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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2022-2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6  *
7  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14  */
16 #include <fcntl.h>
17 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
18 #include "common_test_utils.h"
19 #include "iremote_object_mocker.h"
20 #include "mock_IWindow.h"
21 #include "mock_RSIWindowAnimationController.h"
22 #include "window_manager_service.h"
24 #include <thread>
26 #include <ability_manager_client.h>
27 #include <cinttypes>
28 #include <chrono>
29 #include <hisysevent.h>
30 #include <hitrace_meter.h>
31 #include <ipc_skeleton.h>
32 #include <parameters.h>
33 #include <rs_iwindow_animation_controller.h>
34 #include <system_ability_definition.h>
35 #include <sstream>
36 #include "xcollie/watchdog.h"
38 #include "color_parser.h"
39 #include "display_manager_service_inner.h"
40 #include "dm_common.h"
41 #include "drag_controller.h"
42 #include "minimize_app.h"
43 #include "permission.h"
44 #include "remote_animation.h"
45 #include "singleton_container.h"
46 #include "ui/rs_ui_director.h"
47 #include "window_helper.h"
48 #include "window_inner_manager.h"
49 #include "window_manager_agent_controller.h"
50 #include "window_manager_hilog.h"
51 #include "wm_common.h"
52 #include "wm_math.h"
55 using namespace testing;
56 using namespace testing::ext;
57 namespace OHOS {
58 namespace Rosen {
59 class WindowManagerServiceTest : public testing::Test {
60 public:
61     static void SetUpTestCase();
62     static void TearDownTestCase();
63     void SetUp() override;
64     void TearDown() override;
66     void SetAceessTokenPermission(const std::string processName);
67     sptr<WindowManagerService> wms = new WindowManagerService();
68 };
SetUpTestCase()70 void WindowManagerServiceTest::SetUpTestCase()
71 {
72 }
TearDownTestCase()74 void WindowManagerServiceTest::TearDownTestCase()
75 {
76 }
SetUp()78 void WindowManagerServiceTest::SetUp()
79 {
80     CommonTestUtils::SetAceessTokenPermission("WindowManagerServiceTest");
81 }
TearDown()83 void WindowManagerServiceTest::TearDown()
84 {
85 }
87 namespace {
88 /**
89  * @tc.name: OnAddSystemAbility
90  * @tc.desc: OnAddSystemAbility test
91  * @tc.type: FUNC
92  */
93 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, OnAddSystemAbility01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
94 {
95     std::string str = "OnAddSystemAbility";
96     wms->OnAddSystemAbility(0, str);
97     ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, wms->windowCommonEvent_->subscriber_);
98 }
99 /**
100  * @tc.name: WindowVisibilityChangeCallback
101  * @tc.desc: WindowVisibilityChangeCallback test
102  * @tc.type: FUNC
103  */
104 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, WindowVisibilityChangeCallback01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
105 {
106     std::shared_ptr<RSOcclusionData> occlusionData = nullptr;
107     wms->WindowVisibilityChangeCallback(occlusionData);
108     ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, occlusionData);
109 }
110 /**
111  * @tc.name: InitWithAbilityManagerServiceAdded
112  * @tc.desc: Init with ability manager service added.
