1 /* 2 * Copyright 2015 Rockchip Electronics Co. LTD 3 * 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 * 8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 * 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 * limitations under the License. 15 */ 16 17 #ifndef __VPU_API_H__ 18 #define __VPU_API_H__ 19 20 #include "rk_type.h" 21 #include "mpp_err.h" 22 23 /** 24 * @brief rockchip media process interface 25 */ 26 27 #define VPU_API_NOPTS_VALUE (0x8000000000000000LL) 28 29 /* 30 * bit definition of ColorType in structure VPU_FRAME 31 */ 32 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_TYPE_MASK (0x0000ffff) 33 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_ARGB8888 (0x00000000) 34 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_ABGR8888 (0x00000001) 35 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_RGB888 (0x00000002) 36 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_RGB565 (0x00000003) 37 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_RGB555 (0x00000004) 38 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_YUV420_SEMIPLANAR (0x00000005) 39 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_YUV420_PLANAR (0x00000006) 40 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_YUV422 (0x00000007) 41 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_YUV444 (0x00000008) 42 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_YCH420 (0x00000009) 43 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_BIT_MASK (0x000f0000) 44 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_BIT_8 (0x00000000) 45 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_BIT_10 (0x00010000) 46 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_BIT_12 (0x00020000) 47 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_BIT_14 (0x00030000) 48 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_BIT_16 (0x00040000) 49 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_COLORSPACE_MASK (0x00f00000) 50 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_COLORSPACE_BT709 (0x00100000) 51 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_COLORSPACE_BT2020 (0x00200000) 52 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_DYNCRANGE_MASK (0x0f000000) 53 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_DYNCRANGE_SDR (0x00000000) 54 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_DYNCRANGE_HDR10 (0x01000000) 55 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_DYNCRANGE_HDR_HLG (0x02000000) 56 #define VPU_OUTPUT_FORMAT_DYNCRANGE_HDR_DOLBY (0x03000000) 57 58 /** 59 * @brief input picture type 60 */ 61 typedef enum { 62 ENC_INPUT_YUV420_PLANAR = 0, /**< YYYY... UUUU... VVVV */ 63 ENC_INPUT_YUV420_SEMIPLANAR = 1, /**< YYYY... UVUVUV... */ 64 ENC_INPUT_YUV422_INTERLEAVED_YUYV = 2, /**< YUYVYUYV... */ 65 ENC_INPUT_YUV422_INTERLEAVED_UYVY = 3, /**< UYVYUYVY... */ 66 ENC_INPUT_RGB565 = 4, /**< 16-bit RGB */ 67 ENC_INPUT_BGR565 = 5, /**< 16-bit RGB */ 68 ENC_INPUT_RGB555 = 6, /**< 15-bit RGB */ 69 ENC_INPUT_BGR555 = 7, /**< 15-bit RGB */ 70 ENC_INPUT_RGB444 = 8, /**< 12-bit RGB */ 71 ENC_INPUT_BGR444 = 9, /**< 12-bit RGB */ 72 ENC_INPUT_RGB888 = 10, /**< 24-bit RGB */ 73 ENC_INPUT_BGR888 = 11, /**< 