1import org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.Library 2 3group 'com.softmotions.ejdb2' 4version '1.0' 5 6apply plugin: 'com.android.library' 7//apply plugin: "com.greensopinion.gradle-android-eclipse" 8//apply plugin: 'eclipse' 9 10sourceCompatibility = 1.8 11 12ext { 13 14 flutterRoot = { 15 def flutterProperties = new Properties() 16 def flutterPropertiesFile = rootProject.file('local.properties') 17 if (!flutterPropertiesFile.exists()) { 18 throw new GradleException("Flutter properties file not found. Define a flutter.properties file in your project root.") 19 } 20 flutterPropertiesFile.withInputStream { stream -> 21 flutterProperties.load(stream) 22 } 23 def flutterRoot = flutterProperties.getProperty('flutter.sdk') 24 if (flutterRoot == null) { 25 throw new GradleException("Flutter SDK not found. Define location with flutter.sdk in the flutter.properties file.") 26 } 27 return flutterRoot 28 }() 29 30 androidHome = { 31 if (System.env.ANDROID_HOME == null) { 32 throw new GradleException("Missing required ANDROID_HOME env variable"); 33 } 34 return System.env.ANDROID_HOME; 35 }() 36} 37 38 39buildscript { 40 repositories { 41 google() 42 jcenter() 43 maven { 44 url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/" 45 } 46 } 47 48 dependencies { 49 classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.2.1' 50 //classpath "gradle.plugin.com.greensopinion.gradle-android-eclipse:gradle-android-eclipse:1.1" 51 } 52} 53 54rootProject.allprojects { 55 repositories { 56 google() 57 jcenter() 58 } 59} 60 61android { 62 compileSdkVersion 28 63 defaultConfig { 64 minSdkVersion 16 65 testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" 66 } 67 compileOptions { 68 sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 69 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 70 } 71 lintOptions { 72 disable 'InvalidPackage' 73 } 74} 75 76dependencies { 77 compile fileTree(dir: 'src/main/jniLibs', include: ['*.jar']) 78} 79 80// eclipse { 81// classpath { 82// plusConfigurations += [ configurations.compile, configurations.testCompile ] 83// downloadSources = true 84// file { 85// whenMerged { 86// def androidHome = project.ext.get('androidHome') 87// def libAndroid = new Library(fileReference(file("$System.env.ANDROID_HOME/platforms/$project.android.compileSdkVersion/android.jar"))); 88// libAndroid.setSourcePath(fileReference(file("$System.env.ANDROID_HOME/sources/$project.android.compileSdkVersion"))); 89// // def flutterRoot = project.ext.get('flutterRoot') 90// // def flutterLib = new Library(fileReference(file("$flutterRoot/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/android-x86/flutter.jar"))) 91// // flutterLib.setSourcePath(fileReference(file('/home/adam/Projects/tmp/engine/shell/platform/android'))) 92// // entries += [ libAndroid, flutterLib ] 93// entries += [ libAndroid ] 94// } 95// } 96// } 97// } 98