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3    AMD_debug_output
5Name Strings
7    GL_AMD_debug_output
11    Jaakko Konttinen (jaakko.konttinen 'at' amd.com)
15    Graham Sellers, AMD
16    Mark Young, AMD
17    Ahmet Oguz Akyuz, AMD
21    Experimental
25    Last Modified Date: July 21, 2022
26    Author Revision: 10
30    395
34    OpenGL 1.1 is required.
36    WGL_ARB_create_context or GLX_ARB_create_context is required.
38    The extension is written against the OpenGL 3.0 specification.
40    This extension trivially interacts with ARB_vertex_program and
41    ARB_fragment_program.
45    This extension allows the GL to notify applications when various
46    debug events occur in contexts that have been created with the debug
47    flag, as provided by WGL_ARB_create_context and GLX_ARB_create_context.
49    These events are represented in the form of enumerable messages with an
50    included human-readable translation.  Examples of debug events include
51    incorrect use of the GL, warnings of undefined behavior, and performance
52    warnings.
54    A message is uniquely identified by a category and an implementation-
55    dependent ID within that category.  Message categories are general and are
56    used to organize large groups of similar messages together.  Examples of
57    categories include GL errors, performance warnings, and deprecated
58    functionality warnings.  Each message is also assigned a severity level
59    that denotes roughly how "important" that message is in comparison to
60    other messages across all categories.  For example, notification of a GL
61    error would have a higher severity than a performance warning due to
62    redundant state changes.
64    Messages are communicated to the application through an application-defined
65    callback function that is called by the GL implementation on each debug
66    message.  The motivation for the callback routine is to free application
67    developers from actively having to query whether any GL error or other
68    debuggable event has happened after each call to a GL function.  With a
69    callback, developers can keep their code free of debug checks, and only have
70    to react to messages as they occur.  In order to support indirect rendering,
71    a message log is also provided that stores copies of recent messages until
72    they are actively queried.
74    To control the volume of debug output, messages can be disabled either
75    individually by ID, or entire groups of messages can be turned off based
76    on category or severity.
78    The only requirement on the minimum quantity and type of messages that
79    implementations of this extension must support is that a message must be
80    sent notifying the application whenever any GL error occurs.  Any further
81    messages are left to the implementation.  Implementations do not have
82    to output messages from all categories listed by this extension
83    in order to support this extension, and new categories can be added by
84    other extensions.
86    This extension places no restrictions or requirements on any additional
87    functionality provided by the debug context flag through other extensions.
89IP Status
91    No known IP claims.
93New Procedures and Functions
95    void DebugMessageEnableAMD(enum category,
96                               enum severity,
97                               sizei count,
98                               const uint* ids,
99                               boolean enabled);
101    void DebugMessageInsertAMD(enum category,
102                               enum severity,
103                               uint id,
104                               sizei length,
105                               const char* buf);
107    void DebugMessageCallbackAMD(DEBUGPROCAMD callback,
108                                 void* userParam);
110    uint GetDebugMessageLogAMD(uint count,
111                               sizei bufsize,
112                               enum* categories,
113                               enum* severities,
114                               uint* ids,
115                               sizei* lengths,
116                               char* message);
118New Types
120    The callback function that applications can define, and
121    is accepted by DebugMessageCallbackAMD, is defined as:
123        typedef void (APIENTRY *GLDEBUGPROCAMD)(GLuint id,
124                                                GLenum category,
125                                                GLenum severity,
126                                                GLsizei length,
127                                                const GLchar* message,
128                                                GLvoid* userParam);
130    Note that this function pointer is defined as having the
131    same calling convention as the GL functions.
