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1// Type definitions for React v0.14
2// Project: http://facebook.github.io/react/
3// Definitions by: Asana <https://asana.com>, AssureSign <http://www.assuresign.com>, Microsoft <https://microsoft.com>
4// Definitions: https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped
6declare namespace __React {
8    //
9    // React Elements
10    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
12    type ReactType = string | ComponentClass<any> | StatelessComponent<any>;
14    type Key = string | number;
15    type Ref<T> = string | ((instance: T) => any);
16    type ComponentState = {} | void;
18    interface Attributes {
19        key?: Key;
20    }
21    interface ClassAttributes<T> extends Attributes {
22        ref?: Ref<T>;
23    }
25    interface ReactElement<P> {
26        type: string | ComponentClass<P> | SFC<P>;
27        props: P;
28        key?: Key;
29    }
31    interface SFCElement<P> extends ReactElement<P> {
32        type: SFC<P>;
33    }
35    type CElement<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>> = ComponentElement<P, T>;
36    interface ComponentElement<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>> extends ReactElement<P> {
37        type: ComponentClass<P>;
38        ref?: Ref<T>;
39    }
41    type ClassicElement<P> = CElement<P, ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>>;
43    interface DOMElement<P extends DOMAttributes<T>, T extends Element> extends ReactElement<P> {
44        type: string;
45        ref: Ref<T>;
46    }
48    interface ReactHTMLElement<T extends HTMLElement> extends DOMElement<HTMLAttributes<T>, T> {
49    }
51    interface ReactSVGElement extends DOMElement<SVGAttributes<SVGElement>, SVGElement> {
52    }
54    //
55    // Factories
56    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
58    interface Factory<P> {
59        (props?: P & Attributes, ...children: ReactNode[]): ReactElement<P>;
60    }
62    interface SFCFactory<P> {
63        (props?: P & Attributes, ...children: ReactNode[]): SFCElement<P>;
64    }
66    interface ComponentFactory<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>> {
67        (props?: P & ClassAttributes<T>, ...children: ReactNode[]): CElement<P, T>;
68    }
70    type CFactory<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>> = ComponentFactory<P, T>;
71    type ClassicFactory<P> = CFactory<P, ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>>;
73    interface DOMFactory<P extends DOMAttributes<T>, T extends Element> {
74        (props?: P & ClassAttributes<T>, ...children: ReactNode[]): DOMElement<P, T>;
75    }
77    interface HTMLFactory<T extends HTMLElement> extends DOMFactory<HTMLAttributes<T>, T> {
78    }
80    interface SVGFactory extends DOMFactory<SVGAttributes<SVGElement>, SVGElement> {
81    }
83    //
84    // React Nodes
85    // http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/glossary.html
86    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
88    type ReactText = string | number;
89    type ReactChild = ReactElement<any> | ReactText;
91    // Should be Array<ReactNode> but type aliases cannot be recursive
92    type ReactFragment = {} | Array<ReactChild | any[] | boolean>;
93    type ReactNode = ReactChild | ReactFragment | boolean;
95    //
96    // Top Level API
97    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
99    function createClass<P, S>(spec: ComponentSpec<P, S>): ClassicComponentClass<P>;
101    function createFactory<P extends DOMAttributes<T>, T extends Element>(
102        type: string): DOMFactory<P, T>;
103    function createFactory<P>(type: SFC<P>): SFCFactory<P>;
104    function createFactory<P>(
105        type: ClassType<P, ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>, ClassicComponentClass<P>>): CFactory<P, ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>>;
106    function createFactory<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>, C extends ComponentClass<P>>(
107        type: ClassType<P, T, C>): CFactory<P, T>;
108    function createFactory<P>(type: ComponentClass<P> | SFC<P>): Factory<P>;
110    function createElement<P extends DOMAttributes<T>, T extends Element>(
111        type: string,
112        props?: P & ClassAttributes<T>,
113        ...children: ReactNode[]): DOMElement<P, T>;
114    function createElement<P>(
115        type: SFC<P>,
116        props?: P & Attributes,
117        ...children: ReactNode[]): SFCElement<P>;
118    function createElement<P>(
119        type: ClassType<P, ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>, ClassicComponentClass<P>>,
120        props?: P & ClassAttributes<ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>>,
121        ...children: ReactNode[]): CElement<P, ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>>;
122    function createElement<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>, C extends ComponentClass<P>>(
123        type: ClassType<P, T, C>,
124        props?: P & ClassAttributes<T>,
125        ...children: ReactNode[]): CElement<P, T>;
126    function createElement<P>(
127        type: ComponentClass<P> | SFC<P>,
128        props?: P & Attributes,
129        ...children: ReactNode[]): ReactElement<P>;
131    function cloneElement<P extends DOMAttributes<T>, T extends Element>(
132        element: DOMElement<P, T>,
133        props?: P & ClassAttributes<T>,
134        ...children: ReactNode[]): DOMElement<P, T>;
135    function cloneElement<P extends Q, Q>(
136        element: SFCElement<P>,
137        props?: Q, // should be Q & Attributes, but then Q is inferred as {}
138        ...children: ReactNode[]): SFCElement<P>;
139    function cloneElement<P extends Q, Q, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>>(
140        element: CElement<P, T>,
141        props?: Q, // should be Q & ClassAttributes<T>
142        ...children: ReactNode[]): CElement<P, T>;
143    function cloneElement<P extends Q, Q>(
144        element: ReactElement<P>,
145        props?: Q, // should be Q & Attributes
146        ...children: ReactNode[]): ReactElement<P>;
148    function isValidElement<P>(object: {}): object is ReactElement<P>;
150    var DOM: ReactDOM;
151    var PropTypes: ReactPropTypes;
152    var Children: ReactChildren;
153    var version: string;
155    //
156    // Component API
157    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
159    type ReactInstance = Component<any, any> | Element;
161    // Base component for plain JS classes
162    interface Component<P, S> extends ComponentLifecycle<P, S> { }
163    class Component<P, S> {
164        constructor(props?: P, context?: any);
165        setState(f: (prevState: S, props: P) => S, callback?: () => any): void;
166        setState(state: S, callback?: () => any): void;
167        forceUpdate(callBack?: () => any): void;
168        render(): JSX.Element | null;
170        // React.Props<T> is now deprecated, which means that the `children`
171        // property is not available on `P` by default, even though you can
172        // always pass children as variadic arguments to `createElement`.
173        // In the future, if we can define its call signature conditionally
174        // on the existence of `children` in `P`, then we should remove this.
175        props: P & { children?: ReactNode };
176        state: S;
177        context: {};
178        refs: {
179            [key: string]: ReactInstance
180        };
181    }
183    class PureComponent<P, S> extends Component<P, S> {}
185    interface ClassicComponent<P, S> extends Component<P, S> {
186        replaceState(nextState: S, callback?: () => any): void;
187        isMounted(): boolean;
188        getInitialState?(): S;
189    }
191    interface ChildContextProvider<CC> {
192        getChildContext(): CC;
193    }
195    //
196    // Class Interfaces
197    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
199    type SFC<P> = StatelessComponent<P>;
200    interface StatelessComponent<P> {
201        (props: P & { children?: ReactNode }, context?: any): ReactElement<any>;
202        propTypes?: ValidationMap<P>;
203        contextTypes?: ValidationMap<any>;
204        defaultProps?: P;
205        displayName?: string;
206    }
208    interface ComponentClass<P> {
209        new(props?: P, context?: any): Component<P, ComponentState>;
210        propTypes?: ValidationMap<P>;
211        contextTypes?: ValidationMap<any>;
212        childContextTypes?: ValidationMap<any>;
213        defaultProps?: P;
214        displayName?: string;
215    }
217    interface ClassicComponentClass<P> extends ComponentClass<P> {
218        new(props?: P, context?: any): ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>;
219        getDefaultProps?(): P;
220    }
222    /**
223     * We use an intersection type to infer multiple type parameters from
224     * a single argument, which is useful for many top-level API defs.
225     * See https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/7234 for more info.
