basic_command(name: &'static str) -> clap::Command1 pub fn basic_command(name: &'static str) -> clap::Command {
2 clap::Command::new(name)
3 .arg(
4 clap::Arg::new("config")
5 .short('c')
6 .global(true)
7 .action(clap::ArgAction::SetTrue),
8 )
9 .arg(
10 clap::Arg::new("v")
11 .short('v')
12 .conflicts_with("config")
13 .action(clap::ArgAction::SetTrue),
14 )
15 .subcommand(
16 clap::Command::new("test").about("Subcommand").arg(
17 clap::Arg::new("debug")
18 .short('d')
19 .action(clap::ArgAction::Count),
20 ),
21 )
22 }
feature_sample_command(name: &'static str) -> clap::Command24 pub fn feature_sample_command(name: &'static str) -> clap::Command {
25 clap::Command::new(name)
26 .version("3.0")
27 .propagate_version(true)
28 .about("Tests completions")
29 .arg(
30 clap::Arg::new("file")
31 .value_hint(clap::ValueHint::FilePath)
32 .help("some input file"),
33 )
34 .arg(
35 clap::Arg::new("config")
36 .action(clap::ArgAction::Count)
37 .help("some config file")
38 .short('c')
39 .visible_short_alias('C')
40 .long("config")
41 .visible_alias("conf"),
42 )
43 .arg(clap::Arg::new("choice").value_parser(["first", "second"]))
44 .subcommand(
45 clap::Command::new("test").about("tests things").arg(
46 clap::Arg::new("case")
47 .long("case")
48 .action(clap::ArgAction::Set)
49 .help("the case to test"),
50 ),
51 )
52 }
special_commands_command(name: &'static str) -> clap::Command54 pub fn special_commands_command(name: &'static str) -> clap::Command {
55 feature_sample_command(name)
56 .subcommand(
57 clap::Command::new("some_cmd")
58 .about("tests other things")
59 .arg(
60 clap::Arg::new("config")
61 .long("config")
62 .hide(true)
63 .action(clap::ArgAction::Set)
64 .require_equals(true)
65 .help("the other case to test"),
66 )
67 .arg(clap::Arg::new("path").num_args(1..)),
68 )
69 .subcommand(clap::Command::new("some-cmd-with-hyphens").alias("hyphen"))
70 .subcommand(clap::Command::new("some-hidden-cmd").hide(true))
71 }
quoting_command(name: &'static str) -> clap::Command73 pub fn quoting_command(name: &'static str) -> clap::Command {
74 clap::Command::new(name)
75 .version("3.0")
76 .arg(
77 clap::Arg::new("single-quotes")
78 .long("single-quotes")
79 .action(clap::ArgAction::SetTrue)
80 .help("Can be 'always', 'auto', or 'never'"),
81 )
82 .arg(
83 clap::Arg::new("double-quotes")
84 .long("double-quotes")
85 .action(clap::ArgAction::SetTrue)
86 .help("Can be \"always\", \"auto\", or \"never\""),
87 )
88 .arg(
89 clap::Arg::new("backticks")
90 .long("backticks")
91 .action(clap::ArgAction::SetTrue)
92 .help("For more information see `echo test`"),
93 )
94 .arg(
95 clap::Arg::new("backslash")
96 .long("backslash")
97 .action(clap::ArgAction::SetTrue)
98 .help("Avoid '\\n'"),
99 )
100 .arg(
101 clap::Arg::new("brackets")
102 .long("brackets")
103 .action(clap::ArgAction::SetTrue)
104 .help("List packages [filter]"),
105 )
106 .arg(
107 clap::Arg::new("expansions")
108 .long("expansions")
109 .action(clap::ArgAction::SetTrue)
110 .help("Execute the shell command with $SHELL"),
111 )
112 .subcommands([
113 clap::Command::new("cmd-single-quotes").about("Can be 'always', 'auto', or 'never'"),
114 clap::Command::new("cmd-double-quotes")
115 .about("Can be \"always\", \"auto\", or \"never\""),
116 clap::Command::new("cmd-backticks").about("For more information see `echo test`"),
117 clap::Command::new("cmd-backslash").about("Avoid '\\n'"),
118 clap::Command::new("cmd-brackets").about("List packages [filter]"),
119 clap::Command::new("cmd-expansions").about("Execute the shell command with $SHELL"),
120 ])
121 }
