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1:mod:`dataclasses` --- Data Classes
4.. module:: dataclasses
5    :synopsis: Generate special methods on user-defined classes.
7.. moduleauthor:: Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com>
8.. sectionauthor:: Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com>
10**Source code:** :source:`Lib/dataclasses.py`
14This module provides a decorator and functions for automatically
15adding generated :term:`special method`\s such as :meth:`__init__` and
16:meth:`__repr__` to user-defined classes.  It was originally described
17in :pep:`557`.
19The member variables to use in these generated methods are defined
20using :pep:`526` type annotations.  For example, this code::
22  from dataclasses import dataclass
24  @dataclass
25  class InventoryItem:
26      """Class for keeping track of an item in inventory."""
27      name: str
28      unit_price: float
29      quantity_on_hand: int = 0
31      def total_cost(self) -> float:
32          return self.unit_price * self.quantity_on_hand
34will add, among other things, a :meth:`__init__` that looks like::
36  def __init__(self, name: str, unit_price: float, quantity_on_hand: int = 0):
37      self.name = name
38      self.unit_price = unit_price
39      self.quantity_on_hand = quantity_on_hand
41Note that this method is automatically added to the class: it is not
42directly specified in the ``InventoryItem`` definition shown above.
44.. versionadded:: 3.7
46Module contents
49.. decorator:: dataclass(*, init=True, repr=True, eq=True, order=False, unsafe_hash=False, frozen=False, match_args=True, kw_only=False, slots=False)
51   This function is a :term:`decorator` that is used to add generated
52   :term:`special method`\s to classes, as described below.
54   The :func:`dataclass` decorator examines the class to find
55   ``field``\s.  A ``field`` is defined as a class variable that has a
56   :term:`type annotation <variable annotation>`.  With two
57   exceptions described below, nothing in :func:`dataclass`
58   examines the type specified in the variable annotation.
60   The order of the fields in all of the generated methods is the
61   order in which they appear in the class definition.
63   The :func:`dataclass` decorator will add various "dunder" methods to
64   the class, described below.  If any of the added methods already
65   exist in the class, the behavior depends on the parameter, as documented
66   below. The decorator returns the same class that it is called on; no new
67   class is created.
69   If :func:`dataclass` is used just as a simple decorator with no parameters,
70   it acts as if it has the default values documented in this
71   signature.  That is, these three uses of :func:`dataclass` are
72   equivalent::
74     @dataclass
75     class C:
76         ...
78     @dataclass()
79     class C:
80         ...
82     @dataclass(init=True, repr=True, eq=True, order=False, unsafe_hash=False, frozen=False, match_args=True, kw_only=False, slots=False)
83     class C:
84        ...
86   The parameters to :func:`dataclass` are:
88   - ``init``: If true (the default), a :meth:`__init__` method will be
89     generated.
91     If the class already defines :meth:`__init__`, this parameter is
92     ignored.
94   - ``repr``: If true (the default), a :meth:`__repr__` method will be
95     generated.  The generated repr string will have the class name and
96     the name and repr of each field, in the order they are defined in
97     the class.  Fields that are marked as being excluded from the repr
98     are not included.  For example:
99     ``InventoryItem(name='widget', unit_price=3.0, quantity_on_hand=10)``.
101     If the class already defines :meth:`__repr__`, this parameter is
102     ignored.
104   - ``eq``: If true (the default), an :meth:`__eq__` method will be
105     generated.  This method compares the class as if it were a tuple
106     of its fields, in order.  Both instances in the comparison must
107     be of the identical type.
109     If the class already defines :meth:`__eq__`, this parameter is
110     ignored.
112   - ``order``: If true (the default is ``False``), :meth:`__lt__`,
113     :meth:`__le__`, :meth:`__gt__`, and :meth:`__ge__` methods will be
114     generated.  These compare the class as if it were a tuple of its
115     fields, in order.  Both instances in the comparison must be of the
116     identical type.  If ``order`` is true and ``eq`` is false, a
117     :exc:`ValueError` is raised.
119     If the class already defines any of :meth:`__lt__`,
120     :meth:`__le__`, :meth:`__gt__`, or :meth:`__ge__`, then
121     :exc:`TypeError` is raised.
123   - ``unsafe_hash``: If ``False`` (the default), a :meth:`__hash__` method
124     is generated according to how ``eq`` and ``frozen`` are set.