226     */
227    type ClassType<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>, C extends ComponentClass<P>> =
228        C &
229        (new() => T) &
230        (new() => { props: P });
232    //
233    // Component Specs and Lifecycle
234    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
236    interface ComponentLifecycle<P, S> {
237        componentWillMount?(): void;
238        componentDidMount?(): void;
239        componentWillReceiveProps?(nextProps: P, nextContext: any): void;
240        shouldComponentUpdate?(nextProps: P, nextState: S, nextContext: any): boolean;
241        componentWillUpdate?(nextProps: P, nextState: S, nextContext: any): void;
242        componentDidUpdate?(prevProps: P, prevState: S, prevContext: any): void;
243        componentWillUnmount?(): void;
244    }
246    interface Mixin<P, S> extends ComponentLifecycle<P, S> {
247        mixins?: Mixin<P, S>;
248        statics?: {
249            [key: string]: any;
250        };
252        displayName?: string;
253        propTypes?: ValidationMap<any>;
254        contextTypes?: ValidationMap<any>;
255        childContextTypes?: ValidationMap<any>;
257        getDefaultProps?(): P;
258        getInitialState?(): S;
259    }
261    interface ComponentSpec<P, S> extends Mixin<P, S> {
262        render(): ReactElement<any>;
264        [propertyName: string]: any;
265    }
267    //
268    // Event System
269    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
271    interface SyntheticEvent<T> {
272        bubbles: boolean;
273        currentTarget: EventTarget & T;
274        cancelable: boolean;
275        defaultPrevented: boolean;
276        eventPhase: number;
277        isTrusted: boolean;
278        nativeEvent: Event;
279        preventDefault(): void;
280        isDefaultPrevented(): boolean;
281        stopPropagation(): void;
282        isPropagationStopped(): boolean;
283        persist(): void;
284        target: EventTarget;
285        timeStamp: Date;
286        type: string;
287    }
289    interface ClipboardEvent<T> extends SyntheticEvent<T> {
290        clipboardData: DataTransfer;
291    }
293    interface CompositionEvent<T> extends SyntheticEvent<T> {
294        data: string;
295    }
297    interface DragEvent<T> extends MouseEvent<T> {
298        dataTransfer: DataTransfer;
299    }
301    interface FocusEvent<T> extends SyntheticEvent<T> {
302        relatedTarget: EventTarget;
303    }
305    interface FormEvent<T> extends SyntheticEvent<T> {
306    }
308    interface KeyboardEvent<T> extends SyntheticEvent<T> {
309        altKey: boolean;
310        charCode: number;
311        ctrlKey: boolean;
312        getModifierState(key: string): boolean;
313        key: string;
314        keyCode: number;
315        locale: string;
316        location: number;
317        metaKey: boolean;
318        repeat: boolean;
319        shiftKey: boolean;
320        which: number;
321    }
323    interface MouseEvent<T> extends SyntheticEvent<T> {
324        altKey: boolean;
325        button: number;
326        buttons: number;
327        clientX: number;
328        clientY: number;
329        ctrlKey: boolean;
330        getModifierState(key: string): boolean;
331        metaKey: boolean;
332        pageX: number;
333        pageY: number;
334        relatedTarget: EventTarget;
335        screenX: number;
336        screenY: number;
337        shiftKey: boolean;
338    }
340    interface TouchEvent<T> extends SyntheticEvent<T> {
341        altKey: boolean;
342        changedTouches: TouchList;
343        ctrlKey: boolean;
344        getModifierState(key: string): boolean;
345        metaKey: boolean;
346        shiftKey: boolean;
347        targetTouches: TouchList;
348        touches: TouchList;
349    }
351    interface UIEvent<T> extends SyntheticEvent<T> {
352        detail: number;
353        view: AbstractView;
354    }
356    interface WheelEvent<T> extends MouseEvent<T> {
357        deltaMode: number;
358        deltaX: number;
359        deltaY: number;
360        deltaZ: number;
361    }
363    interface AnimationEvent extends SyntheticEvent<{}> {
364        animationName: string;
365        pseudoElement: string;
366        elapsedTime: number;
367    }
369    interface TransitionEvent extends SyntheticEvent<{}> {
370        propertyName: string;
371        pseudoElement: string;
372        elapsedTime: number;
373    }
375    //
376    // Event Handler Types
377    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
379    interface EventHandler<E extends SyntheticEvent<any>> {
380        (event: E): void;
381    }
383    type ReactEventHandler<T> = EventHandler<SyntheticEvent<T>>;
385    type ClipboardEventHandler<T> = EventHandler<ClipboardEvent<T>>;
386    type CompositionEventHandler<T> = EventHandler<CompositionEvent<T>>;
387    type DragEventHandler<T> = EventHandler<DragEvent<T>>;
388    type FocusEventHandler<T> = EventHandler<FocusEvent<T>>;
389    type FormEventHandler<T> = EventHandler<FormEvent<T>>;
390    type KeyboardEventHandler<T> = EventHandler<KeyboardEvent<T>>;
391    type MouseEventHandler<T> = EventHandler<MouseEvent<T>>;
392    type TouchEventHandler<T> = EventHandler<TouchEvent<T>>;
393    type UIEventHandler<T> = EventHandler<UIEvent<T>>;
394    type WheelEventHandler<T> = EventHandler<WheelEvent<T>>;
395    type AnimationEventHandler = EventHandler<AnimationEvent>;
396    type TransitionEventHandler = EventHandler<TransitionEvent>;
398    //
399    // Props / DOM Attributes
400    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
402    /**
403     * @deprecated. This was used to allow clients to pass `ref` and `key`
404     * to `createElement`, which is no longer necessary due to intersection
405     * types. If you need to declare a props object before passing it to
406     * `createElement` or a factory, use `ClassAttributes<T>`:
407     *
408     * ```ts
409     * var b: Button;
410     * var props: ButtonProps & ClassAttributes<Button> = {
411     *     ref: b => button = b, // ok!
412     *     label: "I'm a Button"
413     * };
414     * ```
415     */
416    interface Props<T> {
417        children?: ReactNode;
418        key?: Key;
419        ref?: Ref<T>;
420    }
422    interface HTMLProps<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T>, ClassAttributes<T> {
423    }
425    interface SVGProps extends SVGAttributes<SVGElement>, ClassAttributes<SVGElement> {
426    }
428    interface DOMAttributes<T> {
429        children?: ReactNode;
430        dangerouslySetInnerHTML?: {
431            __html: string;
432        };
434        // Clipboard Events
435        onCopy?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
436        onCut?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
437        onPaste?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
439        // Composition Events
440        onCompositionEnd?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
441        onCompositionStart?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
442        onCompositionUpdate?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
444        // Focus Events
445        onFocus?: FocusEventHandler<T>;
446        onBlur?: FocusEventHandler<T>;
448        // Form Events
449        onChange?: FormEventHandler<T>;
450        onInput?: FormEventHandler<T>;
451        onSubmit?: FormEventHandler<T>;
453        // Image Events
454        onLoad?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
455        onError?: ReactEventHandler<T>; // also a Media Event
457        // Keyboard Events
458        onKeyDown?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
459        onKeyPress?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
460        onKeyUp?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
462        // Media Events
463        onAbort?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
464        onCanPlay?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
465        onCanPlayThrough?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
466        onDurationChange?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
467        onEmptied?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
468        onEncrypted?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
469        onEnded?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
470        onLoadedData?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
471        onLoadedMetadata?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
472        onLoadStart?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
473        onPause?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
474        onPlay?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
475        onPlaying?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
476        onProgress?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
477        onRateChange?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
478        onSeeked?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
479        onSeeking?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
480        onStalled?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
481        onSuspend?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
482        onTimeUpdate?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
483        onVolumeChange?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
484        onWaiting?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
486        // MouseEvents
487        onClick?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
488        onContextMenu?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
489        onDoubleClick?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
490        onDrag?: DragEventHandler<T>;
491        onDragEnd?: DragEventHandler<T>;
492        onDragEnter?: DragEventHandler<T>;
493        onDragExit?: DragEventHandler<T>;
494        onDragLeave?: DragEventHandler<T>;
495        onDragOver?: DragEventHandler<T>;
496        onDragStart?: DragEventHandler<T>;
497        onDrop?: DragEventHandler<T>;
498        onMouseDown?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
499        onMouseEnter?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
500        onMouseLeave?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
501        onMouseMove?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
502        onMouseOut?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
503        onMouseOver?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
504        onMouseUp?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
506        // Selection Events
507        onSelect?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
509        // Touch Events
510        onTouchCancel?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
511        onTouchEnd?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
512        onTouchMove?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
513        onTouchStart?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
515        // UI Events
516        onScroll?: UIEventHandler<T>;
518        // Wheel Events
519        onWheel?: WheelEventHandler<T>;
521        // Animation Events
522        onAnimationStart?: AnimationEventHandler;
523        onAnimationEnd?: AnimationEventHandler;
524        onAnimationIteration?: AnimationEventHandler;
526        // Transition Events
527        onTransitionEnd?: TransitionEventHandler;
528    }
530    // This interface is not complete. Only properties accepting
531    // unitless numbers are listed here (see CSSProperty.js in React)
532    interface CSSProperties {
534        /**
535         * Aligns a flex container's lines within the flex container when there is extra space in the cross-axis, similar to how justify-content aligns individual items within the main-axis.
536         */
537        alignContent?: any;
539        /**
540         * Sets the default alignment in the cross axis for all of the flex container's items, including anonymous flex items, similarly to how justify-content aligns items along the main axis.
541         */
542        alignItems?: any;
544        /**
545         * Allows the default alignment to be overridden for individual flex items.
546         */
547        alignSelf?: any;
549        /**
550         * This property allows precise alignment of elements, such as graphics, that do not have a baseline-table or lack the desired baseline in their baseline-table. With the alignment-adjust property, the position of the baseline identified by the alignment-baseline can be explicitly determined. It also determines precisely the alignment point for each glyph within a textual element.
551         */
552        alignmentAdjust?: any;
554        alignmentBaseline?: any;
556        /**
557         * Defines a length of time to elapse before an animation starts, allowing an animation to begin execution some time after it is applied.
558         */
559        animationDelay?: any;
561        /**
562         * Defines whether an animation should run in reverse on some or all cycles.
563         */
564        animationDirection?: any;
566        /**
567         * Specifies how many times an animation cycle should play.
568         */
569        animationIterationCount?: any;
571        /**
572         * Defines the list of animations that apply to the element.
573         */
574        animationName?: any;
576        /**
577         * Defines whether an animation is running or paused.
578         */
579        animationPlayState?: any;
581        /**
582         * Allows changing the style of any element to platform-based interface elements or vice versa.
583         */
584        appearance?: any;
586        /**
587         * Determines whether or not the “back” side of a transformed element is visible when facing the viewer.
588         */
589        backfaceVisibility?: any;
591        /**
592         * Shorthand property to set the values for one or more of:
593         * background-clip, background-color, background-image,
594         * background-origin, background-position, background-repeat,
595         * background-size, and background-attachment.
596         */
597        background?: any;
599        /**
600         * If a background-image is specified, this property determines
601         * whether that image's position is fixed within the viewport,
602         * or scrolls along with its containing block.
603         */
604        backgroundAttachment?: "scroll" | "fixed" | "local";
606        /**
607         * This property describes how the element's background images should blend with each other and the element's background color.
608         * The value is a list of blend modes that corresponds to each background image. Each element in the list will apply to the corresponding element of background-image. If a property doesn’t have enough comma-separated values to match the number of layers, the UA must calculate its used value by repeating the list of values until there are enough.
609         */
610        backgroundBlendMode?: any;
612        /**
613         * Sets the background color of an element.
614         */
615        backgroundColor?: any;
617        backgroundComposite?: any;
619        /**
620         * Applies one or more background images to an element. These can be any valid CSS image, including url() paths to image files or CSS gradients.
621         */
622        backgroundImage?: any;
624        /**
625         * Specifies what the background-position property is relative to.
626         */
627        backgroundOrigin?: any;
629        /**
630         * Sets the position of a background image.
631         */
632        backgroundPosition?: any;
634        /**
635         * Background-repeat defines if and how background images will be repeated after they have been sized and positioned
636         */
637        backgroundRepeat?: any;
639        /**
640         * Obsolete - spec retired, not implemented.
641         */
642        baselineShift?: any;
644        /**
645         * Non standard. Sets or retrieves the location of the Dynamic HTML (DHTML) behavior.
646         */
647        behavior?: any;
649        /**
650         * Shorthand property that defines the different properties of all four sides of an element's border in a single declaration. It can be used to set border-width, border-style and border-color, or a subset of these.