24-bit RGB */ 74 ENC_INPUT_RGB101010 = 12, /**< 30-bit RGB */ 75 ENC_INPUT_BGR101010 = 13 /**< 30-bit RGB */ 76 } EncInputPictureType; 77 78 typedef enum VPU_API_CMD { 79 VPU_API_ENC_SETCFG, 80 VPU_API_ENC_GETCFG, 81 VPU_API_ENC_SETFORMAT, 82 VPU_API_ENC_SETIDRFRAME, 83 84 VPU_API_ENABLE_DEINTERLACE, 85 VPU_API_SET_VPUMEM_CONTEXT, 86 VPU_API_USE_PRESENT_TIME_ORDER, 87 VPU_API_SET_DEFAULT_WIDTH_HEIGH, 88 VPU_API_SET_INFO_CHANGE, 89 VPU_API_USE_FAST_MODE, 90 VPU_API_DEC_GET_STREAM_COUNT, 91 VPU_API_GET_VPUMEM_USED_COUNT, 92 VPU_API_GET_FRAME_INFO, 93 VPU_API_SET_OUTPUT_BLOCK, 94 VPU_API_GET_EOS_STATUS, 95 VPU_API_SET_OUTPUT_MODE, 96 97 /* get sps/pps header */ 98 VPU_API_GET_EXTRA_INFO = 0x200, 99 100 VPU_API_SET_IMMEDIATE_OUT = 0x1000, 101 VPU_API_SET_PARSER_SPLIT_MODE, /* NOTE: should control before init */ 102 103 VPU_API_ENC_VEPU22_START = 0x2000, 104 VPU_API_ENC_SET_VEPU22_CFG, 105 VPU_API_ENC_GET_VEPU22_CFG, 106 VPU_API_ENC_SET_VEPU22_CTU_QP, 107 VPU_API_ENC_SET_VEPU22_ROI, 108 109 /* mlvec dynamic configure */ 110 VPU_API_ENC_MLVEC_CFG = 0x4000, 111 VPU_API_ENC_SET_MAX_TID, 112 VPU_API_ENC_SET_MARK_LTR, 113 VPU_API_ENC_SET_USE_LTR, 114 VPU_API_ENC_SET_FRAME_QP, 115 VPU_API_ENC_SET_BASE_LAYER_PID, 116 } VPU_API_CMD; 117 118 typedef struct { 119 RK_U32 TimeLow; 120 RK_U32 TimeHigh; 121 } TIME_STAMP; 122 123 typedef struct { 124 RK_U32 CodecType; 125 RK_U32 ImgWidth; 126 RK_U32 ImgHeight; 127 RK_U32 ImgHorStride; 128 RK_U32 ImgVerStride; 129 RK_U32 BufSize; 130 } VPU_GENERIC; 131 132 typedef struct VPUMem { 133 RK_U32 phy_addr; 134 RK_U32 *vir_addr; 135 RK_U32 size; 136 RK_U32 *offset; 137 } VPUMemLinear_t; 138 139 typedef struct tVPU_FRAME { 140 RK_U32 FrameBusAddr[2]; // 0: Y address; 1: UV address; 141 RK_U32 FrameWidth; // buffer horizontal stride 142 RK_U32 FrameHeight; // buffer vertical stride 143 RK_U32 OutputWidth; // deprecated 144 RK_U32 OutputHeight; // deprecated 145 RK_U32 DisplayWidth; // valid width for display 146 RK_U32 DisplayHeight; // valid height for display 147 RK_U32 CodingType; 148 RK_U32 FrameType; // frame; top_field_first; bot_field_first 149 RK_U32 ColorType; 150 RK_U32 DecodeFrmNum; 151 TIME_STAMP ShowTime; 152 RK_U32 ErrorInfo; // error information 153 RK_U32 employ_cnt; 154 VPUMemLinear_t vpumem; 155 struct tVPU_FRAME *next_frame; 156 union { 157 struct { 158 RK_U32 Res0[2]; 159 struct { 160 RK_U32 ColorPrimaries : 8; 161 RK_U32 ColorTransfer : 8; 162 RK_U32 ColorCoeffs : 8; 163 RK_U32 ColorRange : 1; 164 RK_U32 Res1 : 7; 165 }; 166 167 RK_U32 Res2; 168 }; 169 170 RK_U32 Res[4]; 171 }; 172 } VPU_FRAME; 173 174 typedef struct VideoPacket { 175 RK_S64 pts; /* with unit of us*/ 176 RK_S64 dts; /* with unit of us*/ 177 RK_U8 *data; 178 RK_S32 size; 179 RK_U32 capability; 180 RK_U32 nFlags; 181 } VideoPacket_t; 182 183 typedef struct DecoderOut { 184 RK_U8 *data; 185 RK_U32 size; 186 RK_S64 timeUs; 187 RK_S32 nFlags; 188 } DecoderOut_t; 189 190 typedef struct ParserOut { 191 RK_U8 *data; 192 RK_U32 size; 193 RK_S64 timeUs; 194 RK_U32 nFlags; 195 RK_U32 width; 196 RK_U32 height; 197 } ParserOut_t; 198 199 typedef struct EncInputStream { 200 RK_U8 *buf; 201 RK_S32 size; 202 RK_U32 bufPhyAddr; 203 RK_S64 timeUs; 204 RK_U32 nFlags; 205 } EncInputStream_t; 206 207 typedef struct EncoderOut { 208 RK_U8 *data; 209 RK_S32 size; 210 RK_S64 timeUs; 211 RK_S32 keyFrame; 212 213 } EncoderOut_t; 214 215 /* 216 * @brief Enumeration used to define the possible video compression codings. 