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1<refentry xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:base="" xml:id="eglGetConfigAttrib">
2    <info>
3         <copyright>
4             <year>2003-2014</year>
5             <holder>The Khronos Group Inc.</holder>
6         </copyright>
7    </info>
8    <refmeta>
9        <refentrytitle>eglGetConfigAttrib</refentrytitle>
10        <manvolnum>3G</manvolnum>
11    </refmeta>
12    <refnamediv>
13        <refname>eglGetConfigAttrib</refname>
14        <refpurpose>
15            return information about an <acronym>EGL</acronym> frame buffer
16            configuration
17        </refpurpose>
18    </refnamediv>
19    <refsynopsisdiv>
20        <title>C Specification</title>
21        <funcsynopsis>
22            <funcprototype>
23                <funcdef>EGLBoolean <function>eglGetConfigAttrib</function></funcdef>
24                <paramdef>EGLDisplay <parameter>display</parameter></paramdef>
25                <paramdef>EGLConfig <parameter>config</parameter></paramdef>
26                <paramdef>EGLint <parameter>attribute</parameter></paramdef>
27                <paramdef>EGLint * <parameter>value</parameter></paramdef>
28            </funcprototype>
29        </funcsynopsis>
30    </refsynopsisdiv>
31    <refsect1 xml:id="parameters"><title>Parameters</title>
32        <variablelist>
33            <varlistentry>
34                <term><parameter>display</parameter></term>
35                <listitem><para>Specifies the EGL display connection.</para></listitem>
36            </varlistentry>
37            <varlistentry>
38                <term><parameter>config</parameter></term>
39                <listitem><para>Specifies the EGL frame buffer configuration to be
40                    queried.
41                </para></listitem>
42            </varlistentry>
43            <varlistentry>
44                <term><parameter>attribute</parameter></term>
45                <listitem><para>Specifies the EGL rendering context attribute to be
46                returned.</para></listitem>
47            </varlistentry>
48            <varlistentry>
49                <term><parameter>value</parameter></term>
50                <listitem><para>Returns the requested value.</para></listitem>
51            </varlistentry>
52        </variablelist>
53    </refsect1>
54    <refsect1 xml:id="description"><title>Description</title>
55        <para>
56            <function>eglGetConfigAttrib</function> returns in
57            <parameter>value</parameter> the value of
58            <parameter>attribute</parameter> for
59            <parameter>config</parameter>
60            (config attributes are described in more detail in the
61            <citerefentry><refentrytitle>eglChooseConfig</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
62            reference page).
63            <parameter>attribute</parameter> can be one of the following:
64        </para>
65        <variablelist>
66            <varlistentry>
67            <term><constant>EGL_ALPHA_SIZE</constant></term>
68            <listitem><para>Returns the number of bits of alpha stored in the
69            color buffer.
70            </para></listitem>
71            </varlistentry>
72            <varlistentry>
73                <term><constant>EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE</constant></term>
74                <listitem><para>
75                    Returns the number of bits in the alpha mask buffer.
76                </para></listitem>
77            </varlistentry>
78            <varlistentry>
79            <term><constant>EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGB</constant></term>
80            <listitem><para>Returns <constant>EGL_TRUE</constant> if color buffers can be
81            bound to an RGB texture,
82            <constant>EGL_FALSE</constant> otherwise.
83            </para></listitem>
84            </varlistentry>
85            <varlistentry>
86            <term><constant>EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA</constant></term>
87            <listitem><para>Returns <constant>EGL_TRUE</constant> if color buffers can be
88            bound to an RGBA texture,
89            <constant>EGL_FALSE</constant> otherwise.
90            </para></listitem>
91            </varlistentry>
92            <varlistentry>
93            <term><constant>EGL_BLUE_SIZE</constant></term>
94            <listitem><para>Returns the number of bits of blue stored in the
95            color buffer.
96            </para></listitem>
97            </varlistentry>
98            <varlistentry>
99            <term><constant>EGL_BUFFER_SIZE</constant></term>
100            <listitem><para>Returns the depth of the color buffer.
101                It is the sum of
102                <constant>EGL_RED_SIZE</constant>,
103                <constant>EGL_GREEN_SIZE</constant>,
104                <constant>EGL_BLUE_SIZE</constant>, and
105                <constant>EGL_ALPHA_SIZE</constant>.
