(line, ' \\\n\t-I$(MAIN_TOPDIR)/'.join(flg_cfg))
79        elif flg == 'LINK_SCRIPTS_FLAG':
80            line = '\n'.join([
81                line,
82                '%s := -I$(MAIN_TOPDIR)/%s'%(flg, ' -I$(MAIN_TOPDIR)/'.join([x[2:] for x in flg_cfg if x.startswith('-I')])),
83                '%s += %s'%(flg, ' '.join([x for x in flg_cfg if not x.startswith('-I')]))
84            ])
85        else:
86            line = '%s%s := %s\n'%(line, flg, ' '.join(flg_cfg))
87    return line
89def prepare_config_file(env_cfg):
90    config_file = os.path.join(proj_top_dir, 'build', 'make_scripts', 'config.mk')
91    with open(config_file, 'w+') as fp:
92        environs = env_cfg.get_makefile_environs()
93        var = environs['var']
94        append_var = environs['append_var']
95        mod_dir = environs['mod_dir']
96        modules = get_fixed_config('module')
97        lib_cfg = get_fixed_config('lib_cfg')
98        #env_cfg = get_fixed_config('env_cfg')
99        line = '\n'.join(['include $(MAIN_TOPDIR)/build/config/sdk.mk',
100                          'include $(MAIN_TOPDIR)/build/make_scripts/usr.mk',
101                          'SHELL = /bin/bash',
102                          'COMPILE_MODULE += %s\n'%(' '.join(modules))])
103        for item in mod_dir:
104            line = '%s%s := %s\n'%(line, item, mod_dir[item])
106        for module_name in lib_cfg:
107            libs = list(lib_cfg[module_name].keys())
108            line = '%s%s_libs := %s\n'%(line, module_name, ' '.join(libs))
110        for item in var:
111            line = '%s%s := %s\n'%(line, item, var[item])
113        #for item in append_var:
114            #line = '%s%s += %s\n'%(line, item, append_var[item])
116        line = '\n'.join([line,
117                        'LIBS += $(patsubst lib%.a, -l%, $(notdir $(wildcard $(MAIN_TOPDIR)/build/libs/*.a)))',
118                        '\n'.join(['%s += %s'%(item, append_var[item]) for item in append_var]),
119                        'ifeq ($(USR_APP_ON), n)',
120                        'COMPILE_MODULE += $(APP_NAME)',
121                        '$(APP_NAME)_dir := app/$(APP_NAME)',
122                        '$(APP_NAME)_libs := $(APP_NAME)',
123                        'endif',
124                        'LIBS += $(USR_LIBS)\n'])
125        #line = '\n'.join([line,
126                        #'LIBS += $(patsubst lib%.a, -l%, $(notdir $(wildcard $(MAIN_TOPDIR)/build/libs/*.a)))'])
127        line = '\n'.join([line,
128                        'PYTHON_SCRIPTS = y',
129                        'ifeq ($(PYTHON_SCRIPTS),y)',
130                        'NV_TOOL := python3 $(MAIN_TOPDIR)/tools/nvtool/build_nv.py',
131                        'OTA_TOOL := python3 $(MAIN_TOPDIR)/build/scripts/pkt_builder.py',
132                        'else',
133                        'NV_TOOL := cd $(MAIN_TOPDIR)/tools/nvtool;\\',
134                        '    $(MAIN_TOPDIR)/tools/nvtool/nv_builder',
135                        'OTA_TOOL := cd $(MAIN_TOPDIR)/build/scripts;\\',
136                        '    $(MAIN_TOPDIR)/build/scripts/ota_builder',
137                        'endif\n\n'])
139        line = '\n'.join([line,
140                        transform_env_to_make(env_cfg = env_cfg),
141                        get_make_str(),
142                        'ifeq ($(FACTORY_MODE), y)',
143                        'DEFINES += -DCONFIG_FACTORY_TEST_MODE',
144                        'endif',
145                        'LIBS += $(addprefix -l, $(foreach module, $(COMPILE_MODULE), $($(module)_libs)))',
146                        'ifeq ($(CONFIG_CE_SUPPORT), y)',
147                        '\tNV_CFG_NAME = mss_nvi_db.xml',
148                        'endif',
149                        'ifeq ($(CONFIG_FCC_SUPPORT), y)',
150                        '\tNV_CFG_NAME = mss_nvi_db_fcc.xml',
151                        'endif',
152                        'ifeq ($(CONFIG_MAX_POWER_SUPPORT), y)',
153                        '\tNV_CFG_NAME = mss_nvi_db_max.xml',
154                        'endif',
155                        'CCFLAGS += $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDE)\n'])