217 * @note This essentially refers to file extensions. If the coding is 218 * being used to specify the ENCODE type, then additional work 219 * must be done to configure the exact flavor of the compression 220 * to be used. For decode cases where the user application can 221 * not differentiate between MPEG-4 and H.264 bit streams, it is 222 * up to the codec to handle this. 223 * 224 * sync with the omx_video.h 225 */ 226 typedef enum OMX_RK_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE { 227 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingUnused, /**< Value when coding is N/A */ 228 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingAutoDetect, /**< Autodetection of coding type */ 229 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingMPEG2, /**< AKA: H.262 */ 230 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingH263, /**< H.263 */ 231 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingMPEG4, /**< MPEG-4 */ 232 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingWMV, /**< Windows Media Video (WMV1,WMV2,WMV3)*/ 233 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingRV, /**< all versions of Real Video */ 234 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingAVC, /**< H.264/AVC */ 235 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingMJPEG, /**< Motion JPEG */ 236 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingVP8, /**< VP8 */ 237 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingVP9, /**< VP9 */ 238 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingVC1 = 0x01000000, /**< Windows Media Video (WMV1,WMV2,WMV3)*/ 239 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingFLV1, /**< Sorenson H.263 */ 240 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingDIVX3, /**< DIVX3 */ 241 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingVP6, 242 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingHEVC, /**< H.265/HEVC */ 243 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingAVS, /**< AVS+ */ 244 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */ 245 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */ 246 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CodingMax = 0x7FFFFFFF 247 } OMX_RK_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE; 248 249 typedef enum CODEC_TYPE { 250 CODEC_NONE, 251 CODEC_DECODER, 252 CODEC_ENCODER, 253 CODEC_BUTT, 254 } CODEC_TYPE; 255 256 typedef enum VPU_API_ERR { 257 VPU_API_OK = 0, 258 VPU_API_ERR_UNKNOW = -1, 259 VPU_API_ERR_BASE = -1000, 260 VPU_API_ERR_LIST_STREAM = VPU_API_ERR_BASE - 1, 261 VPU_API_ERR_INIT = VPU_API_ERR_BASE - 2, 262 VPU_API_ERR_VPU_CODEC_INIT = VPU_API_ERR_BASE - 3, 263 VPU_API_ERR_STREAM = VPU_API_ERR_BASE - 4, 264 VPU_API_ERR_FATAL_THREAD = VPU_API_ERR_BASE - 5, 265 VPU_API_EOS_STREAM_REACHED = VPU_API_ERR_BASE - 11, 266 267 VPU_API_ERR_BUTT, 268 } VPU_API_ERR; 269 270 typedef enum VPU_FRAME_ERR { 271 VPU_FRAME_ERR_UNKNOW = 0x0001, 272 