126     :meth:`__hash__` is used by built-in :meth:`hash()`, and when objects are
127     added to hashed collections such as dictionaries and sets.  Having a
128     :meth:`__hash__` implies that instances of the class are immutable.
129     Mutability is a complicated property that depends on the programmer's
130     intent, the existence and behavior of :meth:`__eq__`, and the values of
131     the ``eq`` and ``frozen`` flags in the :func:`dataclass` decorator.
133     By default, :func:`dataclass` will not implicitly add a :meth:`__hash__`
134     method unless it is safe to do so.  Neither will it add or change an
135     existing explicitly defined :meth:`__hash__` method.  Setting the class
136     attribute ``__hash__ = None`` has a specific meaning to Python, as
137     described in the :meth:`__hash__` documentation.
139     If :meth:`__hash__` is not explicitly defined, or if it is set to ``None``,
140     then :func:`dataclass` *may* add an implicit :meth:`__hash__` method.
141     Although not recommended, you can force :func:`dataclass` to create a
142     :meth:`__hash__` method with ``unsafe_hash=True``. This might be the case
143     if your class is logically immutable but can nonetheless be mutated.
144     This is a specialized use case and should be considered carefully.
146     Here are the rules governing implicit creation of a :meth:`__hash__`
147     method.  Note that you cannot both have an explicit :meth:`__hash__`
148     method in your dataclass and set ``unsafe_hash=True``; this will result
149     in a :exc:`TypeError`.
151     If ``eq`` and ``frozen`` are both true, by default :func:`dataclass` will
152     generate a :meth:`__hash__` method for you.  If ``eq`` is true and
153     ``frozen`` is false, :meth:`__hash__` will be set to ``None``, marking it
154     unhashable (which it is, since it is mutable).  If ``eq`` is false,
155     :meth:`__hash__` will be left untouched meaning the :meth:`__hash__`
156     method of the superclass will be used (if the superclass is
157     :class:`object`, this means it will fall back to id-based hashing).
159   - ``frozen``: If true (the default is ``False``), assigning to fields will
160     generate an exception.  This emulates read-only frozen instances.  If
161     :meth:`__setattr__` or :meth:`__delattr__` is defined in the class, then
162     :exc:`TypeError` is raised.  See the discussion below.
164   - ``match_args``: If true (the default is ``True``), the
165     ``__match_args__`` tuple will be created from the list of
166     parameters to the generated :meth:`__init__` method (even if
167     :meth:`__init__` is not generated, see above).  If false, or if
168     ``__match_args__`` is already defined in the class, then
169     ``__match_args__`` will not be generated.
171    .. versionadded:: 3.10
173   - ``kw_only``: If true (the default value is ``False``), then all
174     fields will be marked as keyword-only.  If a field is marked as
175     keyword-only, then the only affect is that the :meth:`__init__`
176     parameter generated from a keyword-only field must be specified
177     with a keyword when :meth:`__init__` is called.  There is no
178     effect on any other aspect of dataclasses.  See the
179     :term:`parameter` glossary entry for details.  Also see the
180     :const:`KW_ONLY` section.
182    .. versionadded:: 3.10
184   - ``slots``: If true (the default is ``False``), :attr:`__slots__` attribute
185     will be generated and new class will be returned instead of the original one.
186     If :attr:`__slots__` is already defined in the class, then :exc:`TypeError`
187     is raised.
189    .. versionadded:: 3.10
191   ``field``\s may optionally specify a default value, using normal
192   Python syntax::
194     @dataclass
195     class C:
196         a: int       # 'a' has no default value
197         b: int = 0   # assign a default value for 'b'
199   In this example, both ``a`` and ``b`` will be included in the added
200   :meth:`__init__` method, which will be defined as::
202     def __init__(self, a: int, b: int = 0):
204   :exc:`TypeError` will be raised if a field without a default value
205   follows a field with a default value.  This is true whether this
206   occurs in a single class, or as a result of class inheritance.
208.. function:: field(*, default=MISSING, default_factory=MISSING, init=True, repr=True, hash=None, compare=True, metadata=None, kw_only=MISSING)
210   For common and simple use cases, no other functionality is
211   required.  There are, however, some dataclass features that
212   require additional per-field information.  To satisfy this need for
213   additional information, you can replace the default field value
214   with a call to the provided :func:`field` function.  For example::
216     @dataclass
217     class C:
218         mylist: list[int] = field(default_factory=list)
220     c = C()
221     c.mylist += [1, 2, 3]
223   As shown above, the :const:`MISSING` value is a sentinel object used to
224   detect if some parameters are provided by the user. This sentinel is
225   used because ``None`` is a valid value for some parameters with
226   a distinct meaning.  No code should directly use the :const:`MISSING` value.