106            </para></listitem>
107            </varlistentry>
108            <varlistentry>
109                <term><constant>EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE</constant></term>
110                <listitem><para>
111                    Returns the color buffer type. Possible types are
112                    <constant>EGL_RGB_BUFFER</constant> and
113                    <constant>EGL_LUMINANCE_BUFFER</constant>.
114                </para></listitem>
115            </varlistentry>
116            <varlistentry>
117            <term><constant>EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT</constant></term>
118            <listitem><para>Returns the caveats for the frame buffer configuration.
119                Possible caveat values are
120                <constant>EGL_NONE</constant>,
121                <constant>EGL_SLOW_CONFIG</constant>, and
122                <constant>EGL_NON_CONFORMANT</constant>.
123            </para></listitem>
124            </varlistentry>
125            <varlistentry>
126            <term><constant>EGL_CONFIG_ID</constant></term>
127            <listitem><para>Returns the ID of the frame buffer configuration.
128            </para></listitem>
129            </varlistentry>
130            <varlistentry>
131            <term><constant>EGL_CONFORMANT</constant></term>
132            <listitem><para>
133                Returns a bitmask indicating which client API contexts
134                created with respect to this config are conformant.
135            </para></listitem>
136            </varlistentry>
137            <varlistentry>
138            <term><constant>EGL_DEPTH_SIZE</constant></term>
139            <listitem><para>Returns the number of bits in the depth buffer.
140            </para></listitem>
141            </varlistentry>
142            <varlistentry>
143            <term><constant>EGL_GREEN_SIZE</constant></term>
144            <listitem><para>Returns the number of bits of green stored in the
145            color buffer.
146            </para></listitem>
147            </varlistentry>
148            <varlistentry>
149            <term><constant>EGL_LEVEL</constant></term>
150            <listitem><para>Returns the frame buffer level.
151                Level zero is the default frame buffer.
152                Positive levels correspond to frame buffers that overlay the default
153                buffer and negative levels correspond to frame buffers that underlay
154                the default buffer.
155            </para></listitem>
156            </varlistentry>
157            <varlistentry>
158                <term><constant>EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE</constant></term>
159                <listitem>
160                <para>
161                    Returns the number of bits of luminance stored in the luminance buffer.
162                </para>
163                </listitem>
164            </varlistentry>
165            <varlistentry>
166            <term><constant>EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH</constant></term>
167            <listitem><para>Returns the maximum width of a pixel buffer surface in pixels.
168            </para></listitem>
169            </varlistentry>
170            <varlistentry>
171            <term><constant>EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT</constant></term>
172            <listitem><para>Returns the maximum height of a pixel buffer surface in pixels.
173            </para></listitem>
174            </varlistentry>
175            <varlistentry>
176            <term><constant>EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS</constant></term>
177            <listitem><para>Returns the maximum size of a pixel buffer surface in pixels.
178            </para></listitem>
179            </varlistentry>
180            <varlistentry>
181                <term><constant>EGL_MAX_SWAP_INTERVAL</constant></term>
182                <listitem><para>Returns the maximum value that can be passed to eglSwapInterval.
183                </para></listitem>
184            </varlistentry>
185            <varlistentry>
186                <term><constant>EGL_MIN_SWAP_INTERVAL</constant></term>
187                <listitem><para>Returns the minimum value that can be passed to eglSwapInterval.
188                </para></listitem>
189            </varlistentry>
190            <varlistentry>
191            <term><constant>EGL_NATIVE_RENDERABLE</constant></term>
192            <listitem><para>Returns <constant>EGL_TRUE</constant> if native rendering
193                APIs can render into the surface,
194                <constant>EGL_FALSE</constant> otherwise.
195            </para></listitem>
196            </varlistentry>
197            <varlistentry>
198            <term><constant>EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID</constant></term>
199            <listitem><para>Returns the ID of the associated native visual.
200            </para></listitem>
201            </varlistentry>
202            <varlistentry>
203            <term><constant>EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_TYPE</constant></term>
204            <listitem><para>Returns the type of the associated native visual.