VPU_FRAME_ERR_UNSUPPORT = 0x0002, 273 274 } VPU_FRAME_ERR; 275 276 typedef struct EncParameter { 277 RK_S32 width; 278 RK_S32 height; 279 RK_S32 rc_mode; /* 0 - CQP mode; 1 - CBR mode; 2 - FIXQP mode*/ 280 RK_S32 bitRate; /* target bitrate */ 281 RK_S32 framerate; 282 RK_S32 qp; 283 RK_S32 enableCabac; 284 RK_S32 cabacInitIdc; 285 RK_S32 format; 286 RK_S32 intraPicRate; 287 RK_S32 framerateout; 288 RK_S32 profileIdc; 289 RK_S32 levelIdc; 290 RK_S32 reserved[3]; 291 } EncParameter_t; 292 293 typedef struct EXtraCfg { 294 RK_S32 vc1extra_size; 295 RK_S32 vp6codeid; 296 RK_S32 tsformat; 297 RK_U32 ori_vpu; /* use origin vpu framework */ 298 /* below used in decode */ 299 RK_U32 mpp_mode; /* use mpp framework */ 300 RK_U32 bit_depth; /* 8 or 10 bit */ 301 RK_U32 yuv_format; /* 0:420 1:422 2:444 */ 302 RK_U32 reserved[16]; 303 } EXtraCfg_t; 304 305 /** 306 * @brief vpu function interface 307 */ 308 typedef struct VpuCodecContext { 309 void* vpuApiObj; 310 311 CODEC_TYPE codecType; 312 OMX_RK_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE videoCoding; 313 314 RK_U32 width; 315 RK_U32 height; 316 void *extradata; 317 RK_S32 extradata_size; 318 319 RK_U8 enableparsing; 320 321 RK_S32 no_thread; 322 EXtraCfg_t extra_cfg; 323 324 void* private_data; 325 326 /* 327 ** 1: error state(not working) 0: working 328 */ 329 RK_S32 decoder_err; 330 331 332 /** 333 * Allocate and initialize an VpuCodecContext. 334 * 335 * @param ctx The context of vpu api, allocated in this function. 336 * @param extraData The extra data of codec, some codecs need / can 337 * use extradata like Huffman tables, also live VC1 codec can 338 * use extradata to initialize itself. 339 * @param extra_size The size of extra data. 340 * 341 * @return 0 for init success, others for failure. 342 * @note check whether ctx has been allocated success after you do init. 343 */ 344 RK_S32 (*init)(struct VpuCodecContext *ctx, RK_U8 *extraData, RK_U32 extra_size); 345 /** 346 * @brief both send video stream packet to decoder and get video frame from 347 * decoder at the same time 348 * @param ctx The context of vpu codec 349 * @param pkt[in] Stream to be decoded 350 * @param aDecOut[out] Decoding frame 351 * @return 0 for decode success, others for failure. 352 */ 353 RK_S32 (*decode)(struct VpuCodecContext *ctx, VideoPacket_t *pkt, DecoderOut_t *aDecOut); 354 /** 355 * @brief both send video frame to encoder and get encoded video stream from 356 * encoder at the same time. 357 * @param ctx The context of vpu codec 358 * @param aEncInStrm[in] Frame to be encoded 359 * @param aEncOut[out] Encoding stream 360 * @return 0 for encode success, others for failure. 361 */ 362 RK_S32 (*encode)(struct VpuCodecContext *ctx, EncInputStream_t *aEncInStrm, EncoderOut_t *aEncOut); 363 /** 364 * @brief flush codec while do fast forward playing. 365 * @param ctx The context of vpu codec 366 * @return 0 for flush success, others for failure. 367 */ 368 RK_S32 (*flush)(struct VpuCodecContext *ctx); 369 RK_S32 (*control)(struct VpuCodecContext *ctx, VPU_API_CMD cmdType, void* param); 370 /** 371 * @brief send video stream packet to decoder only, async interface 372 * @param ctx The context of vpu codec 373 * @param pkt Stream to be decoded 374 * @return 0 for success, others for failure. 