651         */
652        border?: any;
654        /**
655         * Shorthand that sets the values of border-bottom-color,
656         * border-bottom-style, and border-bottom-width.
657         */
658        borderBottom?: any;
660        /**
661         * Sets the color of the bottom border of an element.
662         */
663        borderBottomColor?: any;
665        /**
666         * Defines the shape of the border of the bottom-left corner.
667         */
668        borderBottomLeftRadius?: any;
670        /**
671         * Defines the shape of the border of the bottom-right corner.
672         */
673        borderBottomRightRadius?: any;
675        /**
676         * Sets the line style of the bottom border of a box.
677         */
678        borderBottomStyle?: any;
680        /**
681         * Sets the width of an element's bottom border. To set all four borders, use the border-width shorthand property which sets the values simultaneously for border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, and border-left-width.
682         */
683        borderBottomWidth?: any;
685        /**
686         * Border-collapse can be used for collapsing the borders between table cells
687         */
688        borderCollapse?: any;
690        /**
691         * The CSS border-color property sets the color of an element's four borders. This property can have from one to four values, made up of the elementary properties:     •       border-top-color
692         *      •       border-right-color
693         *      •       border-bottom-color
694         *      •       border-left-color The default color is the currentColor of each of these values.
695         * If you provide one value, it sets the color for the element. Two values set the horizontal and vertical values, respectively. Providing three values sets the top, vertical, and bottom values, in that order. Four values set all for sides: top, right, bottom, and left, in that order.
696         */
697        borderColor?: any;
699        /**
700         * Specifies different corner clipping effects, such as scoop (inner curves), bevel (straight cuts) or notch (cut-off rectangles). Works along with border-radius to specify the size of each corner effect.
701         */
702        borderCornerShape?: any;
704        /**
705         * The property border-image-source is used to set the image to be used instead of the border style. If this is set to none the border-style is used instead.
706         */
707        borderImageSource?: any;
709        /**
710         * The border-image-width CSS property defines the offset to use for dividing the border image in nine parts, the top-left corner, central top edge, top-right-corner, central right edge, bottom-right corner, central bottom edge, bottom-left corner, and central right edge. They represent inward distance from the top, right, bottom, and left edges.
711         */
712        borderImageWidth?: any;
714        /**
715         * Shorthand property that defines the border-width, border-style and border-color of an element's left border in a single declaration. Note that you can use the corresponding longhand properties to set specific individual properties of the left border — border-left-width, border-left-style and border-left-color.
716         */
717        borderLeft?: any;
719        /**
720         * The CSS border-left-color property sets the color of an element's left border. This page explains the border-left-color value, but often you will find it more convenient to fix the border's left color as part of a shorthand set, either border-left or border-color.
721         * Colors can be defined several ways. For more information, see Usage.
722         */
723        borderLeftColor?: any;
725        /**
726         * Sets the style of an element's left border. To set all four borders, use the shorthand property, border-style. Otherwise, you can set the borders individually with border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style, border-left-style.
727         */
728        borderLeftStyle?: any;
730        /**
731         * Sets the width of an element's left border. To set all four borders, use the border-width shorthand property which sets the values simultaneously for border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, and border-left-width.
732         */
733        borderLeftWidth?: any;
735        /**
736         * Shorthand property that defines the border-width, border-style and border-color of an element's right border in a single declaration. Note that you can use the corresponding longhand properties to set specific individual properties of the right border — border-right-width, border-right-style and border-right-color.
737         */
738        borderRight?: any;
740        /**
741         * Sets the color of an element's right border. This page explains the border-right-color value, but often you will find it more convenient to fix the border's right color as part of a shorthand set, either border-right or border-color.
742         * Colors can be defined several ways. For more information, see Usage.
743         */
744        borderRightColor?: any;
746        /**
747         * Sets the style of an element's right border. To set all four borders, use the shorthand property, border-style. Otherwise, you can set the borders individually with border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style, border-left-style.
748         */
749        borderRightStyle?: any;
751        /**
752         * Sets the width of an element's right border. To set all four borders, use the border-width shorthand property which sets the values simultaneously for border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, and border-left-width.
753         */
754        borderRightWidth?: any;
756        /**
757         * Specifies the distance between the borders of adjacent cells.
758         */
759        borderSpacing?: any;
761        /**
762         * Sets the style of an element's four borders. This property can have from one to four values. With only one value, the value will be applied to all four borders; otherwise, this works as a shorthand property for each of border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style, border-left-style, where each border style may be assigned a separate value.
763         */
764        borderStyle?: any;
766        /**
767         * Shorthand property that defines the border-width, border-style and border-color of an element's top border in a single declaration. Note that you can use the corresponding longhand properties to set specific individual properties of the top border — border-top-width, border-top-style and border-top-color.
768         */
769        borderTop?: any;
771        /**
772         * Sets the color of an element's top border. This page explains the border-top-color value, but often you will find it more convenient to fix the border's top color as part of a shorthand set, either border-top or border-color.
773         * Colors can be defined several ways. For more information, see Usage.
774         */
775        borderTopColor?: any;
777        /**
778         * Sets the rounding of the top-left corner of the element.
779         */
780        borderTopLeftRadius?: any;
782        /**
783         * Sets the rounding of the top-right corner of the element.
784         */
785        borderTopRightRadius?: any;
787        /**
788         * Sets the style of an element's top border. To set all four borders, use the shorthand property, border-style. Otherwise, you can set the borders individually with border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style, border-left-style.
789         */
790        borderTopStyle?: any;
792        /**
793         * Sets the width of an element's top border. To set all four borders, use the border-width shorthand property which sets the values simultaneously for border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, and border-left-width.
794         */
795        borderTopWidth?: any;
797        /**
798         * Sets the width of an element's four borders. This property can have from one to four values. This is a shorthand property for setting values simultaneously for border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, and border-left-width.
799         */
800        borderWidth?: any;
802        /**
803         * This property specifies how far an absolutely positioned box's bottom margin edge is offset above the bottom edge of the box's containing block. For relatively positioned boxes, the offset is with respect to the bottom edges of the box itself (i.e., the box is given a position in the normal flow, then offset from that position according to these properties).
804         */
805        bottom?: any;
807        /**
808         * Obsolete.
809         */
810        boxAlign?: any;
812        /**
813         * Breaks a box into fragments creating new borders, padding and repeating backgrounds or lets it stay as a continuous box on a page break, column break, or, for inline elements, at a line break.
814         */
815        boxDecorationBreak?: any;
817        /**
818         * Deprecated
819         */
820        boxDirection?: any;
822        /**
823         * Do not use. This property has been replaced by the flex-wrap property.
824         * Gets or sets a value that specifies the direction to add successive rows or columns when the value of box-lines is set to multiple.
825         */
826        boxLineProgression?: any;
828        /**
829         * Do not use. This property has been replaced by the flex-wrap property.
830         * Gets or sets a value that specifies whether child elements wrap onto multiple lines or columns based on the space available in the object.
831         */
832        boxLines?: any;
834        /**
835         * Do not use. This property has been replaced by flex-order.
836         * Specifies the ordinal group that a child element of the object belongs to. This ordinal value identifies the display order (along the axis defined by the box-orient property) for the group.
837         */
838        boxOrdinalGroup?: any;
840        /**
841         * Deprecated.
842         */
843        boxFlex?: number;
845        /**
846         * Deprecated.
847         */
848        boxFlexGroup?: number;
850        /**
851         * The CSS break-after property allows you to force a break on multi-column layouts. More specifically, it allows you to force a break after an element. It allows you to determine if a break should occur, and what type of break it should be. The break-after CSS property describes how the page, column or region break behaves after the generated box. If there is no generated box, the property is ignored.
852         */
853        breakAfter?: any;
855        /**
856         * Control page/column/region breaks that fall above a block of content
857         */
858        breakBefore?: any;
860        /**
861         * Control page/column/region breaks that fall within a block of content
862         */
863        breakInside?: any;
865        /**
866         * The clear CSS property specifies if an element can be positioned next to or must be positioned below the floating elements that precede it in the markup.
867         */
868        clear?: any;
870        /**
871         * Deprecated; see clip-path.
872         * Lets you specify the dimensions of an absolutely positioned element that should be visible, and the element is clipped into this shape, and displayed.
873         */
874        clip?: any;
876        /**
877         * Clipping crops an graphic, so that only a portion of the graphic is rendered, or filled. This clip-rule property, when used with the clip-path property, defines which clip rule, or algorithm, to use when filling the different parts of a graphics.
878         */
879        clipRule?: any;
881        /**
882         * The color property sets the color of an element's foreground content (usually text), accepting any standard CSS color from keywords and hex values to RGB(a) and HSL(a).
883         */
884        color?: any;
886        /**
887         * Describes the number of columns of the element.
888         */
889        columnCount?: number;
891        /**
892         * Specifies how to fill columns (balanced or sequential).
893         */
894        columnFill?: any;
896        /**
897         * The column-gap property controls the width of the gap between columns in multi-column elements.
898         */
899        columnGap?: any;
901        /**
902         * Sets the width, style, and color of the rule between columns.
903         */
904        columnRule?: any;
906        /**
907         * Specifies the color of the rule between columns.
908         */
909        columnRuleColor?: any;
911        /**
912         * Specifies the width of the rule between columns.
913         */
914        columnRuleWidth?: any;
916        /**
917         * The column-span CSS property makes it possible for an element to span across all columns when its value is set to all. An element that spans more than one column is called a spanning element.
918         */
919        columnSpan?: any;
921        /**
922         * Specifies the width of columns in multi-column elements.
923         */
924        columnWidth?: any;
926        /**
927         * This property is a shorthand property for setting column-width and/or column-count.
928         */
929        columns?: any;
931        /**
932         * The counter-increment property accepts one or more names of counters (identifiers), each one optionally followed by an integer which specifies the value by which the counter should be incremented (e.g. if the value is 2, the counter increases by 2 each time it is invoked).
933         */
934        counterIncrement?: any;
936        /**
937         * The counter-reset property contains a list of one or more names of counters, each one optionally followed by an integer (otherwise, the integer defaults to 0.) Each time the given element is invoked, the counters specified by the property are set to the given integer.