113  * @tc.type: FUNC
114  */
115 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, InitWithAbilityManagerServiceAdded01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
116 {
117     wms->wmsHandler_ = new WindowManagerServiceHandler;
118     wms->InitWithAbilityManagerServiceAdded();
119     ASSERT_NE(nullptr, wms->wmsHandler_);
120 }
121 /**
122  * @tc.name: Dump
123  * @tc.desc: Dump info
124  * @tc.type: FUNC
125  */
126 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, Dump01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
127 {
128     wms->windowDumper_ = nullptr;
129     std::vector<std::u16string> args;
130     const std::string dumpFile = "data/window_dump_test.txt";
131     int fd = open(dumpFile.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
132     if (fd == -1) {
133         return;
134     }
135     ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<int>(WMError::WM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM), wms->Dump(-1, args));
136     ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<int>(WMError::WM_OK), wms->Dump(fd, args));
137     close(fd);
138     unlink(dumpFile.c_str());
139 }
140 /**
141  * @tc.name: NotifyWindowTransition
142  * @tc.desc: NotifyWindowTransition test
143  * @tc.type: FUNC
144  */
145 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, NotifyWindowTransition01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
146 {
147     sptr<WindowTransitionInfo> fromInfo = nullptr;
148     sptr<WindowTransitionInfo> toInfo = nullptr;
149     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_OK, wms->NotifyWindowTransition(fromInfo, toInfo, false));
150     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_ERROR_NO_REMOTE_ANIMATION, wms->NotifyWindowTransition(fromInfo, toInfo, true));
151 }
152 /**
153  * @tc.name: StartingWindow
154  * @tc.desc: StartingWindow test
155  * @tc.type: FUNC
156  */
157 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, StartingWindow01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
158 {
159     wms->startingOpen_ = false;
160     wms->StartingWindow(nullptr, nullptr, false, 0);
161     ASSERT_EQ(false, wms->startingOpen_);
162     wms->CancelStartingWindow(nullptr);
163     wms->startingOpen_ = true;
164     wms->StartingWindow(nullptr, nullptr, false, 0);
165     ASSERT_EQ(true, wms->startingOpen_);
166     wms->CancelStartingWindow(nullptr);
167 }
169 /**
170  * @tc.name: MoveMissionsToForeground
171  * @tc.desc: MoveMissionsToForont test
172  * @tc.type: FUNC
173  */
174 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, MoveMissionsToForeground01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
175 {
176     WMError rs = wms->MoveMissionsToForeground({}, -1);
177     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_OK, rs);
178 }
181 /**
182  * @tc.name: MoveMissionsToBackground
183  * @tc.desc: MoveMissionsToBackground test
184  * @tc.type: FUNC
185  */
186 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, MoveMissionsToBackground01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
187 {
188     std::vector<int32_t> moveRs;
189     WMError rs = wms->MoveMissionsToBackground({}, moveRs);
190     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_OK, rs);
191 }
193 /**
194  * @tc.name: CreateWindow
195  * @tc.desc: CreateWindow test
196  * @tc.type: FUNC
197  */
198 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, CreateWindow01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
199 {
200     sptr<IWindow> window = nullptr;
201     uint32_t id = 2;
202     std::shared_ptr<RSSurfaceNode> RS_node = nullptr;
203     sptr<WindowProperty> property = new WindowProperty();
204     property->SetWindowType(WindowType::WINDOW_TYPE_WALLPAPER);
205     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_ERROR_NULLPTR, wms->CreateWindow(window, property, RS_node, id, nullptr));
206     wms->DestroyWindow(id, true);
207 }
208 /**
209  * @tc.name: AddWindow
210  * @tc.desc: AddWindow test
211  * @tc.type: FUNC
212  */
213 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, AddWindow01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
214 {
215     sptr<WindowProperty> property = nullptr;
216     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_ERROR_NULLPTR, wms->AddWindow(property));
217 }
218 /**