228   The parameters to :func:`field` are:
230   - ``default``: If provided, this will be the default value for this
231     field.  This is needed because the :meth:`field` call itself
232     replaces the normal position of the default value.
234   - ``default_factory``: If provided, it must be a zero-argument
235     callable that will be called when a default value is needed for
236     this field.  Among other purposes, this can be used to specify
237     fields with mutable default values, as discussed below.  It is an
238     error to specify both ``default`` and ``default_factory``.
240   - ``init``: If true (the default), this field is included as a
241     parameter to the generated :meth:`__init__` method.
243   - ``repr``: If true (the default), this field is included in the
244     string returned by the generated :meth:`__repr__` method.
246   - ``hash``: This can be a bool or ``None``.  If true, this field is
247     included in the generated :meth:`__hash__` method.  If ``None`` (the
248     default), use the value of ``compare``: this would normally be
249     the expected behavior.  A field should be considered in the hash
250     if it's used for comparisons.  Setting this value to anything
251     other than ``None`` is discouraged.
253     One possible reason to set ``hash=False`` but ``compare=True``
254     would be if a field is expensive to compute a hash value for,
255     that field is needed for equality testing, and there are other
256     fields that contribute to the type's hash value.  Even if a field
257     is excluded from the hash, it will still be used for comparisons.
259   - ``compare``: If true (the default), this field is included in the
260     generated equality and comparison methods (:meth:`__eq__`,
261     :meth:`__gt__`, et al.).
263   - ``metadata``: This can be a mapping or None. None is treated as
264     an empty dict.  This value is wrapped in
265     :func:`~types.MappingProxyType` to make it read-only, and exposed
266     on the :class:`Field` object. It is not used at all by Data
267     Classes, and is provided as a third-party extension mechanism.
268     Multiple third-parties can each have their own key, to use as a
269     namespace in the metadata.
271   - ``kw_only``: If true, this field will be marked as keyword-only.
272     This is used when the generated :meth:`__init__` method's
273     parameters are computed.
275    .. versionadded:: 3.10
277   If the default value of a field is specified by a call to
278   :func:`field()`, then the class attribute for this field will be
279   replaced by the specified ``default`` value.  If no ``default`` is
280   provided, then the class attribute will be deleted.  The intent is
281   that after the :func:`dataclass` decorator runs, the class
282   attributes will all contain the default values for the fields, just
283   as if the default value itself were specified.  For example,
284   after::
286     @dataclass
287     class C:
288         x: int
289         y: int = field(repr=False)
290         z: int = field(repr=False, default=10)
291         t: int = 20
293   The class attribute ``C.z`` will be ``10``, the class attribute
294   ``C.t`` will be ``20``, and the class attributes ``C.x`` and
295   ``C.y`` will not be set.
297.. class:: Field
299   :class:`Field` objects describe each defined field. These objects
300   are created internally, and are returned by the :func:`fields`
301   module-level method (see below).  Users should never instantiate a
302   :class:`Field` object directly.  Its documented attributes are:
304     - ``name``: The name of the field.
306     - ``type``: The type of the field.
308     - ``default``, ``default_factory``, ``init``, ``repr``, ``hash``,
309       ``compare``, ``metadata``, and ``kw_only`` have the identical
310       meaning and values as they do in the :func:`field` function.
312   Other attributes may exist, but they are private and must not be
313   inspected or relied on.
315.. function:: fields(class_or_instance)
317   Returns a tuple of :class:`Field` objects that define the fields for this
318   dataclass.  Accepts either a dataclass, or an instance of a dataclass.
319   Raises :exc:`TypeError` if not passed a dataclass or instance of one.
320   Does not return pseudo-fields which are ``ClassVar`` or ``InitVar``.
322.. function:: asdict(obj, *, dict_factory=dict)
324   Converts the dataclass ``obj`` to a dict (by using the
325   factory function ``dict_factory``).  Each dataclass is converted
326   to a dict of its fields, as ``name: value`` pairs.  dataclasses, dicts,
327   lists, and tuples are recursed into.  Other objects are copied with
328   :func:`copy.deepcopy`.