938         */
939        counterReset?: any;
941        /**
942         * The cue property specifies sound files (known as an "auditory icon") to be played by speech media agents before and after presenting an element's content; if only one file is specified, it is played both before and after. The volume at which the file(s) should be played, relative to the volume of the main element, may also be specified. The icon files may also be set separately with the cue-before and cue-after properties.
943         */
944        cue?: any;
946        /**
947         * The cue-after property specifies a sound file (known as an "auditory icon") to be played by speech media agents after presenting an element's content; the volume at which the file should be played may also be specified. The shorthand property cue sets cue sounds for both before and after the element is presented.
948         */
949        cueAfter?: any;
951        /**
952         * Specifies the mouse cursor displayed when the mouse pointer is over an element.
953         */
954        cursor?: any;
956        /**
957         * The direction CSS property specifies the text direction/writing direction. The rtl is used for Hebrew or Arabic text, the ltr is for other languages.
958         */
959        direction?: any;
961        /**
962         * This property specifies the type of rendering box used for an element. It is a shorthand property for many other display properties.
963         */
964        display?: any;
966        /**
967         * The ‘fill’ property paints the interior of the given graphical element. The area to be painted consists of any areas inside the outline of the shape. To determine the inside of the shape, all subpaths are considered, and the interior is determined according to the rules associated with the current value of the ‘fill-rule’ property. The zero-width geometric outline of a shape is included in the area to be painted.
968         */
969        fill?: any;
971        /**
972         * SVG: Specifies the opacity of the color or the content the current object is filled with.
973         */
974        fillOpacity?: number;
976        /**
977         * The ‘fill-rule’ property indicates the algorithm which is to be used to determine what parts of the canvas are included inside the shape. For a simple, non-intersecting path, it is intuitively clear what region lies "inside"; however, for a more complex path, such as a path that intersects itself or where one subpath encloses another, the interpretation of "inside" is not so obvious.
978         * The ‘fill-rule’ property provides two options for how the inside of a shape is determined:
979         */
980        fillRule?: any;
982        /**
983         * Applies various image processing effects. This property is largely unsupported. See Compatibility section for more information.
984         */
985        filter?: any;
987        /**
988         * Shorthand for `flex-grow`, `flex-shrink`, and `flex-basis`.
989         */
990        flex?: number | string;
992        /**
993         * Obsolete, do not use. This property has been renamed to align-items.
994         * Specifies the alignment (perpendicular to the layout axis defined by the flex-direction property) of child elements of the object.
995         */
996        flexAlign?: any;
998        /**
999         * The flex-basis CSS property describes the initial main size of the flex item before any free space is distributed according to the flex factors described in the flex property (flex-grow and flex-shrink).
1000         */
1001        flexBasis?: any;
1003        /**
1004         * The flex-direction CSS property describes how flex items are placed in the flex container, by setting the direction of the flex container's main axis.
1005         */
1006        flexDirection?: any;
1008        /**
1009         * The flex-flow CSS property defines the flex container's main and cross axis. It is a shorthand property for the flex-direction and flex-wrap properties.
1010         */
1011        flexFlow?: any;
1013        /**
1014         * Specifies the flex grow factor of a flex item.
1015         */
1016        flexGrow?: number;
1018        /**
1019         * Do not use. This property has been renamed to align-self
1020         * Specifies the alignment (perpendicular to the layout axis defined by flex-direction) of child elements of the object.
1021         */
1022        flexItemAlign?: any;
1024        /**
1025         * Do not use. This property has been renamed to align-content.
1026         * Specifies how a flexbox's lines align within the flexbox when there is extra space along the axis that is perpendicular to the axis defined by the flex-direction property.
1027         */
1028        flexLinePack?: any;
1030        /**
1031         * Gets or sets a value that specifies the ordinal group that a flexbox element belongs to. This ordinal value identifies the display order for the group.
1032         */
1033        flexOrder?: any;
1035        /**
1036         * Specifies the flex shrink factor of a flex item.
1037         */
1038        flexShrink?: number;
1040        /**
1041         * Elements which have the style float are floated horizontally. These elements can move as far to the left or right of the containing element. All elements after the floating element will flow around it, but elements before the floating element are not impacted. If several floating elements are placed after each other, they will float next to each other as long as there is room.
1042         */
1043        float?: any;
1045        /**
1046         * Flows content from a named flow (specified by a corresponding flow-into) through selected elements to form a dynamic chain of layout regions.
1047         */
1048        flowFrom?: any;
1050        /**
1051         * The font property is shorthand that allows you to do one of two things: you can either set up six of the most mature font properties in one line, or you can set one of a choice of keywords to adopt a system font setting.
1052         */
1053        font?: any;
1055        /**
1056         * The font-family property allows one or more font family names and/or generic family names to be specified for usage on the selected element(s)' text. The browser then goes through the list; for each character in the selection it applies the first font family that has an available glyph for that character.
1057         */
1058        fontFamily?: any;
1060        /**
1061         * The font-kerning property allows contextual adjustment of inter-glyph spacing, i.e. the spaces between the characters in text. This property controls <bold>metric kerning</bold> - that utilizes adjustment data contained in the font. Optical Kerning is not supported as yet.
1062         */
1063        fontKerning?: any;
1065        /**
1066         * Specifies the size of the font. Used to compute em and ex units.
1067         */
1068        fontSize?: number | string;
1070        /**
1071         * The font-size-adjust property adjusts the font-size of the fallback fonts defined with font-family, so that the x-height is the same no matter what font is used. This preserves the readability of the text when fallback happens.
1072         */
1073        fontSizeAdjust?: any;
1075        /**
1076         * Allows you to expand or condense the widths for a normal, condensed, or expanded font face.
1077         */
1078        fontStretch?: any;
1080        /**
1081         * The font-style property allows normal, italic, or oblique faces to be selected. Italic forms are generally cursive in nature while oblique faces are typically sloped versions of the regular face. Oblique faces can be simulated by artificially sloping the glyphs of the regular face.
1082         */
1083        fontStyle?: any;
1085        /**
1086         * This value specifies whether the user agent is allowed to synthesize bold or oblique font faces when a font family lacks bold or italic faces.
1087         */
1088        fontSynthesis?: any;
1090        /**
1091         * The font-variant property enables you to select the small-caps font within a font family.
1092         */
1093        fontVariant?: any;
1095        /**
1096         * Fonts can provide alternate glyphs in addition to default glyph for a character. This property provides control over the selection of these alternate glyphs.
1097         */
1098        fontVariantAlternates?: any;
1100        /**
1101         * Specifies the weight or boldness of the font.
1102         */
1103        fontWeight?: "normal" | "bold" | "lighter" | "bolder" | number;
1105        /**
1106         * Lays out one or more grid items bound by 4 grid lines. Shorthand for setting grid-column-start, grid-column-end, grid-row-start, and grid-row-end in a single declaration.
1107         */
1108        gridArea?: any;
1110        /**
1111         * Controls a grid item's placement in a grid area, particularly grid position and a grid span. Shorthand for setting grid-column-start and grid-column-end in a single declaration.
1112         */
1113        gridColumn?: any;
1115        /**
1116         * Controls a grid item's placement in a grid area as well as grid position and a grid span. The grid-column-end property (with grid-row-start, grid-row-end, and grid-column-start) determines a grid item's placement by specifying the grid lines of a grid item's grid area.
1117         */
1118        gridColumnEnd?: any;
1120        /**
1121         * Determines a grid item's placement by specifying the starting grid lines of a grid item's grid area . A grid item's placement in a grid area consists of a grid position and a grid span. See also ( grid-row-start, grid-row-end, and grid-column-end)
1122         */
1123        gridColumnStart?: any;
1125        /**
1126         * Gets or sets a value that indicates which row an element within a Grid should appear in. Shorthand for setting grid-row-start and grid-row-end in a single declaration.
1127         */
1128        gridRow?: any;
1130        /**
1131         * Determines a grid item’s placement by specifying the block-end. A grid item's placement in a grid area consists of a grid position and a grid span. The grid-row-end property (with grid-row-start, grid-column-start, and grid-column-end) determines a grid item's placement by specifying the grid lines of a grid item's grid area.
1132         */
1133        gridRowEnd?: any;
1135        /**
1136         * Specifies a row position based upon an integer location, string value, or desired row size.
1137         * css/properties/grid-row is used as short-hand for grid-row-position and grid-row-position
1138         */
1139        gridRowPosition?: any;
1141        gridRowSpan?: any;
1143        /**
1144         * Specifies named grid areas which are not associated with any particular grid item, but can be referenced from the grid-placement properties. The syntax of the grid-template-areas property also provides a visualization of the structure of the grid, making the overall layout of the grid container easier to understand.
1145         */
1146        gridTemplateAreas?: any;
1148        /**
1149         * Specifies (with grid-template-rows) the line names and track sizing functions of the grid. Each sizing function can be specified as a length, a percentage of the grid container’s size, a measurement of the contents occupying the column or row, or a fraction of the free space in the grid.
1150         */
1151        gridTemplateColumns?: any;
1153        /**
1154         * Specifies (with grid-template-columns) the line names and track sizing functions of the grid. Each sizing function can be specified as a length, a percentage of the grid container’s size, a measurement of the contents occupying the column or row, or a fraction of the free space in the grid.
1155         */
1156        gridTemplateRows?: any;
1158        /**
1159         * Sets the height of an element. The content area of the element height does not include the padding, border, and margin of the element.
1160         */
1161        height?: any;
1163        /**
1164         * Specifies the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word
1165         */
1166        hyphenateLimitChars?: any;
1168        /**
1169         * Indicates the maximum number of successive hyphenated lines in an element. The ‘no-limit’ value means that there is no limit.
1170         */
1171        hyphenateLimitLines?: any;
1173        /**
1174         * Specifies the maximum amount of trailing whitespace (before justification) that may be left in a line before hyphenation is triggered to pull part of a word from the next line back up into the current one.
1175         */
1176        hyphenateLimitZone?: any;
1178        /**
1179         * Specifies whether or not words in a sentence can be split by the use of a manual or automatic hyphenation mechanism.
1180         */
1181        hyphens?: any;
1183        imeMode?: any;
1185        /**
1186         * Defines how the browser distributes space between and around flex items
1187         * along the main-axis of their container.