133New Tokens
135    Tokens accepted by GetIntegerv:
137        MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH_AMD                    0x9143
138        MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_AMD                   0x9144
139        DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_AMD                       0x9145
141    Tokens accepted by DebugMessageEnableAMD, GetDebugMessageLogAMD,
142    DebugMessageInsertAMD, and DEBUGPROCAMD callback function
143    for <severity>:
145        DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_AMD                         0x9146
146        DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_AMD                       0x9147
147        DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_AMD                          0x9148
149    Tokens accepted by DebugMessageEnableAMD, GetDebugMessageLogAMD,
150    and DEBUGPROCAMD callback function for <category>:
152        DEBUG_CATEGORY_API_ERROR_AMD                    0x9149
153        DEBUG_CATEGORY_WINDOW_SYSTEM_AMD                0x914A
154        DEBUG_CATEGORY_DEPRECATION_AMD                  0x914B
156        DEBUG_CATEGORY_PERFORMANCE_AMD                  0x914D
157        DEBUG_CATEGORY_SHADER_COMPILER_AMD              0x914E
158        DEBUG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION_AMD                  0x914F
159        DEBUG_CATEGORY_OTHER_AMD                        0x9150
161Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 3.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
163    In section 2.5 - GL Errors:
164    Add to the end of the section (pg 19): "If an error is generated by a debug
165    GL context (Section 2.20), the context will send a message to the application
166    that a GL error has occurred.  This message may contain more information
167    about the nature of the error."
169    After section 2.19 - Primitive Clipping:
170    Add new section: 2.20 - Debug Contexts
172    Application developers can obtain more information from the GL runtime using
173    a debug-enabled context.  This information can include details about
174    GL errors, undefined behavior, implementation-dependent performance warnings,
175    or other useful hints.  This information is communicated through the
176    generation of debug messages when GL commands are executed.  The application
177    can choose to either actively query for these messages, or allow the GL to
178    call back to the application on each message via a function pointer.
180    2.20.1 - Debug Messages
182    A debug message is uniquely identified by its category and an unsigned
183    integer message ID within that category.  The category must be one of the
184    symbolic constants listed in Table 2.12.  Although every distinct message
185    must have a unique number within a category, there is no enforcement by this
186    extension for how GL implementations assign numbers to specific messages.
188    Each message also has a severity level that roughly describes its
189    significance across all categories.  The severity level of a message is
190    one of the symbolic constants defined in Table 2.13.  Because messages
191    can be disabled across all categories by severity level, this feature can
192    be used to quickly control the volume of debug output by the application.
194    Category Token                          Informs about
195    --------------                          -------------
196    DEBUG_CATEGORY_API_ERROR_AMD            GL errors caused by invalid API use
198    DEBUG_CATEGORY_WINDOW_SYSTEM_AMD        Errors and notices from the
199                                            windowing layer
201    DEBUG_CATEGORY_DEPRECATION_AMD          Use of functionality that is either
202                                            deprecated or marked for future
203                                            deprecation
205    DEBUG_CATEGORY_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_AMD   Behavior undefined according to
206                                            specification
208    DEBUG_CATEGORY_PERFORMANCE_AMD          Implementation-dependent performance
209                                            warnings
211    DEBUG_CATEGORY_SHADER_COMPILER_AMD      Information from the GLSL or ARB
212                                            shader compiler and linker
214    DEBUG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION_AMD          Application-generated messages
216    DEBUG_CATEGORY_OTHER_AMD                Messages that do not fit in any of
217                                            the other categories
218    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
219    Table 2.12: Categories of debug messages.  Each message is associated with
220    one of these categories.
223    Severity Level Token                  Suggested examples of messages
224    --------------------                  ------------------------------
226    DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_AMD               Any GL error; any undefined behavior;
227                                          any GLSL or ARB shader compiler and
228                                          linker errors;
230    DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_AMD             Severe performance warnings; GLSL
231                                          or ARB shader compiler and linker
232                                          warnings; use of currently deprecated
233                                          behavior
235    DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_AMD                Performance warnings from redundant
236                                          state changes
237    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
238    Table 2.13: Severity levels of messagse.  Each debug message is associated
239    with one of these severity levels.
242    Every message also has a null-terminated string representation that is used
243    to describe the message.  The contents of the string can change slightly
244    between different instances of the same message (e.g. which parameter value
245    caused a specific GL error to occur).  The formatting of a message string is
246    left as implementation-dependent, although it should give a concise and
247    legible description of the message's purpose.  Messages with different IDs
248    should also have sufficiently distinguishable string representations to
249    warrant their separation.
251    2.20.2 - Receiving Messages
253    Applications can listen for messages by providing the GL with a callback
254    function pointer by calling:
256        void DebugMessageCallbackAMD(DEBUGPROCAMD callback,
257                                     void* userParam);
259    With <callback> storing the address of the callback function.  This
260    function's signature must follow the type definition of DEBUGPROCAMD, and
261    its calling convention must be the same as the calling convention of GL
262    functions.  Anything else will result in undefined behavior.  Only one
263    debug callback can be specified for the current context, and further calls
264    overwrite the previous callback.  Specifying zero as the value of <callback>
265    clears the current callback and disables message output through callbacks.
