1 use crate::fmt::{format::Writer, time::FormatTime, writer::WriteAdaptor};
2 use std::fmt;
3 use time::{format_description::well_known, formatting::Formattable, OffsetDateTime, UtcOffset};
5 /// Formats the current [local time] using a [formatter] from the [`time` crate].
6 ///
7 /// To format the current [UTC time] instead, use the [`UtcTime`] type.
8 ///
9 /// <div class="example-wrap" style="display:inline-block">
10 /// <pre class="compile_fail" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
11 /// <strong>Warning</strong>: The <a href = "https://docs.rs/time/0.3/time/"><code>time</code>
12 /// crate</a> must be compiled with <code>--cfg unsound_local_offset</code> in order to use
13 /// local timestamps. When this cfg is not enabled, local timestamps cannot be recorded, and
14 /// events will be logged without timestamps.
15 ///
16 /// Alternatively, [`OffsetTime`] can log with a local offset if it is initialized early.
17 ///
18 /// See the <a href="https://docs.rs/time/0.3.4/time/#feature-flags"><code>time</code>
19 /// documentation</a> for more details.
20 /// </pre></div>
21 ///
22 /// [local time]: time::OffsetDateTime::now_local
23 /// [UTC time]: time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc
24 /// [formatter]: time::formatting::Formattable
25 /// [`time` crate]: time
26 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
27 #[cfg_attr(
28 docsrs,
29 doc(cfg(all(unsound_local_offset, feature = "time", feature = "local-time")))
30 )]
31 #[cfg(feature = "local-time")]
32 pub struct LocalTime<F> {
33 format: F,
34 }
36 /// Formats the current [UTC time] using a [formatter] from the [`time` crate].
37 ///
38 /// To format the current [local time] instead, use the [`LocalTime`] type.
39 ///
40 /// [local time]: time::OffsetDateTime::now_local
41 /// [UTC time]: time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc
42 /// [formatter]: time::formatting::Formattable
43 /// [`time` crate]: time
44 #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "time")))]
45 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
46 pub struct UtcTime<F> {
47 format: F,
48 }
50 /// Formats the current time using a fixed offset and a [formatter] from the [`time` crate].
51 ///
52 /// This is typically used as an alternative to [`LocalTime`]. `LocalTime` determines the offset
53 /// every time it formats a message, which may be unsound or fail. With `OffsetTime`, the offset is
54 /// determined once. This makes it possible to do so while the program is still single-threaded and
55 /// handle any errors. However, this also means the offset cannot change while the program is
56 /// running (the offset will not change across DST changes).
57 ///
58 /// [formatter]: time::formatting::Formattable
59 /// [`time` crate]: time
60 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
61 #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "time")))]
62 pub struct OffsetTime<F> {
63 offset: time::UtcOffset,
64 format: F,
65 }
67 // === impl LocalTime ===
69 #[cfg(feature = "local-time")]
70 impl LocalTime<well_known::Rfc3339> {
71 /// Returns a formatter that formats the current [local time] in the
72 /// [RFC 3339] format (a subset of the [ISO 8601] timestamp format).
73 ///
74 /// # Examples
75 ///
76 /// ```
77 /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, time};
78 ///
79 /// let collector = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
80 /// .with_timer(time::LocalTime::rfc_3339());
81 /// # drop(collector);
82 /// ```
83 ///
84 /// [local time]: time::OffsetDateTime::now_local
85 /// [RFC 3339]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3339
86 /// [ISO 8601]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601
rfc_3339() -> Self87 pub fn rfc_3339() -> Self {
88 Self::new(well_known::Rfc3339)
89 }
90 }
92 #[cfg(feature = "local-time")]
93 impl<F: Formattable> LocalTime<F> {
94 /// Returns a formatter that formats the current [local time] using the
95 /// [`time` crate] with the provided provided format. The format may be any
96 /// type that implements the [`Formattable`] trait.
97 ///
98 ///
99 /// <div class="example-wrap" style="display:inline-block">
100 /// <pre class="compile_fail" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
101 /// <strong>Warning</strong>: The <a href = "https://docs.rs/time/0.3/time/">
102 /// <code>time</code> crate</a> must be compiled with <code>--cfg
103 /// unsound_local_offset</code> in order to use local timestamps. When this
104 /// cfg is not enabled, local timestamps cannot be recorded, and
105 /// events will be logged without timestamps.
106 ///
107 /// See the <a href="https://docs.rs/time/0.3.4/time/#feature-flags">
108 /// <code>time</code> documentation</a> for more details.