1188         */
1189        justifyContent?: "flex-start" | "flex-end" | "center" | "space-between" | "space-around";
1191        layoutGrid?: any;
1193        layoutGridChar?: any;
1195        layoutGridLine?: any;
1197        layoutGridMode?: any;
1199        layoutGridType?: any;
1201        /**
1202         * Sets the left edge of an element
1203         */
1204        left?: any;
1206        /**
1207         * The letter-spacing CSS property specifies the spacing behavior between text characters.
1208         */
1209        letterSpacing?: any;
1211        /**
1212         * Deprecated. Gets or sets line-breaking rules for text in selected languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean.
1213         */
1214        lineBreak?: any;
1216        lineClamp?: number;
1218        /**
1219         * Specifies the height of an inline block level element.
1220         */
1221        lineHeight?: number | string;
1223        /**
1224         * Shorthand property that sets the list-style-type, list-style-position and list-style-image properties in one declaration.
1225         */
1226        listStyle?: any;
1228        /**
1229         * This property sets the image that will be used as the list item marker. When the image is available, it will replace the marker set with the 'list-style-type' marker. That also means that if the image is not available, it will show the style specified by list-style-property
1230         */
1231        listStyleImage?: any;
1233        /**
1234         * Specifies if the list-item markers should appear inside or outside the content flow.
1235         */
1236        listStylePosition?: any;
1238        /**
1239         * Specifies the type of list-item marker in a list.
1240         */
1241        listStyleType?: any;
1243        /**
1244         * The margin property is shorthand to allow you to set all four margins of an element at once. Its equivalent longhand properties are margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom and margin-left. Negative values are also allowed.
1245         */
1246        margin?: any;
1248        /**
1249         * margin-bottom sets the bottom margin of an element.
1250         */
1251        marginBottom?: any;
1253        /**
1254         * margin-left sets the left margin of an element.
1255         */
1256        marginLeft?: any;
1258        /**
1259         * margin-right sets the right margin of an element.
1260         */
1261        marginRight?: any;
1263        /**
1264         * margin-top sets the top margin of an element.
1265         */
1266        marginTop?: any;
1268        /**
1269         * The marquee-direction determines the initial direction in which the marquee content moves.
1270         */
1271        marqueeDirection?: any;
1273        /**
1274         * The 'marquee-style' property determines a marquee's scrolling behavior.
1275         */
1276        marqueeStyle?: any;
1278        /**
1279         * This property is shorthand for setting mask-image, mask-mode, mask-repeat, mask-position, mask-clip, mask-origin, mask-composite and mask-size. Omitted values are set to their original properties' initial values.
1280         */
1281        mask?: any;
1283        /**
1284         * This property is shorthand for setting mask-border-source, mask-border-slice, mask-border-width, mask-border-outset, and mask-border-repeat. Omitted values are set to their original properties' initial values.
1285         */
1286        maskBorder?: any;
1288        /**
1289         * This property specifies how the images for the sides and the middle part of the mask image are scaled and tiled. The first keyword applies to the horizontal sides, the second one applies to the vertical ones. If the second keyword is absent, it is assumed to be the same as the first, similar to the CSS border-image-repeat property.
1290         */
1291        maskBorderRepeat?: any;
1293        /**
1294         * This property specifies inward offsets from the top, right, bottom, and left edges of the mask image, dividing it into nine regions: four corners, four edges, and a middle. The middle image part is discarded and treated as fully transparent black unless the fill keyword is present. The four values set the top, right, bottom and left offsets in that order, similar to the CSS border-image-slice property.
1295         */
1296        maskBorderSlice?: any;
1298        /**
1299         * Specifies an image to be used as a mask. An image that is empty, fails to download, is non-existent, or cannot be displayed is ignored and does not mask the element.
1300         */
1301        maskBorderSource?: any;
1303        /**
1304         * This property sets the width of the mask box image, similar to the CSS border-image-width property.
1305         */
1306        maskBorderWidth?: any;
1308        /**
1309         * Determines the mask painting area, which defines the area that is affected by the mask. The painted content of an element may be restricted to this area.
1310         */
1311        maskClip?: any;
1313        /**
1314         * For elements rendered as a single box, specifies the mask positioning area. For elements rendered as multiple boxes (e.g., inline boxes on several lines, boxes on several pages) specifies which boxes box-decoration-break operates on to determine the mask positioning area(s).
1315         */
1316        maskOrigin?: any;
1318        /**
1319         * This property must not be used. It is no longer included in any standard or standard track specification, nor is it implemented in any browser. It is only used when the text-align-last property is set to size. It controls allowed adjustments of font-size to fit line content.
1320         */
1321        maxFontSize?: any;
1323        /**
1324         * Sets the maximum height for an element. It prevents the height of the element to exceed the specified value. If min-height is specified and is greater than max-height, max-height is overridden.
1325         */
1326        maxHeight?: any;
1328        /**
1329         * Sets the maximum width for an element. It limits the width property to be larger than the value specified in max-width.
1330         */
1331        maxWidth?: any;
1333        /**
1334         * Sets the minimum height for an element. It prevents the height of the element to be smaller than the specified value. The value of min-height overrides both max-height and height.
1335         */
1336        minHeight?: any;
1338        /**
1339         * Sets the minimum width of an element. It limits the width property to be not smaller than the value specified in min-width.
1340         */
1341        minWidth?: any;
1343        /**
1344         * Specifies the transparency of an element.
1345         */
1346        opacity?: number;
1348        /**
1349         * Specifies the order used to lay out flex items in their flex container.
1350         * Elements are laid out in the ascending order of the order value.
1351         */
1352        order?: number;
1354        /**
1355         * In paged media, this property defines the minimum number of lines in
1356         * a block container that must be left at the bottom of the page.
1357         */
1358        orphans?: number;
1360        /**
1361         * The CSS outline property is a shorthand property for setting one or more of the individual outline properties outline-style, outline-width and outline-color in a single rule. In most cases the use of this shortcut is preferable and more convenient.
1362         * Outlines differ from borders in the following ways:  •       Outlines do not take up space, they are drawn above the content.
1363         *      •       Outlines may be non-rectangular. They are rectangular in Gecko/Firefox. Internet Explorer attempts to place the smallest contiguous outline around all elements or shapes that are indicated to have an outline. Opera draws a non-rectangular shape around a construct.
1364         */
1365        outline?: any;
1367        /**
1368         * The outline-color property sets the color of the outline of an element. An outline is a line that is drawn around elements, outside the border edge, to make the element stand out.
1369         */
1370        outlineColor?: any;
1372        /**
1373         * The outline-offset property offsets the outline and draw it beyond the border edge.
1374         */
1375        outlineOffset?: any;
1377        /**
1378         * The overflow property controls how extra content exceeding the bounding box of an element is rendered. It can be used in conjunction with an element that has a fixed width and height, to eliminate text-induced page distortion.
1379         */
1380        overflow?: any;
1382        /**
1383         * Specifies the preferred scrolling methods for elements that overflow.
1384         */
1385        overflowStyle?: any;
1387        /**
1388         * Controls how extra content exceeding the x-axis of the bounding box of an element is rendered.
1389         */
1390        overflowX?: any;
1392        /**
1393         * Controls how extra content exceeding the y-axis of the bounding box of an element is rendered.
1394         */
1395        overflowY?: any;
1397        /**
1398         * The padding optional CSS property sets the required padding space on one to four sides of an element. The padding area is the space between an element and its border. Negative values are not allowed but decimal values are permitted. The element size is treated as fixed, and the content of the element shifts toward the center as padding is increased.
1399         * The padding property is a shorthand to avoid setting each side separately (padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, padding-left).
1400         */
1401        padding?: any;
1403        /**
1404         * The padding-bottom CSS property of an element sets the padding space required on the bottom of an element. The padding area is the space between the content of the element and its border. Contrary to margin-bottom values, negative values of padding-bottom are invalid.
1405         */
1406        paddingBottom?: any;
1408        /**
1409         * The padding-left CSS property of an element sets the padding space required on the left side of an element. The padding area is the space between the content of the element and its border. Contrary to margin-left values, negative values of padding-left are invalid.
1410         */
1411        paddingLeft?: any;
1413        /**
1414         * The padding-right CSS property of an element sets the padding space required on the right side of an element. The padding area is the space between the content of the element and its border. Contrary to margin-right values, negative values of padding-right are invalid.
1415         */
1416        paddingRight?: any;
1418        /**
1419         * The padding-top CSS property of an element sets the padding space required on the top of an element. The padding area is the space between the content of the element and its border. Contrary to margin-top values, negative values of padding-top are invalid.
1420         */
1421        paddingTop?: any;
1423        /**
1424         * The page-break-after property is supported in all major browsers. With CSS3, page-break-* properties are only aliases of the break-* properties. The CSS3 Fragmentation spec defines breaks for all CSS box fragmentation.
1425         */
1426        pageBreakAfter?: any;
1428        /**
1429         * The page-break-before property sets the page-breaking behavior before an element. With CSS3, page-break-* properties are only aliases of the break-* properties. The CSS3 Fragmentation spec defines breaks for all CSS box fragmentation.
1430         */
1431        pageBreakBefore?: any;
1433        /**
1434         * Sets the page-breaking behavior inside an element. With CSS3, page-break-* properties are only aliases of the break-* properties. The CSS3 Fragmentation spec defines breaks for all CSS box fragmentation.
1435         */
1436        pageBreakInside?: any;
1438        /**
1439         * The pause property determines how long a speech media agent should pause before and after presenting an element. It is a shorthand for the pause-before and pause-after properties.
1440         */
1441        pause?: any;
1443        /**
1444         * The pause-after property determines how long a speech media agent should pause after presenting an element. It may be replaced by the shorthand property pause, which sets pause time before and after.
1445         */
1446        pauseAfter?: any;
1448        /**
1449         * The pause-before property determines how long a speech media agent should pause before presenting an element. It may be replaced by the shorthand property pause, which sets pause time before and after.
1450         */
1451        pauseBefore?: any;
1453        /**
1454         * The perspective property defines how far an element is placed from the view on the z-axis, from the screen to the viewer.
1455         * Perspective defines how an object is viewed. In graphic arts, perspective is the representation on a flat surface of what the viewer's eye would see in a 3D space. (See Wikipedia for more information about graphical perspective and for related illustrations.)
1456         * The illusion of perspective on a flat surface, such as a computer screen, is created by projecting points on the flat surface as they would appear if the flat surface were a window through which the viewer was looking at the object. In discussion of virtual environments, this flat surface is called a projection plane.