266    Applications can specify user-specified data through the pointer
267    <userParam>.  The context will store this pointer and will include it
268    as one of the parameters of each call to the callback function.  The error
269    INVALID_OPERATION will be generated if this function is called for contexts
270    created without the debug flag.
272    If the application has specified a callback function in a debug context,
273    the implementation will call that function whenever any unfiltered message
274    is generated.  The ID, category, and severity of the message are specified
275    by the callback parameters <id>, <category> and <severity>, respectively.
276    The string representation of the message is stored in <message> and its length
277    (excluding the null-terminator) is stored in <length>.  The parameter
278    <userParam> is the user-specified value that was passed when calling
279    DebugMessageCallbackAMD.  The memory for <message> is allocated, owned and
280    released by the implementation, and should only be considered valid for
281    the duration of the callback function call.  While it is allowed to
282    concurrently use multiple debug contexts with the same debug callback function,
283    note that it is the application's responsibility to ensure that any work that
284    occurs inside the debug callback function is thread-safe.  Furthermore,
285    calling any GL or window layer function from within the callback function
286    results in undefined behavior.
288    If no callback is set, then messages are instead stored in an internal
289    message log up to some maximum number of strings as defined by the
290    implementation-dependent constant MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_AMD.  Each
291    context stores its own message log and will only store messages generated by
292    commands operating in that context.  If the message log is full, then the
293    oldest messages will be removed from the log to make room for newer ones.
294    The application can query the number of messages currently in the log by
295    obtaining the value of DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_AMD, and can get the contents
296    of those messages using the command:
298        uint GetDebugMessageLogAMD(uint count,
299                                   sizei logSize,
300                                   enum* categories,
301                                   enum* severities,
302                                   uint* ids,
303                                   sizei* lengths,
304                                   char* messageLog);
306    This function will fetch as many messages as possible from the message
307    log up to <count> in order from oldest to newest, and will return the
308    number of messages fetched.  Those messages that were fetched will be
309    removed from the log.  The value of <count> must be greater than zero and
310    less than MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_AMD or otherwise the error
311    INVALID_VALUE will be generated.  The value of <count> can be larger than
312    the actual number of messages currently in the log.  If <messageLog> is not
313    a null pointer, then the string representations of all fetched messages will
314    be stored in the buffer <messageLog> and will be separated by null-
315    terminators.  The maximum size of the buffer (including all null-
316    terminators) is denoted by <logSize>, and strings of messages within <count>
317    that do not fit in the buffer will not be fetched.  If <logSize> is less
318    than zero, the error INVALID_VALUE will be generated.  If <messageLog>
319    is a null pointer, then the value of <logSize> is ignored.  The
320    categories, severity levels, IDs, and string representation lengths of all
321    (up to <count>) removed messages will be stored in the arrays <categories>,
322    <severities>, <ids>, and <lengths>, respectively.  The counts stored in the
323    array <lengths> include the null-terminator of each string.  Any and all of
324    the output arrays, including <messageLog>, are optional, and no data is returned
325    for those arrays that are specified with a null pointer.  To simply delete up
326    to <count> messages from the message log and ignoring, the application can call
327    the function with null pointers for all output arrays.  The error
328    INVALID_OPERATION will be generated by GetDebugMessageLogAMD if it is
329    called in a non-debug context.
331    2.20.3 - Controlling Debug Messages
333    Applications can control which messages are generated by calling
335        void DebugMessageEnableAMD(enum category,
336                                   enum severity,
337                                   sizei count,
338                                   const uint* ids,
339                                   boolean enabled);
341    This command allows disabling or enabling generation of subsets of
342    messages.  If <enabled> is TRUE, the referenced subset of messages
343    is enabled.  If FALSE, then those messages are disabled.  This
344    command can reference different subsets of messages by
345    varying its parameter values in the following ways:
347        1. To reference all messages, let <category>, <severity>,
348           and <count> all be zero.  The value of <ids> is ignored
349           in this case.