aliases_command(name: &'static str) -> clap::Command123 pub fn aliases_command(name: &'static str) -> clap::Command {
124 clap::Command::new(name)
125 .version("3.0")
126 .about("testing bash completions")
127 .arg(
128 clap::Arg::new("flag")
129 .short('f')
130 .visible_short_alias('F')
131 .long("flag")
132 .action(clap::ArgAction::SetTrue)
133 .visible_alias("flg")
134 .help("cmd flag"),
135 )
136 .arg(
137 clap::Arg::new("option")
138 .short('o')
139 .visible_short_alias('O')
140 .long("option")
141 .visible_alias("opt")
142 .help("cmd option")
143 .action(clap::ArgAction::Set),
144 )
145 .arg(clap::Arg::new("positional"))
146 }
sub_subcommands_command(name: &'static str) -> clap::Command148 pub fn sub_subcommands_command(name: &'static str) -> clap::Command {
149 feature_sample_command(name).subcommand(
150 clap::Command::new("some_cmd")
151 .about("top level subcommand")
152 .subcommand(
153 clap::Command::new("sub_cmd").about("sub-subcommand").arg(
154 clap::Arg::new("config")
155 .long("config")
156 .action(clap::ArgAction::Set)
157 .value_parser([clap::builder::PossibleValue::new(
158 "Lest quotes aren't escaped.",
159 )])
160 .help("the other case to test"),
161 ),
162 ),
163 )
164 }
value_hint_command(name: &'static str) -> clap::Command166 pub fn value_hint_command(name: &'static str) -> clap::Command {
167 clap::Command::new(name)
168 .arg(
169 clap::Arg::new("choice")
170 .long("choice")
171 .action(clap::ArgAction::Set)
172 .value_parser(["bash", "fish", "zsh"]),
173 )
174 .arg(
175 clap::Arg::new("unknown")
176 .long("unknown")
177 .value_hint(clap::ValueHint::Unknown),
178 )
179 .arg(
180 clap::Arg::new("other")
181 .long("other")
182 .value_hint(clap::ValueHint::Other),
183 )
184 .arg(
185 clap::Arg::new("path")
186 .long("path")
187 .short('p')
188 .value_hint(clap::ValueHint::AnyPath),
189 )
190 .arg(
191 clap::Arg::new("file")
192 .long("file")
193 .short('f')
194 .value_hint(clap::ValueHint::FilePath),
195 )
196 .arg(
197 clap::Arg::new("dir")
198 .long("dir")
199 .short('d')
200 .value_hint(clap::ValueHint::DirPath),
201 )
202 .arg(
203 clap::Arg::new("exe")
204 .long("exe")
205 .short('e')
206 .value_hint(clap::ValueHint::ExecutablePath),
207 )
208 .arg(
209 clap::Arg::new("cmd_name")
210 .long("cmd-name")
211 .value_hint(clap::ValueHint::CommandName),
212 )
213 .arg(
214 clap::Arg::new("cmd")
215 .long("cmd")
216 .short('c')
217 .value_hint(clap::ValueHint::CommandString),
218 )
219 .arg(
220 clap::Arg::new("command_with_args")
221 .action(clap::ArgAction::Set)
222 .num_args(1..)
223 .trailing_var_arg(true)
224 .value_hint(clap::ValueHint::CommandWithArguments),
225 )
226 .arg(
227 clap::Arg::new("user")
228 .short('u')
229 .long("user")
230 .value_hint(clap::ValueHint::Username),
231 )
232 .arg(
233 clap::Arg::new("host")
234 .short('H')
235 .long("host")
236 .value_hint(clap::ValueHint::Hostname),
237 )
238 .arg(
239 clap::Arg::new("url")
240 .long("url")
241 .value_hint(clap::ValueHint::Url),
242 )
243 .arg(
244 clap::Arg::new("email")
245 .long("email")
246 .value_hint(clap::ValueHint::EmailAddress),
247 )
248 }
assert_matches_path( expected_path: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>, gen: impl clap_complete::Generator, mut cmd: clap::Command, name: &'static str, )250 pub fn assert_matches_path(
251 expected_path: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>,
252 gen: impl clap_complete::Generator,
253 mut cmd: clap::Command,
254 name: &'static str,
255 ) {
256 let mut buf = vec![];
257 clap_complete::generate(gen, &mut cmd, name, &mut buf);
259 snapbox::Assert::new()
260 .action_env("SNAPSHOTS")
261 .matches_path(expected_path, buf);
262 }