1457         */
1458        perspective?: any;
1460        /**
1461         * The perspective-origin property establishes the origin for the perspective property. It effectively sets the X and Y position at which the viewer appears to be looking at the children of the element.
1462         * When used with perspective, perspective-origin changes the appearance of an object, as if a viewer were looking at it from a different origin. An object appears differently if a viewer is looking directly at it versus looking at it from below, above, or from the side. Thus, the perspective-origin is like a vanishing point.
1463         * The default value of perspective-origin is 50% 50%. This displays an object as if the viewer's eye were positioned directly at the center of the screen, both top-to-bottom and left-to-right. A value of 0% 0% changes the object as if the viewer was looking toward the top left angle. A value of 100% 100% changes the appearance as if viewed toward the bottom right angle.
1464         */
1465        perspectiveOrigin?: any;
1467        /**
1468         * The pointer-events property allows you to control whether an element can be the target for the pointing device (e.g, mouse, pen) events.
1469         */
1470        pointerEvents?: any;
1472        /**
1473         * The position property controls the type of positioning used by an element within its parent elements. The effect of the position property depends on a lot of factors, for example the position property of parent elements.
1474         */
1475        position?: any;
1477        /**
1478         * Obsolete: unsupported.
1479         * This property determines whether or not a full-width punctuation mark character should be trimmed if it appears at the beginning of a line, so that its "ink" lines up with the first glyph in the line above and below.
1480         */
1481        punctuationTrim?: any;
1483        /**
1484         * Sets the type of quotation marks for embedded quotations.
1485         */
1486        quotes?: any;
1488        /**
1489         * Controls whether the last region in a chain displays additional 'overset' content according its default overflow property, or if it displays a fragment of content as if it were flowing into a subsequent region.
1490         */
1491        regionFragment?: any;
1493        /**
1494         * The rest-after property determines how long a speech media agent should pause after presenting an element's main content, before presenting that element's exit cue sound. It may be replaced by the shorthand property rest, which sets rest time before and after.
1495         */
1496        restAfter?: any;
1498        /**
1499         * The rest-before property determines how long a speech media agent should pause after presenting an intro cue sound for an element, before presenting that element's main content. It may be replaced by the shorthand property rest, which sets rest time before and after.
1500         */
1501        restBefore?: any;
1503        /**
1504         * Specifies the position an element in relation to the right side of the containing element.
1505         */
1506        right?: any;
1508        rubyAlign?: any;
1510        rubyPosition?: any;
1512        /**
1513         * Defines the alpha channel threshold used to extract a shape from an image. Can be thought of as a "minimum opacity" threshold; that is, a value of 0.5 means that the shape will enclose all the pixels that are more than 50% opaque.
1514         */
1515        shapeImageThreshold?: any;
1517        /**
1518         * A future level of CSS Shapes will define a shape-inside property, which will define a shape to wrap content within the element. See Editor's Draft <http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-shapes/> and CSSWG wiki page on next-level plans <http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css-shapes>
1519         */
1520        shapeInside?: any;
1522        /**
1523         * Adds a margin to a shape-outside. In effect, defines a new shape that is the smallest contour around all the points that are the shape-margin distance outward perpendicular to each point on the underlying shape. For points where a perpendicular direction is not defined (e.g., a triangle corner), takes all points on a circle centered at the point and with a radius of the shape-margin distance. This property accepts only non-negative values.
1524         */
1525        shapeMargin?: any;
1527        /**
1528         * Declares a shape around which text should be wrapped, with possible modifications from the shape-margin property. The shape defined by shape-outside and shape-margin changes the geometry of a float element's float area.
1529         */
1530        shapeOutside?: any;
1532        /**
1533         * The speak property determines whether or not a speech synthesizer will read aloud the contents of an element.
1534         */
1535        speak?: any;
1537        /**
1538         * The speak-as property determines how the speech synthesizer interprets the content: words as whole words or as a sequence of letters, numbers as a numerical value or a sequence of digits, punctuation as pauses in speech or named punctuation characters.
1539         */
1540        speakAs?: any;
1542        /**
1543         * SVG: Specifies the opacity of the outline on the current object.
1544         */
1545        strokeOpacity?: number;
1547        /**
1548         * SVG: Specifies the width of the outline on the current object.
1549         */
1550        strokeWidth?: number;
1552        /**
1553         * The tab-size CSS property is used to customise the width of a tab (U+0009) character.
1554         */
1555        tabSize?: any;
1557        /**
1558         * The 'table-layout' property controls the algorithm used to lay out the table cells, rows, and columns.
1559         */
1560        tableLayout?: any;
1562        /**
1563         * The text-align CSS property describes how inline content like text is aligned in its parent block element. text-align does not control the alignment of block elements itself, only their inline content.
1564         */
1565        textAlign?: any;
1567        /**
1568         * The text-align-last CSS property describes how the last line of a block element or a line before line break is aligned in its parent block element.
1569         */
1570        textAlignLast?: any;
1572        /**
1573         * The text-decoration CSS property is used to set the text formatting to underline, overline, line-through or blink.
1574         * underline and overline decorations are positioned under the text, line-through over it.
1575         */
1576        textDecoration?: any;
1578        /**
1579         * Sets the color of any text decoration, such as underlines, overlines, and strike throughs.
1580         */
1581        textDecorationColor?: any;
1583        /**
1584         * Sets what kind of line decorations are added to an element, such as underlines, overlines, etc.
1585         */
1586        textDecorationLine?: any;
1588        textDecorationLineThrough?: any;
1590        textDecorationNone?: any;
1592        textDecorationOverline?: any;
1594        /**
1595         * Specifies what parts of an element’s content are skipped over when applying any text decoration.
1596         */
1597        textDecorationSkip?: any;
1599        /**
1600         * This property specifies the style of the text decoration line drawn on the specified element. The intended meaning for the values are the same as those of the border-style-properties.
1601         */
1602        textDecorationStyle?: any;
1604        textDecorationUnderline?: any;
1606        /**
1607         * The text-emphasis property will apply special emphasis marks to the elements text. Slightly similar to the text-decoration property only that this property can have affect on the line-height. It also is noted that this is shorthand for text-emphasis-style and for text-emphasis-color.
1608         */
1609        textEmphasis?: any;
1611        /**
1612         * The text-emphasis-color property specifies the foreground color of the emphasis marks.
1613         */
1614        textEmphasisColor?: any;
1616        /**
1617         * The text-emphasis-style property applies special emphasis marks to an element's text.
1618         */
1619        textEmphasisStyle?: any;
1621        /**
1622         * This property helps determine an inline box's block-progression dimension, derived from the text-height and font-size properties for non-replaced elements, the height or the width for replaced elements, and the stacked block-progression dimension for inline-block elements. The block-progression dimension determines the position of the padding, border and margin for the element.
1623         */
1624        textHeight?: any;
1626        /**
1627         * Specifies the amount of space horizontally that should be left on the first line of the text of an element. This horizontal spacing is at the beginning of the first line and is in respect to the left edge of the containing block box.
1628         */
1629        textIndent?: any;
1631        textJustifyTrim?: any;
1633        textKashidaSpace?: any;
1635        /**
1636         * The text-line-through property is a shorthand property for text-line-through-style, text-line-through-color and text-line-through-mode. (Considered obsolete; use text-decoration instead.)
1637         */
1638        textLineThrough?: any;
1640        /**
1641         * Specifies the line colors for the line-through text decoration.
1642         * (Considered obsolete; use text-decoration-color instead.)
1643         */
1644        textLineThroughColor?: any;
1646        /**
1647         * Sets the mode for the line-through text decoration, determining whether the text decoration affects the space characters or not.
1648         * (Considered obsolete; use text-decoration-skip instead.)
1649         */
1650        textLineThroughMode?: any;
1652        /**
1653         * Specifies the line style for line-through text decoration.
1654         * (Considered obsolete; use text-decoration-style instead.)
1655         */
1656        textLineThroughStyle?: any;
1658        /**
1659         * Specifies the line width for the line-through text decoration.
1660         */
1661        textLineThroughWidth?: any;
1663        /**
1664         * The text-overflow shorthand CSS property determines how overflowed content that is not displayed is signaled to the users. It can be clipped, display an ellipsis ('…', U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS) or a Web author-defined string. It covers the two long-hand properties text-overflow-mode and text-overflow-ellipsis
1665         */
1666        textOverflow?: any;
1668        /**
1669         * The text-overline property is the shorthand for the text-overline-style, text-overline-width, text-overline-color, and text-overline-mode properties.
1670         */
1671        textOverline?: any;
1673        /**
1674         * Specifies the line color for the overline text decoration.
1675         */
1676        textOverlineColor?: any;
1678        /**
1679         * Sets the mode for the overline text decoration, determining whether the text decoration affects the space characters or not.
1680         */
1681        textOverlineMode?: any;
1683        /**
1684         * Specifies the line style for overline text decoration.
1685         */
1686        textOverlineStyle?: any;
1688        /**
1689         * Specifies the line width for the overline text decoration.
1690         */
1691        textOverlineWidth?: any;
1693        /**
1694         * The text-rendering CSS property provides information to the browser about how to optimize when rendering text. Options are: legibility, speed or geometric precision.
1695         */
1696        textRendering?: any;
1698        /**
1699         * Obsolete: unsupported.
1700         */
1701        textScript?: any;
1703        /**
1704         * The CSS text-shadow property applies one or more drop shadows to the text and <text-decorations> of an element. Each shadow is specified as an offset from the text, along with optional color and blur radius values.
1705         */
1706        textShadow?: any;
1708        /**
1709         * This property transforms text for styling purposes. (It has no effect on the underlying content.)
1710         */
1711        textTransform?: any;
1713        /**
1714         * Unsupported.
1715         * This property will add a underline position value to the element that has an underline defined.
1716         */
1717        textUnderlinePosition?: any;
1719        /**
1720         * After review this should be replaced by text-decoration should it not?
1721         * This property will set the underline style for text with a line value for underline, overline, and line-through.
1722         */
1723        textUnderlineStyle?: any;
1725        /**
1726         * This property specifies how far an absolutely positioned box's top margin edge is offset below the top edge of the box's containing block. For relatively positioned boxes, the offset is with respect to the top edges of the box itself (i.e., the box is given a position in the normal flow, then offset from that position according to these properties).