351        2. To reference all messages across all categories with
352           a specific severity level, let <category> and <count>
353           be zero and let <severity> identify the severity level.
354           The value of <ids> is ignored in this case.
356        3. To reference all messages within a single category, let
357           <category> identify the referenced category and let
358           <severity> and <count> be zero.  The value of <ids> is
359           ignored in this case.
361        4. To reference all messages within a single category and
362           at a specific severity level, let <category> identify the
363           category and <severity> identify the severity level,
364           and let <count> be zero.  The value of <ids> is ignored
365           in this case.
367        5. To reference specific messages by ID within a single
368           category, let <category> identify the category, let
369           <severity> be zero, let <count> be greater than zero
370           and let <ids> identify the IDs of <count> messages within
371           the identified category.  Operations on message IDs that
372           are not valid within the category are silently ignored.
374    In all of the above cases, if <category> is non-zero and specifies
375    an invalid category, the error INVALID_ENUM is generated.
376    Similarly if <severity> is non-zero and is an invalid severity level,
377    the error INVALID_ENUM is generated.  If <count> is less than
378    zero, the error INVALID_VALUE is generated.  If the parameters do
379    not fall into one of the cases defined above, the error INVALID_VALUE
380    is generated.  The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if this
381    command is called in a non-debug context.
383    Although messages are grouped into categories and severities,
384    and entire groups of messages can be turned off with a single
385    call, there is no explicit per-category or per-severity enabled state.
386    Instead the enabled state is stored individually for each message.
387    There is no difference between disabling a category of messages with a
388    single call, and enumerating all messages of that category and individually
389    disabling each of them by their ID.
391    All messages of severity level DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_AMD and
392    DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_AMD in all categories are initially enabled, and
393    all messages at DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_AMD are initially disabled.
395    2.20.4 - Application Messages
397    To easily support custom application timestamps, applications can inject
398    their own messages to the debug message stream through the command
400        void DebugMessageInsertAMD(enum category,
401                                   enum severity,
402                                   uint id,
403                                   sizei length,
404                                   const char* buf);
406    The value of <id> specifies the ID for the message and <severity> indicates
407    its severity level as defined by the application.  If <severity> is not a
408    valid severity level, the error INVALID_ENUM will be generated.  The value
409    of <category> must be DEBUG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION_AMD, or the error
410    INVALID_ENUM will be generated.  The string <buf> contains the string
411    representation of the message.  The parameter <length> contains the size of
412    the message's string representation, excluding the null-terminator.  If
413    <length> is zero, then its value is derived from the string-length of <buf>
414    and <buf> must contain a null-terminated string.  The error INVALID_VALUE
415    will be generated if <length> is less than zero or its derived value is
416    larger than or equal to MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH_AMD.  The error
417    INVALID_OPERATION will be generated if this function is called in a
418    non-debug context.
420Additions to the OpenGL / GLX / GLX Protocol Specifications
422    None.
424Additions to the WGL Specification
426    None.
430    The error INVALID_OPERATION will be generated by DebugMessageCallbackAMD if
431    the function is called in a non-debug context.
433    The error INVALID_ENUM will be generated by DebugMessageEnableAMD if
434    <category> is non-zero and specifies an invalid category.
436    The error INVALID_ENUM will be generated by DebugMessageEnableAMD if
437    <severity> is non-zero and an invalid severity level.
439    The error INVALID_VALUE will be generated by DebugMessageEnableAMD if
440    if <count> is less than zero.
442    The error INVALID_VALUE will be generated by DebugMessageEnableAMD if
443    if the combination of values for <category>, <severity> and <count> do not
444    fall within one of the accepted combinations for referencing a subset of
445    messages.
447    The error INVALID_OPERATION will be generated by GetDebugMessageLogAMD if
448    it is called in a non-debug context.
450    The error INVALID_VALUE will be generated by GetDebugMessageLogAMD if the
451    value of <count> is zero or greater than the value of
454    The error INVALID_VALUE will be generated by GetDebugMessageLogAMD if
455    <logSize> is less than zero.
457    The error INVALID_ENUM will be generated by DebugMessageInsertAMD if
458    <severity> is not a valid debug severity level.
460    The error INVALID_ENUM will be generated by DebugMessageInsertAMD if the
461    value of <category> is not DEBUG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION_AMD.
