Lines Matching refs:What
37 床位怎麼辦 外面在傳你們收太多病人 What about beds?
55 你在這兒幹嘛 What are you doing here?
167 什麼 What?
270 它還能幹些什麼 What else does it do?
271 它還能幹些什麼呢 What else does it have to do?
313 什麼 What?
354 看看是什麼東西 What do we got here?
380 他做什麼的 What's he do?
433 你是什麼 魔鬼嗎 What are you, the devil?
434 如果我已經失去理智了怎麼辦 What if I lost my mind already?
448 什麼 What?
456 那你在哪個階段 What stage are you in?
467 接下來做什麼呢 What's next?
606 你在幹嘛 What are you doing?
614 "欣賞宏偉的景色"這是什麼鬼東西 What the hell is "witness something majestic"?
637 霍林斯醫生怎麼說的 What's dr.
650 你不知道什麼 What don't you know?
662 你覺得接下來會怎麼樣 What do you think happens now?
685 這是什麼醫院 居然連個醫學博士都沒有 What kind of hospital is this?
690 醫院怎麼說的 What did they say?
718 你在說什麼 What are you talking about?
833 還永世呢 我們就要在五分鐘內死去了 What's permanently?
846 擔心你妻子嗎 What, the wife?
890 如果我有呢 What if I did?
893 如果我要呢 What if I do?
904 接下去你想做什麼 What do you wanna do next?
939 如果你錯了呢 What if you're wrong?
982 你在幹什麼 What are you doing?
1183 問了什麼問題 What were they?
1229 你做了什麼 What did you do?
1230 盡為父所能 What any father would do.
1267 如果哪天我在地下突然醒了 沒有人聽到怎麼辦 What if I wake up underground and nobody can hear me?
1280 如果我感覺到火焰怎麼辦 What if I feel the flames?
1313 What do you got against kopi luwak?
1352 什麼意思 What do you mean?
1372 -What's next?
1412 What was it like?
1429 What?