1727         */
1728        top?: any;
1730        /**
1731         * Determines whether touch input may trigger default behavior supplied by the user agent, such as panning or zooming.
1732         */
1733        touchAction?: any;
1735        /**
1736         * CSS transforms allow elements styled with CSS to be transformed in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space. Using this property, elements can be translated, rotated, scaled, and skewed. The value list may consist of 2D and/or 3D transform values.
1737         */
1738        transform?: any;
1740        /**
1741         * This property defines the origin of the transformation axes relative to the element to which the transformation is applied.
1742         */
1743        transformOrigin?: any;
1745        /**
1746         * This property allows you to define the relative position of the origin of the transformation grid along the z-axis.
1747         */
1748        transformOriginZ?: any;
1750        /**
1751         * This property specifies how nested elements are rendered in 3D space relative to their parent.
1752         */
1753        transformStyle?: any;
1755        /**
1756         * The transition CSS property is a shorthand property for transition-property, transition-duration, transition-timing-function, and transition-delay. It allows to define the transition between two states of an element.
1757         */
1758        transition?: any;
1760        /**
1761         * Defines when the transition will start. A value of ‘0s’ means the transition will execute as soon as the property is changed. Otherwise, the value specifies an offset from the moment the property is changed, and the transition will delay execution by that offset.
1762         */
1763        transitionDelay?: any;
1765        /**
1766         * The 'transition-duration' property specifies the length of time a transition animation takes to complete.
1767         */
1768        transitionDuration?: any;
1770        /**
1771         * The 'transition-property' property specifies the name of the CSS property to which the transition is applied.
1772         */
1773        transitionProperty?: any;
1775        /**
1776         * Sets the pace of action within a transition
1777         */
1778        transitionTimingFunction?: any;
1780        /**
1781         * The unicode-bidi CSS property specifies the level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm.
1782         */
1783        unicodeBidi?: any;
1785        /**
1786         * unicode-range allows you to set a specific range of characters to be downloaded from a font (embedded using @font-face) and made available for use on the current page.
1787         */
1788        unicodeRange?: any;
1790        /**
1791         * This is for all the high level UX stuff.
1792         */
1793        userFocus?: any;
1795        /**
1796         * For inputing user content
1797         */
1798        userInput?: any;
1800        /**
1801         * The vertical-align property controls how inline elements or text are vertically aligned compared to the baseline. If this property is used on table-cells it controls the vertical alignment of content of the table cell.
1802         */
1803        verticalAlign?: any;
1805        /**
1806         * The visibility property specifies whether the boxes generated by an element are rendered.
1807         */
1808        visibility?: any;
1810        /**
1811         * The voice-balance property sets the apparent position (in stereo sound) of the synthesized voice for spoken media.
1812         */
1813        voiceBalance?: any;
1815        /**
1816         * The voice-duration property allows the author to explicitly set the amount of time it should take a speech synthesizer to read an element's content, for example to allow the speech to be synchronized with other media. With a value of auto (the default) the length of time it takes to read the content is determined by the content itself and the voice-rate property.
1817         */
1818        voiceDuration?: any;
1820        /**
1821         * The voice-family property sets the speaker's voice used by a speech media agent to read an element. The speaker may be specified as a named character (to match a voice option in the speech reading software) or as a generic description of the age and gender of the voice. Similar to the font-family property for visual media, a comma-separated list of fallback options may be given in case the speech reader does not recognize the character name or cannot synthesize the requested combination of generic properties.
1822         */
1823        voiceFamily?: any;
1825        /**
1826         * The voice-pitch property sets pitch or tone (high or low) for the synthesized speech when reading an element; the pitch may be specified absolutely or relative to the normal pitch for the voice-family used to read the text.
1827         */
1828        voicePitch?: any;
1830        /**
1831         * The voice-range property determines how much variation in pitch or tone will be created by the speech synthesize when reading an element. Emphasized text, grammatical structures and punctuation may all be rendered as changes in pitch, this property determines how strong or obvious those changes are; large ranges are associated with enthusiastic or emotional speech, while small ranges are associated with flat or mechanical speech.
1832         */
1833        voiceRange?: any;
1835        /**
1836         * The voice-rate property sets the speed at which the voice synthesized by a speech media agent will read content.
1837         */
1838        voiceRate?: any;
1840        /**
1841         * The voice-stress property sets the level of vocal emphasis to be used for synthesized speech reading the element.
1842         */
1843        voiceStress?: any;
1845        /**
1846         * The voice-volume property sets the volume for spoken content in speech media. It replaces the deprecated volume property.
1847         */
1848        voiceVolume?: any;
1850        /**
1851         * The white-space property controls whether and how white space inside the element is collapsed, and whether lines may wrap at unforced "soft wrap" opportunities.
1852         */
1853        whiteSpace?: any;
1855        /**
1856         * Obsolete: unsupported.
1857         */
1858        whiteSpaceTreatment?: any;
1860        /**
1861         * In paged media, this property defines the mimimum number of lines
1862         * that must be left at the top of the second page.
1863         */
1864        widows?: number;
1866        /**
1867         * Specifies the width of the content area of an element. The content area of the element width does not include the padding, border, and margin of the element.
1868         */
1869        width?: any;
1871        /**
1872         * The word-break property is often used when there is long generated content that is strung together without and spaces or hyphens to beak apart. A common case of this is when there is a long URL that does not have any hyphens. This case could potentially cause the breaking of the layout as it could extend past the parent element.
1873         */
1874        wordBreak?: any;
1876        /**
1877         * The word-spacing CSS property specifies the spacing behavior between "words".
1878         */
1879        wordSpacing?: any;
1881        /**
1882         * An alias of css/properties/overflow-wrap, word-wrap defines whether to break words when the content exceeds the boundaries of its container.
1883         */
1884        wordWrap?: any;
1886        /**
1887         * Specifies how exclusions affect inline content within block-level elements. Elements lay out their inline content in their content area but wrap around exclusion areas.
1888         */
1889        wrapFlow?: any;
1891        /**
1892         * Set the value that is used to offset the inner wrap shape from other shapes. Inline content that intersects a shape with this property will be pushed by this shape's margin.
1893         */
1894        wrapMargin?: any;
1896        /**
1897         * Obsolete and unsupported. Do not use.
1898         * This CSS property controls the text when it reaches the end of the block in which it is enclosed.
1899         */
1900        wrapOption?: any;
1902        /**
1903         * writing-mode specifies if lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically, and the direction which lines of text and blocks progress.
1904         */
1905        writingMode?: any;
1907        /**
1908         * The z-index property specifies the z-order of an element and its descendants.
1909         * When elements overlap, z-order determines which one covers the other.
1910         */
1911        zIndex?: "auto" | number;
1913        /**
1914         * Sets the initial zoom factor of a document defined by @viewport.
1915         */
1916        zoom?: "auto" | number;
1918        [propertyName: string]: any;
1919    }
1921    interface HTMLAttributes<T> extends DOMAttributes<T> {
1922        // React-specific Attributes
1923        defaultChecked?: boolean;
1924        defaultValue?: string | string[];
1926        // Standard HTML Attributes
1927        accept?: string;
1928        acceptCharset?: string;
1929        accessKey?: string;
1930        action?: string;
1931        allowFullScreen?: boolean;
1932        allowTransparency?: boolean;
1933        alt?: string;
1934        async?: boolean;
1935        autoComplete?: string;
1936        autoFocus?: boolean;
1937        autoPlay?: boolean;
1938        capture?: boolean;
1939        cellPadding?: number | string;
1940        cellSpacing?: number | string;
1941        charSet?: string;
1942        challenge?: string;
1943        checked?: boolean;
1944        classID?: string;
1945        className?: string;
1946        cols?: number;
1947        colSpan?: number;
1948        content?: string;
1949        contentEditable?: boolean;
1950        contextMenu?: string;
1951        controls?: boolean;
1952        coords?: string;
1953        crossOrigin?: string;
1954        data?: string;
1955        dateTime?: string;
1956        default?: boolean;
1957        defer?: boolean;
1958        dir?: string;
1959        disabled?: boolean;
1960        download?: any;
1961        draggable?: boolean;
1962        encType?: string;
1963        form?: string;
1964        formAction?: string;
1965        formEncType?: string;
1966        formMethod?: string;
1967        formNoValidate?: boolean;
1968        formTarget?: string;
1969        frameBorder?: number | string;
1970        headers?: string;
1971        height?: number | string;
1972        hidden?: boolean;
1973        high?: number;
1974        href?: string;
1975        hrefLang?: string;
1976        htmlFor?: string;
1977        httpEquiv?: string;
1978        id?: string;
1979        inputMode?: string;
1980        integrity?: string;
1981        is?: string;
1982        keyParams?: string;
1983        keyType?: string;
1984        kind?: string;
1985        label?: string;
1986        lang?: string;
1987        list?: string;
1988        loop?: boolean;
1989        low?: number;
1990        manifest?: string;
1991        marginHeight?: number;
1992        marginWidth?: number;
1993        max?: number | string;
1994        maxLength?: number;
1995        media?: string;
1996        mediaGroup?: string;
1997        method?: string;
1998        min?: number | string;
1999        minLength?: number;
2000        multiple?: boolean;
2001        muted?: boolean;
2002        name?: string;
2003        nonce?: string;
2004        noValidate?: boolean;
2005        open?: boolean;
2006        optimum?: number;
2007        pattern?: string;
2008        placeholder?: string;
2009        poster?: string;
2010        preload?: string;
2011        radioGroup?: string;
2012        readOnly?: boolean;
2013        rel?: string;
2014        required?: boolean;
2015        reversed?: boolean;
2016        role?: string;
2017        rows?: number;
2018        rowSpan?: number;
2019        sandbox?: string;
2020        scope?: string;
2021        scoped?: boolean;
2022        scrolling?: string;
2023        seamless?: boolean;
2024        selected?: boolean;
2025        shape?: string;
2026        size?: number;
2027        sizes?: string;
2028        span?: number;
2029        spellCheck?: boolean;
2030        src?: string;
2031        srcDoc?: string;
2032        srcLang?: string;
2033        srcSet?: string;
2034        start?: number;
2035        step?: number | string;
2036        style?: CSSProperties;
2037        summary?: string;
2038        tabIndex?: number;
2039        target?: string;
2040        title?: string;
2041        type?: string;
2042        useMap?: string;
2043        value?: string | string[] | number;
2044        width?: number | string;
2045        wmode?: string;
2046        wrap?: string;
2048        // RDFa Attributes
2049        about?: string;
2050        datatype?: string;