463    The error INVALID_VALUE will be generated by DebugMessageInsertAMD
464    if <length> is less than zero.
466    The error INVALID_VALUE will be generated by DebugMessageInsertAMD
467    if <length> or its derived value is larger than
470    The error INVALID_OPERATION will be generated by DebugMessageInsertAMD if
471    this function is called in a non-debug context.
473New State
474                                                                    Initial
475    Get Value                          Type  Get Command            Value     Description                 Sec    Attribute
476    --------------------------         ----  -----------            -----     -------------------------  ------  ---------
477    DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_AMD          Z+   GetIntegerv              0        The number of messages     2.20.2     -
478                                                                              currently in the debug
479                                                                              message log
481New Implementation Dependent State
482                                                                       Minimum
483    Get Value                                       Type  Get Command  Value    Description                   Sec     Attribute
484    --------------------------------                --    -----------  -----    -------------------------    ------   ----------
485    MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH_AMD                    Z+    GetIntegerv  80       The maximum length of a      2.20.2      -
486                                                                                debug message string
488    MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_AMD                   Z+    GetIntegerv  1        The maximum number of        2.20.2      -
489                                                                                messages stored in the
490                                                                                debug message log
494    01) Should we reserve tokens for arbitrary vendor-specific categories (e.g.
497        RESOLVED:  No.  Since this is an AMD extension, there is no
498                   reason to do this now in the current version.
500    02) Should we allow explicit controls for printing to stderr or through
501        OutputDebugString instead of the callback?
503        RESOLVED:  No.  It is up to the application to setup this
504                   behavior itself using the provided functionality.
507    03) How do the different filtering rules interact?  If a category is
508        filtered, but a message in that same category is set to be unfiltered by
509        ID or severity level, should that message still be filtered?  If I
510        specifically filter a category and then unfilter all messages globally
511        with a later command, should that category still be filtered?
513        RESOLVED:  Message enable state is stored individually for each
514                   message.  There is no explicit group-wise enable state
515                   or different ordered levels of "enabledness" in the
516                   implied hierarchy of messages.  Operations on groups
517                   of messages affect all messages within
518                   that group individually, and overwrite the previous
519                   and individual state of those messages.
521    04) Should applications be allowed to insert their own messages through
522        a custom category?  How would this be done?
524        RESOLVED:  Yes.  A new category will be provided for application-
525                   specific messages and an entry point will be provided to
526                   write messages  in that category.
530Revision History
532    (v10 2022-07-21, jhager)
533        - Changed type of argument "severities" from uint to enum in GetDebugMessageLogAMD.
535    (v9, 2010-05-07, jkontti)
536        - Removed inconsistent language from New Tokens category for tokens
537          that are no longer accepted by DebugMessageEnableAMD since
538          revision v5.
539        - Cleaned up some language and formatting issues.
541    (v8, 2010-04-09, jkontti)
542        - Renamed extension string from AMDX to AMD.
543        - Renamed new function, type and token suffixes from AMDX to AMD.
544        - No changes in functionality between AMDX and AMD versions.
546    (v7, 2010-01-21, jkontti)
547        - Added user-specifiable parameter to debug message callback function
549    (v6, 2010-01-15, jkontti)
550        - Updated contact section
551        - Updated contributor section
552        - Updated status section
553        - Updated enums
555    (v5, 2009-09-17, jkontti)
556        - Message ID namespaces are now contained within categories instead of
557          being in a single global namespace
558        - Reworked DebugMessageEnable to allow disabling/enabling more
559          combinations of messages
560        - Resolved issue 01
561        - Resolved issue 03
563    (v4, 2009-09-16, jkontti)
564        - Added category as a parameter to DebugMessageInsert for
565          future-proofing purposes
566        - Added missing errors to DebugMessageInsert and GetDebugMessageLog
567        - Added missing tokens to New Tokens
568        - Renamed DebugMessageFilter to DebugMessageEnable
570    (v3, 2009-09-15, myoung)
571        - Cleaned up some language
572        - Added values using AMD reserved ranges.  Values do not overlap so can
573          be re-used.
575    (v2, 2009-09-15, jkontti)
576        - Application-generated messages
577        - More categories (window system, deprecation, profile, application)
579    (v1, 2009-09-09, jkontti)
580        - Initial revision