1# ArkCompiler JS Runtime 2 3### Introduction 4 5ArkCompiler JS Runtime is the default JS runtime on OpenHarmony. It supports ECMAScript libraries and efficient container libraries. It also provides a set of native APIs for C++ and JS interaction and a variety of garbage collectors that features high performance. 6 7For more information, see [ArkCompiler JS Runtime](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/en/readme/ARK-Runtime-Subsystem.md). 8 9**ArkCompiler JS Runtime architecture** 10 11![](/docs/figures/en-us_image_ark-js-arch.png) 12 13## Directory Structure 14 15``` 16/arkcompiler/ets_runtime 17├─ ecmascript # Implementation of ArkCompiler JS Runtime, including the ECMAScript library, interpreter, and memory management 18│ ├─ base # Base helper class 19│ ├─ builtins # ECMAScript libraries 20│ ├─ compiler # JS compiler 21│ ├─ containers # Non-ECMAScript containers 22│ ├─ dfx # Memory and profiling tool 23│ ├─ ic # Inline cache module 24│ ├─ interpreter # JS interpreter 25│ ├─ jobs # Queue of jobs 26│ ├─ js_vm # Command line tool 27│ ├─ jspandafile # abc file management module 28│ ├─ mem # Memory management module 29│ ├─ module # ECMAScript module 30│ ├─ napi # C++ API module 31│ ├─ taskpool # Task pool 32│ ├─ regexp # Regular expression engine module 33│ ├─ snapshot # Snapshot module 34│ ├─ stubs # Runtime stub functions 35│ ├─ tests # Unit test cases 36│ ├─ debugger # JS debugger 37│ ├─ trampoline # Trampoline function 38│ ├─ ts_type # TS type management module 39└─ test # Module test cases 40``` 41 42## Constraints 43 44* Only the ArkCompiler bytecode files generated by ts2abc, which is the ArkCompiler JS frontend toolchain, can be run. 45* Only the ES2021 standard and strict modes are supported. 46* Functions cannot be dynamically created using strings, such as new Function("console.log(1);")). 47 48## Building 49 50``` 51$./build.sh --product-name hispark_taurus_standard --build-target ark_js_host_linux_tools_packages 52``` 53 54### Available APIs 55 56See [NAPI](https://gitee.com/openharmony/arkui_napi/blob/master/README.md). 57 58### Usage 59 60For details about how to generate JS bytecodes, see [Using the Toolchain](docs/using-the-toolchain.md). 61 62To run bytecodes: 63``` 64LD_LIBRARY_PATH=out/hispark_taurus/clang_x64/arkcompiler/ets_runtime:out/hispark_taurus/clang_x64/thirdparty/icu:prebuilts/clang/ohos/linux-x86_64/llvm/lib ./out/hispark_taurus/clang_x64/arkcompiler/ets_runtime/ark_js_vm helloworld.abc 65 66``` 67 68For more information, see [ARK Runtime Usage Guide](https://gitee.com/openharmony/arkcompiler_ets_runtime/blob/master/ 69docs/ARK-Runtime-Usage-Guide.md). 70 71## Repositories Involved 72 73[arkcompiler\_runtime\_core](https://gitee.com/openharmony/arkcompiler_runtime_core) 74 75**[arkcompiler\_ets\_runtime](https://gitee.com/openharmony/arkcompiler_ets_runtime)** 76 77[arkcompiler\_ets\_frontend](https://gitee.com/openharmony/arkcompiler_ets_frontend) 78