109 /// </pre></div>
110 ///
111 /// Typically, the format will be a format description string, or one of the
112 /// `time` crate's [well-known formats].
113 ///
114 /// If the format description is statically known, then the
115 /// [`format_description!`] macro should be used. This is identical to the
116 /// [`time::format_description::parse`] method, but runs at compile-time,
117 /// throwing an error if the format description is invalid. If the desired format
118 /// is not known statically (e.g., a user is providing a format string), then the
119 /// [`time::format_description::parse`] method should be used. Note that this
120 /// method is fallible.
121 ///
122 /// See the [`time` book] for details on the format description syntax.
123 ///
124 /// # Examples
125 ///
126 /// Using the [`format_description!`] macro:
127 ///
128 /// ```
129 /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, time::LocalTime};
130 /// use time::macros::format_description;
131 ///
132 /// let timer = LocalTime::new(format_description!("[hour]:[minute]:[second]"));
133 /// let collector = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
134 /// .with_timer(timer);
135 /// # drop(collector);
136 /// ```
137 ///
138 /// Using [`time::format_description::parse`]:
139 ///
140 /// ```
141 /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, time::LocalTime};
142 ///
143 /// let time_format = time::format_description::parse("[hour]:[minute]:[second]")
144 /// .expect("format string should be valid!");
145 /// let timer = LocalTime::new(time_format);
146 /// let collector = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
147 /// .with_timer(timer);
148 /// # drop(collector);
149 /// ```
150 ///
151 /// Using the [`format_description!`] macro requires enabling the `time`
152 /// crate's "macros" feature flag.
153 ///
154 /// Using a [well-known format][well-known formats] (this is equivalent to
155 /// [`LocalTime::rfc_3339`]):
156 ///
157 /// ```
158 /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, time::LocalTime};
159 ///
160 /// let timer = LocalTime::new(time::format_description::well_known::Rfc3339);
161 /// let collector = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
162 /// .with_timer(timer);
163 /// # drop(collector);
164 /// ```
165 ///
166 /// [local time]: time::OffsetDateTime::now_local()
167 /// [`time` crate]: time
168 /// [`Formattable`]: time::formatting::Formattable
169 /// [well-known formats]: time::format_description::well_known
170 /// [`format_description!`]: time::macros::format_description!
171 /// [`time::format_description::parse`]: time::format_description::parse()
172 /// [`time` book]: https://time-rs.github.io/book/api/format-description.html
new(format: F) -> Self173 pub fn new(format: F) -> Self {
174 Self { format }
175 }
176 }
178 #[cfg(feature = "local-time")]
179 impl<F> FormatTime for LocalTime<F>
180 where
181 F: Formattable,
182 {
format_time(&self, w: &mut Writer<'_>) -> fmt::Result183 fn format_time(&self, w: &mut Writer<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
184 let now = OffsetDateTime::now_local().map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
185 format_datetime(now, w, &self.format)
186 }
187 }
189 #[cfg(feature = "local-time")]
190 impl<F> Default for LocalTime<F>
191 where
192 F: Formattable + Default,
193 {
default() -> Self194 fn default() -> Self {
195 Self::new(F::default())
196 }
197 }
199 // === impl UtcTime ===
201 impl UtcTime<well_known::Rfc3339> {
202 /// Returns a formatter that formats the current [UTC time] in the
203 /// [RFC 3339] format, which is a subset of the [ISO 8601] timestamp format.
204 ///
205 /// # Examples
206 ///
207 /// ```
208 /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, time};
209 ///
210 /// let collector = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
211 /// .with_timer(time::UtcTime::rfc_3339());
212 /// # drop(collector);
213 /// ```
214 ///
215 /// [local time]: time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc
216 /// [RFC 3339]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3339
217 /// [ISO 8601]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601
rfc_3339() -> Self218 pub fn rfc_3339() -> Self {
219 Self::new(well_known::Rfc3339)
220 }
221 }
223 impl<F: Formattable> UtcTime<F> {
224 /// Returns a formatter that formats the current [UTC time] using the
225 /// [`time` crate], with the provided provided format. The format may be any
226 /// type that implements the [`Formattable`] trait.
227 ///
228 /// Typically, the format will be a format description string, or one of the
229 /// `time` crate's [well-known formats].
230 ///
231 /// If the format description is statically known, then the
232 /// [`format_description!`] macro should be used. This is identical to the
233 /// [`time::format_description::parse`] method, but runs at compile-time,
234 /// failing an error if the format description is invalid. If the desired format
235 /// is not known statically (e.g., a user is providing a format string), then the
236 /// [`time::format_description::parse`] method should be used. Note that this
237 /// method is fallible.