219  * @tc.name: RegisterWindowManagerAgent
220  * @tc.desc: RegisterWindowManagerAgent test
221  * @tc.type: FUNC
222  */
223 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, RegisterWindowManagerAgent01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
224 {
225     sptr<IWindowManagerAgent> windowManagerAgent = nullptr;
226     WindowManagerAgentType type = WindowManagerAgentType::WINDOW_MANAGER_AGENT_TYPE_CAMERA_FLOAT;
227     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_ERROR_NULLPTR, wms->RegisterWindowManagerAgent(type, windowManagerAgent));
228     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_ERROR_NULLPTR, wms->UnregisterWindowManagerAgent(type, windowManagerAgent));
229 }
230 /**
231  * @tc.name: SetWindowAnimationController
232  * @tc.desc: SetWindowAnimationController test
233  * @tc.type: FUNC
234  */
235 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, SetWindowAnimationController01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
236 {
237     sptr<RSIWindowAnimationController> controller = nullptr;
238     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_ERROR_NULLPTR, wms->SetWindowAnimationController(controller));
239     controller = new RSIWindowAnimationControllerMocker;
240     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_OK, wms->SetWindowAnimationController(controller));
241 }
242 /**
243  * @tc.name: OnWindowEvent
244  * @tc.desc: OnWindowEvent test
245  * @tc.type: FUNC
246  */
247 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, OnWindowEvent01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
248 {
249     sptr<IRemoteObject> remoteObject = new IRemoteObjectMocker;
250     wms->OnWindowEvent(static_cast<Event>(1), remoteObject);
251     wms->OnWindowEvent(Event::REMOTE_DIED, remoteObject);
252     ASSERT_EQ(INVALID_WINDOW_ID, wms->windowRoot_->GetWindowIdByObject(remoteObject));
253 }
254 /**
255  * @tc.name: UpdateProperty
256  * @tc.desc: UpdateProperty test
257  * @tc.type: FUNC
258  */
259 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, UpdateProperty01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
260 {
261     sptr<WindowProperty> windowProperty = nullptr;
262     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_ERROR_NULLPTR, wms->UpdateProperty(windowProperty,
263         PropertyChangeAction::ACTION_UPDATE_ANIMATION_FLAG, true));
264 }
265 /**
266  * @tc.name: GetModeChangeHotZones
267  * @tc.desc: GetModeChangeHotZones test
268  * @tc.type: FUNC
269  */
270 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, GetModeChangeHotZones01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
271 {
272     ModeChangeHotZonesConfig config = {false, 0, 0, 0};
273     DisplayId displayId = 0;
274     ModeChangeHotZones hotZone;
275     wms->hotZonesConfig_ = config;
276     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_DO_NOTHING, wms->GetModeChangeHotZones(displayId, hotZone));
277     config.isModeChangeHotZoneConfigured_ = true;
278     wms->hotZonesConfig_ = config;
279     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_ERROR_NULLPTR, wms->GetModeChangeHotZones(displayId, hotZone));
280 }
281 /**
282  * @tc.name: UpdateAvoidAreaListener
283  * @tc.desc: UpdateAvoidAreaListener test
284  * @tc.type: FUNC
285  */
286 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, UpdateAvoidAreaListener01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
287 {
288     sptr<WindowProperty> property = new WindowProperty();
289     sptr<WindowNode> node = new WindowNode(property);
290     wms->windowRoot_->windowNodeMap_.insert(std::make_pair(0, node));
291     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_DO_NOTHING, wms->UpdateAvoidAreaListener(0, true));
292 }
293 /**
294  * @tc.name: BindDialogTarget
295  * @tc.desc: BindDialogTarget test
296  * @tc.type: FUNC
297  */
298 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, BindDialogTarget01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
299 {
300     sptr<IRemoteObject> targetToken = new IRemoteObjectMocker();
301     uint32_t id = 0;
302     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_ERROR_NULLPTR, wms->BindDialogTarget(id, targetToken));
303 }
304 /**
305  * @tc.name: DispatchKeyEvent01
306  * @tc.desc: Dispatch KeyEvent for app window bellow the component window.