2051        inlist?: any;
2052        prefix?: string;
2053        property?: string;
2054        resource?: string;
2055        typeof?: string;
2056        vocab?: string;
2058        // Non-standard Attributes
2059        autoCapitalize?: string;
2060        autoCorrect?: string;
2061        autoSave?: string;
2062        color?: string;
2063        itemProp?: string;
2064        itemScope?: boolean;
2065        itemType?: string;
2066        itemID?: string;
2067        itemRef?: string;
2068        results?: number;
2069        security?: string;
2070        unselectable?: boolean;
2071    }
2073    interface SVGAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
2074        clipPath?: string;
2075        cx?: number | string;
2076        cy?: number | string;
2077        d?: string;
2078        dx?: number | string;
2079        dy?: number | string;
2080        fill?: string;
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2083        fontFamily?: string;
2084        fontSize?: number | string;
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2086        fy?: number | string;
2087        gradientTransform?: string;
2088        gradientUnits?: string;
2089        markerEnd?: string;
2090        markerMid?: string;
2091        markerStart?: string;
2092        mask?: string;
2093        offset?: number | string;
2094        opacity?: number | string;
2095        patternContentUnits?: string;
2096        patternUnits?: string;
2097        points?: string;
2098        preserveAspectRatio?: string;
2099        r?: number | string;
2100        rx?: number | string;
2101        ry?: number | string;
2102        spreadMethod?: string;
2103        stopColor?: string;
2104        stopOpacity?: number | string;
2105        stroke?: string;
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2107        strokeLinecap?: "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit";
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2110        strokeOpacity?: number | string;
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2112        textAnchor?: string;
2113        transform?: string;
2114        version?: string;
2115        viewBox?: string;
2116        x1?: number | string;
2117        x2?: number | string;
2118        x?: number | string;
2119        xlinkActuate?: string;
2120        xlinkArcrole?: string;
2121        xlinkHref?: string;
2122        xlinkRole?: string;
2123        xlinkShow?: string;
2124        xlinkTitle?: string;
2125        xlinkType?: string;
2126        xmlBase?: string;
2127        xmlLang?: string;
2128        xmlSpace?: string;
2129        y1?: number | string;
2130        y2?: number | string;
2131        y?: number | string;
2132    }
2134    //
2135    // React.DOM
2136    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2138    interface ReactDOM {
2139        // HTML
2140        a: HTMLFactory<HTMLAnchorElement>;
2141        abbr: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2142        address: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2143        area: HTMLFactory<HTMLAreaElement>;
2144        article: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2145        aside: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2146        audio: HTMLFactory<HTMLAudioElement>;
2147        b: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2148        base: HTMLFactory<HTMLBaseElement>;
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2150        bdo: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2151        big: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2152        blockquote: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2153        body: HTMLFactory<HTMLBodyElement>;
2154        br: HTMLFactory<HTMLBRElement>;
2155        button: HTMLFactory<HTMLButtonElement>;
2156        canvas: HTMLFactory<HTMLCanvasElement>;
2157        caption: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2158        cite: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2159        code: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
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2162        data: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
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2164        dd: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2165        del: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2166        details: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2167        dfn: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2168        dialog: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2169        div: HTMLFactory<HTMLDivElement>;
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2175        figcaption: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2176        figure: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2177        footer: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2178        form: HTMLFactory<HTMLFormElement>;
2179        h1: HTMLFactory<HTMLHeadingElement>;
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2181        h3: HTMLFactory<HTMLHeadingElement>;
2182        h4: HTMLFactory<HTMLHeadingElement>;
2183        h5: HTMLFactory<HTMLHeadingElement>;
2184        h6: HTMLFactory<HTMLHeadingElement>;
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2186        header: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2187        hgroup: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2188        hr: HTMLFactory<HTMLHRElement>;
2189        html: HTMLFactory<HTMLHtmlElement>;
2190        i: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2191        iframe: HTMLFactory<HTMLIFrameElement>;
2192        img: HTMLFactory<HTMLImageElement>;
2193        input: HTMLFactory<HTMLInputElement>;
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2197        label: HTMLFactory<HTMLLabelElement>;
2198        legend: HTMLFactory<HTMLLegendElement>;
2199        li: HTMLFactory<HTMLLIElement>;
2200        link: HTMLFactory<HTMLLinkElement>;
2201        main: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2202        map: HTMLFactory<HTMLMapElement>;
2203        mark: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2204        menu: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2205        menuitem: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2206        meta: HTMLFactory<HTMLMetaElement>;
2207        meter: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2208        nav: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2209        noscript: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2210        object: HTMLFactory<HTMLObjectElement>;
2211        ol: HTMLFactory<HTMLOListElement>;
2212        optgroup: HTMLFactory<HTMLOptGroupElement>;
2213        option: HTMLFactory<HTMLOptionElement>;
2214        output: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2215        p: HTMLFactory<HTMLParagraphElement>;
2216        param: HTMLFactory<HTMLParamElement>;
2217        picture: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2218        pre: HTMLFactory<HTMLPreElement>;
2219        progress: HTMLFactory<HTMLProgressElement>;
2220        q: HTMLFactory<HTMLQuoteElement>;
2221        rp: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2222        rt: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2223        ruby: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2224        s: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2225        samp: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2226        script: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2227        section: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2228        select: HTMLFactory<HTMLSelectElement>;
2229        small: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2230        source: HTMLFactory<HTMLSourceElement>;
2231        span: HTMLFactory<HTMLSpanElement>;
2232        strong: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2233        style: HTMLFactory<HTMLStyleElement>;
2234        sub: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2235        summary: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2236        sup: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2237        table: HTMLFactory<HTMLTableElement>;
2238        tbody: HTMLFactory<HTMLTableSectionElement>;
2239        td: HTMLFactory<HTMLTableDataCellElement>;
2240        textarea: HTMLFactory<HTMLTextAreaElement>;
2241        tfoot: HTMLFactory<HTMLTableSectionElement>;
2242        th: HTMLFactory<HTMLTableHeaderCellElement>;
2243        thead: HTMLFactory<HTMLTableSectionElement>;
2244        time: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2245        title: HTMLFactory<HTMLTitleElement>;
2246        tr: HTMLFactory<HTMLTableRowElement>;
2247        track: HTMLFactory<HTMLTrackElement>;
2248        u: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2249        ul: HTMLFactory<HTMLUListElement>;
2250        "var": HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2251        video: HTMLFactory<HTMLVideoElement>;
2252        wbr: HTMLFactory<HTMLElement>;
2254        // SVG
2255        svg: SVGFactory;
2256        circle: SVGFactory;
2257        defs: SVGFactory;
2258        ellipse: SVGFactory;
2259        g: SVGFactory;
2260        image: SVGFactory;
2261        line: SVGFactory;
2262        linearGradient: SVGFactory;
2263        mask: SVGFactory;
2264        path: SVGFactory;
2265        pattern: SVGFactory;
2266        polygon: SVGFactory;
2267        polyline: SVGFactory;
2268        radialGradient: SVGFactory;
2269        rect: SVGFactory;
2270        stop: SVGFactory;
2271        symbol: SVGFactory;
2272        text: SVGFactory;
2273        tspan: SVGFactory;
2274        use: SVGFactory;
2275    }
2277    //
2278    // React.PropTypes
2279    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2281    interface Validator<T> {
2282        (object: T, key: string, componentName: string): Error;
2283    }
2285    interface Requireable<T> extends Validator<T> {
2286        isRequired: Validator<T>;
2287    }
2289    interface ValidationMap<T> {
2290        [key: string]: Validator<T>;
2291    }
2293    interface ReactPropTypes {
2294        any: Requireable<any>;
2295        array: Requireable<any>;
2296        bool: Requireable<any>;
2297        func: Requireable<any>;
2298        number: Requireable<any>;
2299        object: Requireable<any>;
2300        string: Requireable<any>;
2301        node: Requireable<any>;
2302        element: Requireable<any>;
2303        instanceOf(expectedClass: {}): Requireable<any>;
2304        oneOf(types: any[]): Requireable<any>;
2305        oneOfType(types: Validator<any>[]): Requireable<any>;
2306        arrayOf(type: Validator<any>): Requireable<any>;
2307        objectOf(type: Validator<any>): Requireable<any>;
2308        shape(type: ValidationMap<any>): Requireable<any>;
2309    }
2311    //
2312    // React.Children
2313    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2315    interface ReactChildren {
2316        map<T>(children: ReactNode, fn: (child: ReactChild, index: number) => T): T[];
2317        forEach(children: ReactNode, fn: (child: ReactChild, index: number) => any): void;
2318        count(children: ReactNode): number;
2319        only(children: ReactNode): ReactElement<any>;
2320        toArray(children: ReactNode): ReactChild[];
2321    }
2323    //
2324    // Browser Interfaces
2325    // https://github.com/nikeee/2048-typescript/blob/master/2048/js/touch.d.ts
2326    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2328    interface AbstractView {
2329        styleMedia: StyleMedia;
2330        document: Document;
2331    }
2333    interface Touch {
2334        identifier: number;
2335        target: EventTarget;
2336        screenX: number;
2337        screenY: number;
2338        clientX: number;
2339        clientY: number;
2340        pageX: number;
2341        pageY: number;
2342    }
2344    interface TouchList {
2345        [index: number]: Touch;
2346        length: number;
2347        item(index: number): Touch;
2348        identifiedTouch(identifier: number): Touch;
2349    }
2352declare module "react" {
2353    export = __React;
2356declare namespace JSX {
2357    import React = __React;
2359    interface Element extends React.ReactElement<any> { }
2360    interface ElementClass extends React.Component<any, any> {
2361        render(): JSX.Element | null;
2362    }
2363    interface ElementAttributesProperty { props: any; }
2365    interface ElementChildrenAttribute { children: any; }
2367    interface IntrinsicAttributes extends React.Attributes { }
2369    interface IntrinsicClassAttributes<T> extends React.ClassAttributes<T> { }
2371    interface IntrinsicElements {
2372        // HTML
2373        a: React.HTMLProps<HTMLAnchorElement>;
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2505        tspan: React.SVGProps;
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