375 */ 376 RK_S32 (*decode_sendstream)(struct VpuCodecContext *ctx, VideoPacket_t *pkt); 377 /** 378 * @brief get video frame from decoder only, async interface 379 * @param ctx The context of vpu codec 380 * @param aDecOut Decoding frame 381 * @return 0 for success, others for failure. 382 */ 383 RK_S32 (*decode_getframe)(struct VpuCodecContext *ctx, DecoderOut_t *aDecOut); 384 /** 385 * @brief send video frame to encoder only, async interface 386 * @param ctx The context of vpu codec 387 * @param aEncInStrm Frame to be encoded 388 * @return 0 for success, others for failure. 389 */ 390 RK_S32 (*encoder_sendframe)(struct VpuCodecContext *ctx, EncInputStream_t *aEncInStrm); 391 /** 392 * @brief get encoded video packet from encoder only, async interface 393 * @param ctx The context of vpu codec 394 * @param aEncOut Encoding stream 395 * @return 0 for success, others for failure. 396 */ 397 RK_S32 (*encoder_getstream)(struct VpuCodecContext *ctx, EncoderOut_t *aEncOut); 398 } VpuCodecContext_t; 399 400 /* allocated vpu codec context */ 401 #ifdef __cplusplus 402 extern "C" 403 { 404 #endif 405 406 /** 407 * @brief open context of vpu 408 * @param ctx pointer of vpu codec context 409 */ 410 RK_S32 vpu_open_context(struct VpuCodecContext **ctx); 411 /** 412 * @brief close context of vpu 413 * @param ctx pointer of vpu codec context 414 */ 415 RK_S32 vpu_close_context(struct VpuCodecContext **ctx); 416 417 #ifdef __cplusplus 418 } 419 #endif 420 421 /* 422 * vpu_mem api 423 */ 424 #define vpu_display_mem_pool_FIELDS \ 425 RK_S32 (*commit_hdl)(vpu_display_mem_pool *p, RK_S32 hdl, RK_S32 size); \ 426 void* (*get_free)(vpu_display_mem_pool *p); \ 427 RK_S32 (*inc_used)(vpu_display_mem_pool *p, void *hdl); \ 428 RK_S32 (*put_used)(vpu_display_mem_pool *p, void *hdl); \ 429 RK_S32 (*reset)(vpu_display_mem_pool *p); \ 430 RK_S32 (*get_unused_num)(vpu_display_mem_pool *p); \ 431 RK_S32 buff_size;\ 432 float version; \ 433 RK_S32 res[18]; 434 435 typedef struct vpu_display_mem_pool vpu_display_mem_pool; 436 437 struct vpu_display_mem_pool { 438 vpu_display_mem_pool_FIELDS 439 }; 440 441 #ifdef __cplusplus 442 extern "C" 443 { 444 #endif 445 446 /* 447 * vpu memory handle interface 448 */ 449 RK_S32 VPUMemJudgeIommu(void); 450 RK_S32 VPUMallocLinear(VPUMemLinear_t *p, RK_U32 size); 451 RK_S32 VPUFreeLinear(VPUMemLinear_t *p); 452 RK_S32 VPUMemDuplicate(VPUMemLinear_t *dst, VPUMemLinear_t *src); 453 RK_S32 VPUMemLink(VPUMemLinear_t *p); 454 RK_S32 VPUMemFlush(VPUMemLinear_t *p); 455 RK_S32 VPUMemClean(VPUMemLinear_t *p); 456 RK_S32 VPUMemInvalidate(VPUMemLinear_t *p); 457 RK_S32 VPUMemGetFD(VPUMemLinear_t *p); 458 RK_S32 VPUMallocLinearFromRender(VPUMemLinear_t *p, RK_U32 size, void *ctx); 459 460 /* 461 * vpu memory allocator and manager interface 462 */ 463 vpu_display_mem_pool* open_vpu_memory_pool(void); 464 void close_vpu_memory_pool(vpu_display_mem_pool *p); 465 int create_vpu_memory_pool_allocator(vpu_display_mem_pool **ipool, int num, int size); 466 void release_vpu_memory_pool_allocator(vpu_display_mem_pool *ipool); 467 468 #ifdef __cplusplus 469 } 470 #endif 471 472 #endif /*__VPU_API_H__*/ 473