238 ///
239 /// See the [`time` book] for details on the format description syntax.
240 ///
241 /// # Examples
242 ///
243 /// Using the [`format_description!`] macro:
244 ///
245 /// ```
246 /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, time::UtcTime};
247 /// use time::macros::format_description;
248 ///
249 /// let timer = UtcTime::new(format_description!("[hour]:[minute]:[second]"));
250 /// let collector = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
251 /// .with_timer(timer);
252 /// # drop(collector);
253 /// ```
254 ///
255 /// Using the [`format_description!`] macro requires enabling the `time`
256 /// crate's "macros" feature flag.
257 ///
258 /// Using [`time::format_description::parse`]:
259 ///
260 /// ```
261 /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, time::UtcTime};
262 ///
263 /// let time_format = time::format_description::parse("[hour]:[minute]:[second]")
264 /// .expect("format string should be valid!");
265 /// let timer = UtcTime::new(time_format);
266 /// let collector = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
267 /// .with_timer(timer);
268 /// # drop(collector);
269 /// ```
270 ///
271 /// Using a [well-known format][well-known formats] (this is equivalent to
272 /// [`UtcTime::rfc_3339`]):
273 ///
274 /// ```
275 /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, time::UtcTime};
276 ///
277 /// let timer = UtcTime::new(time::format_description::well_known::Rfc3339);
278 /// let collector = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
279 /// .with_timer(timer);
280 /// # drop(collector);
281 /// ```
282 ///
283 /// [UTC time]: time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc()
284 /// [`time` crate]: time
285 /// [`Formattable`]: time::formatting::Formattable
286 /// [well-known formats]: time::format_description::well_known
287 /// [`format_description!`]: time::macros::format_description!
288 /// [`time::format_description::parse`]: time::format_description::parse
289 /// [`time` book]: https://time-rs.github.io/book/api/format-description.html
new(format: F) -> Self290 pub fn new(format: F) -> Self {
291 Self { format }
292 }
293 }
295 impl<F> FormatTime for UtcTime<F>
296 where
297 F: Formattable,
298 {
format_time(&self, w: &mut Writer<'_>) -> fmt::Result299 fn format_time(&self, w: &mut Writer<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
300 format_datetime(OffsetDateTime::now_utc(), w, &self.format)
301 }
302 }
304 impl<F> Default for UtcTime<F>
305 where
306 F: Formattable + Default,
307 {
default() -> Self308 fn default() -> Self {
309 Self::new(F::default())
310 }
311 }
313 // === impl OffsetTime ===
315 #[cfg(feature = "local-time")]
316 impl OffsetTime<well_known::Rfc3339> {
317 /// Returns a formatter that formats the current time using the [local time offset] in the [RFC
318 /// 3339] format (a subset of the [ISO 8601] timestamp format).
319 ///
320 /// Returns an error if the local time offset cannot be determined. This typically occurs in
321 /// multithreaded programs. To avoid this problem, initialize `OffsetTime` before forking
322 /// threads. When using Tokio, this means initializing `OffsetTime` before the Tokio runtime.
323 ///
324 /// # Examples
325 ///
326 /// ```
327 /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, time};
328 ///
329 /// let collector = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
330 /// .with_timer(time::OffsetTime::local_rfc_3339().expect("could not get local offset!"));
331 /// # drop(collector);
332 /// ```
333 ///
334 /// Using `OffsetTime` with Tokio:
335 ///
336 /// ```
337 /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::time::OffsetTime;
338 ///
339 /// #[tokio::main]
340 /// async fn run() {
341 /// tracing::info!("runtime initialized");
342 ///
343 /// // At this point the Tokio runtime is initialized, and we can use both Tokio and Tracing
344 /// // normally.
345 /// }
346 ///
347 /// fn main() {
348 /// // Because we need to get the local offset before Tokio spawns any threads, our `main`
349 /// // function cannot use `tokio::main`.
350 /// tracing_subscriber::fmt()
351 /// .with_timer(OffsetTime::local_rfc_3339().expect("could not get local time offset"))
352 /// .init();
353 ///
354 /// // Even though `run` is written as an `async fn`, because we used `tokio::main` on it
355 /// // we can call it as a synchronous function.