330   Example of using :func:`asdict` on nested dataclasses::
332     @dataclass
333     class Point:
334          x: int
335          y: int
337     @dataclass
338     class C:
339          mylist: list[Point]
341     p = Point(10, 20)
342     assert asdict(p) == {'x': 10, 'y': 20}
344     c = C([Point(0, 0), Point(10, 4)])
345     assert asdict(c) == {'mylist': [{'x': 0, 'y': 0}, {'x': 10, 'y': 4}]}
347   To create a shallow copy, the following workaround may be used::
349     dict((field.name, getattr(obj, field.name)) for field in fields(obj))
351   :func:`asdict` raises :exc:`TypeError` if ``obj`` is not a dataclass
352   instance.
354.. function:: astuple(obj, *, tuple_factory=tuple)
356   Converts the dataclass ``obj`` to a tuple (by using the
357   factory function ``tuple_factory``).  Each dataclass is converted
358   to a tuple of its field values.  dataclasses, dicts, lists, and
359   tuples are recursed into. Other objects are copied with
360   :func:`copy.deepcopy`.
362   Continuing from the previous example::
364     assert astuple(p) == (10, 20)
365     assert astuple(c) == ([(0, 0), (10, 4)],)
367   To create a shallow copy, the following workaround may be used::
369     tuple(getattr(obj, field.name) for field in dataclasses.fields(obj))
371   :func:`astuple` raises :exc:`TypeError` if ``obj`` is not a dataclass
372   instance.
374.. function:: make_dataclass(cls_name, fields, *, bases=(), namespace=None, init=True, repr=True, eq=True, order=False, unsafe_hash=False, frozen=False, match_args=True, kw_only=False, slots=False)
376   Creates a new dataclass with name ``cls_name``, fields as defined
377   in ``fields``, base classes as given in ``bases``, and initialized
378   with a namespace as given in ``namespace``.  ``fields`` is an
379   iterable whose elements are each either ``name``, ``(name, type)``,
380   or ``(name, type, Field)``.  If just ``name`` is supplied,
381   ``typing.Any`` is used for ``type``.  The values of ``init``,
382   ``repr``, ``eq``, ``order``, ``unsafe_hash``, ``frozen``,
383   ``match_args``, ``kw_only``, and  ``slots`` have the same meaning as
384   they do in :func:`dataclass`.
386   This function is not strictly required, because any Python
387   mechanism for creating a new class with ``__annotations__`` can
388   then apply the :func:`dataclass` function to convert that class to
389   a dataclass.  This function is provided as a convenience.  For
390   example::
392     C = make_dataclass('C',
393                        [('x', int),
394                          'y',
395                         ('z', int, field(default=5))],
396                        namespace={'add_one': lambda self: self.x + 1})
398   Is equivalent to::
400     @dataclass
401     class C:
402         x: int
403         y: 'typing.Any'
404         z: int = 5
406         def add_one(self):
407             return self.x + 1
409.. function:: replace(obj, /, **changes)
411   Creates a new object of the same type as ``obj``, replacing
412   fields with values from ``changes``.  If ``obj`` is not a Data
413   Class, raises :exc:`TypeError`.  If values in ``changes`` do not
414   specify fields, raises :exc:`TypeError`.
416   The newly returned object is created by calling the :meth:`__init__`
417   method of the dataclass.  This ensures that
418   :meth:`__post_init__`, if present, is also called.
420   Init-only variables without default values, if any exist, must be
421   specified on the call to :func:`replace` so that they can be passed to
422   :meth:`__init__` and :meth:`__post_init__`.
424   It is an error for ``changes`` to contain any fields that are
425   defined as having ``init=False``.  A :exc:`ValueError` will be raised
426   in this case.
428   Be forewarned about how ``init=False`` fields work during a call to
429   :func:`replace`.  They are not copied from the source object, but
430   rather are initialized in :meth:`__post_init__`, if they're
431   initialized at all.  It is expected that ``init=False`` fields will
432   be rarely and judiciously used.  If they are used, it might be wise
433   to have alternate class constructors, or perhaps a custom
434   ``replace()`` (or similarly named) method which handles instance
435   copying.
437.. function:: is_dataclass(obj)
439   Return ``True`` if its parameter is a dataclass or an instance of one,
440   otherwise return ``False``.