156        print('+'*20,'config.mk','+'*20,'\n',line)
157        fp.write(line)
159def prepare_module_makefile(env_cfg):
160    modules = env_cfg.get_all_modules()
161    for x in modules:
162        dst_dir = os.path.join(proj_top_dir, env_cfg.get_module_dir(x))
163        dst_makefile = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'Makefile')
164        print("---------dst_dir: %s proj_top_dir :%s -"%(dst_dir, proj_top_dir))
165        module_mk = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'module.mk')
166        if not os.path.exists(module_mk):
167            src_makefile = os.path.join(proj_top_dir, 'build', 'make_scripts', 'module.mk')
168            shutil.copyfile(src_makefile, dst_makefile)
169        else:
170            shutil.move(module_mk, dst_makefile)
172def prepare_module_lib_cfg(env_cfg, module):
173    src_makefile = os.path.join(proj_top_dir, env_cfg.get_module_dir(module), 'module_config.mk')
174    print('module:',module)
175    if os.path.exists(src_makefile):
176        return
178    with open(src_makefile, 'w+') as fp:
179        lib_cfg = get_fixed_config('lib_cfg')[module]
180        line = ''
181        for lib_name in lib_cfg:
182            line = '%s%s_srcs := %s\n'%(line, lib_name, ' '.join(lib_cfg[lib_name]))
184        #transform_env_to_make(env_cfg, module)
185        fixed_env_cfg = get_fixed_config('env_cfg')
186        for flg in flag:
187            #flg_cfg = env_cfg.get_module_cfg(module, flg, fixed=True)
188            flg_cfg = None
189            if flg != 'CPPPATH':
190                flg_cfg = fixed_env_cfg[flag[flg]][module] if module in fixed_env_cfg[flag[flg]] else None
191            else:
192                cfg_list = []
193                common_inc = fixed_env_cfg['common_inc_path']
194                inc_path = common_inc[module] if module in common_inc else None
195                if inc_path is not None:
196                    for x in inc_path:
197                        if x.startswith('#'):
198                            cfg_list.append(x[2:])
199                        else:
200                            cfg_list.append(x)
201                os_inc = fixed_env_cfg['liteos_inc_path']
202                inc_path = os_inc[module] if module in os_inc else None
203                if inc_path is not None:
204                    cfg_list.extend([os.path.join(os.path.relpath(env_cfg.os_root, env_cfg.root), y) for y in inc_path])
205                flg_cfg = cfg_list
207            if flg_cfg is None:
208                continue
209            if flg == 'CPPDEFINES':
210                defines = ['-D%s'%x for x in flg_cfg if isinstance(x, str)]
211                defines.extend(['-D%s=%s'%x for x in flg_cfg if isinstance(x, tuple)])
212                line = '%sCCFLAGS += %s\n'%(line, ' '.join(defines))
213            elif flg == 'CPPPATH':
214                line = '%sCCFLAGS += -I$(MAIN_TOPDIR)/%s\n'%(line, ' \\\n\t-I$(MAIN_TOPDIR)/'.join(flg_cfg))
215            else:
216                line = '%s%s += %s\n'%(line, flg, ' '.join(flg_cfg))
218        module_cfg = get_make_str(module)
219        line = '%s%s\n'%(line, module_cfg) if module_cfg is not None else line
220        print('+'*10, ' %s module config'%module, '+'*10, '\n', line)
221        fp.write(line)
223def do_prepare(env_cfg):
224    create_output_dirs(env_cfg)
225    print("------------------------------------env_cfg1: %s"%(env_cfg))
226    prepare_config_file(env_cfg)
227    print("------------------------------------env_cfg2: %s"%(env_cfg))
228    prepare_module_makefile(env_cfg)
229    print("------------------------------------env_cfg3: %s"%(env_cfg))
230    [prepare_module_lib_cfg(env_cfg, module) for module in env_cfg.get_all_modules()]
234if __name__ == "__main__":
235    args = len(sys.argv)
236    print('+'*40, 'PREPARE', '+'*40)
237    env_cfg = EnvCfg()
238    #app_builder = scons_app.AppTarget('demo')
239    #env_cfg.set_app_builder(app_builder)
240    do_prepare(env_cfg)
242    #print('common str','+'*50)
243    #print(get_make_str())
244    #print('+'*50)