356 /// run();
357 /// }
358 /// ```
359 ///
360 /// [local time offset]: time::UtcOffset::current_local_offset
361 /// [RFC 3339]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3339
362 /// [ISO 8601]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601
local_rfc_3339() -> Result<Self, time::error::IndeterminateOffset>363 pub fn local_rfc_3339() -> Result<Self, time::error::IndeterminateOffset> {
364 Ok(Self::new(
365 UtcOffset::current_local_offset()?,
366 well_known::Rfc3339,
367 ))
368 }
369 }
371 impl<F: time::formatting::Formattable> OffsetTime<F> {
372 /// Returns a formatter that formats the current time using the [`time` crate] with the provided
373 /// provided format and [timezone offset]. The format may be any type that implements the
374 /// [`Formattable`] trait.
375 ///
376 ///
377 /// Typically, the offset will be the [local offset], and format will be a format description
378 /// string, or one of the `time` crate's [well-known formats].
379 ///
380 /// If the format description is statically known, then the
381 /// [`format_description!`] macro should be used. This is identical to the
382 /// [`time::format_description::parse`] method, but runs at compile-time,
383 /// throwing an error if the format description is invalid. If the desired format
384 /// is not known statically (e.g., a user is providing a format string), then the
385 /// [`time::format_description::parse`] method should be used. Note that this
386 /// method is fallible.
387 ///
388 /// See the [`time` book] for details on the format description syntax.
389 ///
390 /// # Examples
391 ///
392 /// Using the [`format_description!`] macro:
393 ///
394 /// ```
395 /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, time::OffsetTime};
396 /// use time::macros::format_description;
397 /// use time::UtcOffset;
398 ///
399 /// let offset = UtcOffset::current_local_offset().expect("should get local offset!");
400 /// let timer = OffsetTime::new(offset, format_description!("[hour]:[minute]:[second]"));
401 /// let collector = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
402 /// .with_timer(timer);
403 /// # drop(collector);
404 /// ```
405 ///
406 /// Using [`time::format_description::parse`]:
407 ///
408 /// ```
409 /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, time::OffsetTime};
410 /// use time::UtcOffset;
411 ///
412 /// let offset = UtcOffset::current_local_offset().expect("should get local offset!");
413 /// let time_format = time::format_description::parse("[hour]:[minute]:[second]")
414 /// .expect("format string should be valid!");
415 /// let timer = OffsetTime::new(offset, time_format);
416 /// let collector = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
417 /// .with_timer(timer);
418 /// # drop(collector);
419 /// ```
420 ///
421 /// Using the [`format_description!`] macro requires enabling the `time`
422 /// crate's "macros" feature flag.
423 ///
424 /// Using a [well-known format][well-known formats] (this is equivalent to
425 /// [`OffsetTime::local_rfc_3339`]):
426 ///
427 /// ```
428 /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, time::OffsetTime};
429 /// use time::UtcOffset;
430 ///
431 /// let offset = UtcOffset::current_local_offset().expect("should get local offset!");
432 /// let timer = OffsetTime::new(offset, time::format_description::well_known::Rfc3339);
433 /// let collector = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
434 /// .with_timer(timer);
435 /// # drop(collector);
436 /// ```
437 ///
438 /// [`time` crate]: time
439 /// [timezone offset]: time::UtcOffset
440 /// [`Formattable`]: time::formatting::Formattable
441 /// [local offset]: time::UtcOffset::current_local_offset()
442 /// [well-known formats]: time::format_description::well_known
443 /// [`format_description!`]: time::macros::format_description
444 /// [`time::format_description::parse`]: time::format_description::parse
445 /// [`time` book]: https://time-rs.github.io/book/api/format-description.html
new(offset: time::UtcOffset, format: F) -> Self446 pub fn new(offset: time::UtcOffset, format: F) -> Self {
447 Self { offset, format }
448 }
449 }
451 impl<F> FormatTime for OffsetTime<F>
452 where
453 F: time::formatting::Formattable,
454 {
format_time(&self, w: &mut Writer<'_>) -> fmt::Result455 fn format_time(&self, w: &mut Writer<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
456 let now = OffsetDateTime::now_utc().to_offset(self.offset);
457 format_datetime(now, w, &self.format)
458 }
459 }
format_datetime( now: OffsetDateTime, into: &mut Writer<'_>, fmt: &impl Formattable, ) -> fmt::Result461 fn format_datetime(
462 now: OffsetDateTime,
463 into: &mut Writer<'_>,
464 fmt: &impl Formattable,
465 ) -> fmt::Result {
466 let mut into = WriteAdaptor::new(into);
467 now.format_into(&mut into, fmt)
468 .map_err(|_| fmt::Error)
469 .map(|_| ())
470 }