205            </para></listitem>
206            </varlistentry>
207            <varlistentry>
208            <term><constant>EGL_RED_SIZE</constant></term>
209            <listitem><para>Returns the number of bits of red stored in the
210            color buffer.
211            </para></listitem>
212            </varlistentry>
213            <varlistentry>
214                <term><constant>EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE</constant></term>
215                <listitem>
216                <para>
217                    Returns a bitmask indicating the types of supported
218                    client API contexts.
219                </para>
220                </listitem>
221            </varlistentry>
222            <varlistentry>
223            <term><constant>EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS</constant></term>
224            <listitem><para>Returns the number of multisample buffers.
225            </para></listitem>
226            </varlistentry>
227            <varlistentry>
228            <term><constant>EGL_SAMPLES</constant></term>
229            <listitem><para>Returns the number of samples per pixel.</para></listitem>
230            </varlistentry>
231            <varlistentry>
232            <term><constant>EGL_STENCIL_SIZE</constant></term>
233            <listitem><para>Returns the number of bits in the stencil buffer.
234            </para></listitem>
235            </varlistentry>
236            <varlistentry>
237            <term><constant>EGL_SURFACE_TYPE</constant></term>
238            <listitem><para>
239                Returns a bitmask indicating the types of supported EGL
240                surfaces.
241            </para></listitem>
242            </varlistentry>
243            <varlistentry>
244            <term><constant>EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE</constant></term>
245            <listitem><para>Returns the type of supported transparency.
246                Possible transparency values are:
247                <constant>EGL_NONE</constant>, and
248                <constant>EGL_TRANSPARENT_RGB</constant>.
249            </para></listitem>
250            </varlistentry>
251            <varlistentry>
252            <term><constant>EGL_TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE</constant></term>
253            <listitem><para>Returns the transparent red value.</para></listitem>
254            </varlistentry>
255            <varlistentry>
256            <term><constant>EGL_TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VALUE</constant></term>
257            <listitem><para>Returns the transparent green value.</para></listitem>
258            </varlistentry>
259            <varlistentry>
260            <term><constant>EGL_TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE</constant></term>
261            <listitem><para>Returns the transparent blue value.</para></listitem>
262            </varlistentry>
263        </variablelist>
264    </refsect1>
265    <refsect1 xml:id="notes"><title>Notes</title>
266        <para>
267            <constant>EGL_CONFORMANT</constant> is supported only if the
268            EGL version is 1.3 or greater.
269        </para>
270        <para>
271            <constant>EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE</constant>,
272            <constant>EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE</constant>,
273            <constant>EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE</constant>, and
274            <constant>EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE</constant> are supported only
275            if the EGL version is 1.2 or greater.
276        </para>
277        <para>
278            While <constant>EGL_MATCH_NATIVE_PIXMAP</constant> can be
279            specified in the attribute list passed to
280            <citerefentry><refentrytitle>eglChooseConfig</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
281            it is not an attribute of the resulting config and cannot be
282            queried using <function>eglGetConfigAttrib</function>.
283        </para>
284    </refsect1>
285    <refsect1 xml:id="errors"><title>Errors</title>
286        <para>
287            <constant>EGL_FALSE</constant> is returned on failure,
288            <constant>EGL_TRUE</constant> otherwise.
289            <parameter>value</parameter> is not modified when
290            <constant>EGL_FALSE</constant> is returned.
291        </para>
292        <para>
293            <constant>EGL_BAD_DISPLAY</constant> is generated if
294            <parameter>display</parameter> is not an EGL display connection.
295        </para>
296        <para>
297            <constant>EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED</constant> is generated if
298            <parameter>display</parameter> has not been initialized.
299        </para>
300        <para>
301            <constant>EGL_BAD_CONFIG</constant> is generated if
302            <parameter>config</parameter> is not an EGL frame buffer configuration.
303        </para>
304        <para>
305            <constant>EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE</constant> is generated if
306            <parameter>attribute</parameter> is not a valid frame buffer
307            configuration attribute.
308        </para>
309    </refsect1>
310    <refsect1 xml:id="seealso"><title>See Also</title>
311        <para>
312            <citerefentry><refentrytitle>eglChooseConfig</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
313            <citerefentry><refentrytitle>eglGetConfigs</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
314        </para>
315    </refsect1>
316    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="copyright.xml"/>