307  * @tc.require: issueI6RMUY
308  * @tc.type: FUNC
309  */
310 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, DispatchKeyEvent01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
311 {
312     wms = new WindowManagerService();
313     sptr<WindowNode> compNode = new WindowNode();
314     compNode->property_->type_ = WindowType::WINDOW_TYPE_APP_COMPONENT;
315     compNode->SetWindowToken(new IWindowMocker);
316     compNode->property_->windowId_ = 1U;
317     sptr<WindowNode> appNode = new WindowNode();
318     appNode->property_->type_ = WindowType::WINDOW_TYPE_APP_MAIN_WINDOW;
319     IWindowMocker* token = new IWindowMocker;
320     appNode->SetWindowToken(token);
321     appNode->property_->windowId_ = 2U;
322     auto event = MMI::KeyEvent::Create();
323     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->windowNodeMap_[appNode->GetWindowId()] = appNode;
324     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->windowNodeMap_[compNode->GetWindowId()] = compNode;
325     sptr<WindowNodeContainer> container = new WindowNodeContainer(new DisplayInfo, 0);
326     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->windowNodeContainerMap_[compNode->GetDisplayId()] = container;
327     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->displayIdMap_[compNode->GetDisplayId()] = { compNode->GetDisplayId() };
328     container->appWindowNode_->children_.push_back(appNode);
329     container->appWindowNode_->children_.push_back(compNode);
330     std::vector<sptr<WindowNode>> windowNodes;
331     container->TraverseContainer(windowNodes);
332     ASSERT_TRUE(windowNodes[0] == compNode);
333     ASSERT_TRUE(windowNodes[1] == appNode);
334     EXPECT_CALL(*token, ConsumeKeyEvent(_));
335     wms->DispatchKeyEvent(compNode->GetWindowId(), event);
336     testing::Mock::AllowLeak(token);
337 }
338 /**
339  * @tc.name: DispatchKeyEvent02
340  * @tc.desc: Dispatch KeyEvent for app window bellow the app window.
341  * @tc.require: issueI6RMUY
342  * @tc.type: FUNC
343  */
344 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, DispatchKeyEvent02, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
345 {
346     wms = new WindowManagerService();
347     sptr<WindowNode> appNode1 = new WindowNode();
348     appNode1->property_->type_ = WindowType::WINDOW_TYPE_APP_MAIN_WINDOW;
349     appNode1->SetWindowToken(new IWindowMocker);
350     appNode1->property_->windowId_ = 1U;
351     sptr<WindowNode> appNode2 = new WindowNode();
352     appNode2->property_->type_ = WindowType::WINDOW_TYPE_APP_MAIN_WINDOW;
353     appNode2->SetWindowToken(new IWindowMocker);
354     appNode2->property_->windowId_ = 2U;
355     auto event = MMI::KeyEvent::Create();
356     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->windowNodeMap_[appNode2->GetWindowId()] = appNode2;
357     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->windowNodeMap_[appNode1->GetWindowId()] = appNode1;
358     sptr<WindowNodeContainer> container = new WindowNodeContainer(new DisplayInfo, 0);
359     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->windowNodeContainerMap_[appNode1->GetDisplayId()] = container;
360     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->displayIdMap_[appNode1->GetDisplayId()] = { appNode1->GetDisplayId() };
361     container->appWindowNode_->children_.push_back(appNode2);
362     container->appWindowNode_->children_.push_back(appNode1);
363     std::vector<sptr<WindowNode>> windowNodes;
364     container->TraverseContainer(windowNodes);
365     ASSERT_TRUE(windowNodes[0] == appNode1);
366     ASSERT_TRUE(windowNodes[1] == appNode2);
367     wms->DispatchKeyEvent(appNode1->GetWindowId(), event);
368 }
369 /**
370  * @tc.name: DispatchKeyEvent03
371  * @tc.desc: Dispatch KeyEvent for app window bellow two component window.