442   If you need to know if a class is an instance of a dataclass (and
443   not a dataclass itself), then add a further check for ``not
444   isinstance(obj, type)``::
446     def is_dataclass_instance(obj):
447         return is_dataclass(obj) and not isinstance(obj, type)
449.. data:: MISSING
451   A sentinel value signifying a missing default or default_factory.
453.. data:: KW_ONLY
455   A sentinel value used as a type annotation.  Any fields after a
456   pseudo-field with the type of :const:`KW_ONLY` are marked as
457   keyword-only fields.  Note that a pseudo-field of type
458   :const:`KW_ONLY` is otherwise completely ignored.  This includes the
459   name of such a field.  By convention, a name of ``_`` is used for a
460   :const:`KW_ONLY` field.  Keyword-only fields signify
461   :meth:`__init__` parameters that must be specified as keywords when
462   the class is instantiated.
464   In this example, the fields ``y`` and ``z`` will be marked as keyword-only fields::
466    @dataclass
467    class Point:
468      x: float
469      _: KW_ONLY
470      y: float
471      z: float
473    p = Point(0, y=1.5, z=2.0)
475   In a single dataclass, it is an error to specify more than one
476   field whose type is :const:`KW_ONLY`.
478.. exception:: FrozenInstanceError
480   Raised when an implicitly defined :meth:`__setattr__` or
481   :meth:`__delattr__` is called on a dataclass which was defined with
482   ``frozen=True``. It is a subclass of :exc:`AttributeError`.
484Post-init processing
487The generated :meth:`__init__` code will call a method named
488:meth:`__post_init__`, if :meth:`__post_init__` is defined on the
489class.  It will normally be called as ``self.__post_init__()``.
490However, if any ``InitVar`` fields are defined, they will also be
491passed to :meth:`__post_init__` in the order they were defined in the
492class.  If no :meth:`__init__` method is generated, then
493:meth:`__post_init__` will not automatically be called.
495Among other uses, this allows for initializing field values that
496depend on one or more other fields.  For example::
498    @dataclass
499    class C:
500        a: float
501        b: float
502        c: float = field(init=False)
504        def __post_init__(self):
505            self.c = self.a + self.b
507The :meth:`__init__` method generated by :func:`dataclass` does not call base
508class :meth:`__init__` methods. If the base class has an :meth:`__init__` method
509that has to be called, it is common to call this method in a
510:meth:`__post_init__` method::
512    @dataclass
513    class Rectangle:
514        height: float
515        width: float
517    @dataclass
518    class Square(Rectangle):
519        side: float
521        def __post_init__(self):
522            super().__init__(self.side, self.side)
524Note, however, that in general the dataclass-generated :meth:`__init__` methods
525don't need to be called, since the derived dataclass will take care of
526initializing all fields of any base class that is a dataclass itself.
528See the section below on init-only variables for ways to pass
529parameters to :meth:`__post_init__`.  Also see the warning about how
530:func:`replace` handles ``init=False`` fields.
532Class variables
535One of two places where :func:`dataclass` actually inspects the type
536of a field is to determine if a field is a class variable as defined
537in :pep:`526`.  It does this by checking if the type of the field is
538``typing.ClassVar``.  If a field is a ``ClassVar``, it is excluded
539from consideration as a field and is ignored by the dataclass
540mechanisms.  Such ``ClassVar`` pseudo-fields are not returned by the
541module-level :func:`fields` function.
543Init-only variables
546The other place where :func:`dataclass` inspects a type annotation is to
547determine if a field is an init-only variable.  It does this by seeing
548if the type of a field is of type ``dataclasses.InitVar``.  If a field
549is an ``InitVar``, it is considered a pseudo-field called an init-only
550field.  As it is not a true field, it is not returned by the
551module-level :func:`fields` function.  Init-only fields are added as
552parameters to the generated :meth:`__init__` method, and are passed to
553the optional :meth:`__post_init__` method.  They are not otherwise used
554by dataclasses.
556For example, suppose a field will be initialized from a database, if a
557value is not provided when creating the class::
559  @dataclass
560  class C:
561      i: int
562      j: int = None
563      database: InitVar[DatabaseType] = None
565      def __post_init__(self, database):
566          if self.j is None and database is not None:
567              self.j = database.lookup('j')
569  c = C(10, database=my_database)
571In this case, :func:`fields` will return :class:`Field` objects for ``i`` and
572``j``, but not for ``database``.
574Frozen instances
577It is not possible to create truly immutable Python objects.  However,
578by passing ``frozen=True`` to the :meth:`dataclass` decorator you can
579emulate immutability.  In that case, dataclasses will add
580:meth:`__setattr__` and :meth:`__delattr__` methods to the class.  These
581methods will raise a :exc:`FrozenInstanceError` when invoked.