372  * @tc.require: issueI6RMUY
373  * @tc.type: FUNC
374  */
375 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, DispatchKeyEvent03, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
376 {
377     wms = new WindowManagerService();
378     sptr<WindowNode> compNode1 = new WindowNode();
379     compNode1->property_->type_ = WindowType::WINDOW_TYPE_APP_COMPONENT;
380     compNode1->SetWindowToken(new IWindowMocker);
381     compNode1->property_->windowId_ = 1U;
382     sptr<WindowNode> compNode2 = new WindowNode();
383     compNode2->property_->type_ = WindowType::WINDOW_TYPE_APP_COMPONENT;
384     compNode2->SetWindowToken(new IWindowMocker);
385     compNode2->property_->windowId_ = 2U;
386     sptr<WindowNode> appNode = new WindowNode();
387     appNode->property_->type_ = WindowType::WINDOW_TYPE_APP_MAIN_WINDOW;
388     IWindowMocker* token = new IWindowMocker;
389     appNode->SetWindowToken(token);
390     appNode->property_->windowId_ = 3U;
391     auto event = MMI::KeyEvent::Create();
392     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->windowNodeMap_[appNode->GetWindowId()] = appNode;
393     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->windowNodeMap_[compNode1->GetWindowId()] = compNode1;
394     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->windowNodeMap_[compNode2->GetWindowId()] = compNode2;
395     sptr<WindowNodeContainer> container = new WindowNodeContainer(new DisplayInfo, 0);
396     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->windowNodeContainerMap_[compNode1->GetDisplayId()] = container;
397     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->displayIdMap_[compNode1->GetDisplayId()] = { compNode1->GetDisplayId() };
398     container->appWindowNode_->children_.push_back(appNode);
399     container->appWindowNode_->children_.push_back(compNode1);
400     container->appWindowNode_->children_.push_back(compNode2);
401     std::vector<sptr<WindowNode>> windowNodes;
402     container->TraverseContainer(windowNodes);
403     ASSERT_TRUE(windowNodes[0] == compNode2);
404     ASSERT_TRUE(windowNodes[1] == compNode1);
405     ASSERT_TRUE(windowNodes[2] == appNode);
406     EXPECT_CALL(*token, ConsumeKeyEvent(_));
407     wms->DispatchKeyEvent(compNode2->GetWindowId(), event);
408     testing::Mock::AllowLeak(token);
409 }
410 /**
411  * @tc.name: SetWindowGravity
412  * @tc.desc: SetWindowGravity test
413  * @tc.type: FUNC
414  */
415 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, SetWindowGravity01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
416 {
417     uint32_t id = 0;
418     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_ERROR_NULLPTR, wms->SetWindowGravity(id, WindowGravity::WINDOW_GRAVITY_BOTTOM, 0));
419 }
420 /*
421  * @tc.name: GetWindowAnimationTargets01
422  * @tc.desc: get window animation targets
423  * @tc.type: FUNC
424  */
425 HWTEST_F(WindowManagerServiceTest, GetWindowAnimationTargets01, Function | SmallTest | Level2)
426 {
427     wms = new WindowManagerService();
428     sptr<WindowNode> compNode = new WindowNode();
429     compNode->property_->type_ = WindowType::WINDOW_TYPE_APP_COMPONENT;
430     compNode->SetWindowToken(new IWindowMocker);
431     compNode->property_->windowId_ = 1U;
432     compNode->abilityInfo_.missionId_ = 1;
433     sptr<WindowNode> appNode = new WindowNode();
434     appNode->property_->type_ = WindowType::WINDOW_TYPE_APP_MAIN_WINDOW;
435     IWindowMocker* token = new IWindowMocker;
436     appNode->SetWindowToken(token);
437     appNode->property_->windowId_ = 2U;
438     appNode->abilityInfo_.missionId_ = 2;
439     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->windowNodeMap_[appNode->GetWindowId()] = appNode;
440     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->windowNodeMap_[compNode->GetWindowId()] = compNode;
441     sptr<WindowNodeContainer> container = new WindowNodeContainer(new DisplayInfo, 0);
442     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->windowNodeContainerMap_[compNode->GetDisplayId()] = container;
443     wms->windowController_->windowRoot_->displayIdMap_[compNode->GetDisplayId()] = { compNode->GetDisplayId() };
444     container->appWindowNode_->children_.push_back(appNode);
445     container->appWindowNode_->children_.push_back(compNode);
446     RemoteAnimation::SetWindowControllerAndRoot(wms->windowController_, wms->windowController_->windowRoot_);
447     std::vector<uint32_t> missionIds;
448     missionIds.push_back(1);
449     missionIds.push_back(2);
450     std::vector<sptr<RSWindowAnimationTarget>> targets;
451     ASSERT_EQ(WMError::WM_OK, wms->GetWindowAnimationTargets(missionIds, targets));
452     ASSERT_EQ(0, targets.size());
453 }
454 }
455 }
456 }