583There is a tiny performance penalty when using ``frozen=True``:
584:meth:`__init__` cannot use simple assignment to initialize fields, and
585must use :meth:`object.__setattr__`.
590When the dataclass is being created by the :meth:`dataclass` decorator,
591it looks through all of the class's base classes in reverse MRO (that
592is, starting at :class:`object`) and, for each dataclass that it finds,
593adds the fields from that base class to an ordered mapping of fields.
594After all of the base class fields are added, it adds its own fields
595to the ordered mapping.  All of the generated methods will use this
596combined, calculated ordered mapping of fields.  Because the fields
597are in insertion order, derived classes override base classes.  An
600  @dataclass
601  class Base:
602      x: Any = 15.0
603      y: int = 0
605  @dataclass
606  class C(Base):
607      z: int = 10
608      x: int = 15
610The final list of fields is, in order, ``x``, ``y``, ``z``.  The final
611type of ``x`` is ``int``, as specified in class ``C``.
613The generated :meth:`__init__` method for ``C`` will look like::
615  def __init__(self, x: int = 15, y: int = 0, z: int = 10):
617Re-ordering of keyword-only parameters in :meth:`__init__`
620After the parameters needed for :meth:`__init__` are computed, any
621keyword-only parameters are moved to come after all regular
622(non-keyword-only) parameters.  This is a requirement of how
623keyword-only parameters are implemented in Python: they must come
624after non-keyword-only parameters.
626In this example, ``Base.y``, ``Base.w``, and ``D.t`` are keyword-only
627fields, and ``Base.x`` and ``D.z`` are regular fields::
629  @dataclass
630  class Base:
631      x: Any = 15.0
632      _: KW_ONLY
633      y: int = 0
634      w: int = 1
636  @dataclass
637  class D(Base):
638      z: int = 10
639      t: int = field(kw_only=True, default=0)
641The generated :meth:`__init__` method for ``D`` will look like::
643  def __init__(self, x: Any = 15.0, z: int = 10, *, y: int = 0, w: int = 1, t: int = 0):
645Note that the parameters have been re-ordered from how they appear in
646the list of fields: parameters derived from regular fields are
647followed by parameters derived from keyword-only fields.
649The relative ordering of keyword-only parameters is maintained in the
650re-ordered :meth:`__init__` parameter list.
653Default factory functions
656   If a :func:`field` specifies a ``default_factory``, it is called with
657   zero arguments when a default value for the field is needed.  For
658   example, to create a new instance of a list, use::
660     mylist: list = field(default_factory=list)
662   If a field is excluded from :meth:`__init__` (using ``init=False``)
663   and the field also specifies ``default_factory``, then the default
664   factory function will always be called from the generated
665   :meth:`__init__` function.  This happens because there is no other
666   way to give the field an initial value.
668Mutable default values
671   Python stores default member variable values in class attributes.
672   Consider this example, not using dataclasses::
674     class C:
675         x = []
676         def add(self, element):
677             self.x.append(element)
679     o1 = C()
680     o2 = C()
681     o1.add(1)
682     o2.add(2)
683     assert o1.x == [1, 2]
684     assert o1.x is o2.x
686   Note that the two instances of class ``C`` share the same class
687   variable ``x``, as expected.
689   Using dataclasses, *if* this code was valid::
691     @dataclass
692     class D:
693         x: List = []
694         def add(self, element):
695             self.x += element
697   it would generate code similar to::
699     class D:
700         x = []
701         def __init__(self, x=x):
702             self.x = x
703         def add(self, element):
704             self.x += element
706     assert D().x is D().x
708   This has the same issue as the original example using class ``C``.
709   That is, two instances of class ``D`` that do not specify a value
710   for ``x`` when creating a class instance will share the same copy
711   of ``x``.  Because dataclasses just use normal Python class
712   creation they also share this behavior.  There is no general way
713   for Data Classes to detect this condition.  Instead, the
714   :func:`dataclass` decorator will raise a :exc:`TypeError` if it
715   detects a default parameter of type ``list``, ``dict``, or ``set``.
716   This is a partial solution, but it does protect against many common
717   errors.
719   Using default factory functions is a way to create new instances of
720   mutable types as default values for fields::
722     @dataclass
723     class D:
724         x: list = field(default_factory=list)
726     assert D().x is not D().x